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Oct 25, 2017
Waiting on the local preliminary mayor election results like

I'm tired af but my cat wants to be on my lap so I guess I'll keep F5ing.


Oct 28, 2017
F all of this election talk .... where is the lewandowski footage with the official lawyer. I need to see all of that. The smug look he and his republican cronies had all day was annoying. I need to see the tables turned.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh great another bill to die in the Senate
These are bills that can pass Day 1 of a Democratic government.

Trump will not be removed from office, and Kavanaugh will not be removed from the bench. By your logic, those are even less important for the House to focus on.

Democrats in Congress couldn't properly message an impeachment if Trump actually did shoot somebody on 5th Avenue.
It has nothing to do with "messaging" impeachment. The American public does not care that much, and the media doesn't cover it unless it drives some narrative that gets viewers. You cannot sell them all a bill of goods they have no interest in.

Republicans don't have good "messaging". They just say the things they know their rabid voter base wants to hear. Preaching impeachment is not going to win all the people who don't care or who aren't interested in going through that process, even if the left would eat it up (and it accomplishes nothing, like Benghazi or repealing the ACA).


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
It has nothing to do with "messaging" impeachment. The American public does not care that much, and the media doesn't cover it unless it drives some narrative that gets viewers. You cannot sell them all a bill of goods they have no interest in.

Republicans don't have good "messaging". They just say the things they know their rabid voter base wants to hear. Preaching impeachment is not going to win all the people who don't care or who aren't interested in going through that process, even if the left would eat it up (and it accomplishes nothing, like Benghazi or repealing the ACA).

Benghazi gave us the email scandal.


Oct 25, 2017
Looking more closely at the NBC poll... Harris is done-zo...

She's also fifth in second choices?
As people drop out she isn't going to gain, and I imagine a lot of those second prefs are from people who aren't dropping out anyway (Biden, Warren)

Quarterly fundraising will probably determine if she stays until Iowa or if she Scott Walkers out.

Her CoH at June 30 was about $13 million, and she only spent $7.5 last quarter, but I don't know if she staffed up on the back of a (probably temporary) fundraising surge the first debate.
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Oct 26, 2017
I've seen Kamala in action.

She is a great campaigner. And a wonderful and passionate speaker. I don't buy the argument that she's "bad at this" when she's managed to stay above, for so long, candidates who are allegedly better.

But she is being failed by her campaign. Which is, ultimately, on her.

To me, Kamala is running the splitting image of HIllary's 2016 General campaign in terms of everything I thought that campaign did wrong. Basically, it's an old-school campaign of peaks and valleys. It's a campaign primed for "big moments" silence until the next big moment.

When Kamala experienced that 10 point bump after the first debate, i knew it wasn't going to last. NOT because she attacked Biden (in my book, she's STILL the only candidate to effectively clean Biden's clock in a debate), but because her campaign was completely unprepared to capitalize on the moment. They sold some t-shirts, and then outside of a few small interviews went completely quiet. That just doesn't fly in the age of social media and 24 hour news where the President can change the topic with a tweet.

When Warren was fading, she responded with relentless campaigning.

Hell, when Buttigieg was fading, he responded with relentless campaigning.

Kamala, on the other hand, seems to be constantly waiting. And, that's the death knell.

I agree with this assessment. Sounds spot on to me.


Oct 27, 2017
Benghazi gave us the email scandal.
While the gambit ultimately paid off (because the media was so eager to facilitate their bad-faith bullshit), the hearings were a complete waste of time and produced no actionable results.

I don't think having it be a political stunt that might possibly-maybe shave a few votes from Donald Trump is really a solid foundation for pursuing impeachment.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yes focus on more useless legislation that virtually no one is paying attention to vs kneecapping kav which people actually would pay attention to or capitalizing on an actually very well done impeachment hearing today.


Oct 25, 2017
I've seen Kamala in action.

She is a great campaigner. And a wonderful and passionate speaker. I don't buy the argument that she's "bad at this" when she's managed to stay above, for so long, candidates who are allegedly better.

But she is being failed by her campaign. Which is, ultimately, on her.

