
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
TSA? Wow, that's guaranteed contact with countless individuals. Another reason to stay the hell away from airports


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
Between flying through there last week and spending 2 days at Disney, I'm lowkey starting to get a little nervous.

But I'm also in no place whatsoever to self-quarantine. That's not an option.


Oct 25, 2017
Strong Island NY
Yup and I was originally going to go to florida for vacation but bailed out when news about the spread began. Staying on home where my ass is safe.

$10 Bagel

Oct 25, 2017
Government told us we weren't at risk and we had nothing to worry about lol

Imagine thinking someone in an airport isn't at risk of this shit


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 15, 2017
hate to break it to you, but yes you are.

I work in news production (so I can't work remotely--we're actually being called in overtime) and am not really in a place financially to take time off of work (started the job in October so I don't have much PTO built up)...

BUT I've just reached out to my boss and we are going to have a phone call in the morning. I don't want to overreact, but I also want to exercise plenty of caution.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
I work in news production (so I can't work remotely--we're actually being called in overtime) and am not really in a place financially to take time off of work (started the job in October so I don't have much PTO built up)...

BUT I've just reached out to my boss and we are going to have a phone call in the morning. I don't want to overreact, but I also want to exercise plenty of caution.

it doesn't matter. they can't legally deny you. you take the time off. your job isn't as important as spreading a fucking virus, sorry.


Nov 9, 2017
I'm pretty surprised the numbers are this low for TSA considering the amount of public they deal with. Just Orlando and San Jose so far.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm pretty surprised the numbers are this low for TSA considering the amount of public they deal with. Just Orlando and San Jose so far.

Yeah, about that


Federal rules changed to allow more testing for coronavirus. Florida isn’t going to follow them.

Florida will not follow new national guidelines that allow doctors to order tests for anybody they suspect of having the new coronavirus, according to health care providers briefed on the state&#82…

And with a limited supply of test kits


Oct 27, 2017
This shit has probably been spread to thousands of people at Disney and Universal the last few days.


Nov 1, 2017
I don't care how insensitive this is, if you are flying at this point for nonessential travel, you deserve every single fucking thing that happens to you. The sad reality is it's not these jackasses who are the ones who will suffer.
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Oct 25, 2017
Girlfriend's dad just flew into Orlando 2 days ago for no reason. He thinks he's fine because it's only dangerous for seniors. He's almost 70 and has health issues.


Oct 27, 2017
Can you imagine how that would go down. An employee of a News station notifies the employer of contact with an infected person potentially and does nothing? It would sink the station.
Sink it? Like WKRP is going to move in and buy them up or some shit? It'd be bad PR, for sure, but there ain't exactly a ton of news companies looking to buy others anymore.

No more than an infected TSA worker is going to tank the TSA or sending in unprotected health workers to pick up infected passengers from a cruise ship sunk HHS.

I'm not saying people shouldn't or can't self-quarantine, people know their situation best, but I'm also not going to sit here from behind a keyboard and tell them they can when I don't know their finances and I couldn't afford to help them in that event, shit I wouldn't even survive financially for 2 weeks either. Granted, I could survive but I'd have to pack up my cats and go live in the fucking woods or some shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Sink it? Like WKRP is going to move in and buy them up or some shit? It'd be bad PR, for sure, but there ain't exactly a ton of news companies looking to buy others anymore.

No more than an infected TSA worker is going to tank the TSA or sending in unprotected health workers to pick up infected passengers from a cruise ship sunk HHS.

I'm not saying people shouldn't or can't self-quarantine, people know their situation best, but I'm also not going to sit here from behind a keyboard and tell them they can when I don't know their finances and I couldn't afford to help them in that event, shit I wouldn't even survive financially for 2 weeks either. Granted, I could survive but I'd have to pack up my cats and go live in the fucking woods or some shit.

You could be spreading a virus to someone that may not live through it. You can self-isolate.


Oct 25, 2017
Great, my parents flew out of OIA last Wednesday.
Edit: And met up with my eighty year old grandparents.
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Oct 30, 2017
I actually had a trip planned to NYC this week too that I cancelled. Seeing this picture makes me relieved that I didn't go through with it.

Terrible situation all around :(