
Oct 25, 2017
Welcome to the official topic for the PS4 clan for Warframe!

To request an invitation to the clan, post in this topic with your PSN name and I'll forward it to the appropriate people. A clan Discord is also available here!


"They were called Tenno. Warriors of blade and gun: masters of the Warframe armor. Those that survived the old war were left drifting among the ruins. Now they are needed once more.

The Grineer, with their vast armies, are spreading throughout the solar system. A call echoes across the stars summoning the Tenno to an ancient place. They summon you.

Allow the Lotus to guide you. She has rescued you from your cryostasis chamber and given you a chance to survive. The Grineer will find you; you must be prepared. The Lotus will teach you the ways of the Warframes and the secrets to unlocking their powers."

Come, Tenno. You must join the war.

Platform: PS4
Warframe Wiki: Here!
Release Date: November 15, 2013
Genre: Action
Price: Free to Play
# of Players: 4 player co-op, solo mode available
Publisher/Developer: Digital Extremes
Next Update: Estimated to be mid-November


Warframe Beginner's Guide
Warframe Advanced Parkour Guide

(More to come)



Ash is great for players looking for a stealthier approach to combat. Lethal abilities are complemented by powers of distraction.


Atlas: Titan of stone, lord of the earthly elementals.


Using sonic attacks and acoustic target detection, Banshee is well suited for stealth gameplay and is capable of filling both attack and support roles.


A master of the deadly elements, Chroma can alter his damage output by changing his energy color.


Ember is a nightmare for light-armored targets. Ember can super-heat the air which opens up surprising crowd-control possibilities.


Split between day and night, Equinox manifests aggressive and defensive forms at will.


A perfect balance of mobility and offense, Excalibur is the ideal Warframe for new players.


By channeling moisture and vapor in the surrounding environment, Frost creates formidable defenses and lethal attacks from sub zero conditions.


The battlefield trembles before Gara's crystalline power, her ringing touch transforming opponents to targets of brittle beauty.


Always prepared to sacrifice. This monastic Warframe uses the void to bolster allies' defenses and amplify their lethality. (Harrow)


Rising from the ocean depths, Hydroid harnesses the power of water to a devastating effect.


Risen from the sands, Inaros commands the desert's fearsome power.


With her quiver of tactical arrows, this huntress prowls unseen and strikes without warning. (Ivara)


Limbo manipulates the very planes of existence to divide his enemies and conquer them in the rift.


Desired by advanced players, Loki offers a variety of specialized reconfiguring abilities. The creativity of Loki's powers allows players to master the battlefield through manipulation.


With full command of surrounding magnetic energy, Mag is an expert at enemy manipulation.


With a steady hand and quick reflexes, Mesa is a true gunfighter.


A master of illusion, Mirage confounds the enemy in a spectacle of style and power.


Nekros uses his dark powers to manipulate his enemies, both living and dead.


A petite and playful facade conceals this frame's immense power. (Nezha)


Command the infestation to mutate and grow ever more destructive. (Nidus)


Nova uses electromagnetic energy to contain and control highly volatile antimatter that fuels her abilities.


Mind control and psychic attacks make Nyx a very dangerous foe. Her ability to reach into enemy consciousness and manipulate their behavior can turn the tide of battle.


Equally adept at healing friends or striking down the enemy. Oberon embodies the balance Tenno are sworn to uphold.


Compose her song and then conduct the mighty mandachord, turning bass, beat and melody into an anthem of devastation. (Octavia)


Rhino is the heaviest Warframe, combining offensive and defensive capabilities.


Saryn's venomous attacks are horrifyingly effective against organic and synthetic enemies, and her ability to 'shed' her skin makes her very elusive.


Take flight with this mischievous pixie. (Titania)


Trinity is great for players who prefer a supportive role. Warframes with healing technology are rare making trinity a great equalizer when the odds are stacked against the Tenno.


Forged in the labs of the Zanuka Project, the original Valkyr was subject to cruel experiments, leaving her scarred, angry and frighteningly adept at killing.


The highly tactical Vauban uses his powers to create deadly traps that can zap, imprison and dimensionally crush enemies.


Volt can create and harness electrical elements. This is a high-damage Warframe perfect for players who want a potent alternative to gun-play.


A primal warrior with the heart of a trickster. (Wukong)


Specializing in air attacks and mobility, Zephyr dominates from above.


