
Jun 11, 2020
- about DmC's gameplay
- about comparisons between DmC and mainline DMC

- about DmC's overtly misogynistic overtones
- about how DmC fans (and haters) seem to almost never talk about these issues

Almost exactly one year ago I made a LTTP thread about DmC regarding my appalled reaction to its flagrant misogyny and its poor depiction of its female characters. And almost immediately I go replies from people telling me but um ackshully the gameplay is good and mainline DMC is no better in its treatment of women. And to that I say FUCK OFF, especially after I repeatedly acknowledged DMC's own writing issues in that very thread. Which brings me to the point of me making a new topic about this. I've honestly grown rather sick of discourse surrounding DmC and how people - from both its fans AND its haters - seem to ignore the really important problems this game's writing suffers from. I don't care whether people think it's the best DmC game or whether it's a good game but a bad DMC game - what I care about is the visceral distate I felt the entire time I was playing this game and felt it was a direct attack on marginalized groups from developers who possessed genuine bigotry towards, and no amount of people telling me that the gameplay is actually amazing and the best in the series or what the fuck ever is going to change how I feel about these issues.

If you haven't read my previous topic or don't feel like it, the gist is that I had criticized how DmC's female characters lack agency, strong character motivations, or any genuine development that doesn't involve some kind of targeted sexual violence. There is not a single woman in this game who isn't an accessory to the masculation of a man; every background female character is a stripper or prostitute meant for eye candy and to show how actually really fucking good every man in this game apparently is at sex. Dante's very first scene involves him having sex with two hookers in his dump of a trailer and this is not played in any way remotely ironic or satirical. His first meeting with Kat is flagrantly flashing his junk at her, and I don't think making your main character an unapologetic sexual harasser is a good way to make him endearing off the bat. But that's not even the worst thing that happens to Kat in this game; she's a very weak character who gets no present day development whatsoever, is kidnapped and brutally tortured in order to give Dante some semblance of a personal stake in this scenario, and her backstory involves her being raped and tortured by her father as a child. Rape as backstory is a common fallback for male writers who don't know how to develop a female character in a traumatic way so the only thing they know what to do to give her some "depth" is to subject her to a history of sexual violence. And of course this never actually contributes to Kat's own growth as a character, it's just meant to make us feel sorry for her and to motivate Dante in wanting to protect her.

Beyond that, the only two other named female characters in DmC are Lilith and Eve. Eve is constantly, CONSTANTLY referred to as a whore, a bitch, or a slut by almost every other character in the game that isn't our three main heroes, and of course what happened to her? She was tortured and murdered by demons. Lilith, who says word for word "The world is your bitch, as am I" to Mundus among other phrases of emasculation in his presence, is mostly known for the game's infamous sniper rifle abortion sequence which is so tonally out of touch and tasteless even by this game's low standards, and in spite of Dante briefly going "What the fuck?" at Vergil for it, he gets over it mere moments later and even later mocks Mundus for her and their baby's deaths. Sure she was an evil demon but why the fuck was her death so human and realistic in that case? Was it necessary for Vergil to shoot her pregnant stomach when he could have just shot her in the head killing them both instantly? It's pure shock value and I don't think the game actually wants us to dislike Vergil for his actions considering Dante was perfectly compliant with them and never once even brings it up when the two inevitably fall out from each other's good graces.

But hey, it's not just this game's shitty ass writing that makes me think the writers absolutely fucking hate women. Take a look at this fantastic interview with DmC's very own director, Tameem Antoniades:

"I've nothing against big tits," he assured PSM3. "I'd rather have my head resting on a pair right now – but if you're going to try and stimulate someone on different levels, there's better ways to do it."

"If you look at the stars in movies, the women people find really attractive are often not the ones with the biggest tits. You've got to be attractive on a different level."

True enough, female game leads do tend to be somewhat less aerodynamic and considerably more buoyant than their movie counterparts – Either due to the relative youth of the medium, or simply because of the (wrong) common consensus that most gamers are of the spotty, hormonal male variety.

"We did that in Enslaved with Trip. People loved her, not because she had big breasts and high heels, but because she felt like someone who could be your girlfriend," he said.

