
Oct 29, 2017
Well, I suppose. But the lack of it certainly doesn't help matters.

I mean it's extraordinarily unusual for a game like this *not* to have any concept art for the creatures, right? Especially since this game was first revealed quite a long while back?

Err no it's not unusual for a game that released less than a week ago to have not released concept art. Listen to what you're saying.

Don't get me wrong I have zero trouble believing Palworld has plagiarized material based on some of the model comparisons (I think it's more likely than not they did), but saying well because they haven't released the concept art it proves something is silly.
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Jul 11, 2018
I don't even know if there's actual official flat artwork for the game at all, is there? I didn't see any in the cursory glance of the press kit but I've not spent a great deal of time looking for it. Wondering if people who've followed the development more closely have any?

Their other game Never Grave, which seems to be inspired by Hollow Knight, has some:


The game:


Not gonna lie the game has interesting mechanics, like possesing enemies and cooking them

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
This is everything they've put up






Yeah, this was an odd choice. Looking at the wireframes, it looks like they've created it themselves, but why copy it so closely? It doesn't look good without the pearls, and if you're recreating it from scratch you may as well produce something that looks more natural.
Same reason why so many of the other fake Pokemon have oddities design wise. Think of it this way. When plagiarizing an essay and trying to replace certain words with synonyms or remove them entirely it is common to arrive at a situation where a sentence no longer has proper structure. Now apply that to copying character designs.

Also good find on the boss artwork. Are they an example of copied homework too or is that just the monsters?
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Oct 27, 2017
AI or not it clear looking at them the monsters are Frankenstein's parts of Pokemon's put together because the game got no art style at all its a mess of things put together

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Pretty late to this but yeah, this is so blatant that I'm surprised this discussion is anything other than dunking on the developers. It's plagiarism and I'm shocked to think that some don't see it that way.


Oct 25, 2017
seeing all over the internet that people really do have zero concept of what the word parody even means, much less in a legal context
Oct 27, 2017
Incredible how far this back and forth is going right after the hbomberguy plagiarism video blew up like it did.

Really looks like if Somerton had been plagiarizing fun indie games rather than videos, a good contingent of users here on Era would still be rallying behind the guy on the grounds of "but I have fun with the game so it's really not that bad".


Oct 25, 2017

View: https://x.com/ttvpalmer/status/1749992787016053102?s=46&t=7_NvZAFMBM9UqTTd2Vcdvg
My buddy fell for this :X

He really doesn't think there is any plagiarism or copied assets/modified on top of assets

I mean what's wrong in calling out that bad faith twitter user whose misinformation was taken as gospel in this thread for way too long?

We're now at the point where the severity of plagiarism is far removed from where it originally stood.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean what's wrong in calling out that bad faith twitter user whose misinformation was taken as gospel in this thread for way too long?

We're now at the point where the severity of plagiarism is far removed from where it originally stood.
What's bad faith is pretending this user said 1:1 when that isn't evident in the screengrabs you post. Doesn't have to be 1:1 to be plagiarism
Incredible how far this back and forth is going right after the hbomberguy plagiarism video blew up like it did.

Really looks like if Somerton had been plagiarizing fun indie games rather than videos, a good contingent of users here on Era would still be rallying behind the guy on the grounds of "but I have fun with the game so it's really not that bad".
Somerton was a pretty unique example where someone with significantly more clout than him had the time to gather an immense amount of evidence of not only the plagiarism but just being a shitty person in general.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't Byo specifically speaking on the basis of proportions? How are you going to accurately compare proportions without scaling so that we can see how they map up?

Considering what scaling is - just flatly multiplying values to make them bigger with no other change - I'd have to imagine that it's arbitrarily easy to do in a modeling program. Hell, you don't even need to use a modeling program to do it, if you're using an engine like Unity you even have a scale option built in so you can just pop in a number and have a different instance of that game object at a different scale. I've used that option in Unity myself and I've spent very little time in modelling programs. If it's arbitrarily easy, it would be arbitrarily easy for the Palworld developers to scale a model they took from elsewhere.


