Deleted member 1258

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
Mega Man X9 is a certainty at this point. With the Legacy Collection, live concert, and the very blatant tease from the album.

Knowing that Capcom is most definitely working on the continuation of X's story, here's what I personally hope for with the next sequel.

New Playable Character

Mega Man X7 and Mega Man X8 featured the newcomer, Axl.

While many fans see Axl as a representation of the lowest lows in the X franchise, I have nothing against his inclusion. I certainly appreciated it more than the possibility of only having X and Zero for the 5th game in a row. While in X7 he was merely a carbon copy replacement for X, he found more of a gameplay identity with X8.

With that being said, I still want a brand new playable character to offset the odd number cast we have now. Having the inclusion of Axl meant we had two gun-based characters, but with Zero as the lone melee-style character. I would love to see a new character that would be focused on more melee focused attacks to allow for a new play-style for fans who enjoyed Zero's style of gameplay.

Larger Maps

MegaMan X8 had a unique approach to it's stages when compared to past entries. Each stage had a sort of "gimmick" to it's design (Like a rail shooter level, a level that's a singular boss battle, a stealth level, etc.). While unique, an issue that came of this is that many levels were painfully short, some of them only lasting about 5 mins, boss fight included. I think something I would like for the next Mega Man game is non-linear levels. Not specifically Metroidvania style levels, but levels with several varying paths to the end-level boss fight. I think a bonus to this would be having paths that are only possible for each individual character, possibly leading to a specific challenge that would be rewarding with something like Armor Parts.

The Return Of The X8 Composers

While I would have rather chosen the composer for X5, he unfortunately left Capcom soon after the game's completion. Still, I think the composition team of Yuko Komiyama, Naoto Tanaka, and Shinya Okada knocked it out of the park with X8. They deserve another shot based on the Jakob Orbital Elevator theme alone.

The Return Of Dynamo

Dynamo was a stand-out in Mega Man X5. He's brash, arrogant, and bursting with personality. He remains one of the series best sub-bosses. He even returned again in Mega Man X6.

However, unlike most sub-bosses in the franchise, Dynamo never actually died. His story in X5 and X6 pretty much ended with him getting pissed about losing and leaving. Seeing how Vile returned at one point to be a sub-boss again (and had an incredible redesign to boot), I could easily see Dynamo returning. Plus, we need a modern remix of his incredible theme.

Sigma To Stay Dead


Please, I don't think anyone is clamoring for another reveal "twist" of Sigma being behind it all for the ninth game in a row. Just let him stay dead. It's stale at this point. Mega Man X8 even ended with you effectively killing Sigma's soul.

The story of X8 ended on the cliffhanger of the copy-reploids (like Axl and Lumine) being a major threat to come, there's really no reason to not introduce a new baddy at this point.

With all that said, what else do you hope to see in Mega Man X9?


Oct 27, 2017
A ferret boss. Or a mongoose. They're cool too.

Outcomes similar to X3 too, where the final bosses change depending on earlier subboss fights.

Also, no auto scrolling levels.


Oct 28, 2017
I just want a tight and focused game like Mega Man X was.

Leave the lame Sonic Adventure tier side characters at the door please


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
A genuinely good MMX that also looks visually appealing. We haven't gotten one of those in 21 years.

Also follow on that tease about Axl going maverick so we can dispose of him.


Apr 21, 2018
I wouldn't mind a game that primarily focuses on X. He has been upstaged and sidelined in his own series since X4. It would be cool to see a game that refocuses on X's perspective and puts a new spin on his gameplay.

I agree with the idea of leaving Sigma dead. I'm more interested in the sequel tease with Axl at the end of X8.


Jun 8, 2018
I'd rather have pretty much anyone come back before Dunamo. Maybe bring back High Max. He at least had a decent design and a gameplay gimmick. Dynamo needs to stay gone and forgotten.

Sigma needs to stay dead. His story is done.

I'd like to see them continue the plot thread hinted at the end of X8, with Axl possibly being corrupted in some way by Lumine. If they could tie it into Weil or Albert in some way and build on some ongoing plot threads, I'd be thrilled.

I'm not against there being other playable characters, but X really needs to be the main focus again. Any other characters should be complementary rather than a true alternative.

Also, no bike stages of any kind. We've had enough of those.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd like a return to the roots approach with Mega Man 11-like visuals. A continuation of the story, of course, and I wouldn't mind just limiting the playable characters to X and Zero.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I want several things from megaman x9 if it exists, I really want a snappy gameplay like megaman x4-5-6 did, those always felt like how the megaman x series control best.