"That to me is more attractive than a prostitute walking around with a big gun," he added. "Not to demean prostitutes – it's a valid form of commerce."

Yeah, so Ninja Theory's idea of a strong, attractive woman is one who "[doesn't have] the biggest tits" but rather someone "who could be your girlfriend." In other words, a woman who REMAINS an object of desire for the male player, and not someone with her own independence and agency outside of that. How in the fucking hell can anyone read this interview and still tell me that this game is amazing is something I will never fucking understand about most of DmC's fanbase.

Which brings me to why I'm making a new thread about these issues one year later instead of simply bumping my old thread to do so. Why the fuck do DmC fans constantly gloss over these issues or never even address them when someone else brings them up? It's almost always "This game rules, never understood the people hating it just because of the white hair lololol!" with absolutely nobody willing to engage with this title on a deeper critical level. And when I do see people criticize it it's generally about how it compares to mainline DMC, and like look I get it, I like mainline better than DmC too but that's still not getting to the fundamental point to why I don't like this game. It's a genuinely offensive, hateful piece of work that I believe is truly representative of the anti-Japanese game sentiment that plagued the industry in the 2010s during which this game came out. Tons of journalist pieces would push the agenda that any loser who hated this game was merely butthurt over it being different from the totally uncool Japanese tities. I think this shit really dilutes any possible meaningful critique we could have had in the last ten or so years surrounding what REALLY makes DmC a bad game, and it's not because of its gameplay or its deviation from the original games. It's because it has a truly disgusting, spiteful story that is impossible to overlook when playing it, and I think this is the more serious matter that people should be discussing, and what measures we could take to improve discourse surrounding it from both its fans and its haters.

Look, if you still like DmC after all of this I'm not saying you're a bad person for it. I did finish the game when I played it last year since the gameplay wasn't outright bad and while different from what made me like the originals, still had a fun action game vibe at points. If you can acknowledge the problems this game has even while saying you enjoy it (or at the very least understand why other people wouldn't enjoy DmC as much as you do), then good for you, you're probably not the kind of person I'm bitching about in this topic. But the reason I hate DmC goes far beyond that frivolous stuff and I can barely acknowledge the gameplay or its differences from the original DMC games beyond a footnote of my list of complaints. And I wish I could actually talk about this shit with people on this forum without being told that my complaints don't matter because the game is fun or that the Japanese games have their own issues regarding female character writing. Which they DO, and I don't want anyone coming into this topic thinking I'm saying some shit like DMC has great woman representation, because that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that DmC is WORSE because at LEAST the other games don't subject them to rape, torture, misogynstic insults, and mere tools to make the male characters' dicks seem bigger than they really are.

So yeah, come on and tell me after I wrote all that that DmC is still the best game ever 10/10 the haters are so unreasonable. I'm not letting this shit go because I want to force people to come out and acknowledge this game's problems if I fucking have to, because anytime a thread comes along and the drive-by defenders parrot the same shit I've been hearing the last 10+ years it just drives me up a fucking wall considering what this game actually represents for the writers' own beliefs and the general attitude of the industry at the time.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
i agree and i don't wanna sound dismissive, just in addition as a non-DMC fan and playing only 5, i did not find that game much better either.



Oct 26, 2017
I didn't know there was all that much discourse about this game still online.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the haters are usually pretty quick to bring up the misogyny. The pattern for every thread usually goes lol gameplay, Ninja Theory slides, some journalist mocking and then the thread going really down hill when the sniper rifles come out.


Sep 18, 2022
Tbh I've stopped thinking/talking about this game much at all after DMC5 was announced/released.

Might as well not exist.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It is a little jarring how Ninja Theory went from DmC to Hellblade.

Also, I didn't realize Alex Garland was somewhat involved in supervising the DmC story as well.


Sep 7, 2019
i agree and i don't wanna sound dismissive, just in addition as a non-DMC fan and playing only 5, i did not find that game much better either.