To me, Kamala is running the splitting image of HIllary's 2016 General campaign in terms of everything I thought that campaign did wrong. Basically, it's an old-school campaign of peaks and valleys. It's a campaign primed for "big moments" silence until the next big moment.

When Kamala experienced that 10 point bump after the first debate, i knew it wasn't going to last. NOT because she attacked Biden (in my book, she's STILL the only candidate to effectively clean Biden's clock in a debate), but because her campaign was completely unprepared to capitalize on the moment. They sold some t-shirts, and then outside of a few small interviews went completely quiet. That just doesn't fly in the age of social media and 24 hour news where the President can change the topic with a tweet.

When Warren was fading, she responded with relentless campaigning.

Hell, when Buttigieg was fading, he responded with relentless campaigning.

Kamala, on the other hand, seems to be constantly waiting. And, that's the death knell.
Missed this post earlier. Quality.


Oct 25, 2017
In between writing weird tweets and being an old shitty asshole Grassley introduced a bill with Wyden to lower prescription drug prices. So maybe there'll actually be legislative outcome.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'd recommend watching Berke's tear down:

The key thing from this whole cherade, though, and the reason I think it took so long to get to, is that Nadler was laying down the rule changes to prevent future stone-walling because the response from Republicans when this happened was sheer chaos, but they can not do it again. Don't be surprised if other witnesses now entirely chicken out of every appearing, and may need to be fined repeatedly to attend.


Nov 27, 2017
How the hell are you going to "kneecap kav" ? He ain't getting a 2/3s majority to impeach. He's not going to be shamed into resigning a LIFETIME appointment. He's not getting voted out of office. You can't make the GOP take a "difficult" vote when the people we're targeting...already took said vote to put him on the fucking supreme court. Like...impeachment is the new left's catchall for impotent rage, told by (rightly!) frustrated liberals, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

I also think a lot of people have a very hollywood view of what impeachment is, and really have no grasp for how shitty prepared our media is to cover it fairly. (And, ya, I mean fairly, not with the tint I'd like them to give stories but with actual facts which are not always 1:1).


Oct 25, 2017
Yes focus on more useless legislation that virtually no one is paying attention to vs kneecapping kav which people actually would pay attention to or capitalizing on an actually very well done impeachment hearing today.

What does "kneecapping Kav" mean here? Is there a way to basically make SCOTUS decisions null-and-void based on who made them? Because if not, all you'd be doing is sowing distrust of SCOTUS as an institution. And if that's what you want, then okay, but it won't help in the near-term, and it'll be actively harmful in the long-term.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
How the hell are you going to "kneecap kav" ? He ain't getting a 2/3s majority to impeach. He's not going to be shamed into resigning a LIFETIME appointment. He's not getting voted out of office. You can't make the GOP take a "difficult" vote when the people we're targeting...already took said vote to put him on the fucking supreme court. Like...impeachment is the new left's catchall for impotent rage, told by (rightly!) frustrated liberals, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

I also think a lot of people have a very hollywood view of what impeachment is, and really have no grasp for how shitty prepared our media is to cover it fairly. (And, ya, I mean fairly, not with the tint I'd like them to give stories but with actual facts which are not always 1:1).
I can see the impeachment happening if Trump's goes through. Or if Kav does something dumb now that he's already made it there.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
Painful to watch, I agree. But this is how these judicial, intelligence, and oversight hearings have been so far. These people just don't cooperate or take congressional responsibility seriously, and they want other people to come away with the same feeling (not taking government seriously) - so that as many of them as possible will either vote for Trump or sit out the general election.

The difference now is that this is "post-impeachment-announcement", but otherwise there's really not much difference than the earlier ones.

And yet, so much has been gathered and uncovered to this point. And at every hearing, the up-to-the-moment news coverage has been "what in the world are they doing", but by 24 hours later the story has completely changed and more gets either leaked or uncovered. So I am going to stick with this for now and their performances before congress are not going to sway me into sitting out the general election.

Yeah, but Dems that dont have prosecutorial backgrounds and/or have steel trap minds like that need to listen to that realignment to House rules Pelosi put in last month where it goes to Watergate system of counsel and lawyers getting all the time. No more "5 minutes to feel special", no more soundbites, just cold, calculating vice squeezing the souls from these mobsters and traitors.

