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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I see we're back at trying to find that unicorn candidate with a perfect spotless record on everything. The saying Dems need to fall in love, Republicans fall in line is on the money.

I despise Netanyahu with a burning passion and consider a full fledged war criminal that needs to be buried under a jail cell, but if Kelly clapping during his stupid speech is enough to say 'nope', I don't know what people are looking for. Every candidate is going to have negatives and positives. If Kelly is the best partner veep and is the recipe to beat Trump, which is the ultimate goal, we gotta vote no matter what.
Pick someone who doesn't fucking clap at genocide then if you want people to vote.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Everywhere and nowhere
If anyone is curious about Kelly's stated positions on arms for Israel, he is in favor of putting conditions on future arms transfers to pressure Israel to reduce civilian casualties. Everyone is getting caught up in one tweet about clapping. In terms of policy, and as a sitting member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he has said more than Harris has on putting conditions on aid for the IDF.

To date, Harris has expressed sympathy for protesters and civilian deaths in Palestine but has not advocated publicly for conditions to be placed on arms transfers and aid to Israel.
Bruh the vp can't completely undermine the president out loud hell they had her tone down her speech calling for a ceasefire don't be daft. It's obvious what you are doing.
Oct 27, 2017
If anyone is curious about Kelly's stated positions on arms for Israel, he is in favor of putting conditions on future arms transfers to pressure Israel to reduce civilian casualties. Everyone is getting caught up in one tweet about clapping. In terms of policy, and as a sitting member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he has said more than Harris has on putting conditions on aid for the IDF.

To date, Harris has expressed sympathy for protesters and civilian deaths in Palestine but has not advocated publicly for conditions to be placed on arms transfers and aid to Israel.

These are his own words:

Sen. Mark Kelly finally begins to define himself — as Biden's reelection shill

Opinion: U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly was once a political cipher. Now he's a soldier of the left, carrying water on two issues Biden needs to get reelected.

Kelly gang we are back.

j/k sort of.


Oct 28, 2017
Calling for a ceasefire is the easiest thing in the world when it means you're in favor of peace and not really picking sides. No one is going out on a limb by calling for a ceasefire.
You must not have been paying attention to politics much in the past year. Many people, elected and non-elected, have been painted as virulent anti-semites calling for a ceasefire. Just a few months ago thousands of college students were getting national news coverage and doxxed being painted as the coming of the 3rd reich in America by asking for a ceasefire.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
: nervous laughter :
I don't know what that means.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA
It makes zero sense to me to blindly believe a tweet about who clapped during a speech without any video evidence. We don't know if Kelly clapped or not, and if he did was it a golf clap or was he actually enthusiastically clapping?

Making your mind up on Kelly as a VP based on a single tweet that we don't know is true or not is dumb. Rushing to judgement just about never leads to good decision-making.


Oct 26, 2017
Bruh the vp can't completely undermine the president out loud hell they had her tone down her speech calling for a ceasefire don't be daft. It's obvious what you are doing.
I'm not sure what speech you're referring to. I'm talking about policy vs politics. People are reacting to Kelly clapping and I'm referring to Kelly's publicly stated policy position. I understand Harris as VP would not undermine President Biden. But I don't see how Kelly is more regressive than Harris on the issue of Israel and Gaza. Now as the democratic nominee for President, Harris has an opportunity to make her own position clear, even if it does conflict with Biden's. She has that freedom now.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Uh...Harris is still below Trump in that graph and I don't see any numbers in the article.

Also, I would have expected Biden to get a bump after stepping aside.
I truly don't think there's an act or event that could bring Biden's numbers up, it's why there was such a desperate struggle to get him to step aside.


On Break
Oct 25, 2017
It makes zero sense to me to blindly believe a tweet about who clapped during a speech without any video evidence. We don't know if Kelly clapped or not, and if he did was it a golf clap or was he actually enthusiastically clapping?

