
Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
Hey you! Yes, you! Do you dream of a trimmer, fitter you, one who is healthier, stronger, more confident, better looking and for whom every little thing is slightly easier? You can make that person replace you in the mirror and be your representative in everyday life! Live longer. Live better!

It will take some work - you will need to permanently change your lifestyle to match that of the fitter, trimmer you, lest the weight come right back. It will take some time, but if you stick with it and depending on where you started, you will get comments within weeks, will notice big changes yourself within months and completely transform your body within a year.
The average person can sustainably lose about 1kg / 2lb per week while remaining healthy and without losing too much muscle mass. If you're starting heavy and have more weight to lose, this can increase to around 1% of your body weight per week, though any faster than that and you may have issues with nutrition. With a year being 52 weeks long, some of you could potentially lose upwards of 50kg / 100lb. That is a life-changing amount of weight loss.

You just need to get started. Join Era's 12 week challenge and start the ball rolling.

The Rules

In order to officially participate in the challenge and be in the running for prizes, you must sign up prior to the kickoff date, which is Friday the 2nd of August in your local time zone. Having no practical way of tracking where you are though, you will have until the last moment of Friday the 2nd of August anywhere on Earth to sign up. As soon as the clock strikes midnight in American Samoa, that's it.

You sign up by posting your weight in this thread (no need for a picture) before the sign-up due date

I plan to keep track of your progress via this spreadsheet.

As you go along, I'll ask you to check in every once in a while with an update. It doesn't have to be in any particular format, but please make your current weight clear (don't make me do decimal subtractions in my head) so I can use it to update the spreadsheet. I won't make this mandatory and you can do this as much or as little as you want, but it will go nicer if you are able to check in and participate in the conversation here every once in a while. If we can make a little community in this thread, this challenge will be easier for all of us. Oh and another thing - please quote your weight in either kilograms or pounds rather than stones or ounces. The way I have the spreadsheet set up, I can't find a good way to parse that format.

I will also encourage you to take a photo of yourself as you are right now, with all your bumps and imperfections. This photo isn't for sharing (unless you want to) - it's for you to look back on when you've gotten through this challenge. It will serve as your starting point and, hopefully, your inspiration to keep going once you've shed some of the unwanted weight. This way, if you're ever feeling down, you can compare it with the trimmer version of you that appears in the mirror each morning, remind yourself of what you've accomplished and tell yourself "I've got this."

Back to the rules.

There are two categories to compete in:
• Most weight lost by percentage body weight
• Most weight lost in absolute terms

The winner of the last challenge in either category is ineligible to be named this time around, and past winners going forward will be ineligible for first place honours, though I will give them kudos. Congratulations to our weight loss champions!:

Challenge 8: Gigglepoo & PlayerC90
Challenge 7: Toytown Assassin & DrSlek
Challenge 6: Nezumi & Guerilla
Challenge 5: Baby Snakes & GMM
Challenge 4: digitalrelic & Rahvar
Challenge 3: Dahellisdat & Troublematic
Challenge 2: Dhruv_Hanom & Kor of Memory
Challenge 1: FRANKEINSTEIN & DanChop12

If the same person wins both categories, that person wins the prize for most weight loss by percentage. The prize for most weight lost in absolute terms will go to the second place entrant in that category and so on.

If there is a tie in either category, the prize will default to the person with the lower starting weight. This is because it is harder to lose weight the closer you get to ideal. It may be harder to get started, but the weight does come off faster if you have more to lose.

You have until 11:59pm UTC+12 (American Samoa Time) on Friday the 25th of October to post your final weigh-ins. I will always take the last weight you posted as your official result.

One final thing - I reserve the right to disqualify you if I have reason to suspect that you are cheating or endangering your own health. This thread is about encouraging you to live better. If I feel you are not engaging with the spirit of the competition, or getting carried away, I will give you a warning, but only once. This is not something I will do lightly. Take care of yourselves and watch out for one another, please.

The Prize

Pats on the back and eternal glory on our growing wall of fame!

The real winner in this challenge though, is the person who, through this challenge, takes control of their health, sticks with it and changes their life. That's you, I hope.


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
Frequently Asked Questions

To preface, I've put the following together based on a combination of Internet research, lurking the Fitness thread and my own experiences. It presents a very simplified view on how weight loss works and basically everything I'm saying needs to come with a lot of caveats that makes this clear. I am not a trained expert and some of the information in here may be wrong. I fully acknowledge this, but also stand by my overall approach because it worked for me to the tune of ~20kg/40lb lost between end 2017 and end 2018.

Nutrition and fitness are two things people get very passionate about and it is easy for disagreements to get heated. If I made a mistake in this FAQ, I'm happy to fix it, but please show your receipts and be civil.

Q1. This system doesn't seem very secure. Couldn't someone potentially game the system?

Yes, absolutely. It may be hard to believe, but people sometimes lie on the Internet. This thread is about mutual support, encouragement and conversation around weight loss. After a certain point we have to assume good faith on the part of the contestants.

Q2. What should my goal weight be?

If you're here and reading this FAQ, you may have never been really thin or muscular before. In that case, let's talk about Body Mass Index (BMI).

BMI is a number that indicates how healthy your weight is for your height. It is calculated through the ratio of your weight and the inverse square of your height. The maths aren't important, since you can plug your weight and height into any online BMI calculator and get the answer.

Like this one, for instance:

Now that you've got your BMI, see below to find out what it means for you:

BMI Classifications

< 18.5 …………. Underweight

18.5–24.9 ….…. Healthy weight range

25–29………….. Overweight

30 + ………...…. Obese

A good first goal for people is often to get into the healthy BMI range. If you're coming at it from one of the higher ranges, it's a great goal to aim for.

Now, BMI has a lot of limitations. You need to remember that it's a very broad statistical tool used to predict health outcomes over whole populations regardless of age or gender. Because of this the healthy BMI range will be:

• Higher for pregnant women

• Higher for elite athletes and muscular people

• Higher for older people (there are charts that adjust for this online)

• Higher for people of Polynesian background

• Lower for people of Asian background

If any of those categories apply to you or if you're after a more exact answer, you're better off trying to estimate your body fat percentage. If you're pregnant or an elite athlete, obviously, please don't take part in this competition.

Body fat percentage is the proportion of your body weight that is fat (as opposed to muscle, bone, vital organs etc). It's the bit that makes you look chubby and causes many of the health issues associated with obesity. It can be estimated in a number of ways. These include using fancy machines and specialised skin callipers, each method having its advantages and drawbacks, and each will give you slightly different results with varying levels of accuracy.

However, as a wise woman once said, ain't nobody got time for that. Instead, we'll be using the US Navy method. It's not hugely accurate (it'll get you to within 3%), but it's easy to do and works for the majority of people since it was developed to assess a large number of people very quickly. All you need is a tape measure.

To do it, first use the tape measure to measure your neck at its narrowest point.

Next, if you're a woman, measure your hips at their widest point and your waist at its narrowest point. If you're a man, just measure your waist around your navel.

