
Dec 8, 2018
My father was a stern man, the type of person who doesn't like to show emotions openly(i did not see him shed a tear when grandfather died), but I begrudgingly admit that he did give me good advice on life. The best advice he ever gave me was to never trust people so easily, be extra careful who you talk too and to always be prepared for the bad things in life(it might seem like a very pessimistic view and it is, but it has really helped me deal with all the conflicts of my life so far).


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
He said "Son, when you grow up, will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?"
Oct 25, 2017
White people will never accept you/see you as one of them.

When I was a kid I thought he was chatting pure shit based purely on his own experiences of racism. Most of my best mates at school were white, racism was a thing that old people had to deal with, the next generation was going to be better, got reggae and ska in the charts, we even have TV shows like Desmond's and The Real McCoy showcasing increased diversity on TV!

Fast forward 30 years and nah, he was 100% right.
Oct 25, 2017
Get your car serviced twice a year. I do a full service and a light six month one and my cars have lasted a damn long time as I got things fixed before they broke.

Robin Friday

Oct 28, 2017
I'll never forget what my father said to me before he kicked the bucket.

He said Son, how far do you think I can kick this bucket.


Oct 27, 2017
Metro Detriot
Nothing. All guardian males in my life were either absent or selfish to care. The sperm donor left me with my alcoholic mother with no contact or finianical support. Second male "children are to be seen, not heard". The third laughed when I had to scrape up pennies for gas money for work and school, while he was stocked up on smokes and beer for the week.

None of the honor of being called father.


Oct 27, 2017
"DON'T MOVE YOUR FUNDS!!" He said this as the market was crashing in 2008. He was correct...kept my 401(k) in the same allotment, and it all worked out.

I'll never forget what my father said to me before he kicked the bucket.

He said Son, how far do you think I can kick this bucket.

Hahaha...that's good.


Oct 27, 2017
Be a leader, not a follower.

I could have used that good advice more growing up, but I've been thinking about it a lot lately with 2 young kids of my own.

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Oct 28, 2017
I never really received any advice from him that I can remember, he was mostly out of my life before he died.


Oct 28, 2017
Don't run with anything sharp in your hands.

I know most kids are told that. But this actually worked because he fell with a knitting needle in his hand when he was younger. That eye is not a pretty sight.


Oct 31, 2017
There are three things that [inapproriate term for an uneducated man] can't do: close the door, turn off the lights, and close the faucet.


Nov 15, 2017
White people will never accept you/see you as one of them.

When I was a kid I thought he was chatting pure shit based purely on his own experiences of racism. Most of my best mates at school were white, racism was a thing that old people had to deal with, the next generation was going to be better, got reggae and ska in the charts, we even have TV shows like Desmond's and The Real McCoy showcasing increased diversity on TV!

Fast forward 30 years and nah, he was 100% right.

Spot on. I relate to this a lot, and have been reflecting upon it recently. It's sad, miss the innocent days of being a kid :/


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"You blow your nose like a girl"

And also "don't cut corners and look for the easy way out"
Nov 26, 2018
Not really advice, but he gave me a student credit card at 18 because he trusted me to be good with money. He advised to only use it for groceries and gas. I'm glad he did so because it made my credit really stable early on.


Oct 28, 2017
White people will never accept you/see you as one of them.

When I was a kid I thought he was chatting pure shit based purely on his own experiences of racism. Most of my best mates at school were white, racism was a thing that old people had to deal with, the next generation was going to be better, got reggae and ska in the charts, we even have TV shows like Desmond's and The Real McCoy showcasing increased diversity on TV!

Fast forward 30 years and nah, he was 100% right.

I can't tell you what your experiences are or how to feel about them, but I don't believe this is true. Racism exists, clearly. But all of my friend groups are very diverse and love and accept each other dearly.


Oct 25, 2017
"Be a leader not a follower." Basic ass advice but it was impossible not to get pumped up by the way he said it with such conviction


Oct 26, 2017
Once my father explained me how to correctly stab someone, out of nowhere.

Never have use that advice.


Oct 25, 2017
"Always tell a woman she's beautiful...especially if she isn't." It sounds bad but it's more about letting everyone you're close to know they are valued.


Oct 27, 2017
"Don't abandon your kid and leave their mother to raise them single-handedly"

Well he didn't so much say it as I inferred it based on his actions and consequences.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
"Don't get married."

Not because that's such great advice, necessarily (although YMMV). But I can't really think of much advice he gave me that was actually helpful. (In fact, much of it was outright harmful.)


Oct 27, 2017
My dad wasn't the type to give advice, that sounds like some made for TV dad stuff. He just taught me by example. He was super into sports and I was a artsy/music kind of person but he never gave me shit for it, he didn't even try to change me. He encouraged me to like what I like actually.

I also got some of his sense of humor. I left my oldest once with him (He used to work as a mechanic at a a gas drilling company).

Me: How is my son doing?
Dad: Huh, Hell I don't know, I don't see him.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
"man up, no one respects someone crying and complaining"
"Never drop the car wash sponge on the driveway"
"You won't know until you try"
"Money will not just show up at your door you have to work for it"
"Don't touch my computer"
"Make sure the washer is aligned before screwing in so you don't ruin the thread"
"I don't care if your ex slept with the president you never call a woman that ever again"
"Don't try to please everyone like me, people will take advantage"

I dad taught me everything but video games. I would be lost with out him.


Nov 17, 2017
"never volunteer for anything" although as a former soldier and cop he didnt always follow his own advice and neither have I as a teacher but as a general message, delivered cynically, I pass it on.


Oct 27, 2017
When I was a boy, my daddy sat me on his knee, and he told me, he told me many things. And he said, "Son, there's a lot of things in this world that you're gonna have no use for. And when you get blue, and you've lost all your dreams, there's nothin' like a campfire and a can o' beans."