Making your mind up on Kelly as a VP based on a single tweet that we don't know is true or not is dumb. Rushing to judgement just about never leads to good decision-making.

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Underscores U.S. Complicity In Gaza War

In a roughly hourlong speech, the Israeli prime minister portrayed the two nations as standing together against a common enemy, from Iran to the International Criminal Court.

He (Netanyahu) even won huge applause for condemning Americans who have protested the war, casting them as agents of Iran and "useful idiots" — a line that Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.), who is reportedly being considered as a potential running mate for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, clapped for.
Oct 26, 2017

MSNBC played a longer version of this clip. I highly recommend watching the whole thing if you can find it. It's extremely moving. Any person of color or someone in a marginalized group can relate.

And the profanity at the end is the icing on the cake. Lol. And Republicans can't complain because their guy curses on the regular at campaign events. Also when Trump curses it's related to his personal grievances, but if you watch the longer clip of Kamala, it builds-up and then her profanity is about knocking down barriers to achieve your own goals. Harris has the ability to be nurturing and then hard-edged in a blink of an eye, which is great.

It's amazing how all these clips of Harris are rising up to the surface and almost every single one just ends up humanizing her and showing she's actually a part of our generation instead of the ancient Boomer ruling class. It's sooo refreshing.


Oct 25, 2017
It's amazing how all these clips of Harris are rising up to the surface and almost every single one just ends up humanizing her and showing she's actually a part of our generation instead of the ancient Boomer ruling class. It's sooo refreshing.
It's so good. Reminds me of the excitement among young people around Obama.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
MSNBC played a longer version of this clip. I highly recommend watching the whole thing if you can find it. It's extremely moving. Any person of color or someone in a marginalized group can relate.

And the profanity at the end is the icing on the cake. Lol. And Republicans can't complain because their guy curses on the regular at campaign events. Also when Trump curses it's related to his personal grievances, but if you watch the longer clip of Kamala, it builds-up and then her profanity is about knocking down barriers to achieve your own goals. Harris has the ability to be nurturing and then hard-edged in a blink of an eye, which is great.

It's amazing how all these clips of Harris are rising up to the surface and almost every single one just ends up humanizing her and showing she's actually a part of our generation instead of the ancient Boomer ruling class. It's sooo refreshing.
It's a really good piece of public speaking in how it escalates and builds up until you hit the perfect moment to drop the curse.


Oct 26, 2017
Seen clips of the Netanyahu speech online.

Absolute grim, grim viewing.

Every single member of Congress applauding.... shameful.

I've so little hope in the future of US politics.


Oct 28, 2017
Arkansas, USA

Netanyahu Speech To Congress Underscores U.S. Complicity In Gaza War

In a roughly hourlong speech, the Israeli prime minister portrayed the two nations as standing together against a common enemy, from Iran to the International Criminal Court.

This is much better than a summarized tweet, thank you. I'd still like to see it on video before I judge his actions.

It makes a big difference if he was enthusiastically clapping (which would be disgusting behavior) or if he just golf clapped because everyone around him was clapping.

That said he shouldn't have been there to begin with, but maybe he has a good reason for why he thought he needed to be there. Someone should ask him about it.


Nov 8, 2022
Walz looks like the average white dad tbh. I think some of you have Hollywood look expectations.

I like Walz, Kelly, Pritzker and Shapiro.
Cooper sounds good on paper too.
Besheer I like, but i'm afraid he might crap on live tv. He should get a job in the admin tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Def not a good look from Kelly and it's an unforced error on his part to clap for the war crimInal. He's gonna have to explain himself satisfactorily if he wants the job.

I do like Walz a lot


He can play folksy but cleans up well if necessary. Has a great story himself as a former HS teacher and career in the military. He can talk to multiple demos and comes across as a good, empathetic person.

Beshear also is like a more raw version of the same thing. Reminds me of Harris in 2019/2020. Just needs reps getting out in front of people but his ability as someone rural that can speak the language but offer progressive solutions is so important. I'd prefer that dynamic over having two young suburban AG types in Harris and Shapiro on top. I don't think he has as broad support outside PA.