The thing to keep in mind is to be relaxed when you take these measurements. Avoid tensing up your neck muscles, sucking in / disdending your stomach or squeezing too hard with the tape measure. It also helps if you're naked. To eliminate bias, take the measurements three times and take the average of the three measurements for each parameter. It also helps to measure yourself first thing in the morning before you've had anything to eat or drink.

Then take the measurements and plug them into a calculator like this one:

You now have your current body fat percentage (plus or minus 3%).

Now, there is a lot of argument about healthy body fat percentage ranges, but for the purposes of this thread, I present the American Council on Exercise's figures for what the broad categories are:

Category ………Men ……………Women

Essential Fat ….2-5% ……...…..10-13%

Athletes ………..6-13% .............14-20%

Fitness……....…14-17% ............21-24%

Average……......18-24% …........25-31%

Obese ………….25% + ……..….32% +

The differences between men and women come down to hormonal changes that happen at puberty and how this alters the relationship between fat and lean mass in the human body. Women's bodies store fat in more places than men and require a greater store in relative terms to function properly.

I would suggest a good secondary goal might be to get yourself down into the "fitness" range.

If you're keen to push past this level and into flat stomach territory, two researchers, Jackson and Pollard, came up with "ideal" body fat percentages by age while working out methods of measuring body fat percentage:

Age……Men ……....Women

20 ……..8.5% ……...17.7%

25 ……..10.5%….....18.4%

30 ……..12.7% …....19.3%

35 ……..13.7% …....21.5%

40 ……..15.3% …....22.2%

45 ……..16.4% …....22.9%

50 ……..18.9% …....25.2%

55 ……..20.9% …....26.3%

Getting down to this ideal range for your age could be a good tertiary goal.

If you're really ambitious, you could even try for a six pack. For women, six pack abs start to appear between 16-19% body fat whereas you need to get down to 6-9% body fat to have abs as a man.

Be warned however that the less muscle you have on your body, the harder it is to achieve that look. The same amount of fat counts for a smaller percentage of the whole on a muscular body than it would on a smaller frame. Plus, bigger muscles make abs appear at higher fat percentages. Depending on your lean mass, it may actually be unsafe for you to aim for a six pack. It's also extremely difficult for most people to maintain since hormone changes at low body fat ranges tend to drive up your body's acquisition of fat.

Also remember that bodybuilders, models and Hollywood stars not only have the help of trainers, nutritionists and performance enhancing drugs, but they also have tricks for making their abs "pop" on stage or on camera, including favourable lighting, makeup, tanning and deliberately dehydrating themselves for days prior and doing reps between takes. Simply put, not even Chris Hemsworth and Hugh Jackman look like that all the time. Adjust your expectations - you don't need to look like an Instagram model to cut an impressive figure, let alone be healthy.

Furthermore, your genetic makeup may cause your body to preferentially store fat on your stomach, which will make having visible abs next to impossible for you. If this is your goal, you probably need to be talking to a doctor or personal trainer first lest you damage your health.

Besides, as you get close to your "ideal", a good idea would be to measure your progress less by weight and waist measurements and more by what you see in the mirror. You might decide that you're happy with your weight loss and may want to switch to a maintenance lifestyle or you might decide that what you really need is to pack on some muscle. The information in this thread will become less applicable to you at that point, but that is a problem you want to have


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
Q3. Great! I know my destination. How do I get there?

Diet and exercise. In that order.

When I use the word diet, I don't mean a temporary eating plan that you'll drop once you lose the weight. Instead I mean how you will eat every day going forward for the rest of your life. This is a lifestyle change where you fundamentally alter your relationship with food. It cannot just stop when you reach your goal weight - that's just a recipe for gaining the weight back again.

Why diet is important is easy to answer. In simple terms, if you take in more energy than you use up, your body stores the surplus as fat. If the opposite happens, your body digests fat stores for energy instead. If things get really dire, your body even has the option of digesting your body's muscle, then its organs to keep itself going. Your body evolved to tolerate periods of starvation and works hard to make use of everything you give it, but that resilience works against us in the modern world.

About 75% of the energy your body uses day to day is spent on just keeping you alive. This includes maintaining brain function, operating vital organs and digesting your food. This is energy you will use up just by lying in bed all day asleep. The rest is determined by your level of physical activity.

Contrary to much of the popular wisdom out there, exercise, of the kind that people do in the gym, on the field or on the running track, has very little direct impact on weight loss. Doing exercise has lots of benefits in terms of improved circulation, toning your muscles, strengthening your body, increased lung capacity, better mood and generally making day to day life easier. If you exercise, you will feel better and look better, but not because the exercise itself had very much effect on your body fat.

I should add that having more muscle on your body increases your basal metabolic rate and the way you increase muscle is also through exercise, but it takes quite a bit of muscle to make any kind of noticeable difference. If you haven't been body building for six months or more, you probably wouldn't notice that your dietary needs are any greater at all. Besides, it's very difficult to build up muscle while also losing weight. To build muscle, you need to eat MORE not less, so the two processes work against each other. It's safe to assume therefore that this won't be a factor while you're on your weight loss journey. If you want a muscular body instead of a chubby one, moreover, it will be more efficient time-wise for you to concentrate on one goal at a time. Lose the excess fat first, then build up the muscle - you'll see results faster. The exercise you do now is done so you can keep what muscle mass you have already. It'll be a fool's errand trying to gain more right now. That's just how the body works.

Exercise increases your resting metabolic rate, but only by a bit, maybe a few percentage points overall. You get a little additional increase in your metabolic rate just after exercising too, which wears off after a little while. This is nice, but not that significant if you only exercise for an hour a day. The body is surprisingly efficient in the way it expends energy during exercise, so an hour of cardio only ends up netting you the caloric equivalent of a single cookie. Basically, you can't eat extra on the days you train "because you earned it". Sorry. You didn't earn more food. What you earned can be counted in terms of stronger musculature, better circulation and increased mobility.

Doing exercise consistently throughout the day however, does start to add up, to the point where Olympic athletes, who train for a significant portion of the day, may need double the energy intake of we mere mortals.

It means then that a schoolteacher who doesn't do any exercise outside her job may need more energy than an office worker who works out for an hour a day at the gym. The schoolteacher is on her feet all day and may walk several kilometres inadvertently, burning through more energy than the office worker in total. It's why those 10,000 step a day challenges are so popular.

It means that for most people who don't have that kind of occupation, there is a terrible truth to face. It may not be possible for you to compensate for a poor diet by simply exercising more. More simply, you can't outrun your fork.

The good news is that there are lots of tools to help you eat better and, crucially for this challenge, eat at a caloric deficit.

Q4. Well, that's disappointing. How do I eat at a caloric deficit?

The first thing you need is information about the food you eat.