As for VP, yes please keep Stacey Abrams far far far away. It's funny how everyday a lot of you shit on Kamala Harris, a qualified black woman with actual experience. But then you double down on the insult by elevating a token unqualified black woman to be VP. We're past the point of needing just any black face on the ticket when we have actual qualified people of color for the job....

Yup. She's putting in work right now:

Fair Fight: Fighting Voter Suppression & Protecting Voting Rights

Fair Fight Action is a Georgia-based non-profit that fights for free and fair elections.
 We fight against voter suppression, expose anti-voter policies, work to protect and expand voting rights, engage individual voters at a grassroots level, support pro-voter candidates and convene civic...

She was the doorkicker of the SWAT team in GA, now the other guys fill into the room.

Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What does "kneecapping Kav" mean here? Is there a way to basically make SCOTUS decisions null-and-void based on who made them? Because if not, all you'd be doing is sowing distrust of SCOTUS as an institution. And if that's what you want, then okay, but it won't help in the near-term, and it'll be actively harmful in the long-term.

It means bringing a much more complete allegation than before into the spotlight and shitting on the FBI background check that happened prior to his confirmation as it deserves to be to bring back into the public eye what a piece of shit he is and that he doesn't deserve to be on the court. Dig deeper and further verify the additional allegations. Fuck him up because you can and you should. It's that simple.

Fucking get dirty. We need to. I'm sick of this do fucking nothing nonsense. People fucking make fun of Dems as toothless shits for a reason. A huge chunk of our base does. Change that perception.

And yes, fuck scotus and fuck your long term prognosis. How many fucking SC picks have we had since 1992?

It's fucking embarrassing.

My long term prognosis is to pack the fucking court. Add 5 fucking states. Every single territory.

Never lose the fucking Senate again. Fuck these fuckers destroying this country. The SC is already fucking bankrupt and so is the Senate. Get rid of the EC. Change the damn paradigm. Otherwise this is an excerise in futility, a bunch of pussyfooters vs lying and cheating assholes who will win because they are willing to put the boot on our throats and we won't do it to them to all of our detriment.

This but but but shit is fucking tiring. The GOP doesn't operate for a fucking millisecond with a fucking but but but in front of what they do. It's cowardice pure and simple.

Shit on Thomas too. He never should have stopped being shit on and investigated.

Fucking drag these fucking assholes as they deserve to be. Don't give them a fucking get out of jail free pass because a bankrupt investigation and Senate confirmed them. Fuck that.

Like what is this fucking passion for just sitting back and saying but we can't do that. Yes we can. Fuck them. The attitude is all fucking wrong. We fucking didn't lose in 2000 or 2016 and the leaders of the party can't even fucking bring themselves to say it.

There's no fucking passion or leadership, it's a bunch of wonks chirping about the fucking rules after your head has already been fucking chopped off by the GOP, over and over again.
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Nov 27, 2017
I can see the impeachment happening if Trump's goes through. Or if Kav does something dumb now that he's already made it there.
If we successfully impeach and convict Trump, then, sure, you have a case to make for being okay with getting rid of both of Trump's nominees. I just don't think that will happen. And Kav has no reason to do something stupid, because this is all pointless to his position. Like, it's sad but true. That's one of the downsides from lifetime appointments.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
I think "kneecapping Kav" is the wrong way to put it.

But, I DO think there's worth in softening the ground for the idea of packing the courts. And doing that might require going all-in on emphasizing how illegitimate Kav is.

But, of course, that's going to have to wait until we have a D President with a spine. Because this Congress? Nope.
Oct 27, 2017
I'd recommend watching Berke's tear down:

The key thing from this whole cherade, though, and the reason I think it took so long to get to, is that Nadler was laying down the rule changes to prevent future stone-walling. Don't be surprised if other witnesses now entirely chicken out of every appearing, and may need to be fined repeatedly to attend.