The fact that Kyrie was never on screen, and that stupid scene where Dante refers to Trish and Lady as "those crazy bitches," and Trish and Lady look at each other as if they're saying "noo you're the stupid bitch! Haha"

Fuckin awful


Oct 25, 2017
Good write up. Can't disagree with those points tbh. Still like the game.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The fact that Kyrie was never on screen, and that stupid scene where Dante refers to Trish and Lady as "those crazy bitches," and Trish and Lady look at each other as if they're saying "noo you're the stupid bitch! Haha"
Pretty sure that was Morrison's stupid commentary. Dante spends all his screen time talking them up even when they're not around.
Apr 5, 2022
Good write up. Can't disagree with those points tbh. Still like the game.

And what's even more hilarious about it is (not just you and me who like DmC) but Itsuno the one who spear headed Devil May Cry V and Dragons Dogma 2 actually wanted to do a DmC2 sequel, regardless how this game got any haters? It has its lovers too. As for this thread, It's good that you talk about these issues because some people are either unaware of it or try to brush it under the magic carpet.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
If memory serves, an early proposal for one of the female character designs featured a garbage bag as a dress.
Jul 19, 2020
DmC, alongside Bioshock Infinite the same year, were the 1-2 punch of big games that made me realise most of the media at the time was just woefully unequipped to address games writing in anything but the most shallow of terms. It was the most misogynistic game I had ever played in my life at that point and even to my barely 18 year old ass was obviously atrocious with how it treated women, I couldn't believe the amount of people I saw defending or even praising the writing. Setting aside literally every other possible bit of discourse around the game, the fact it didn't get slated for that properly at the time was an indictment of gaming culture to me.


Oct 27, 2017
Ipatinga, Brazil
I don't want to defend it, it is wrong and was wrong. But also it was a product of its time, 14 years ago it was the transition between the "U R GAY" and a more tolerant and diverse society. DmC is a product of its time, and is hard to cancel things retroactively...


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe its a era thing but I feel like every DmC thread the slide presentation image gets linked, at lest here I dont think its getting a free pass.

I don't want to defend it, it is wrong and was wrong. But also it was a product of its time, 14 years ago it was the transition between the "U R GAY" and a more tolerant and diverse society. DmC is a product of its time, and is hard to cancel things retroactively...

It very much feels like the early 2000 mysoginistic gaming magazines, E3 booth babe era indeed


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
DMC has been a complete mess with its treatment of women after 3.

But DmC is definitely the absolute nadir.

Roy Ayers

Jul 8, 2024
I think this shit really dilutes any possible meaningful critique we could have had in the last ten or so years surrounding what REALLY makes DmC a bad game, and it's not because of its gameplay or its deviation from the original games. It's because it has a truly disgusting, spiteful story that is impossible to overlook when playing it, and I think this is the more serious matter that people should be discussing, and what measures we could take to improve discourse surrounding it from both its fans and its haters.

Genuine question: do you think that Ninja Theory as a creative team has iterated on writing these disgusting, spiteful narratives with their other games? The notion of 'improving discourse' around what's obviously shit seems really ill-advised for a game that is now 10+ years old, and I'd rather focus on the creative talents involved with the narrative that's propogating that shit.

Like with a lot of other topics in video games, the only appropriate solution to stop these narratives from happening is from introducing a writing, narrative and localization team that represents a vast network of cultures and backgrounds rather than the same white dudes that continue to fall upwards in this shit show. But in the context of Ninja Theory...are they *really* doing this repeatedly with the Hellblade games?

Genuinely don't know because after the first Hellblade (and the development of Bleeding Edge ceasing :/), I stopped engaging with Ninja Theory products.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
If memory serves, an early proposal for one of the female character designs featured a garbage bag as a dress.

It wasn't a garbage bag, just looked like it.


Kat's design went through a lot of different iterations. Ultimately they settled on sexy punk Asian girl.






Deleted member 910

Oct 25, 2017
If it makes you feel any better, I don't know anybody that enjoys playing the game that doesn't auto skip every cutscene outside of the final fight.


Jul 25, 2021
I feel almost the opposite, like this is a game from over a decade ago that is now finally (rightly) widely ridiculed and mocked for almost everything to do with its characters everytime its brought up lol.

I think just collectively people have moved on from DmC, which isn't surprising. Tameem isn't in the industry anymore, NT pivoted to Hellblade, Capcom went back to mainline DMC etc.

Never really had the impression that people, especially here, were going to bat for stuff like the last minute grope or the sniper rifle abortion. Some people will like the gameplay but I think even the staunchest gameplay fan would tell you the story and characters are toxic problematic trash.