Download a calorie tracking app like MyFitnessPal or LoseIt (MFP had a recent high profile data breach - use a throwaway email to sign up if you can). Even if you aren't watching calories per se, they offer a good breakdown on the kind of nutrients that are in food. They even have a great feature that let you scan barcodes and bring up nutritional info using your smartphone. Whether you decide to count calories, follow a low carb diet, a high fat diet, a low fat diet, skip meals or whatever, these apps will make you more aware of what you're putting in your body and how the food you eat fits into your diet. Something that might be advertised as high protein may also be full of sugar, for instance, so it's better to have the information up front than to sabotage your own efforts unknowingly.

The second thing you need is a set of digital kitchen scales. Until you get a good sense of how big a proper portion size is, this is invaluable. You need to train your mind to get used to seeing how big a "serving" is supposed to be. It is very easy to accidentally overeat, even on an otherwise healthy diet and this is your safeguard against that. Don't try to eyeball your portion sizes if you don't already have a good sense of how much (say) 100 grams or 1 ounce is. I can almost guarantee your brain will play tricks on you (because it's food and not rocks) and you will get it wrong.

Third you should find out what your daily energy needs actually are, so you can calibrate your meal sizes accordingly. There are many calculators online that will help you find out what your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is. This affected by your gender (men need more energy than women), height (tall people have more lean mass to burn energy with), age (you need less energy as you get older) and your current weight (it takes more energy to move a heavy body around than a light one). The last one is important because as you lose weight, your daily energy needs decrease, which means that you'll need to recalculate it every once in a while to keep your progress on track. Be aware that when online calculators ask for your level of activity, they mean what your activity level is moment-to-moment in your daily life, so being a tour guide counts for more than being an office worker. Even if you go hard at the gym for an hour a day, every day, put down sedentary if you have a job in a toll booth. A decent calculator (that cites references) can be found here:

The above of course, can only give you an estimate based on the average person. If you're serious about calculating your actual TDEE with more accuracy, you'll need more data – that means daily weigh ins and caloric totals over the course of months. To accomplish this, you can use this spreadsheet here:

Finally you need a plan on how you'll eat better. The best diet is the one you stick with, so whether you go low carb, high fat, low fat or intermittent fasting, do it in a way that you won't just want to quit after a week. Remember, for this to work, the changes you make need to be permanent. You're just setting yourself up to fail if your diet is making you miserable.

Q5. Wow. Okay. So what diet should I follow? Vegan? CICO? Vegetarian? Keto? Low Fat? I quit sugar? Paleo? Intermittent Fasting?

It doesn't matter.

Q6. You don't mean that, surely?

Sure I do, but let me clarify. For the purposes of losing weight, it doesn't matter what you eat as long as you're eating at a caloric deficit (i.e. using up more than you're putting in) while you're losing weight, then find a caloric equilibrium point when you've lost the weight in order to keep it off. Provided that you eat at a caloric deficit, that you're getting adequate amounts of protein, (good) fat, vitamins, minerals etc. and that you stick with it, I promise you the weight will come off.

All of these different diets you've heard of work the same way - they force the body to use up its fat stores by putting you at a caloric deficit. Even diets that don't purport to be about that or claim to accelerate the process, work with this as the underlying mechanism that affects the weight loss.

Meat is energy rich, so eating vegetarian or vegan will help you achieve a caloric deficit and let you lose weight. Carbohydrate-heavy food such as bread or sugar are energy rich, so avoiding these foods on a low carb diet will help you achieve a caloric deficit and let you lose weight. Fatty foods are energy rich, so avoiding them on a low fat diet will help you achieve a caloric deficit and let you lose weight. Root vegetables and grains tend to be energy rich, so avoiding them on a paleo diet will help you achieve a caloric deficit and let you lose weight. Skipping a meal every once in a while means that you get less food overall, so doing this as part of intermittent fasting will help you achieve a caloric deficit and let you lose weight.

Are you noticing the pattern here?

To repeat myself, very best diet is the one you stick with. When you're choosing what broad diet to follow, make sure it fits you personally. It's no good losing weight by eating nothing but beans and vegetables if that's going to make you miserable and make your stomach rumble every time you pass a bakery. You need to be able to eat this way for the rest of your life or you will fail.

One thing that is critically important while losing weight is that you are getting enough protein. Having a high proportion of protein in your diet helps the body retain muscle as it burns through your fat stores, which is important for general health, strength, looking good when you do get thinner and ensuring that your daily energy expenditure doesn't just drop to rock bottom. Take your weight in kilograms and multiply by 1.32 (if you're using pounds, then multiply by 0.6) to get the minimum amount of daily protein in grams you'll need to aim for to make that happen. And for the love of all that you hold dear, exercise, lest your muscles atrophy (i.e. shrink) due to lack of use. Your muscles burn energy just sitting there - preserve them. You can absolutely lose weight while keeping your most strenuous physical activity as playing video games, but you will end up weak, scrawny and maybe even a bit flabby at the end of the process, plus your diet will need to be that much more restricted.

There is a lot of talk about how certain macronutrients (the broad categories of carbohydrates, protein and fats) "slow down" your metabolism or others "speed it up". I won't say this is all junk science, because biochemistry and how the body reacts to stimuli are very complicated topics and still little understood in many ways, but I will say that the cumulative effect of these things won't ever stop you from losing weight, provided you do eat at a caloric deficit. It also stands to reason that a varied diet will also cause at least some of these effects to cancel each other out, so that overall it shouldn't matter.

The science behind nutrition is also constantly changing and improving, so beware of being too dogmatic on a point you read about in the paper, on Facebook or in a fitness blog. Where once, it was thought that eating eggs would raise your blood cholesterol, it is now understood that the mechanisms behind blood cholesterol are more complicated than that and that the body produces its own cholesterol for reasons that are wholly separate from your dietary intake of the stuff. Eggs are now understood to be a danger only to certain people who already have a specific kind of cholesterol problem, but fine for the rest of us.

There is even research that suggests that saturated fats may not be as bad for you as first reported. It's probably still not a good idea to be wrapping all your meals in bacon, but it goes to show you that it's foolish to look at a single aspect of nutrition and declare that it is the sole reason for one health problem or another. As with everything to do with the human body, the real answer is more subtle and complicated than it looks at first glance.

Assuming you've taken all that in, let's talk about specific diets. Here is a breakdown of some of the more popular ones:

CICO (Calories In, Calories Out): This one attacks the problem by taking direct control of the calories you eat. The advantage is that it's very methodical and lets you tailor your diet to what you want, so you can mix and match or pair this with another eating plan. If you keep your calories at a deficit you will lose weight, even if you eat ice cream and McDonalds every day (not that I recommend this). The drawback is that you need tremendous self discipline to keep track of every little thing that goes into your mouth and be able to say no once you hit your daily limit. Many people find this annoying and think it sucks the fun out of life. This is the method I personally use though, combined with a low carb diet, because it keeps me full and turns losing weight into a process my brain understands instinctively - min-maxing in an RPG.