Yep. And a sub-key (which I had forgotten about but the committees have definitely done this before) is appear to be unstructured and let committee members ask things in different ways, while the witness goes wild with their obstruction-as-defense - basically exposing parts of the president's eventual legal defense.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'd recommend watching Berke's tear down:

The key thing from this whole cherade, though, and the reason I think it took so long to get to, is that Nadler was laying down the rule changes to prevent future stone-walling because the response from Republicans when this happened was sheer chaos, but they can not do it again. Don't be surprised if other witnesses now entirely chicken out of every appearing, and may need to be fined repeatedly to attend.

Audible gasps in the chamber when he admitted to lying lol.

Also omega fucking lul at the defense of "I was not privileged to go to Harvard to get a law degree and thus didn't know what I was doing could have been illegal." LMFAO!
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Nov 27, 2017
Here's the thing though...I don't have an issue with congressional investigations into Kav. That should be happening, but idk if it is. (I don't think it's a priority, there are so many hours in a day and going after a lifetime appointee just to hope you own a few news cycles basically 6 months before the 2020 election really begins seems...kinda whatever?) But, this goes back to a thing we said yesterday. Impeachment is a one time deal. SUre, you drag it out for a few weeks/month, but there is a finite end date. You get an up and down vote, and then you have the results. With congressional hearings, you can just drag those back up whenever you want to get something back in the news again. The GOP is masterful at this, because their idiotic supporters have nothing better to do than to F5 Fox News while waiting on the viagra to kick in.

I also think the media would be god levels of shit at reporting this fairly.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How the hell are you going to "kneecap kav" ? He ain't getting a 2/3s majority to impeach. He's not going to be shamed into resigning a LIFETIME appointment. He's not getting voted out of office. You can't make the GOP take a "difficult" vote when the people we're targeting...already took said vote to put him on the fucking supreme court. Like...impeachment is the new left's catchall for impotent rage, told by (rightly!) frustrated liberals, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

I also think a lot of people have a very hollywood view of what impeachment is, and really have no grasp for how shitty prepared our media is to cover it fairly. (And, ya, I mean fairly, not with the tint I'd like them to give stories but with actual facts which are not always 1:1).

You render him illegitimate and damage the reputation of the Supreme Court as a result. About the only play left. If they poison the institution with toxic people who can't be removed, then the institution itself must be quarantined.
Oct 26, 2017
I mean, it's California.
A cardboard box with a D on it might win Statewide.
I imagine she would have been trounced in a gubernatorial race in Georgia, lol.

And Abrams would have got trounced in the California Senate race. I'm guessing you don't know that in California, the top two finishers regardless of party, face off agains each other. So in 2016, there were two Democrats facing off against each other in the US Senate race. Not sure how a cardbord box would work against another Democrat....

And in California in particular, you can't just appeal to one voting block. With 38 million people, you still have to appeal to Democrats/Independents in a large cross-section of demographics. You can't just rely on the "black" vote. You have to also appeal to latinos, hollywood, progressive activist, silicon valley, and etc. If you can't build a broad coalition among those groups, then you're not going to win statewide. In the Senate race, Kamala ended up winning every single county in the state except 4. She also out fundraised her Democratic opponent 3:1.

For comparison, the California Senate race dwarfs the Georgia's GE gubernatorial race with 12 million votes casted in the California senate race compared to Georgia's 4 million in the gubernatorial race. It's not even in the same league in terms of size, demographics, and money.

But let's not let facts get in the way of your Harris dumping.


Oct 25, 2017
The Mayor of Fall River, MA, who was arrested a week or two ago and is going to trial in February for fraud charges, has moved on to the general election!

Correia, who is facing multiple federal corruption charges, finished behind Paul Coogan, a two-time school committee member. As the top two vote-getters, Coogan and Correia are advancing to the general election.

According to unofficial results, Coogan received 8,273 votes (62.6%) while Correia received 2,777 (21.0%). Third-place finisher Erica Scott-Pacheco, a community advocate, received 16.4% of the vote with 2,171 ballots cast in her favor.

The 27-year-old Correia pleaded not guilty this month to extorting hundreds of thousands of dollars from marijuana companies. He's also pleaded not guilty to federal charges he defrauded investors in a smartphone app he was developing.

The city council last week voted to temporarily remove Correia from office, but Correia has refused to leave, saying the council lacks the authority.
Sounds like Coogan will win handily in November at least.