The Quentulated Mox

Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 10, 2022
Do we really? This game is like 10 years old and only gets talked about when people post shit like "remember this scene"? And then those threads always devolve into scolding anyway


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
San Francisco
I 100% agree with your assessment. I think the only reason we haters don't talk more actively about these issues in this game is that most of us have little to say about it so many years out. It's dead and I hope it never comes back.


Jun 9, 2018
I feel almost the opposite, like this is a game from over a decade ago that is now finally (rightly) widely ridiculed and mocked for almost everything to do with its characters everytime its brought up lol.

I think just collectively people have moved on from DmC, which isn't surprising. Tameem isn't in the industry anymore, NT pivoted to Hellblade, Capcom went back to mainline DMC etc.

Never really had the impression that people, especially here, were going to bat for stuff like the last minute grope or the sniper rifle abortion. Some people will like the gameplay but I think even the staunchest gameplay fan would tell you the story and characters are toxic problematic trash.

Swear to god I've never seen legitimate DmC fans in the wild. There has been a constant stream of hate towards it since it got announced back in 2010. It's beyond beating a dead horse at this point.

Even a decade plus removed from its release the closest thing to praise that ever gets posted is "the definitive edition made solid improvements to the combat" and "the level design in between the combat encounters is a bit more interesting than the mainline games."

Sometimes I feel like I'm in an alternate reality where DmC ushered in a new age of franchise popularity and OG fans desperately have to convince the masses that the old games were superior (à la Fallout or Resident Evil). It's preaching to the choir!


Oct 25, 2017
I really haven't seen anyone like anything from this game outside of its combat since the game released. Everything from the character designs, topics, portrayal of characters, I've only seen negativity. It's to the point where whenever this game is brought up I always know it'll be bad. Shitty game and we good.
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017
And let's not forget other problematic aspects like the tossed off line about "They said I was crazy so I stopped taking my meds so I could still see and fight the demons" and that's framed as a good thing.

I like a lot of things about the game but the story and it's messaging was always abysmal.


Aug 4, 2020
Never really had the impression that people, especially here, were going to bat for stuff like the last minute grope or the sniper rifle abortion. Some people will like the gameplay but I think even the staunchest gameplay fan would tell you the story and characters are toxic problematic trash.

Yeah like even the thread they posted in the OP is filled with people agreeing with them lol.

Like I obviously agree the games misogynistic as hell but it really feels like OPs just making an aggressive strawman.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
The game has a lot of problems, even if it's something I enjoy from an aesthetic/gameplay perspective.

With that said, the sniper abortion scene always felt like a weird piece of the game to highlight to me. It's a demonic fetus inside a demon and Vergil is a piece of shit in the game. That particular instance is odd to magnify as it's just shitty dude doing shitty thing to shitty people.

Even the OPs example of it comes across that way to me.

With all of that said, this is not me going to bat for the game or saying people can't find that cutscene problematic. I just never understood why that was always used as a highlight compared to a lot of the other problematic issues in the game that are well worth bringing up.


Nov 27, 2017
Almost exactly one year ago I made a LTTP thread about DmC regarding my appalled reaction to its flagrant misogyny and its poor depiction of its female characters. And almost immediately I go replies from people telling me but um ackshully the gameplay is good and mainline DMC is no better in its treatment of women.
I checked that thread and I see a whole bunch of people agreeing with you that the way woman are written in DmC is horrible and way worse than other DMC titles. And I want to say this is a complaint I've seen get brought up a lot regarding the game, though the GDC slide is mentioned much more often.

I don't think this is something people typically defend. That said, it makes the rhetoric when the game was new seem especially bad. Reviews for the game were super glowing and I can't remember many people bringing up the problematic aspects of the game back then -- heck, instead they somehow praised the story overall. Even the much newer reviews of the remastered release don't bring up these issues.


Dec 30, 2017
User banned (1 month): dismissing concerns surrounding misogyny
It's 2024, game sucks, we got better, much better dmc back, with the better Dante, game mechanics, enemies, the works. It's probably about time the dmc fans got a new whipping boy.


