Your current relationship status?

  • Single

    Votes: 511 34.4%
  • Situationship (not exactly single yet not exactly completely in a reationship... its complicated)

    Votes: 45 3.0%
  • Dating someone specifically like "seeing" someone

    Votes: 231 15.5%
  • Engaged/married

    Votes: 700 47.1%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
Ended a long term relationship amicably a few months back and really haven't considered looking for anything new since. I'm more concerned with the state of the rest of my life particularly in terms of my mental health. Trying to date would just be extra anxiety.
Nov 4, 2017
Just got engaged yesterday!

I've been happily married coming up 10 years, was engaged for a year and a half after dating for a couple of years.

Prior to meeting my wife, I had been chronically single for my entire adult life, punctuated with one night stands, flings and short dalliances, and one codependent relationshit. Having had some fun while younger and tasting the rainbow etc, I'm very happy to be settled down now. I can also look back and see value in my single life and appreciate it for what it was, along with the other relationship stages I have experienced.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
Very happily married.

My wife and I met in 1997 when we were teenagers. We were good friends for about 12 years before getting romantically involved, and got married less than a year after that. We'll have been together for 15 years this summer.


Oct 30, 2017
Single, 32.
Made my peace that I will be forever alone. Luckily I have Cloud and rest of the bunch to keep me happy.

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
Single with a friendship+

Still put down single and not situationship because I can't see this going anywhere


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Was my 9th anniversary of being married 2 days ago :) together 11 1/2 years.

32 years old tomorrow

Edit: i like weddings too op! Shouldve came to ours, wife walked down the aisle to tale as old as time, we walked into reception to Gerudo Valley, and we danced to a song we randomly chose the night before. Spent what little savings I had on a candy for a candy bar. The jars were way too big and the venue put the table in the back corner so nobody ate any of it or new it existed lol
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Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
wanted to start one with my best friend who I was very close with but I never acted fast enough and now it's complicated at best. Now I keep my distance and haven't talked to them for months.

nice to see more people here married or with someone than being single, it's actually refreshing.


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
Was riding solo until a close friend of mine asked me out a couple weeks ago. It's a bit of a learning process but I think I'm doing good so far!


Oct 25, 2017
I love weddings too OP! I've been with my partner for four years and about to hit our one year marriage anniversary. We got together beginning of March 2020 and admittedly COVID accelerated our relationship among other factors — but quite honestly I always wanted to elope and get married in my hometown's city hall, so it was the perfect scenario for the two of the us. I'm immensely grateful to have him in my life.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I love weddings also! Food, booze, and dancing.

Been married for 12 years.


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
Single here.

My cousin is having a second marriage though, so I'll be able to go to a wedding soon. Weddings are fun. Went to a lot as a kid, not so much as a adult.


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't had any kind of relationship in a long time, and I've been told that I'm too honest and straightforward, on top of not viewing the world in the same way average people do, so my dating pool would be pretty limited. Can't say it bothers me, though.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm too anxious and awkward to actually go out and meet anybody. That and I'm just socially drained all the time.

It's not that I don't want to be with anyone, as I feel way less anxiety when spending time with (online, voice calls) friends or family. It brings me joy, so yeah it's not that I just prefer being alone. But again, that is some serious work you've gotta put in, and I am literally too tired to socialize beyond what I already have to do at work. If it weren't habit at this point, I may even skip out on sessions with friends. But it is habit, and I know I always feel happier afterwards, so I try to always show up for them.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Sometimes I swear some of these threads feel like marketers are running surveys on us.

What's your relationship status?
What's your childhood home worth?
Do you own your car?
Have you ever played a Sega Master System?

- YouTube

Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
Apr 27, 2020
Single for 34 consecutive years. 35 at the end of the year most likely. No friends, so no "situationship." either.

I probably die without having one, but it is what it is. Someone had to draw the short straw.


Oct 31, 2017
Been dating for 7 months now....

Looks like my divorce will come through in the next 6 weeks...

My new partners divorce came through a few weeks ago...

But we have no plans to move in together or anything we are just really happy with how things are right now..
Oct 30, 2017
Singe but 2 situationships.

First is a girl I met on a dating app. We go on dates, do 'other' things but we're not exclusive. Just like each others company.

Second is an escort I used to visit regularly. We became actual friends and it's turned into the same as above. And it's free now.

I have a massive crush on a girl in work but that's not recipicated and it's making it difficult for me to truly fall for another person as I compare them all to her.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
just got in a relationship with the most amazing and lovely boy i've ever met a month ago so like, you know, congratulate me and stuff

been like 13 years before that since i met anyone who i meshed with


Oct 29, 2017
I'm single, haven't been in a relationship in a really long time, I have trouble meeting people who are interested in me. I'm not giving up tho somthing gotta give.


Oct 25, 2017
just got in a relationship with the most amazing and lovely boy i've ever met a month ago so like, you know, congratulate me and stuff

I'm happy you're happy!


Oct 30, 2017
In a long term relationship. Planning a Las Vegas wedding in the near future. Just a long, stress-free weekend away from work, drinking, relaxing and consummating with each other (and most likely also with escorts for both of us). The idea of a traditional wedding with all the ceremony, ministers, wedding planners and *gasp* relatives mortify the hell out of us.

Probably just do a small get together for close family and friends once its over to announce our shit.
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Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Just married last month :) We didn't really do anything for it, just exchanged rings. We're not having a big ceremony or anything, maybe just a party with some friends/family.

I like weddings, but count me out from participating in them! I've been a groomsman and bridesman too many times, and it's all just more effort than fun haha! An ex and I were both bridesmaid/groomsman in a very chaotic wedding, and it was such a pain in the ass, and that could ended up divorcing like 3 months later -_-


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
In a relationship and living together for 2 decades but not married so none of the poll options fit me :P


Oct 27, 2017
I didn't make the poll but I figure engaged would be a pretty small percentage… there wasn't a noticeable difference between engaged and married for me personally anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️

Big difference for me. We've weathered all sorts of big life stuff since we got married. We also got married in our early twenties, so we've matured a lot since our engagement as well.


Oct 27, 2017
Single but not lonely.

I am not a fan of weddings personally (which I get is weird since I enjoyed both my proms in high school). They'd be great if it was just the cocktail hour and then everyone goes home lmao

Maybe it's the secondhand embarrassment of watching white people dance, I dunno lol


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Married for 15 years this year. Had some bad bad issues I've documented on this site, but in the last 4-5 years we've grown into a very very supportive and loving unit.


Mar 15, 2024
With my boyfriend "we're a gay couple" we will be together 8 years this September and getting married next month :)


Oct 25, 2017
Been single for the past 3 years, but just started to date someone for a month. It's new, but it's a great feeling to have a connection with someone new after a long time!
Nov 4, 2017
Maybe it's the secondhand embarrassment of watching white people dance, I dunno lol
It's kind of a tradition in my family for all the dudes to get on the floor at weddings and dance to Crank That (Soulja Boy). Just imagine half a dozen 6-6.5 foot white dudes (some in kilts) cranking and supermaning on the dancefloor. It's peak white cringe, and it's one of my favourite things about going to family weddings.

Lil Bee

Feb 13, 2024
Single. Mostly focused on my transition at the moment over dating, but just went on a date with someone yesterday that may turn into some sort of friends with benefits with affection type deal? Maybe it will become more? Maybe it won't?