Also, E M B A T T L E D


Nov 27, 2017
You render him illegitimate and damage the reputation of the Supreme Court as a result. About the only play left. If they poison the institution with toxic people who can't be removed, then the institution itself must be quarantined.
But you don't get to unfuck that chicken. We're not the party that rallies against the legitimacy of co-equal branches of government. Kav absolutely should not have been appointed to the supreme court, but he was confirmed legally. He's a piece of shit who should probably be in prison, but no amount of illegitimizing him is going to change that. And, let's say we appoint Thomas' and Ginsberg's replacements, thus balancing the court a bit. We gonna now tell people "Trust the supreme court NOW.....even though the guy who we used to damage it is still there?"

Like, once that cat's out of the bag, it's out. I think the idea of making an integral part of our government completely illegitimate is a real dangerous idea.


Jul 25, 2018
I'd recommend watching Berke's tear down:

The key thing from this whole cherade, though, and the reason I think it took so long to get to, is that Nadler was laying down the rule changes to prevent future stone-walling because the response from Republicans when this happened was sheer chaos, but they can not do it again. Don't be surprised if other witnesses now entirely chicken out of every appearing, and may need to be fined repeatedly to attend.

I've been watching that piece for a while. I would not want to be sitting across from the guy in a courtroom. It's amusing that he had to admit he was lying to the American people multiple times on TV during interviews, then he blames the media for being dishonest.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
I'm listening to Warren's interview on Maddow, and she's repeating something tonight that she said in her speech last night that I really didn't like. The only thing that I really didn't like.

"We won't get anywhere by being afraid. Democrats win by fighting being bold bla bla bla..."

Warren, do not condescend potential voters. This is the type of messaging that's aimed at voters for whom voting was always an allowance. This is a fight message for white people.

You have to understand that for black people, particularly older black people, participating in the political process at all is an act of bravery. It wasn't too long ago, that white supremacists were posted outside of polling places of majority black districts with attack dogs. It wasn't too long ago that black folk were being beaten for daring to exercise their right to vote. For black people, voting AT ALL is brave. Believing in the process AT ALL is brave. Gathering, organizing, and going out to vote for the VP of the First Black President is not going to be seen as the weak, fearful, or even uninspired thing to do.

It's really bad messaging if you're hoping to eventually peel black voters off of Biden. And, make no mistake, if Biden ultimately wins? It'll be because he held on to his black support.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol, I'm aware of the jungle primary and runoff. I'm also aware of her general electoral history.

I get it, you really like Harris.

But she's done-zo.


Oct 27, 2017
You render him illegitimate and damage the reputation of the Supreme Court as a result. About the only play left. If they poison the institution with toxic people who can't be removed, then the institution itself must be quarantined.
What does any of that functionally mean though? Rendering Kavanaugh illegitimate...what does that even look like? Because at the end of the day he's still a sitting Supreme Court justice, one of the most powerful figures in the country. Being considered an illegitimate judge in the eyes of the public doesn't actually strip him of any power or change anything. To that point: most Americans already have an unfavorable view of Kavanaugh, and yet he continues to sit comfortably on the bench.

Using impeachment proceedings and investigations to soften up Trump makes sense as a purely political exercise because he's going to be on the ballot in about a year and there's an opportunity to use that damage to get him out of office. There is no such opportunity for Kavanaugh or Gorsuch. Those stains are set.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course, my candidate for Mayor came in last place. lmao

Our current state Rep, who is a centrist Dem, came in first and a current City Councilor, who is a Republican, came in a close second.

Guess I'll hold my nose and vote for our state Rep. Another white male for Mayor in our city!

Sexy Fish

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Of course, my candidate for Mayor came in last place. lmao

Our current state Rep, who is a centrist Dem, came in first and a current City Councilor, who is a Republican, came in a close second.

Guess I'll hold my nose and vote for our state Rep. Another white male for mayor in our city!
Be a true progressive and write in Jill Stein.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Tampa FL
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. I am just now watching this Berke take down. This is savagery!


Oct 25, 2017
Be a true progressive and write in Jill Stein.
Fuck no. Like hell I'll have a Republican be Mayor in our city.