You can lose weight pretty consistently at a caloric deficit of ~2000kJ / 500kcal per day. This amounts to something in the order of 500g / 1lb lost a week for me, but the number is always relative to how big you currently are and your own physiology. There are calculators online that help you estimate rate of weight loss for a given caloric deficit and the MyFitnessPal app automatically calculates this deficit for you if you input how fast you want to lose the weight. Remember that the upper limit of what you should aim for is around 1kg / 2lb a week or 1% of your current body weight if you're a bit bigger. Any faster and you risk triggering hormonal changes in your body that will work against you.

Vegetarianism/Veganism: It isn't always fair to lump these together, but both help you lose weight by eliminating a big source of calories from your diet (meat). The advantages of these diets are that they're ethically and environmentally sound, offer much in the way of flavour options and, in the case of vegetarianism, is relatively easy to follow when out and about. Veganism is trickier, but still doable. A big drawback is that it's easy to develop a protein deficiency on these diets, especially the vegan diet. Same with iron. Both are easily solved by specifically targeting good sources of both in your diet and maybe taking supplements, but it is a point you will need to pay attention to.

There is an official Era thread discussing Veganism here:

Low Fat: This is what the Baby Boomers were using to lose weight (remember the food pyramid?). The idea is that fatty foods are energy rich, so avoiding them helps you eat at a caloric deficit. There was also the popular notion that eating fat makes your body put fat on, which is intuitive, but wrong in every particular. It works if you get the serving sizes right, but is a sad, joyless diet, full of tiny portions and flavourless, unsatisfying food. It should go without saying too that it's easy to get this diet wrong because sugary foods, which may be low in fat, are nevertheless calorie rich themselves and not very filling either.

Low Carb: It's exactly what it says on the tin. This diet and others like it work by virtue of the fact that you've not only eliminated a major energy source (carbs), but also because meat and fatty foods keep you full for longer than grains do, so it's easier to eat at a caloric deficit. In fact, many people on this type of diet eat at a caloric deficit accidentally, mainly on account of how filling the food is. Diets like Paleo, Keto, High Fat Low Carb (HFLC), Atkins et al work on the same basic principle. Be warned though that it's easy to get this sort of diet wrong, since eating 500g of steak cooked in butter every day is still not going to be good for you, even if you do manage to eat at a caloric deficit.

Keto: This is the diet de jour, so I'll give it its own description. It's a version of a low carb, high fat, medium protein diet that tries to virtually eliminate all carb intake, limiting your diet to meats, dairy and fatty or fibrous vegetables. The idea is that if you get your carb intake low enough, you will trigger a metabolic process called ketosis, which forces your body to preferentially burn fat rather than carbohydrates. The boost you get from ketosis itself is the subject of much debate and there isn't a clear scientific consensus that the effect is significant, since you're getting a lot of dietary fat from the diet anyway. It's also difficult to achieve the dietary mix you need to trigger it. Luckily, even if ketosis turns out to be a bust or if you consistently fail to trigger ketosis, a keto diet will still help you lose weight by virtue of being a low carb diet and keeping you full, even on a caloric deficit.

Intermittent Fasting: Also known as "skipping breakfast". It works by limiting the times of day (or the week) you're allowed to eat, so even if you pig out during your allocated meal times, you still come up with a caloric deficit in aggregate. Some people even go hardcore and fast for days at a time, using supplements and water to keep the head clear and the body functioning while it's happening. It sounds like a nightmare to me, but the body did evolve to tolerate periods of fasting, and, done correctly, it does work.

There is an official thread discussing intermittent fasting here:

I can't really help you much more beyond the basics, except to say that, generally speaking, if you have a varied diet that includes different kinds of meat, dairy, fruit, nuts and vegetables, you're not likely to have any dietary deficiencies, so vitamins are usually a waste of time except in very specific circumstances, like anaemia or with some vegan or vegetarian diets.

Oh and some general tips:

• Cooking for yourself is the best way to control what goes into your food. Healthy food needn't be bland either - mustard, soy, herbs and spices add basically no calories to a meal and can elevate it to something amazing

• You'll find out when you start calorie tracking, but cutting soft drinks and fruit juices from your diet immediately eliminates a huge source of "empty" calories from your diet. Tea and coffee on the other hand, are virtually calorie free.

• Sugar is bad for you in large amounts. Try to cut down on your intake of it

• Aspartame is not the devil and probably won't give you cancer. Failing to change your lifestyle and keeping the excess weight on is definitely more dangerous to your health than an effect characterized by a weak correlation in a study that overdosed some rats with the equivalent of a barrel of artificial sweetener

• Fries are delicious, but they are really bad for you. Eat your occasional burger if you want, but hold the fries

• Cheat meals slow down your progress but are good for the soul, especially if it's done with friends. Don't go overboard though. Limit yourself to once a week or so and try to keep it on the scale of having a slice of cake for dessert rather than eating an entire roast chicken or having three cheat meals in the same day.

• Exercise in the morning if you can. You'll be more motivated and less fatigued from the day

• Snack less if you can manage it. It means mealtimes are something to look forward to

• Alcohol is very energy rich. Your body breaks it down into, among other things, sugar. Try to cut down on your intake and, where possible, switch to spirits


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
Q7. Okay, I'm all set food-wise. What kind of exercise do I need to be doing?

Do the kind of exercise that you enjoy, but remember that quick intense effort counts for more than slow sustained effort. This is especially true if you are time poor. If you like to cycle, find a mountain to tackle. If you like running, work sprints into your routine. If you love aerobics, do burpees until your lungs are burning.

Era has a very good fitness thread with some great advice, though be warned that it's mostly focused on weight lifting. Don't be put off by that, even if you're not interested in becoming a swole gym bro. Because of traditionally male-centric gym culture, women especially often hear the words "weight lifting" and think it won't help them. On the contrary, some weight training will benefit just about everyone and it does burn a lot of energy quickly:

At the end of the day though, the best routine is the one you stick with. Consistency is how you get results.

Q8. I did everything you told me and I still gained a pound overnight! What's going on?

Relax. You've probably still lost some fat.

The number you see on the scale naturally fluctuates up and down within a 2kg / 4lb range because of a number of factors, including hormones, hydration levels, the amount of food in your stomach and whether or not your bladder and bowels are empty. It's a little like measuring your height - the number will change a bit depending on the time of day.

That's okay though, since consistency in how and when you weigh yourself will help in eliminating these confounding factors and help you see the signal in the noise.

First, weigh yourself first thing in the morning, always on the same set of scales, before you've eaten or drunk anything and preferably after you've at least emptied your bladder, if not your bowels (if you only poop every few days, you'll notice big changes before and after). This is the closest you'll get to a "true" current weight for your body. Your stomach will be empty and you'll have a pretty consistent level of (de) hydration.

After that, don't weight yourself again until the next morning. You'll just confuse and upset yourself.

Second, wait a few days. It could be that the last reading was an outlier where you were particularly dehydrated or maybe you're retaining extra water right now. These effects will be smoothed out by time and taking extra samples.