Y'all have to understand that they're playing to the middle now and trying to cover where you're seen as weak. That's how it works in these contests. Biden and Harris themselves as VP picks were examples of this. Now that doesn't also mean you just pick anyone that will upset the base or go against their values.

What ultimately matters is who she has chemistry with and who she feels comfortable can take over in an actual crisis.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
The wildest thing to me about that speech is that you had a foreign leader of an ally nation come to the US, address the country's legislative seat of power, openly insult US citizens...while that body applauded.

I know wilder things have happened in that room. Still, that jumped out to me.


Entering pupa stage
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
If Kelly clapped to that line it certainly makes me question his political instincts and would go in the negative column.

But to defend not voting for Harris if she picks him, as though her publically condemning Netanyahu is somehow undone by that definitely seems illogical to me.

Why would Kelly be able to dictate policy on I/P as Kamala's veep when Kamala wasn't able to as Biden's?


On Break
Oct 25, 2017
If Kelly clapped to that line it certainly makes me question his political instincts and would go in the negative column.

But to defend not voting for Harris if she picks him, as though her publically condemning Netanyahu is somehow undone by that definitely seems illogical to me.

Why would Kelly be able to dictate policy on I/P as Kamala's veep when Kamala wasn't able to as Biden's?

I just have flashbacks to Biden working behind Obama's back as VP when it came to pressuring the Israelis. I definitely do not want to see a VP that goes outside their bounds to potentially complicate a peace making process, or the security of the region in general.


Mar 28, 2018
The wildest thing to me about that speech is that you had a foreign leader of an ally nation come to the US, address the country's legislative seat of power, openly insult US citizens...while that body applauded.

I know wilder things have happened in that room. Still, that jumped out to me.
Same, it's truly bizarre.


Nov 11, 2017
Unfortunately the VP is all about balancing optics. I know people meme it but she really does need the white bread dude. With the age backlash of Biden, probably should also be younger looking. Which I think unfortunately knocks out Walz, Whitmer, Buttgieg, etc.

I think Kelly, Shapiro, and Beshear probably fit the bill the closest. I think Kelly is valuable as a senator but I think he's the choice. Being a life long servant from military to spaceman to senator leaves him hard for the right to criticize and he has broad appeal. I think Shapiro would face antisemitism from the right and pro-isreal criticism from the left deflating him. Beshear I think is young and ernest but him not being from a swing state is a hard sell when picking someone from a swing state is pretty much a guarantee W for that state.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
The wildest thing to me about that speech is that you had a foreign leader of an ally nation come to the US, address the country's legislative seat of power, openly insult US citizens...while that body applauded.

I know wilder things have happened in that room. Still, that jumped out to me.

Most of the people there didn't consider protesters to be "real" Americans anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
Walz looks like the average white dad tbh. I think some of you have Hollywood look expectations.

I like Walz, Kelly, Pritzker and Shapiro.
Cooper sounds good on paper too.
Besheer I like, but i'm afraid he might crap on live tv. He should get a job in the admin tho.

I'm looking more at the long game. If Kamala wins and can sustain enthusiasm from her base she might get two terms. The VP is generally best positioned to get the nom afterwards. So I'm looking at any potential VP from that aspect -- is this person someone I want as President, and are they even a viable candidate in eight years? I say we need someone younger than Harris for the VP spot. Enough with the boomers (he's on the cusp but he's much more late Boomer than early GenX). We need someone who in eight years can carry through the same kind of energy and youth appeal that Kamala has now. Yes, I'm being very optimistic at the moment, but Kamala has given me that hope.


Oct 25, 2017
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The wildest thing to me about that speech is that you had a foreign leader of an ally nation come to the US, address the country's legislative seat of power, openly insult US citizens...while that body applauded.

I know wilder things have happened in that room. Still, that jumped out to me.
Yeah, just sad
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