Like, here's an image and an upscaled version of the same image. Do you believe that the upscaling makes them such different pieces of art such that the credit for the artwork should change between them?

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Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
The AI thing continues being a red herring and is disappointing to see it being perpetrated here because it only serves to promote AI products as this thing that is capable of churning out fully modeled and animated Pokemons instead of barely functional products that aren't anywhere near ready to be used. By actively making this about AI you're propagating the false narrative that the current AI state is able to do all of this and only drives more and more interest in their product to the average joe.

Main issue here is the potential plagiarism.
Note that people aren't saying they used AI to get fully functioning 3D models up and running. As by my knowledge there's only one method to "generate" assets and that is by using the generator that scraped the data of an amazing

View: https://x.com/ttvpalmer/status/1749992787016053102?s=46&t=7_NvZAFMBM9UqTTd2Vcdvg
My buddy fell for this :X

He really doesn't think there is any plagiarism or copied assets/modified on top of assets

The image "refuting" that the proportions aren't identical literally has aspects of the model that are identical, like the tail, and the person behind the comparison has been pointing out the differences between other models for days. He also said day one of the comparisons that SOME of the assets are incredibly similar. And no, he is not admitting to scaling the models like the tweet you posted claims.

And from day one he had the stance about animal abuse. That was a good attempt at character assassination tho.


Oct 25, 2017
What's bad faith is pretending this user said 1:1 when that isn't evident in the screengrabs you post. Doesn't have to be 1:1 to be plagiarism

It doesn't have to but makes for a much stronger case. We're not only discussing whether it's plagiarism to some degree, but many are interested whether it's far-reaching enough to have serious consequences. And i myself wrote that if what people are (were) claiming about these, in hindsight fake/ and/or misinterpreted, twitter remarks was true, then the Palworld devs were in real deep shit sooner than later.

Now, I'm much less inclined to believe so.
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Oct 25, 2017
seeing all over the internet that people really do have zero concept of what the word parody even means, much less in a legal context
I guess it really isn't always so clear-cut, no? Would depend on the country and if "fair use" is a thing there (which doesn't seem to be the case in Japan), after which it would need to be decided by a court of law.

In some countries, I'm sure a claim could be made (e.g. it's relying on people's familiarity with the Pokemon franchise and deriving humor from the juxtaposition of something family-friendly with...guns and slavery), even if it might not be so strong.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It doesn't have to but makes for a much stronger case. We're not only discussing whether it's plagiarism to some degree, but many are interested whether it's far-reaching enough to have serious consequences. And i myself wrote that if what people are (were) claiming about these, in hindsight fake/ and/or misinterpreted, twitter remarks, then the Palworld devs were in real deep shit sooner than later.

Now, I'm much less inclined to believe so.
So then the person moving goalposts is you, not the person being quoted in the Twitter thread you posted. That's bad faith, not the behavior you called bad faith.


Oct 25, 2017
"They sclaed the models" may be the most brainrotted defense so far.

And where is the model that's just scaled up or down but otherwise identical? That's the laughable thing, even the much/quoted not-Lycanrock has so many differences that pointing to the god damned tip of the otherwise distinct mane hair and declaring checkmate was ridiculous.


Oct 25, 2017
I guess it really isn't always so clear-cut, no? Would depend on the country and if "fair use" is a thing there (which doesn't seem to be the case in Japan), after which it would need to be decided by a court of law.