Oct 29, 2017
This thread just reminded me of how antagonistic Tameem Antoniades was any time he popped up. The dude couldn't seem to do anything but shit talk the old games for not being "cool" and they wanted their Dante to be "cool." What we got was anything but, even back then.

The writing, tone everything about this game was such an embarrassing disaster. Haven't thought about it in a long time.


Jun 11, 2020
Okay I should probably address a couple important notes here considering that I've been accused of strawmanning.

The first is the powerpoint presentation. I didn't bring it up in my OP as a main point for a reason. Yes, I find it very gross and reflective of the internalized homophobia and xenophobia surrounding development of this game. Especially as someone who falls among the LGBT spectrum themselves. But I tend not to talk about it because its effect on the actual game is much harder to quantify. As far as I can recall there weren't any actual homophobic/xenophobic jokes or sentiments within the game itself. I do believe that a lot of the writing is glorifying masculinity but I'm unable to pinpoint any specific scene where the attitude of the slide is actually reflected within the game itself. Instead I prefer to focus on the issues that are clearer and much more in my face when watching this game's cutscenes than the ones I can only truly look at from an outside source.

Which brings me to my second point, which is that I don't think even the people criticising DmC are focusing on the RIGHT issues. In the most recent thread about DmC I saw very few people before my post on the bottom of the fourth page talking about the story's treatment of marginalized groups. It's mainly just stuff like "this scene sucks" or the slides or complaining about the overall edgy teenlord dialogue. The only example of bigotry pointed out was the homophobia which I mentioned in the last paragraph I find extremely difficult to quantify within the actual game. So if I hadn't made it clear enough in my OP, I'm complaining that the existing discourse surrounding this game kinda sucks from both the fans and the haters, because there are never any genuine critiques and conversations attempted between the two sides on issues like how it treats women.

I'm gonna level with you guys, I genuinely do not give a fuck about the "Fuck you" scene or the moment where Dante and Vergil are bragging about their dick sizes. At worst they make me roll my eyes but I genuinely don't consider them to be that important in the long run. But things like every single woman being subjected to some kind of sexual violence or distilled eye candy for the viewer are what stick out to me and make me still think about this game even long after finishing it.

I don't think I'm strawmanning, because I'm not specifically complaining about people liking this game and never bringing up any complaint with it whatsoever - I'm complaining that people from BOTH sides are seemingly ignoring or at best giving cursory nods toward these issues which I feel should be dissected more thoroughly like any good media analysis should. Maybe it's because I took a bunch of film classes in college where we were expected to talk about the movies we watched in ways other than "This movie ruled" or "This movie sucked" but I really want more game discussion to be more like that sort of thing, and I just never see it around here when it comes to certain games like DmC.


Fallen One-Winged Chicken Chaser Employee Are Sick
Nov 24, 2019
Alberta, Canada
did that director dude ever address all this? his current thoughts on Not Gay Guns Big Tits and ProstitutesnotthattheresanythingwrongwiththatTM?


Oct 17, 2018
The impression I had was that whether you like the game or not, pretty much everyone agrees the story is cringe and horrible so it doesn't come up as a discussion point because it's just a forgone conclusion that that part of the game sucks. And it's especially not talked about anymore because the reboot universe is dead and buried so now it's just a piece of history that we occasionally think back on and laugh at how misguided it was.

Roy Ayers

Jul 8, 2024
did that director dude ever address all this? his current thoughts on Not Gay Guns Big Tits and ProstitutesnotthattheresanythingwrongwiththatTM?

How does a director address the narrative of a game whose writing talent is more than likely not even there anymore? (Cause Tameem and Garland were the writers on the game, and they're not involved with the studio anymore.)

It's up to the current management of Ninja Theory to prove to consumers that they've matured past misogynistic/homophobic writing. Again; haven't played anything from them since Bleeding Edge so I am not sure how it is on that front.


Fallen One-Winged Chicken Chaser Employee Are Sick
Nov 24, 2019
Alberta, Canada
How does a director address the narrative of a game whose writing talent is more than likely not even there anymore? (Cause Tameem and Garland were the writers on the game, and they're not involved with the studio anymore.)