Q: Which Warframe/weapon/sentinel should I use?
A: Use whichever sounds interesting to you! No, really. DE does a great job of balancing each frame and weapon and almost all are viable until super late endgame. For that, there are many resources to find endgame builds!

Q: Do I need to pay real money to enjoy this game?
A: Not at all! This game offers platinum as a way to acquire Warframes/weapons/etc without grinding, but all items can be acquired without spending a penny. Plat can also be used to rush crafts, but you'd be better off grinding for more parts while it builds or leveling another frame.

Q: What should I use my starting platinum on?
A: Warframe or weapon slots.

Q: How do I join the clan?
A: Drop a message in here and I'll forward it along.

Please keep in mind that because of the origin of the clan, our clan and in-game clan chat is forum neutral, and members may come from both sites. You don't have to be neutral on the matter and certainly, many of us here came for a reason, but you're expected to be respectful to all clan members regardless of their origin.

Q: I haven't received an invite yet after requesting an invite? What gives?
A: Warframe scales resources required for clans to complete "research" by the clan tier they belong to. This is done to prevent large clans from having a significant advantage over small clans. As such, our clan tries to remain around 100 members, because if we exceed this limit, our resource requirement raises significantly.

Clan leadership may decide to change our tier if there's sufficient interest, but at the time being, we're capped at 100 members and you may not receive an invite until someone leaves or inactive members are removed. Please be patient!
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I'll clean this up tomorrow and try to figure out why a few of the pictures aren't displaying. This took a lifetime to make and I'm tapped out right now. :P


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't played since like 2014. Want to check out the new update though, will it be hard to get back into the game?

Nah, there's a tutorial you can opt into that explains everything. There's a lot of us to help explain and run things as well.

Plains (the open world update) is an estimated November release for consoles, so it's coming up!


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
Yes! Destiny 2 refugee that just started after playing Warframe in 2014. Got tired of D2 and decided to give Warframe another shot.

I LOVE this game.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, there's a tutorial you can opt into that explains everything. There's a lot of us to help explain and run things as well.

Plains (the open world update) is an estimated November release for consoles, so it's coming up!

We still only know it's coming in November? Shouldn't we have date by now? How was the launch on PC, did it bring a lot of performance too? I remember them talking about all the adjustments and performance improvements they made to support open worlds.


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously though, I've done four sorties now and got a sculpture every time.

Deleted member 3968

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
You have to actually have it equipped not just use the quick melee. Hold triangle to actually switch to it.

Deleted member 3968

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Bonus. You should still notice a difference though it scales with MR so you probably wouldn't notice it as much as me. Maxes out at about 4x credits.

used to be 11x :(


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
How many of you guys are taking advantage of the twitch drops campaign? While 99% of the time, you'll get stuff like starbursts and grand finales, its a really solid way to get Nitain Extracts too.

Deleted member 3968

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I never liked the idea personally. I get why they do it, but I don't like exclusive shit like that, or twitch for that matter. Only thing I need from the list I saw was smoke colours anyway. It encourages bad energy saving habits too which also bugs me. Also, you know bandwidth caps.

Seraphis Cain

Oct 25, 2017
Glad to see we're all set up in our new home now. :D

Still taking it easy while I wait for PoE to hit PS4, then I'll be back in. Though with ESO's Clockwork City DLC coming out so close to PoE, I might have to split my time between the two, heh.


Oct 25, 2017
How many of you guys are taking advantage of the twitch drops campaign? While 99% of the time, you'll get stuff like starbursts and grand finales, its a really solid way to get Nitain Extracts too.

Might have to leave a stream up or something tonight. Never seems to work for me.

As a general note, by the way, I'm still trying to figure out what's up with the name and how to best communicate join requests to the clan mods not here yet.

Not sure if we have spots or not either. I'm working on figuring it out though. Unless Eldritch_Spectre has any input on that.


Oct 25, 2017
I never liked the idea personally. I get why they do it, but I don't like exclusive shit like that, or twitch for that matter. Only thing I need from the list I saw was smoke colours anyway. It encourages bad energy saving habits too which also bugs me. Also, you know bandwidth caps.
Agreed. Putting valuable items in the rotation was a huge mistake, it turned something that should have been a fun little bonus into a Twitch farm. It certainly gave Warframe's Twitch numbers a temporary boost, but that came at the cost of turning that whole directory into a mess of clickbait streams no-one actually watches.

