Thread title

  • Emerald

    Votes: 175 66.3%
  • ORAS

    Votes: 89 33.7%

  • Total voters


Feb 10, 2019
So whats the general consensus. Which games you loved more.

In my opinion i love emerald but that said, ORAS is very different from the originals and i am glad i played them too. New characters, new story arcs, mega evolution, upgraded 6th gen visuals, a slightly different stories, new pokemon distribution.

Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Been far too long since I've played Emerald for me to say if ORAS is better, but I enjoyed going through ORAS a lot.


Mar 22, 2019
I have yet to really check out BDSP (because it's not even out yet, but I have read up on the leaks) but from what I'm seeing I'm gonna keep preferring the remakes to the original 3rd versions.

Never liked the Battle Frontier nor any iteration of it so that loss isn't really anything to me as far as ORAS goes and I'm not a huge fan of gen 3 to begin with.

For BDSP the battle speed being fast is enough for me and I'll leave it at that (at the risk of spoiling people.)


Oct 30, 2017
ORAS sucked, it's the only thing that's giving me pause to the BDSP remakes, but the return to form for visuals/style is making me feel a bit better


Oct 26, 2017
ORAS is objectively better than Emerald. Better mechanics, better campaign, better graphics. Ok, no battle frontier, but there's dexnav, super training, megas, hordes, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not that oras is completely awful but the game cut the battle frontier which was just a damn shame and it had the inherent ease of difficulty that post Gen 5 games started to have. Also the system that they had to reintroduce old legendaries was just the lamest idea. Still feel their could have been a more creative solution to include those or atleast one that didn't hand them to the player on a silver platter.


Feb 10, 2019
ORAS is objectively better than Emerald. Better mechanics, better campaign, better graphics. Ok, no battle frontier, but there's dexnav, super training, megas, hordes, etc.
Thats true but you also have to take account that emerald has both team aqua and magma, the story is quite different and better


The Fallen
Dec 5, 2018
No battle frontier in ORAS sucked but soaring is one of the coolest things in core Pokémon games ever
Oct 31, 2017
ORAS, I never really liked the megas but a lot of the additions that were made are top notch. No battle frontier is a total bummer though :(


This guy are sick of the One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
Hoenn is bad in Gen 3 and Gen 6, but what ORAS did is better I guess in terms of features.


Oct 27, 2017
Really really doubt that platinum will be more loved than the new games when it's all said and done.

Just like ORAS is superior to Emerald


Dec 16, 2019
I loved ORAS and never understood why has been critiqued so much, especially since every discussion starts with the famous meme "too much water 7/10". I played Sapphire to death and the remake does a pretty good job. That being said, I often see Emerald being considered the best pokèmon game to date (haven't played that), so I'm not so sure about the poll results either way


Aug 22, 2020
ORAS are cool games, wish the DP remakes looked visually even half as good. I think ORAS does a lot with it's qol features to make it my preferred way to experience that region.


Oct 25, 2017
I need to go back and replay ORAS but the difficulty and shortcuts introduced kinda made the game feel a lot smaller. I think there was some cool features and I am a fan of megas though.
Mar 11, 2020
Have to agree, who's we here? BDSP is looking good imo, despite some hating the style look of it, it looks like it does have good post game content by the leaks and some of us do like the chibi style


Oct 25, 2017
Hard for me to give this a fair assessment because ORAS was the least I enjoyed playing a Pokemon game.

At the same time, I never felt Emerald was actually all that special, Battle Frontier was a great idea handled like poop as it twas the olden days where the games couldn't scale your team to lvl 50 or 100, you had to have your actual pokemon at those levels yourself, so either way, you gotta griiiiiind.
So basically Battle Factory was all I ever did.
What else did Emerald add? getting mugged by two trainers at once who are forced into teamwork because they can't wait their turn? some rather naff pokemon encounter animations where Azumaril shuffled for like 10 seconds?
And Rayquaza telling the kids to knock it off already.


Dec 18, 2017
ORAS. Emerald and games before the phys/spec split are hard for me to go back to. Plus I liked the postgame additions.


Jan 1, 2018
I voted ORAS > Emerald. My reasoning is that although ORAS lacks some content only found in Emerald, ORAS is better overall because of all the QoL improvements.
Feb 15, 2019
I remember the ORAS games having kiiind of a bad rap (as in many were a bit disappointed in them) and I never knew if that was solely because there was no Battle Frontier or something else because outside of that and perhaps missing the cool Emerald Rayquaza scenes, I thought ORAS was superior to Emerald in every other way basically.

Besides, I can't hate on the homie mega Beedrill.


Oct 25, 2017
DexNav, Soaring, cool New Mauville redesign, a bunch of QoL. It's just missing the Battle Frontier. I'd probably put them as equals, but if ORAS had the BF, it would be an easy win. DexNav is just too good.
I'm severely disappointed in how ORAS and now BDSP ignored their respective third version. BDSP is actually even worse off because Platinum did a lot of tweaks to Sinnoh's visuals like the Galactic HQ using assets that actually fit Team Galactic's theme, Stark Mountain's exterior looking like an actual volcano.