In some countries, I'm sure a claim could be made (e.g. it's relying on people's familiarity with the Pokemon franchise and deriving humor from the juxtaposition of something family-friendly with...guns and slavery), even if it might not be so strong.
wut? parody has to do with comedy and making fun of something, like a cartoon having a restaurant called "McRonalds". it doesn't mean you can make your own McDonald's.

fair use is using reasonable portions of something for the purposes of making a point/commentary/critique like a news show or video essay using footage so that they can talk about it. it does not just literally mean "fair to use"

neither applies to this either way. they made a product and are selling it there is no joke and it's not a documentary on the societal impact of video games with a short clip of Pikachu
a good contingent of users here on Era would still be rallying behind the guy on the grounds of "but I have fun with the game so I *MUST* defend him".
what's the point of posts like this?
"these strawmen I created are lying/have hidden motives and would probably also do ABC made up and terrible thing in imaginary scenario XYZ for reasons that are illogical and unreasonable"

no offense but this is not a good or even relevant argument


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
seeing all over the internet that people really do have zero concept of what the word parody even means, much less in a legal context
I'm not sure why you would expect average people online to be well versed in legal minutiae. And parody isn't really a cut and dry concept, it's one of those things that has many interpretations.


Oct 25, 2017
...add "fair use" to the list of concepts people do not understand.
I'm not sure why you would expect average people online to be well versed in legal minutiae. And parody isn't really a cut and dry concept, it's one of those things that has many interpretations.
I said "much less in a legal context" meaning they don't even understand the basic concept, and when it comes to the more complex legal concepts even less so. that does not imply that I expect average people to understand legal minutiae whatsoever.

and sorry but if you think ripping off a product/IP can potentially fall into parody simply because it can be interpreted as humorous or something you don't really know what you're talking about either. that's not a thing. if it were we would have McRonalds and Starducks Coffee locations all over the USA.

MAYBE there would be an argument if it was all part of a comedy TV Show like Nathan For You but even then it is pretty clearly not allowed to be exploited in such a way. no judge in court is going to say "damn he got us, someone could ostensibly find this funny so therefore it's parody, there's the loophole" they're going to see through your attempt to skirt the law and enforce the very obvious spirit of it.


Oct 28, 2017
It's just really discouraging to see so many dismiss the plagiarism and gleefully applaud the game. It shouldn't be ok to take any artist's design work and use it wholesale in very obvious mishmash combinations.

A lot of comments in the sales thread or on social media are basically justifying it like, "As long as the game is successful and enjoyable in some way, people are okay to ignore any controversies. It is what it is."

Are gamer standards that low? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, whatever gives the next dopamine hit, I guess.

Paula B.

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 13, 2021
Rio de Janeiro
My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".


Jan 16, 2020
My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".

If Nintendo or TPC took down the game it'd send a wave of 7m+ users their way with pitchforks. Not sure they want that.

I'm expecting the inevitable Pokemon presents on Pokemon day to be an absolute bloodbath
Oct 25, 2017

View: https://x.com/ttvpalmer/status/1749992787016053102?s=46&t=7_NvZAFMBM9UqTTd2Vcdvg
My buddy fell for this :X

He really doesn't think there is any plagiarism or copied assets/modified on top of assets

The proportions being identical does suggest they were working with the pokemon model at some point. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe this particular pal model isn't in the current version of the game (although presumably it's in the files if this person has access to it). Between this and other examples I've seen, I get the impression that they were initially working with pokemon models and eventually went back and recreated them, but clearly they're still mighty close in some places. Whether the pal designs are different enough to be considered legally distinct is something for the court to decide if TPC does decide to go after them.

My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".

My guess is they've got the lawyers trying to work out out if the designs are infringing, and people looking through files looking for actual theft of assets. That could take a while.


May 26, 2023
I just looked at the steam page, PocketPair has 3 games in early access without counting the metroidvania HollowKnight coming out Q1 2024 ? 4 early access games ? And people don't question things like that and find it strange ? Yeah, ok.


Jun 8, 2021
We have none. People infringing on an IP have only 2 outs
1. the IP holder doesn't think it worth their effort to file a case
2. the infringer proves to court that there is no infringement.
Woof well that seems bad in general, but also bad for Palworld.

Do you know of any similar cases like this? The copying homework but change a few sentences sort of plagiarism?


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
If Nintendo or TPC took down the game it'd send a wave of 7m+ users their way with pitchforks. Not sure they want that.

