
Oct 25, 2017
Developer: Riot Games
Platforms: PC
Price: Free to Play
Release: Summer 2020. Beta To be announced.

128-tick servers, at least 30 frames per second on most min-spec computers (even dating back a decade), 60 to 144 FPS on modern gaming rigs, a global spread of datacenters aimed at <35ms for players in major cities around the world, a netcode we've been obsessing over for years, and a commitment to anti-cheat from day one.

Valorant is a tactical 5v5 character-based shooter set in a near-future version of Earth. There'll be around 10 characters at launch with more coming. All the characters have a set of four unique abilities, two of which you have to buy with money earned between rounds, at the same time you buy weapons and armor.

Once you've chosen your character, you're locked into them for the entirety of a match, which consists of up to 24 rounds with sudden death in the event of a tie. Currently there is only one main mode: Bomb defusal. Just like in Counter-Strike, one team must plant a bomb at a bomb site while the other team defends.


Deep Dive

How Does it Compare
Hero Guide
How it was made

Hands On
Hero Guide
Everything We Know
Release and Beta

What We Expect


Valorant PC Specs

Recommended Specs - 60fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-4150
  • GPU: Geforce GT730
High-end Specs - 144+fps
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz
  • GPU: GTX 1050 Ti
Minimum Specs - 30fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-370M
  • GPU: Intel HD 3000
PC Hardware recommendations:
  • Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • 4GB RAM
  • 1GB VRAM
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017



Now with hud


Oct 25, 2017
The meme coms again.

This is not how it's gonna sound in game at all.

Looks fun to try for a week or two though.


Oct 25, 2017
Looks better than how I felt it did with the screenshots and all that.
Definitely want to give it a try!


Oct 28, 2017

[spike] has been planted

Also the team chatter is one thing but the twitch memes at the end are cringecity. "not like this XD!!!"


Oct 25, 2017
I know it's in Alpha, but are the abilities gonna look like that in the full release? The art style of the map, characters, and abilities really clash. The characters are one thing, but the abilities look like some temporary WIP type shit.

Any way to get into beta/early access?
Seriously. For a website named "", you'd think there'd be something.


Oct 27, 2017
I love the clean art style. Everything really pops right out immediately.
The meme coms again.

This is not how it's gonna sound in game at all.

Looks fun to try for a week or two though.
B-b-but they were cursing, and they censored it so you'd know it was definitely naughty words they said!

boy power

Jul 29, 2019
Probably looks more exciting to people who like CS:GO. For me this just looks dull.

The white-haired guy looks like a snack though. That's all the excitement I'm getting from this.


Oct 28, 2017

Eliminate all ability shout lines from gaming please.


Oct 28, 2017
Those guns are also at the centre of the in-game "economy", which is very similar in concept to Counter Strike again, or indeed the gold-based shopping of League of Legends. Games are played in a first-to-twelve format, which takes a good half an hour, or longer if it's a close one. Matches are attack versus defence, with one team trying to plant a bomb and the other trying to prevent them. The maps, of which there'll be four at launch, Riot says, will have a mix of two or three points to attack and defend. You win a round by either killing all five of the enemy team members or successfully planting a bomb and seeing it through to detonation - or diffusing it once planted, if you're on defence. And you play the game in chunks, so you'll be defending for several rounds then attacking for several and, coming back to the economy, it's between these individual rounds where you have a chance to buy weapons, armour and - crucially - more charges of your abilities. That economy is intended to be "team-based", so the better your team does in a round the more money you have to spend before the next one, on those bigger and better guns and the like. In a nice touch that you'd hope would encourage teamwork, you can also ping a weapon from the menu and another teammate can buy it for you with a single click, helping the wealth trickle down from that one ringer on the squad.

As an aside on modes themselves, it's just this one at launch but Romleski did say the team was "interested in exploring" other, faster or more casual modes, and that the core one's length may change slightly if the community deems it necessary. Anna Donlon also added it's "definitely" on the team's list. "The team has been very focused on the competitive part... The questions we've been kind of debating amongst ourselves is: would you hold that back to wait to establish the more casual mode or would you put competitive mode out for the audience we think it's for, start building that audience and start building a community - and then also at the same time be working on something that could be maybe a little bit more broad reaching or something that you would just want to play to decompress? ... Do we wait to launch the game so we have that? I think the answer is probably no. Do we prioritise that work? I think the answer there is probably yes."


Also lol

To get briefly technical, as I understand it Riot claims to have struck a deal with internet service providers that will route internet traffic directly from you to Riot's servers, via service called Riot Direct, which it says means an average of 35ms ping for at least 70 percent of players at launch. I can feel the eyes glazing over, don't worry, so in basic terms: much less lag, regardless of where you are. At the top end of the scale, competitive players and streamers that have been known to move across the continent of North America to get physically closer to servers, so that their ping is low enough for high-level play, can breathe a sigh of relief. For myself and most others, it's just another quiet reassurance.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Looks pretty dull to me, mechanically and visually, but I also get bored of Counter Strike pretty quickly so the formula just ain't for me.