Though I guess I'm part of the problem since I ended up "farming" way too many streams for a long time to get the Frost skin I previously intended to buy. Welp.


Oct 25, 2017
Is it a good time to start to play Warframe(ps4) now? Never played before and looking for a good loot and coop game (to play with my destiny 2 friends)


Crash Test Dummy
Oct 25, 2017
I just started playing Warframe but on PC. Loving it. I notice the thread title says PS4. Do we not have any PC Warframe players? Do they hang out here too? Wouldn't mind getting into a beginner friendly clan or if the discord is active - an invite there maybe.

I don't feel like much of a noob when it comes to the games mechanics. I feel I have a solid grasp of everything I've been introduced to up until this point - and studied the wiki beforehand and as I go along.


Oct 25, 2017
I just started playing Warframe but on PC. Loving it. I notice the thread title says PS4. Do we not have any PC Warframe players? Do they hang out here too? Wouldn't mind getting into a beginner friendly clan or if the discord is active - an invite there maybe.

We did have our own thread but I don't know if they're all on Discord or if anyone's making an OT or what.


Oct 25, 2017
That open world update is tempting me to jump back in. Played the game a crazy amount at launch and for about three months after, got burnt out though.


Crash Test Dummy
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Why the segregation? I have never seen a situation where console and pc guys have their own threads for the same game. Damn. Well thanks. I will lurk in here I guess. :(
The reason I think was because the clan is separate on each and the games are staggered by an update. For example, PC has the open world update and we're looking at it coming mid-November.

Another factor was that the PC clan might be in different alliances or have a different clan size. The reason we try to cap around 100 members is because Warframe scales clan research requirements by size. If we go over 100, it puts us over a "storm clan" and the research requirements for new clan blueprints goes up by a factor of like... 30, if I'm not mistaken.


Crash Test Dummy
Oct 25, 2017
The reason I think was because the clan is separate on each and the games are staggered by an update. For example, PC has the open world update and we're looking at it coming mid-November.

Another factor was that the PC clan might be in different alliances or have a different clan size. The reason we try to cap around 100 members is because Warframe scales clan research requirements by size. If we go over 100, it puts us over a "storm clan" and the research requirements for new clan blueprints goes up by a factor of like... 30, if I'm not mistaken.
Oh didn't know the updates were not released at the same time. Well I will probably still post here if thats cool lol

I just got stuck in a one hour long survival. Jesus christ. The first 30 mins were cool but we were getting hammered at near the end.


Oct 25, 2017
Updated the FAQ a bit.

Might have to start farming Mesa today and the remaining Harrow parts...


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Is there a mod to pull the bow and charge it faster?

What's the best and worst melee weapon type?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
Is it a good time to start to play Warframe(ps4) now? Never played before and looking for a good loot and coop game (to play with my destiny 2 friends)

This was me about a week ago.

I have a group of friends that played D1 religiously. D2 has burned us out with nothing else to really play right now. We moved to Warframe and WOW its a breath of fresh air. Sure its overwhelming and a little confusing but its got the depth we need to keep us engaged. We really just need something to do while chatting and leveling up, Warframe has this in spades. You will even find yourself asking how a team so small is able to do things that the community in Destiny has been asking a long time for.

You should watch some beginner guides on you tube before you start it REALLY helps.


Oct 25, 2017

Just finished the last sortie for today and I'm loving my Ivara build. Probably going to throw Primed Flow on it too because why the hell not, but I'm staying invisible the entire mission. Spy missions I literally set to solo and just walk right through the lasers with infiltrate. It's hilarious.

Another sculpture though. :(


Oct 25, 2017
Hello. Nice to see us up again. You might want to add a little note to the FAQ for the complete newbies that the MK-1 starter weapons suck, and you can get a nice little boost without any crafting by buying a basic Braton rifle from the market for credits.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
So WarframeERA, how do you balance between using the weapons/frames you actually want to use and using new stuff to go up in MR?


Oct 25, 2017
So WarframeERA, how do you balance between using the weapons/frames you actually want to use and using new stuff to go up in MR?
I've yet to find there's a frame I outright hated when I used it. Even the tonkor grew on me when my first impression was "this thing sucks, what's the fuss about?"

I kinda figured I'd rush to MR12 to get access to syndicate weapons and then just use builds I liked. Haven't seen anything after 12 that seems like a big unlock.