I want the punch of the megaman x6 music on it, complain all you want about x6, but the music is stellar on that game.

I want the emotion of the story of megaman x5, the presentation of megaman x4, the level design of megaman x1.

and I really liked the progression system of x6, it wasn't so well implemented and I really think they could improve it, but it added so much replay value.

also, yeah, I don't want sigma back, let us have a huge new villain if you like, just let him rest for a good while


Visited by Knack - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine with the gimmicky things like bikes, but don't make them a part of the main levels. Make them side stuff.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, MD
Gameplay-wise, I hope they can veer closer to X1-X4. The faux-RPG mechanics of the later games was never really to my personal liking, and I would just like to see something that was much more "back to basics and then rebuilding from there". Also, jettison the idea of needing vehicle sections for "variety". Feel free to keep on Axl and bring on any new face(s) you want, but I expect perfection from the familiar dynamic of X and Zero, first and foremost. Also, I'm perfectly fine with what MM11 is doing and just would love that to be expanded upon for X9.

Storywise, I really hope they take up what Command Mission offered and just go on a separate timeline away from the "Elf Wars" and everything else that leads to the MMZ/ZX/Legends timeline continuance. I choose that for two reasons. 1) The Elf Wars is pretty much like Castlevania 1999 at this point. No matter what Capcom does, nothing they'll do will live up to the imaginations of me and many, so it's just better to let it stay a permanent part of lore that makes up the backstory for the Zero series. 2) Feeding off of that, the idea of leaving the story open in such a way that it doesn't inevitably continue to the Zero series means that they could stand to do more interesting things for X, Zero and the crew. We already know what happens in the MMZ backstory. We know what happens in MMZ, too. So why not let the X series just do its own thing instead of feeling like it has to address those events?


Oct 26, 2017
I care more about our Megaman fans than I do about Megaman.

So I just hope they're happy.


Nov 8, 2017
Replace Axl with Bass and Treble, woken up from stasis, with a redesign.


Coolest Megaman character, distinct color scheme from red/blue, similar mechanics to Axl (machine gun), etc.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Please, I don't think anyone is clamoring for another reveal "twist" of Sigma being behind it all for the ninth game in a row. Just let him stay dead. It's stale at this point. Mega Man X8 even ended with you effectively killing Sigma's soul.
Just throwing some ideas here but I wouldn't mind seeing more of Wily's direct influence in the story, not saying you have to bring him back necessarily but have the villains be inspired by him or something.

There was that thing at the end of MMX5 were apparently it was Wily who taught Sigma about the situation and gave him a new body, besides the Isoc thing too. Inafune had also said he was somehow brought back by the virus or something.

Deleted member 1258

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
Just throwing some ideas here but I wouldn't mind seeing more of Wily's direct influence in the story, not saying you have to bring him back necessarily but have the villains be inspired by him or something.

There was that thing at the end of MMX5 were apparently it was Wily who taught Sigma about the situation and gave him a new body, besides the Isoc thing too. Inafune had also said he was somehow brought back by the virus or something.
Eh I'm not sure how I feel about any vanilla Mega Man character making an appearance. I'm not really clamoring for a direct connection, Wily being Zero's creator is enough for me.

Deleted member 35077

Self-requested ban
Dec 1, 2017
The first three games may have more nostalgia among people, but I want the remakes to retain the speed and sprites of the playstation games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Eh I'm not sure how I feel about any vanilla Mega Man character making an appearance. I'm not really clamoring for a direct connection, Wily being Zero's creator is enough for me.
I mean, as I said I'm not saying you have to show him in his original form cackling and shit, but since there's been a bunch of references and even more direct citations to him I personally wouldn't mind if they did more with him in the story.

As for a classic character in the X series, Light is fucking everywhere even if he is just a hologram (I'm not even asking for such a direct thing lol).
Oct 25, 2017
I was discussing with a friend recently how Dynamo really should've been coming back in every game since X5. He's such a campy, fleeting Capcom antagonist that could really show up time and time again without getting stale. Even using his same moveset with maybe one or two additional moves based on whatever new system the game introduces as a secret route boss or something would've been neat, and I think his flippant attitude and recognizable theme work to his advantage for frequent, almost memetic reappearances compared to Vile.