GF is very "lucky" that Platinum was essentially the last third version because the next few gens have excuses for not including neat features from decade old expansions.

EDIT: ORAS not at least having Gym Leader rematches was the most baffling decision ever. At the frontier could be explained by GF simply not wanting to or not having enough time to build a frontier compatible with Gen 6 mechanics, ORAS has a rematch mechanism built into its engine and the gym leaders are all just... left out of it.
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The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
I like emerald more but the dexnav was a fantastic feature. Please pokemon stop cutting unique features!


Mar 26, 2019
Not "we", since I like what I've seen of BDSP; so at the moment:
BDSP = Platinum

Then again, I also really liked LGPE.


Oct 27, 2017
I liked Gen VI's 3D battles and missed them in Gen VII, but the main benefit ORAS has over Emerald to me is the Special/Physical split (or, more importantly, acknowledging literally anywhere in game which attack stat a given attack is dependent on). Otherwise, I'll take sprites, the Battle Frontier, and the generally excellent performance of Gen III over Gen VI any day.

(Of course, of you're looking at the games from a competitive multiplayer standpoint, ORAS wins indisputably, with online connectivity, drastically more moves and mons, and actual tools to raise a competitive team.)


Jan 22, 2021
I'll wait for BDSP to come out before saying anything about that but regarding the question...

I'd go with ORAS. No Battle Frontier is its only minus really (but we did get Delta Episode), otherwise it did what I'd like to expect remakes to do: update the old games to be on par with the current generation, ORAS felt like a good continuation to things introduced in X/Y.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
It is way too soon to have this discussion about BDSP in relation to Plat.


Oct 27, 2017
ORAS is so much better than Emerald it's not close:

- DexNav
- Soaring
- Upgraded Secret Bases
- Much better Mirage Spots system instead of one useless island
- Delta Episode
- Revamped Mauville
- Revamped Sea Mauville
- Updated Elite 4 rematch teams
- All the gen 6 QoL, PSS included
- Things that render all the water sections a bit more bearable


Jul 25, 2021
ORAS for QoL and fanservice.
Emerald for the better challenge and postgame.
Depends on player preferences.

Also my copy of Alpha Sapphire stopped working recently. Seems like it was hit by that plague. Dumped the cart and save beforehand fortunately. A reminder of how corporations arent to be trusted and that DRM circumvention tools are the only reason you'll be able to play your games down the road. Omega Ruby still works fine for some reason. Went ahead and dumped that too.

Based on the BDSP stuff, it looks like a similar case of different games catering to different preferences, with no clear winner.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
Is there anything to argue over this? I get it many people will prefer BDSP over the originals but if you bring Platinum to the equation, theres nothing to argue over this. We know everything what BDSP has to offer from the leaks
There's loads to argue. BDSP has way more (and better) post game content. They have the legendary events included, and probably the Arceus event included too. The gym leader rematches look better too.

None of us (legally) have played it but most people I've seen have said that from what they've seen BDSP looks better than Plat, it's just a shame the Plat content wasn't in.


Oct 25, 2017
While HGSS is loved by many fans, it's also based on Gen 4, which means the speed at which actions occur are awful and the art direction around that time was too soft and the colors were muted (with the exception of the sprites, which I greatly preferred over Platinum's). While they did improve Kanto and add two of the cut dungeons from the original back while adding a few more from Gen 1, they neglected to fix most of the problems with Johto (in fact, they opted to make Whitney lower level) which should have been the main focus. The much-lauded gym rematches might as well not even be there considering the hoops you need to jump through to get them. I would rather play the originals before it, honestly, it's aged quite horribly.

Emerald vs ORAS, I just tend to like sprites more I guess. The Battle Frontier is cool and all but in the long run I didn't really miss it too much outside of the Factory and the Pyramid. ORAS has one of the best egg routes in the series which I'm honestly more broken up over losing than I ever will the Frontier. DexNAV was a neat feature but worked horribly with the EXP Share and Catch EXP (the real culprit behind overleveling most of the time), wasn't a fan of giving the player a free Latias/os either. It's a tossup really, I enjoy playing both.

From what I've seen of BDSP I will likely never be touching the originals again outside of prototypes I need to test. While it does suck to lose some of the Platinum features and trainer parties, I would rather play a game with modern features and not have to wait several years for wild battles to start and HP bars to dwindle. Plus even though I'm not a fan of the DP levels, they seem to have finally improved on trainer battles themselves by adding held items to the mix. The rematches also look way better than Platinum's ever were.


Jan 28, 2019
Hoenn is just bad in general but if I had to play one I'd play ORAS just because of the physical special split and updated movepools. Any Hoenn game would be my last choice in general though.