I'm expecting the inevitable Pokemon presents on Pokemon day to be an absolute bloodbath
Yeah. I think they're weighing their odds of winning any potential suit they file over this against whether that win is worth the resulting PR dumpster fire. Taking down fan mods and the like is one thing, but I wouldn't be surprised if even they're thinking pretty hard when the subject in question is a 6 million-plus selling game that's all over the internet right now, even leaving aside the fact that building a case takes time.
Oct 29, 2017
I just looked at the steam page, PocketPair has 3 games in early access without counting the metroidvania HollowKnight coming out Q1 2024 ? 4 early access games ? And people don't question things like that and find it strange ? Yeah, ok.
Nah but people pointing out these things are just an "angry mob"…
In all seriousness this is just The Day Before but with a halfway decent product this time. Cannot believe people are willingly getting fleeced


Oct 25, 2017
It's just really discouraging to see so many dismiss the plagiarism and gleefully applaud the game. It shouldn't be ok to take any artist's design work and use it wholesale in very obvious mishmash combinations.

A lot of comments in the sales thread or on social media are basically justifying it like, "As long as the game is successful and enjoyable in some way, people are okay to ignore any controversies. It is what it is."

Are gamer standards that low? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, whatever gives the next dopamine hit, I guess.
I can see why it would feel discouraging but to be fair that is also true, people are not obligated to have a dog in this fight and can just enjoy plagiarized entertainment if they want. Everyone does not need to be outraged or take a stance in a battle between 2 for-profit corporations. True about everything in life, really. There are much more important things people don't take stances on/get involved in where I think they should, so like you said, not exactly surprising that something like this might not even be of concern to many.
My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".
This was my question earlier this week as well. We've known about Palworld for years so unless new information on release like their potential use of models came to light that caused them to change their mind and start putting together a suit then they probably already decided they don't want to/wouldn't win if they pursued it. So I figure a month or less from now we will already know.

I wouldn't worry too much about it setting a new precedent, obvious ripoff shovelware is not new, this just happens to be getting more attention than usual. If it's allowed, it's not really a new frontier of pseudo-plagiarism that has been opened up, it has always been allowed to rip stuff off as long as they don't cross certain lines and make certain efforts. If they did cross a line then they'll get their comeuppance, system working as intended.

Paula B.

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 13, 2021
Rio de Janeiro
If Nintendo or TPC took down the game it'd send a wave of 7m+ users their way with pitchforks. Not sure they want that.

I'm expecting the inevitable Pokemon presents on Pokemon day to be an absolute bloodbath

And do they want more than 7M copies (and counting) sold of a game that is copying their work? Let's be honest, the pitchforks have already being raised against them, take one look at youtube and you'll see a bunch of videos claiming the success of Palworld is a stab against them. Would "taking down" or taking a cut of Parldwold's revenue be that big of a problem to Nintendo, TPC and Game Freak' PR? They have done far worse.


Jun 8, 2021
My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".
The cynical part of me thinks it's just because Nintendo primarily will go for easy targets. Smaller YouTubers, modders, fan game devs, going after Palworld with all the money it's made is going to be a much harder ordeal.

I'm balancing that with the idea that it could also be that they have a good chance of losing, or they're getting all their ducks in a row.


Oct 25, 2017
If they're not taking action and we don't know yet really it's not even been a week it just means contrary to how the angry people in this place might feel there is no legal case here worth fighting.

If there is a case Palworld is still an easy target like people this is a small ass team in their home turf country. Who has the better lawyers? Indie team that scrambled to make this release or the Nintendo institution.... I dunno I feel this isn't even a real question.


Nov 22, 2018
I just looked at the steam page, PocketPair has 3 games in early access without counting the metroidvania HollowKnight coming out Q1 2024 ? 4 early access games ? And people don't question things like that and find it strange ? Yeah, ok.
What do you mean, pointing out what exactly? They're making several early access games?


Oct 27, 2017
My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".
Because they have nothing except speculation. If they had and they cared to they would have shut it down before it could release. It hasn't been kept top secret, it's been publicly out there for years.