Either way, I'd like to see the plot thread concerning New Gen Reploids actually play out without leaning too hard into Elf Wars territory, but I'd also like setup for it in the case X9 would be the final X game. If it was to be the last game, I'd like some finality on Axl's fate and nods to X6's ending involving Zero sealing himself away. For what it's worth I think X6 was a really great ending point for the series plot-wise despite Capcom forcing the entry to exist, and I would hate for X9 to be another X7 situation where the stakes that were setup in the previous game get ignored for a disconnected pseudo-reboot.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
Don't make it look like an SNES or PS1 game.
Make a triple A Megaman X game, with large levels, and go past tradition (while staying 2D). More than 8 bosses, and continue with some of X8's new features (character swapping for example).
Sigma is dead. Make a new threat, and even age up X, Zero and Axel, show that time has passed or something.
I want a new X game, but I want more than beating eight bosses and heading to the final few levels.
I'm sure I won't get anything like this, but a new take for MegaMan X could be great.

Virtua King

Dec 29, 2017
Honestly, I would be totally happy with another game just like X8. Bring back Axl the character swap, and continue the story. No elf war stuff though; I rather just delegate that stuff as existing in an alternate universe.


Oct 25, 2017
Time Travel, to remove X6, X7, and X8 from the story.

I only need an X9 because of those 3. If the series ended at X5 it would have died with dignity and stood as the GOAT. As it is, I would love an X9 that retains the feel of X2 or X4, doesn't resort to gimmicks, maintains consistency in level design, and has the heavy metal music aesthetic blended with a modern look that still evokes the 32-bit era. Sigma can stay. I want a return to basics like Mega Man 9 was to show us they GET why the first 5 were good to great.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
Keep Axl for sure. As much as X7 tried to pass him off as the Scrappy Doo of the bunch, X8 actually made good on a lot of the promise of an entirely new breed of Reploids that not only reflected X's ability to copy powers but could outright copy Reploids entirely. That is a really cool element that needs to be explored further.

Also ensure that Zero actually plays more like MMZ Zero. Going back through the Legacy Collection was particularly rough because the Zero in X4, 5, 6, and 7 plays waaay too slow and clunky. X8 was a step in the right direction for him being the dream to play that he should be.

Deleted member 1258

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
Keep Axl for sure. As much as X7 tried to pass him off as the Scrappy Doo of the bunch, X8 actually made good on a lot of the promise of an entirely new breed of Reploids that not only reflected X's ability to copy powers but could outright copy Reploids entirely. That is a really cool element that needs to be explored further.

Also ensure that Zero actually plays more like MMZ Zero. Going back through the Legacy Collection was particularly rough because the Zero in X4, 5, 6, and 7 plays waaay too slow and clunky. X8 was a step in the right direction for him being the dream to play that he should be.
I kinda felt like PS1 era Zero was fast and X8 was clunky


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Then the ZX games are literally that.

Never finished X6 or 7 back in the dat and never touched 8. After finishing the legacy collection I am shocked how much I liked X8 its in my top 3 X games and can't wait for X9. Would love to see the X series tie into the Zero series feels like its darker tone makes it more likely then OG leading into X.


Oct 25, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Honestly? I'd love for Capcom to give us a 2D Mega Man X game with hand-drawn graphics on par with a game like Dust: An Elysian Tale.

I'd totally accept a game with a visual style like Mega Man 11 though, too.


Oct 25, 2017
Has the legacy collection even been selling well? I get the impression that it didn't.


Oct 25, 2017
OP focus on the worst Megamans Xs..... If the series return, it should be akin to the first four games. Amazing graphics and art in 2d gameplay. Varied and long levels with plenty of collectibles between armor parts, hearts and other stuff.

Or maybe aplied a metroidvania level design....


Aug 22, 2018
Bonus content that can encourage repeat playthroughs for an (assumedly) short title like ultimate armors, sigma blade, or even unlockable music would be very appreciated, just maybe not with the ridiculous currency grind that X8 had. Additionally, changes to the level layout for alternate player characters (Zero, Axl, or Vile if they'd actually like to follow up on that nice substory from Maverick Hunter X)

Importantly, take cues from "weaker" titles of the series. X6 has an incredible soundtrack and the impressive variety of customization would be seen more fondly if the game wasn't shrouded around the fact that much of that variety is permanently missable in the save. X3's checklist upgrade would also be nice as a general quality of life upgrade.

Regardless of how predictable it may be I would love to see Sigma implied as the final boss and subverted with a much more bombastic fight like Lumine in X8