Third, wait two weeks. Plateaus happen. Keep up your eating plans and exercise and you will lose weight. Measure your waist circumference - you're probably still shrinking. Muscle gains, small though they may be during weight loss, can happen while you lose weight, especially if you're new to exercise. These can temporarily cancel out the effect of fat loss on the scale. Just keep going and you'll see the numbers shift again.

If that doesn't work, check your TDEE or your daily intake again. Maybe you've lost enough weight so that your daily energy needs have reduced. Maybe you've counted your calories wrong or have been sneaking in extra calories that you haven't been counting. Self-deception is a powerful thing and it's easy to lie to ourselves about things that make us feel good.

Are you getting enough sleep? The amount of sleep you get has profound effects on your health. Try getting more shuteye (it's good for you anyway).

Finally, check your exercise routine. Are you overtraining? If you're training more than an hour a day or not taking any rest days, this can happen. If you think this could be happening to you, try cutting back for a few days and see what happens.

If none of those things work, see a doctor. There may be something else going on with you, be it illness, hormonal changes or otherwise, that is affecting your weight loss.

Q9. I specifically want to lose fat in one area but not another. What can I do to make that happen?

Nothing, I'm afraid. The sad truth about the way the human body works is that we have no control over where the body decides to deposit fat or in what order and the same is true for where it comes off. There is no such thing as spot fat loss.

You can "tone" certain body areas by spot training the muscles in those areas, thereby providing a more athletic frame for the fat to sit upon, but this does nothing to the actual fat itself.

Where your body puts on (and takes off) body fat is largely determined by your genetics. When you put on fat, your body will put it on everywhere simultaneously - your limbs, face, neck, chest, back, stomach, hips and rear. It isn't always evenly distributed however. It prefers to pile the fat up in some places more than others and this distribution is different for everyone.

Look at photos, if you have them, of yourself or of relatives with a similar body shape at varying weights and try to see where the fat first becomes visible, in what proportion it came on and in what order. Chances are that the first places extra fat became visible on yourself or your relatives will be the last places the fat will disappear from as you lose weight.

This is why two overweight people of the same height, same lean mass and same body fat percentage can nevertheless look very different. One man will be thickset all over, with no neck, a double chin and chunky arms while another will have a well defined jaw and sleek limbs but sport a sizeable beer gut. One woman might be relatively moonfaced, round-limbed and big-bosomed where another is pear-shaped, a size six up top but carrying all her weight on her legs, hips and behind. There is nothing the first man can do to keep his arms from shrinking as he loses weight, just as there is nothing the second woman can do to influence what happens to her hips as she does. These things are set in stone, I'm afraid.

If this news makes you sad, don't despair. Even if can't see your progress in the mirror despite what the scale and tape measure say, remember that each time you see your reflection, your self image adjusts accordingly. It means other people will notice your transformation long before you do. This is why it's important to take a "before" picture, so you can look back on it and compare as you go along. Change is possible and your "problem area" will eventually stop being such a problem, but only if you stick with it. I assure you the start is the hardest part.

Q10. What if I get sick? Should I keep exercising and dieting?

Unless we're talking about a life-threatening illness or at least a flu that leaves you bedridden, I'd advise you to keep up with your healthy eating and caloric deficit, though if you're aggressively fasting or eating at a huge calorie deficit, maybe ease up just a little.

As for exercising, just take it easy if your doctor tells you to take it easy. You may lose some progress and maybe this is the difference between winning the competition and not, but at the end of the day, your health is what matters most in this process. Besides, it's a multi-week challenge. That's a fair amount of time – more than enough for you to overcome a bout of the flu. Things like this happen and you never how things will turn out – the person leading the charge at the beginning may stumble near the end too.

Q11. I didn't get in before the deadline! Can I still join in?

You're welcome to follow along and post your own updates, but you won't be eligible for any prizes. That's okay though, because we still want to hear from you.


With all that said (and I have said a LOT), good luck! Even if you don't manage to win the competition, you'll have gained something with every day that you do this. Even if you fall off the wagon and wake up having eaten an entire packet of Oreos, don't despair. Today is a new day. Everybody stumbles. Do better.

If you ever find yourself down and in need of inspiration, I recommend browsing the ProgressPics subreddit for a while. Some of the transformations on there are nothing short of jaw dropping:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You know what? Fuck it. I'm in. I've tried everything else, maybe some actual outside motivation will help. I'll post my weight tomorrow morning when I get on the scale.


Oct 27, 2017
Boston, MA (USA)
I'm in... I don't have much to lose, but I need to get my BP in check and this will help.

Height: 5'7"
Current: 175.2 (7/24/19)
12 Week Target: 162
Stretch Goal: 17% BF (Current monthly average is 21%)
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Master Of Illusion

Alt Account
Mar 18, 2019
I got lazy and only lost like 5 lbs for the last challenge, so let me see if I could actually try this time.

Height: 6'0"
Current weight: 232.0
12 Week Goal: 210
Stretch Goal:
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm in on this again. Last time I started around 196 and ended 173.

Right now, I'm around 175 (normal fluctuations for me, I don't think I've gained weight since last week).

I'm going to stick to keto and intermittent fasting (16/8, some days 24 hours) and throw in a longer fast (48-72 hrs only) every one month and a half or so. I also exercise a couple times a week and may ramp up as I get closer to my final goal. My final goal is around 150, give or take a couple pounds. Well, the real goal is < 10% bodyfat. I think I am 15-16% atm.

So this ends just days before my Birthday (Nov. 1). Which is pretty convenient timing... lol. Using a new spreadsheet that predicts I will be 162. Last time competition I exceeded my spreedsheet prediction by close to 10 pounds. So I'm just gonna make that my goal... 150 lbs, aiming high again.

If anyone has questions about keto or IF, I am happy to help.
I just want to point out what keto isn't:
It's not a crazy amount of meat, you can even do vegan keto.
While it is high fat, there is a ton of healthy fats to choose from including tasty nuts and seeds. Fat is not the enemy in dieting. Every macro can lead to fat gain if not approached correctly. Fat is satiating therefore you will have less cravings. Keto helps suppress hunger as well.
Vegetables are absolutely part of the diet, I eat more greens and veggies than ever before and I love them.

My favorite source of information (and there is a ton of conflicting information about dieting online) is thomas delauer on youtube. He covers both intermittent fasting and keto. Very insightful and entertaining.


Oh, two tips I want to give for everyone (whatever diet)...

1. Don't combine fats and carbs in the same meal. Carbs produce a high insulin response which opens the cells to receive nutrients which fat can easily get into as storage.

2. Avoid snacking and wait like 6 hours between meals. Gives your stomach time to recover and more importantly your insulin levels drop and glucagon to rise which is the hormone that lets you burn fat. If you snack, your insulin levels don't stay steady and low and you won't lose fat as well.
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Oct 27, 2017
Losing 24 pounds over 45 days at the start of summer was my challenge.

Been feeling great ever since, and kept off the weight even weeks after losing all that weight.

Good luck to all participating in the challenge.