Oct 25, 2017
This was me about a week ago.

I have a group of friends that played D1 religiously. D2 has burned us out with nothing else to really play right now. We moved to Warframe and WOW its a breath of fresh air. Sure its overwhelming and a little confusing but its got the depth we need to keep us engaged. We really just need something to do while chatting and leveling up, Warframe has this in spades. You will even find yourself asking how a team so small is able to do things that the community in Destiny has been asking a long time for.

You should watch some beginner guides on you tube before you start it REALLY helps.

Thanks for the insight...
Is it fun to play coop ?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Echo Base
Thanks for the insight...
Is it fun to play coop ?

Yes. You can co-op with 4 players instead of 3 like in Destiny. We have been running everything together and its been awesome.

Hello. Nice to see us up again. You might want to add a little note to the FAQ for the complete newbies that the MK-1 starter weapons suck, and you can get a nice little boost without any crafting by buying a basic Braton rifle from the market for credits.

This is what I am doing right now. The Braton is MR2 but its a huge upgrade.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I've yet to find there's a frame I outright hated when I used it. Even the tonkor grew on me when my first impression was "this thing sucks, what's the fuss about?"

I kinda figured I'd rush to MR12 to get access to syndicate weapons and then just use builds I liked. Haven't seen anything after 12 that seems like a big unlock.

When did you try the Tonkor? It used to be unbelievably good (pre-2016) because explosive weapons would automatically deal headshots and it had negligible self-damage. Both of those things have since been changed so now you can't easily score AoE red crits and you blow yourself up with your own grenades.

As for MR unlocks, almost everything's open to you by MR12. MR13 has Tigris Prime and Galatine Prime, the former of which is one of the best weapons in the game. MR14 has Euphona Prime, which is a good and fun secondary, but that's it!

Also hi Warframe community. I play on PC primarily but I don't think there's an OT for us yet.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I've yet to find there's a frame I outright hated when I used it. Even the tonkor grew on me when my first impression was "this thing sucks, what's the fuss about?"

I kinda figured I'd rush to MR12 to get access to syndicate weapons and then just use builds I liked. Haven't seen anything after 12 that seems like a big unlock.

When did you try the Tonkor? It used to be unbelievably good (pre-2016) because explosive weapons would automatically deal headshots and it had negligible self-damage. Both of those things have since been changed so now you can't easily score AoE red crits and you blow yourself up with your own grenades.

As for MR unlocks, almost everything's open to you by MR12. MR13 has Tigris Prime and Galatine Prime, the former of which is one of the best weapons in the game. MR14 has Euphona Prime, which is a good and fun secondary, but that's it!

Also hi Warframe community. I play on PC primarily but I don't think there's an OT for us yet.

I'm already MR 12 but I still feel compelled to level stuff other than my favorites. It goes fast but sometimes I wish I could just double down and start formaing a loadout and stick with it while still progressing.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I'm already MR 12 but I still feel compelled to level stuff other than my favorites. It goes fast but sometimes I wish I could just double down and start formaing a loadout and stick with it while still progressing.

Yeah, I get that feeling.

I know a lot of people who like to do Berehynia to quickly level MR fodder up to 30 and then ditch it, but I burnt out on Draco a long time ago and never felt like jumping back onto that ship. Generally when I'm working on leveling equipment I prefer to take things slow and throw on one, maybe two, unranked and/or newly forma'd things at a time while using other gear that I like to use, want to experiment with, or can depend upon while doing missions that I'd be doing anyway. It takes longer, but so be it.

I didn't like new Archwing movement so I put off leveling Archwing stuff beyond Itzal/Fluctus/Knux until they were literally the last things I had access to that weren't 30. MR's nice, but chasing it isn't worth not enjoying yourself.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I really like Ivara. The cloak arrow is incredibly useful. I usually shoot one into the ground and just shoot everything in sight while I'm invisible.
But I'm not really sure about the other 3 arrows or the arrow that you control in first person. I'm not sure how useful that can be.

Deleted member 3968

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
You can shoot other ppl's sentinels with cloak arrow to make them invisible but it's hard to land as they move so much.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I need to get back into this game. I was in the old clan for a looooong time but I was removed for being inactive for too long.

Hopefully when the Plains are released I can get into a clan again because man, every time I try to log in now my screen is just flooded by general chat talk I don't want to read.