It's up to the current management of Ninja Theory to prove to consumers that they've matured past misogynistic/homophobic writing. Again; haven't played anything from them since Bleeding Edge so I am not sure how it is on that front.
Oh my bad. I missed that Tameem isn't the studio head/still there


Feb 28, 2023
honestly? any person who still just pretends that DmC doesn't have a ton of issues all the way back from development of the game clearly just does it in bad faith and don't really deserve to be talked to. most people who like the game also just straight up agrees that the story and development of that game just sucked and they really only commend the gameplay aspect of it, so they would just agree with all of your talking points

besides, it's a dead game that will most likely never be touched again. i honestly believe that a lot of discussions that involve DmC "gloss" over it's horrible treatment of women because, aside from point 1 that it happens in bad faith, there's really not much to talk about it that wasn't talked about. the game is dead, capcom did dmc 5 and everyone loves it and anyone who is mentally sane agree that it has a super shitty story. kinda hard to have a discussion after that

The impression I had was that whether you like the game or not, pretty much everyone agrees the story is cringe and horrible so it doesn't come up as a discussion point because it's just a forgone conclusion that that part of the game sucks. And it's especially not talked about anymore because the reboot universe is dead and buried so now it's just a piece of history that we occasionally think back on and laugh at how misguided it was.
i feel pretty much this too


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
This game sounds gross as fuck, wow. I'm not a franchise fan of DMC or DmC so I don't have much to contribute but yeah that sucks. Neither here nor there but you used the word "emasculate" but in the context of the sentence I think you meant the opposite. Don't know if it was a typo but emasculation is the action of demeaning a man's, er, "manliness", of make them look weak.

Anyway thanks for the writeup. I've seen the slides before and read the interview snippets with Tameem but didn't know about much of the games content and will happily continue avoiding ever playing it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I remember always bringing this shit up when the game released but was always told that I was only mad because Dante didn't have silver hair. I hated this game and everything around it so much, that DMC5 reveal was a good send.


Jun 11, 2020
So is that it, there's no reason to discuss this component of the game anymore because the mainline series has been revived already and DmC will never get a sequel? People discuss social issues in old media all the time, I don't see why this can't. Like this shit is deeply reflective of the values of the industry at the time and isn't just contained within its own bubble divorced from the things that plagued other video games and developers' attitudes even to this day. And I just want to see more discussion around the actual important issues with DmC's writing so that more people are just aware of it on a deeper fundamental level than "The writing is cringe, the end" and also just expand their critical thinking about the portrayal of women in video games in general. But I guess that's too much of an ask for a ten year old game that's never getting a sequel even though there's games and movies decades older than it that people are still talking about in-depth to this day.


Oct 27, 2017
There was so much gaslighting around that game - just mocking and derision if you had issues with it. People saying the story was always seen as bad are revisionist as well. Check reviews at the time: some will say the story is a weak point, others say it's a highlight because of the embarrassing attempt at social commentary. EGM said it's "brilliant." A casual dismissal of the story is the harshest you'll find, and I haven't seen any contemporary reviews actually call out any of this problematic content. Online discourse was the same, with people saying it was finally a Devil May Cry with something to say. 2013 was a different time but it really wasn't that long ago, and everything about this game is fucking embarrassing in hindsight. If you said you had issue with any of this stuff at the time people would say you're just a bitter weeb who's angry because they changed his design.


Oct 30, 2017
California for now
My sibling notices right away during their playthrough and it's just one of those things that I brought up as a point of discussion along with those very famous Dante slides that they did during the presentation.

It's just one of those things to be aware of and yeah I actually truly appreciate this being talked about. I'm honestly surprised I could have swore I saw a YouTube video that covered this a few days ago but I guess it ended up being a Batwoman or Catwoman thing! (A similar issue but a different one!)


Oct 27, 2017
That a large amount of the gaming press stuck their neck out for this game is emblematic of the period for me. Lots of


aimed at anything Japanese or 'immature' (which is the ultimate irony).


Oct 27, 2017
That a large amount of the gaming press stuck their neck out for this game is emblematic of the period for me. Lots of


aimed at anything Japanese or 'immature' (which is the ultimate irony).
The tie to Bioshock Infinite is apt and funny considering the praise that game got for its awful, awful messaging. It's like people were amazed that games could have social metaphor, but didn't think to actually look at what message they were trying to convey.