Oct 30, 2017
My weight has been fluctuating the past year and a half. I try to stay active by weight training about 2-3 times a week, and I've done spartan races too.Now i need to focus on weight loss and diet. Ill be starting graduate studies soon and I cant use that as an excuse for not eating right and not exercising. Planning for a slow and steady weight loss of about 1lb a week.

Height: 5'11
Current weight: 208 @ ~20% BF
12 Week Goal: 195 @ ~18% BF
Stretch Goal: 185 @ ~15% BF


Nov 3, 2017
I'm at my heaviest ever, so it's time. I have lost weight in the past, I went from 308lbs to 204lbs but gained it all back and then some over the years. I've been dieting for a few days, just by cutting out all the snacks, soda etc. I calculated my average Wednesday (shopping day) and I hit over 6000 calories, absolute madness.

Height: 6ft 3"
Current weight: 328lbs
12-week goal: 304lbs


Jan 22, 2018
I'd like to join on this as well! I've hit a really big plateau and would like to change.. maybe this will help give me a kick in the ass that I need..

height: 5'3
current weight: 160
12-week goal: 145


Oct 25, 2017
I'm in again. 185cm, longterm goal 80-85kg, 12 week challenge goal is 110kg, I'm about 120kg but I'll post a proper starting weight on Monday.
I feel like last round I set my goal too close and it subconsciously affected my motivation.


Oct 25, 2017
Doing a break this week so I'll most likely be a little heavier than at the end of the last challenge hehe

I'll post my starting weight next thursday.


Oct 27, 2017
Gained some weight after traveling a fair bit, so right now I'm normalizing my weight and getting back to my old habits, will post a weigh in sometime next week.

Target goal will be going below 70 kg and I believe I can do that if I stay focused on my diet.


Nov 5, 2017

Starting weight = 102.6 KG as of this morning
Target weight is around 85-90.

This time I'll be official, but I probably won't lose as much as the last challenge, because:

A - I'm around 50% of my target weight loss and I'll no doubt taper towards the end, and
B - I just finished setting up my home weight training room and hour ago! I will hopefully put on some muscle as I lose fat, so weight loss should be less.

I'm super excited about my little home gym. I hate going to gyms but miss lifting, so I'm happy to get back into it after all these years. My main workout priority at the moment wil still be cardio, but this will help me feel strong and hopefully not looking super skinny after my weight loss.

Also, I stumbled upon the below video last week. I'm not a fan of the inspirational music/montage, but the guy's monologue at 2:40 about how it "feels different this time" rings true to my current journey. The message is if you fail, keep trying different things, keep analysing yourself and keep tweaking until you nail it.

I look forward to reading everyone's journey.

Etrian Oddity

Oct 26, 2017
I'm in. Been a lurker forever, time to enter.

Height: 6'0"
Current Weight: 227 lbs
12-Week Goal: 210 lbs
Stretch Goal: 200 lbs

. . .

Began this year at 260 lbs, and vowed to lose 5 lbs every month of 2019. Got distracted and lost progress with stress in the middle of the year, time make up for it.


Oct 27, 2017
Meant to join last time but missed the cutoff so am in this time. Was in reasonable shape just before Christmas but for various reasons have put on 25 pounds or so since so it's time to get back to around where I was.

Height: 6'2"
Current Weight: 213lbs
12-Week Goal: 190lbs


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Too bad I can't participate, last time was a blast.
But after losing like 12-13kg since the end of February I've now reached a BMI of 23(down from over 27), and rather than losing weight, I'm trying to remain at/near this weight while improving my fitness, ideally slowly "trading in" (I know it doesn't literally work like that) remaining fat for muscle.
But I'll be following this thread, because these threads are super interesting and informative. And motivating.
Good luck to everyone!
Oct 25, 2017
Height: 6'1"
Current Weight: 179.2 lbs
12 Week Goal: 160 lbs

I'm on a good streak, already down 3 lbs from 182.2 about a week ago. Not exercising or anything right now, just pure focus on limiting my calories, trying to whittle down to a steady 1500 a day.


Oct 28, 2017
Good luck to you all! I know the struggle. From 104 kg at my heaviest to 70,5 kg at my lightest. It will suck at times but you can do it! :)


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Alright! All weighed up. Actually a little lower than I was expecting which is neat.

Height: 5'11
Current weight: 286.8
12-week goal: 270
Stretch goal: 260


Oct 25, 2017
Oh shoot, new thread going.

Small recap: Started losing hard on January 4th, 2 days after I broke up with my Ex of 5 years and have studiously recorded my progress. I started at 252.4 lbs and over the last 6 months have now lost 52!

As per the last one, I record my progress every single day on my Calendar.

Yesterday: 201.2
Today: 200.4

Finally hit that 200 mark! Now just need to get under it.

Short term goals: Under 200, back to 180 (my lowest point before), and then beyond to 160. Not totally sure where I'll end up. Saw some calc for my height that said like 147ish at 5'7, but I don't really know with my frame.


Oct 25, 2017
I totally won the last challenge. My tip: Keep track of every calorie you eat. I weigh myself each morning and record how many calories I had eaten the day before. Counting calories has kind of ruined the beautiful ignorance that used to be my eating, but I've lost a ton of weight. Now when I eat a cookie, I have to add it on to my day's total. And it's awfully hard to take a bite if I know I'm going over my limit.

Good luck!


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Finally I catch one of these in time! I want to participate. I gained some weight after a break-up and I want to lose that crap.

Height: 5'10
Weight: 200 lbs
12 Weeks Goal: 180-175 lbs


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
I'm in! I lost ~20 lbs in the last 12 weeks, so I'll try to keep that momentum.

Weight: 195 lbs
12 week goal: 175 lbs

That'll take me close to my final goal, 168 lbs, which is exactly 12 stone.


Oct 26, 2017
Good all luck all.
I started the Noom app almost 4 weeks ago and lost 10lbs so far. Going to be challenged while on vacation but I hope to pull through and keep it up.
You can do it guys.. even if you don't win you still win :) will.keep tabs on this thread.
Feb 23, 2018
Entering since i participated so late in the previous thread.
HW: 77.3kg (1 June, back from a trip)
Current weight: 73.9kg
Goal: 10% weight loss drop so 67kg. My actual milestone is 10% of HW, which is 69kg

Slept only 2+hrs, feeling like death and pleased that my weight has been the same since yesterday somehow. Have a weekend trip tomorrow and planning to make lower carb choices to hold steady. Chicken with chilli oil without rice here i come!

Weight has been going down more now that i'm actively tracking my calories to around 1300 to 1500 cals daily and trying to keep within or around 100g of carbs. Still doing omad mostly because the amount of fat i need to eat (and kale!) is making me full. Having lunch with colleagues is like the bane of dieting, i make healthier/smaller portions choices but my salad/stirfry ends up sitting in the fridge for tomorrow.