Nov 16, 2017
Just worried about the abilities because otherwise it looks amazing. Will try it out for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
Legit looks like a Overwatch mod for CSGO.
Seems like this is the best one of the richest developers in the world can come up with. But sure, they go where the money is. This game will be a huge hit if handled right.
It just shows in what a sorry state the creativity and willingness to take some risks in the AAA space is nowadays.


Oct 28, 2017

Valorant Preview: A Deep Dive On The New Hero-Based Tactical Shooter From Riot Games

We share our hands-on impressions and speak to multiple key developers behind Riot Games' next big title.

'brimstone' 'cypher' 'viper' come on family.

One of the biggest pushes Riot is making with Valorant is giving everyone an equal chance of success so that players are excelling based on skill rather than gaming the system. One key component for this initiative is Riot Direct, a global network started by Riot in 2014 that features points of presence for gamers to lower their ping by choosing the most efficient route for the player data through the ISP networks.

At launch Riot is aiming to give at least 70 percent of players less than 35 millisecond ping and host all games on dedicated 128-tick servers. Not only that, but all player movement is upsampled to 128 frames per second to compensate for lag; if an enemy player is lagging due to poor connectivity, their movement will still appear smooth on your screen. These advancements hope to solve problems often associated with online titles, including peeker's advantage, where because of small delays in the data reaching the other player, an attacking player peeking around a wall can sometimes see and shoot a defending player before they can react.
While Riot has shown a commitment to using technically proficient methods to combat common problems for online shooters, the studio says players don't need to be as high-tech to enjoy Valorant. Riot plans on rewarding players who have access to powerful machines that have a GTX 1050 Ti or newer by delivering 144 frames per second or even better, but the studio says players can get 30 frames per second on a machine with an Intel i3-370M CPU and an Intel HD 3000 GPU. Obviously, better machines will provide better experiences, and in turn, potentially give competitive edges to those players, but Riot is working to design ways to give players with lower-tech setups all the help they need to diagnose the problem.
Though this is the first real information released about Valorant since its announcement as Project A last October, fans don't have long to wait before they can get their hands on Riot's new shooter. Riot tells me it's currently targeting a summer launch, with a pre-launch closed beta test coming prior to that. While 12 heroes and 4 maps might not sound like a lot, Riot is committed to supporting Valorant over the course of several years, just as it has done with League of Legends.


Oct 25, 2017
aren't guns just better than abilities?

The abilities are supposed to be supplemental to the gunplay, like all the various grenades and molotovs in Counter Strike but with more stuff that isn't restricted to what is "realistic". You even have to spend money to get more uses, you don't just get them naturally.


Oct 25, 2017

Eliminate all ability shout lines from gaming please.

Yeah this annoyed me in the video also.

It felt like the Characters never shut up, but at some points I was getting confused between the characters and the players talking.

Maybe it'd be less annoying with a few volume tweaks since in that video it was pretty much the same level as the voice chat.


Dec 19, 2017
The abilities are supposed to be supplemental to the gunplay, like all the various grenades and molotovs in Counter Strike but with more stuff that isn't restricted to what is "realistic". You even have to spend money to get more uses, you don't just get them naturally.
ohh ok thx


Oct 29, 2017
That's the aim. Abilities are supposed to be utility.

I can understand that but the giant smoke/poison cloud thing that covered a huge area on the plant point seemed pretty important. A lot more important than a utility grenade.

Edit: Also the 30 minute or more per match is just too long for me. I play a lot of Siege right now and that already pushes how long I want to play on the same map with the same people.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks kinda fun, but im not digging the art style and the contrast between the cartoonish characters/abilities and the semi-realistic guns.

Deleted member 43810

User requested account closure
May 23, 2018
There's so much more to peeker's advantage than just having the best netcode in the world, good luck solving it.


Oct 25, 2017
Already 2k people in their discord that JUST opened up lol.2k+ On their subreddit as well.

Valorant PC Specs
Recommended Specs - 60fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-4150
  • GPU: Geforce GT730
High-end Specs - 144+fps
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz
  • GPU: GTX 1050 Ti
Minimum Specs - 30fps
  • CPU: Intel i3-370M
  • GPU: Intel HD 3000
PC Hardware recommendations:
  • Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • 4GB RAM
  • 1GB VRAM


Oct 28, 2017
End friendship with anyone saying "not like this" or similar memes over voice chat.


Oct 28, 2017
The efforts begin with Riot's Vanguard cheat detection system used in League of Legends. This proprietary system detects cheaters using a living list of detection methods, then instantly ends games where cheaters are found and bans the cheater. In addition, all Valorant matches are server-authoritative, meaning that players can't trick the server with things like speed or teleportation hacks. Finally, Riot is instituting a new fog of war system to battle wallhacks. This system omits enemy locations on players' systems until just before they enter each others' line of sight.