Rip offs and creatively bankrupt games are nothing new, steam and eshop is full of 'em.


Oct 25, 2017
I bet the Nintendo/Game Freak/TPC Slack channels are lighting up rn talking about all the same stuff we are lol

If Nintendo or TPC took down the game it'd send a wave of 7m+ users their way with pitchforks. Not sure they want that.

I'm expecting the inevitable Pokemon presents on Pokemon day to be an absolute bloodbath
IMO 7M+ sales would make them more likely to sue (if they intended to), not less. In fact it would be one of the few IP protection endeavors they could pursue that would actually be worth their while, unlike going after fans for throwing Pokemon themed parties and making their own game projects.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
If Nintendo or TPC took down the game it'd send a wave of 7m+ users their way with pitchforks. Not sure they want that.

I'm expecting the inevitable Pokemon presents on Pokemon day to be an absolute bloodbath
I didn't even think of this. Yeah the more sales that it gets the more it's going to probably annoy them, but if they go after it and get it shut down they have millions of players angry at them by default.

Not sure why I didn't think of that before.


Jun 9, 2019
My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".

There's no legal case here (and maybe it doesn't exists at all), if you think this is plagiarism, as now, it just your opinion (and of a lot of people at least).

Also the game didn't came from nothing, if they had something the game probably would not even be launched given Nintendo previous legal chases.

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".

Obligatory IANAL but the issue with the mod is that it was open-and-shut since they were using Pokemon straight up, no lawsuit was filed only a C&D was sent to a single individual who would probably would not like to risk a legal nightmare for a mod he whipped up in a few days. Regarding Palworld there is no "Pokemon" to C&D for so to speak. If TPC is looking at pursuing litigation for plagiarism of their assets in the creation of Pals, they're going to want to make sure the case is absolutely watertight. If a prospective case doesn't go their way a bad precedent could be set for copyright going into the future. Pocketpair is also now flush with the resources to defend themselves if need be, so it won't be as easy as going after a single youtuber/content creator for mods.

Because of how popular Palworld is TPC might have a case for damage to their brand but that's iffy to me too (again, layman here not a lawyer) because stolen assets or not Pals are not Pokemon. No one's memeing about Pikachu or Snorlax getting beaten up by human characters or wielding guns. Palworld is very derivative but it's not using TPC's IP directly.

I think that suing Pocketpair is going to be a headache, no matter what.


Oct 27, 2017
My biggest question is why Nintendo, The Pokémon or Game Freak company haven't done anything against Palworld. When it comes to taking down mods that infringe their copyright they're so quick, but even ex-Nintendo employees like Kit and Krysta seem to think no legal action will be made and instead, Nintendo and the TPC are just going to hope this game gets forgotten. Honestly, if a game can successfully get away with plagiarism like Parlwold, then I'd be very scared about the future of the industry. Not to mention, I feel for all the artists whose complains are being brushed off by youtubers and other content creators just because "why defend the billion dollar company?".
Because there's no legal plagiarism here


Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo could take almost all of the Palworld revenue (in addition to forcing closure) if they did pursue and win in court btw. I'm sure this is now part of the conversation internally, if they are still deciding whether and when to pursue.

Reading the replies, this person genuinely has no clue lmao

Jesus why do I even have a Twitter account
This person makes a much more compelling and rational contribution to the conversation around the modification of models which might impact a hypothetical court case

View: https://twitter.com/Majora__Z/status/1749499571955249551?t=cjJhz-WXPUzzhuaXXLsJGA&s=19%5B/URL


Oct 31, 2017
Ottawa, Ontario, CA
Incredible how far this back and forth is going right after the hbomberguy plagiarism video blew up like it did.

Really looks like if Somerton had been plagiarizing fun indie games rather than videos, a good contingent of users here on Era would still be rallying behind the guy on the grounds of "but I have fun with the game so it's really not that bad".

I have no issue with people having fun with Palworld but lots are bending over backwards to defend the most clear cut case of plagiarism I've ever seen in the gaming industry at this scale.