Random observations:
1. My skin has stopped breaking out after cutting dairy (i love cheesy pizzas though urgh), eating sweet potatoes and kale everyday for the past week and using sensitive skincare products ala cerave.
2. Have been shopping/window shopping non-stop at taobao since doing starting this journey. Ive gained over 20lbs in 2 years, but mentally i imagine myself where i was, so imagine my shock when i took my measurements and went from us size 6 to 12/14! Like what on earth?! Those are the sizes recommended for my weight range at least. Still buying and wishlisting a ton though, rip my bank account. Feels amazing when a dress that was a bit tight around the belly gets looser after afew days though!
3. Downloaded and deleted dating apps, my mind is where i was 20lbs ago and my taste hasnt change but i cant picture myself dating someone who is probably 10-20lbs lighter than current me. I actually went to check, a lot of male 6 ft (180cm+) actors and models are actually lighter than me. Until i get down to the 60s+ (prob 65) it's just weird to me.
4. I caught myself recently in a blurry reflection and was horrified because the outline screams 40+ year old auntie

Edit: doing the conversion, its more like i gained over 30 pounds (hence the large size jump)
Oct 25, 2017
So here is my plan:

All KETO, all the time
Monday: Moderate exercise/cardio, 16/8 IF
Tuesday: HIIT exercise, core exercises, Rowing, 16/8 IF
Wednesday: none or very little exercise, break fast in morning (12 hour fast), shorter eating window to start fasting earlier
Thursday: HIIT exercises, cardio, break fast after 24 hours, stop eating by 8pm
Friday: light exercise, low cardio, 16/8 IF
Saturday: little if any exercise, 16/8
Sunday: no exercise at all, 12/12 meaning break fast in morning, 30% extra calories intake (refeed day) with more flexible foods eaten (not breaking ketosis)

so in total, 4 days of 16/8, 1 24 hour fast, 2x 12 hour fasts, 1 refeed/cheat day with flexible food

I plan on breaking my fasts (assuming I exercised) with coffee + coconut oil + whey protein. That or light proteins from bone broth, tuna, or sardines. Then eating a real meal an hour or two later.

On the 12 hour fasting days, I'll probably do breakfast as a keto coffee (mostly coconut oil, maybe some butter, maybe some unsweetened chocolate, a dash of tumeric and blended) and then wait til lunch for a real meal.

Any thoughts on this plan? My goal isn't necessarily weight loss although I do want to continue to lose fat. I intend to work on muscles more this time around, not that I think I suffered before but I think at least in some areas of my body I overestimated the amount of muscles I had.
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Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Good luck everyone!

I've become a fan of these threads so just like the last one I'll be following this one for sure.


Nov 5, 2017
Any thoughts on this plan? My goal isn't necessarily weight loss although I do want to continue to lose fat. I intend to work on muscles more this time around, not that I think I suffered before but I think at least in some areas of my body I overestimated the amount of muscles I had.

Good luck! I wish you well. I can't comment on the science behind it, but it sound like a fun experiment. One of the joys of body transformations is self-experimentation. Go for it and tweak as needed I say. Let us know how you progress.

I will say this wouldn't work for me because it's very regimented and I'm after something sustainable and long term. I've done super controlled programs and diets and yes they worked in the short term, but the excitement of being on them wore off and it just became a drag, like I was grinding to min/max some attributes. I've known other people who could maintain that lifestyle indefinitely though.

I'm actually going the opposite way - super simple. I'm trying for intuitive eating, which means generally not tracking calories, but I concentrate on a decent amount of protein with some carbs and fats thrown in. I actually like brown rice and chicken breast and I don't know what those celebrities are complaining about when they talk about eating it, so I'm lucky that can be a good staple for me for four days of the week. I aim to not eat after lunch, but if I'm hungry I'll snack on some nuts or something which usually hits the spot. If I'm super hungry I'll eat another meal, but this doesn't happen often these days. I think I've gotten to the stage where I no longer get cravings from boredom/stress/anxiety, thanks to my exercise and quitting 95% of the sugar I used to consume.

For exercise my aim is weights one day, cardio the next, repeat and have at least one rest day a week. My weight training starting program is pretty light on volume so far, so my routine may all change if I add a lot of volume to that, but I don't aim to do anything more than 3 full-body sessions a week, no bro-splits for me - I don't want to spend a lot of time under the bar.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Not joining, but I've been on Keto for a month and lost 25 pounds. Can't recommend it enough. You have to be diligent though, and sometimes that means being a wet blanket at social events when you can't eat the good stuff. But it's totally worth it.


Jan 3, 2018
I'll sign up for this. I need to wait until the 2nd of August at the earliest before I can post my weight though. I'm still on holiday in California away from a set of scales. I hope I haven't gained too much, I've managed to keep to my vegan diet while away and have done a lot of walking around in the heat. Good luck everyone.


Jul 25, 2019
finally I'm in, stopped watching my weight a long time ago, now I have graduated and have 5 months free of stress so is the best time to change my diet and stick with it.
when I was 18 my weight was 82 kg.
now I'm 118.5 kg (190 cm height). my end goal is to go under the 100 kg threshold. I will have a typical Mediterranean diet (live in Italy so pretty easy to stick with) with a little more proteins and less carbo. wish everyone a good run! My workout, due to my bulging spine disc, I will initially consist in walking at least 30 min/day and lifting carefully 2 days a week.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Just want to chime in and wish everybody good luck.

You can do it!
Oct 25, 2017
Good luck! I wish you well. I can't comment on the science behind it, but it sound like a fun experiment. One of the joys of body transformations is self-experimentation. Go for it and tweak as needed I say. Let us know how you progress.

I will say this wouldn't work for me because it's very regimented and I'm after something sustainable and long term. I've done super controlled programs and diets and yes they worked in the short term, but the excitement of being on them wore off and it just became a drag, like I was grinding to min/max some attributes. I've known other people who could maintain that lifestyle indefinitely though.

I'm actually going the opposite way - super simple. I'm trying for intuitive eating, which means generally not tracking calories, but I concentrate on a decent amount of protein with some carbs and fats thrown in. I actually like brown rice and chicken breast and I don't know what those celebrities are complaining about when they talk about eating it, so I'm lucky that can be a good staple for me for four days of the week. I aim to not eat after lunch, but if I'm hungry I'll snack on some nuts or something which usually hits the spot. If I'm super hungry I'll eat another meal, but this doesn't happen often these days. I think I've gotten to the stage where I no longer get cravings from boredom/stress/anxiety, thanks to my exercise and quitting 95% of the sugar I used to consume.

For exercise my aim is weights one day, cardio the next, repeat and have at least one rest day a week. My weight training starting program is pretty light on volume so far, so my routine may all change if I add a lot of volume to that, but I don't aim to do anything more than 3 full-body sessions a week, no bro-splits for me - I don't want to spend a lot of time under the bar.

You make it sound way more complex than it is lol... It's just intermittent fasting plus some fairly regular exercise. It actually is super simple and flexible, much more so when it's planned in advance. I think it may be simpler than just winging it and actually gives me more flexibility in eating than just doing 16/8 IF every day of the week.


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
Wooooooo, hit 199.2!

It's been TEN years since I've been under 200! All the way back in 2009.
Congratulations! It feels so good to hit those milestones.
Entering since i participated so late in the previous thread.
HW: 77.3kg (1 June, back from a trip)
Current weight: 73.9kg
Goal: 10% weight loss drop so 67kg. My actual milestone is 10% of HW, which is 69kg

Slept only 2+hrs, feeling like death and pleased that my weight has been the same since yesterday somehow. Have a weekend trip tomorrow and planning to make lower carb choices to hold steady. Chicken with chilli oil without rice here i come!

Weight has been going down more now that i'm actively tracking my calories to around 1300 to 1500 cals daily and trying to keep within or around 100g of carbs. Still doing omad mostly because the amount of fat i need to eat (and kale!) is making me full. Having lunch with colleagues is like the bane of dieting, i make healthier/smaller portions choices but my salad/stirfry ends up sitting in the fridge for tomorrow.

Random observations:
1. My skin has stopped breaking out after cutting dairy (i love cheesy pizzas though urgh), eating sweet potatoes and kale everyday for the past week and using sensitive skincare products ala cerave.
2. Have been shopping/window shopping non-stop at taobao since doing starting this journey. Ive gained over 20lbs in 2 years, but mentally i imagine myself where i was, so imagine my shock when i took my measurements and went from us size 6 to 12/14! Like what on earth?! Those are the sizes recommended for my weight range at least. Still buying and wishlisting a ton though, rip my bank account. Feels amazing when a dress that was a bit tight around the belly gets looser after afew days though!
3. Downloaded and deleted dating apps, my mind is where i was 20lbs ago and my taste hasnt change but i cant picture myself dating someone who is probably 10-20lbs lighter than current me. I actually went to check, a lot of male 6 ft (180cm+) actors and models are actually lighter than me. Until i get down to the 60s+ (prob 65) it's just weird to me.
4. I caught myself recently in a blurry reflection and was horrified because the outline screams 40+ year old auntie

Edit: doing the conversion, its more like i gained over 30 pounds (hence the large size jump)
Body image is really funny like that. I've done the catching a blurry reflection of myself a lot at both my starting weight and now and it always catches me off-guard because since I started working on transforming my body, my mind has never quite caught up with where I am physically. I've done the "am I really that big?" thing so many times.

It'll get better with time, especially as you get rid of your larger wardrobe. Eventually you'll get to the point where you'll accidentally see your own reflection, think, "that person is looking good today" and you'll do a double take when you realise the person is you.

What surprises me now is when Facebook shows me older pictures of myself. I can't believe how chubby I look, even in photos I was quite happy with at the time. It's subtle things too, like the jawline and cheekbones being more prominent as well as the outlines of your collarbone and neck tendons being more visible. I look better now than I did in high school, which was previously my peak in terms of physical fitness.


Oct 27, 2017
Height: 5'3 roughly
Weight: 11'13 (75.75 kg/167lb, as of Friday)
I'd like to slim down to 9 stone at some point as that will be a reasonably healthy weight for my height..for the first time in many years.

I've lost 4 pounds this week which I was quite happy with as I only lost one pound in my first week. I use MyFitnessPal to track my calorie and nutrition intake.
Oct 30, 2017
Values in imperial.

Current: 189.6
Target: 180.0
Stretch: 170.0

Age: 35
Height: 5'9

Wasn't aware of previous challenges, so I didn't participate, but I started losing weight again at the start of May after I got really heavy. Started at 205 and set a goal to get down to 180 by Thanksgiving, but I'm ahead of pace and am forecasting to mid-September to hit that, and then 160 by the following Thanksgiving (which I'm forecasting to January on, but I anticipate that to slow down a fair amount after breaching 180). Here's my progress from May 1, though I lost a month of data due to a copy/paste mistake in Excel that I didn't catch.


I weigh myself at least every other day just for consistency, so fluctuations are mostly hydration related (plus a "cheat" week where I had dessert three times a day during a work convention). I've been getting a modest amount of nightly cardio 3-5 times a week (started that in June), and very recently started getting in 30 minutes every morning before work, so some days it's a good hour of cardio in total.

My diet strategy has been fairly simple. I like the feeling of being full more than anything when it comes to eating. Therefore, I've opted to eat just one meal per day, which I do around lunch time, but I eat basically anything I want until I am full. About once a week I'll eat twice if I plan to go out for dinner. I don't count calories or anything like that and the hunger pangs aren't as bad as I expected after the first week. Now, eating only lunch feels normal and isn't difficult.

Overall, I'm averaging at about 1.25 lbs per week, ish.
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Nov 15, 2017
I didn't even realize we had started a new challenge!

Anywho, guess I'll start over keeping track.

Current weight: 237 lbs
Current Goal: 205 lbs
Age: 30
Height: 6'1

My schedule changed and I started eating bad again and couldn't get to the gym. But I'm not about to let old habits creep back up. We back at it.


Nov 5, 2017
First update in new challenge! I won't post a weight as I've already got my starting weight and don't want to give Mr Squirrel any more work considering the challenge hasn't even started, but this has become a Sunday ritual for me.

I'm fulling embracing the challenge threads, and want to keep track of where I've come from, so I've marked both challenge periods on my graph :D

Positives from last week: I started weights and DOMS hasn't been too bad. I think I picked good start weights and I'm concentrating on my form since I haven't done this in a number of years. Saying that, it feels good to squat and dead lift again and it's coming back to me pretty quickly. Absurd as it may sound, I'm also feeling stronger after two weight sessions. Combined with the cardio, I'm starting to feel fit, or a least fitter. There's a definite bounce in my step that wasn't there three months ago.

Negatives from last week: I'm on a plateau. I'm attributing it to water retention from the lifting. I noticed I was drinking a LOT and wasn't peeing a lot. Reading up on it would suggest that water retention after weight training, especially after starting, is pretty common. Intellectually I'm ok with this, but emotionally I'll be happy when it starts to go down again. I really want to be in double figures sooner rather than later.


You make it sound way more complex than it is lol... It's just intermittent fasting plus some fairly regular exercise. It actually is super simple and flexible, much more so when it's planned in advance. I think it may be simpler than just winging it and actually gives me more flexibility in eating than just doing 16/8 IF every day of the week.

Actually I see where you're coming from. In the same way I cook most of my lunches on the same day - I pretty much know what I'm actually eating most days. Maybe I'm not "winging it" as much as I think!
Oct 25, 2017
I drank last night for the first time in a few months or something, and won't again in a while. Woke up super dehydrated but weighed in less than I did after the 72 hour fast I did 2 weeks ago, lol. I wish fat loss were that easy! I'd be dropping 4 pounds every weekend.
Actually I see where you're coming from. In the same way I cook most of my lunches on the same day - I pretty much know what I'm actually eating most days. Maybe I'm not "winging it" as much as I think!

Yeah, I pretty much wrote down what I do almost automatically and just made a few tweaks here and there.