PS: Our city is 91% white so I guess it makes sense we've always had white males (Except for our current Mayor, who is the first woman Mayor ever, and was appointed by the City Council after our prior Mayor quit for a City Manager job in another city. She's excellent, but promised not to run and for some reason is keeping that promise.). We're still very liberal though so like fucking hell we should have a Republican Mayor. Thankfully the Dem vote was split in the prelims by 4 candidates as opposed to only 1 R candidate, and thus the D/R %s were 70/30. So I think we have a good chance of winning.


Oct 25, 2017
Abrams has campaigned in a mid/low population state and lost.

someone who has been in the State House from a relatively small state

While the word "relatively" helps set this up a bit, I feel it ought to be pointed out that Georgia is the 8th most populous state in the union. I mean, yea, everything looks like small potatoes compared to California (and Texas and Florida), but I still think this does a bit of a disservice to your argument. Which, btw, I mostly agree with, at least in the conclusion. Abrams ain't VP material.

To me, Kamala is running the splitting image of HIllary's 2016 General campaign in terms of everything I thought that campaign did wrong. Basically, it's an old-school campaign of peaks and valleys. It's a campaign primed for "big moments" silence until the next big moment.

Damn, this is spot on.

How the hell are you going to "kneecap kav" ? He ain't getting a 2/3s majority to impeach. He's not going to be shamed into resigning a LIFETIME appointment. He's not getting voted out of office. You can't make the GOP take a "difficult" vote when the people we're targeting...already took said vote to put him on the fucking supreme court. Like...impeachment is the new left's catchall for impotent rage, told by (rightly!) frustrated liberals, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.

I also think a lot of people have a very hollywood view of what impeachment is, and really have no grasp for how shitty prepared our media is to cover it fairly. (And, ya, I mean fairly, not with the tint I'd like them to give stories but with actual facts which are not always 1:1).

Internet progressives, especially young ones, do seem beholden to scoffing at the "rubes in flyover states" (which, btw, apparently means everything but 2 states) while simultaneously believing everything in politics is an unholy conflation of The West Wing and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

Lotsa Jimmy Stewarts.


Oct 25, 2017
But you don't get to unfuck that chicken. We're not the party that rallies against the legitimacy of co-equal branches of government. Kav absolutely should not have been appointed to the supreme court, but he was confirmed legally. He's a piece of shit who should probably be in prison, but no amount of illegitimizing him is going to change that. And, let's say we appoint Thomas' and Ginsberg's replacements, thus balancing the court a bit. We gonna now tell people "Trust the supreme court NOW.....even though the guy who we used to damage it is still there?"

Like, once that cat's out of the bag, it's out. I think the idea of making an integral part of our government completely illegitimate is a real dangerous idea.

All of this. Absolutely all of this.

I think the only way that you can render Kav impotent (and that's not really the right word, but anyways) is by going at him and Gorsuch and saying something along the lines of "SCOTUS is the highest court of the land, and we should never play politics with appointments. The highest Judges of the land should be judges of unimpeachable character, appointed by a Senate that does not make rules up because they don't like the current President. We need to formally legislate the process of appointment, so that neither political side can take advantage of retirements or untimely deaths." And then actually pass legislation to make it so. Which obviously needs a D President, majority in the house and senate, and probably removing the filibuster. Also, saying and doing that essentially rules out court-packing, so it's a questionable route to take if you have all that power and willingness already.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm listening to Warren's interview on Maddow, and she's repeating something tonight that she said in her speech last night that I really didn't like. The only thing that I really didn't like.

"We won't get anywhere by being afraid. Democrats win by fighting being bold bla bla bla..."

Warren, do not condescend potential voters. This is the type of messaging that's aimed at voters for whom voting was always an allowance. This is a fight message for white people.

You have to understand that for black people, particularly older black people, participating in the political process at all is an act of bravery. It wasn't too long ago, that white supremacists were posted outside of polling places of majority black districts with attack dogs. It wasn't too long ago that black folk were being beaten for daring to exercise their right to vote. For black people, voting AT ALL is brave. Believing in the process AT ALL is brave. Gathering, organizing, and going out to vote for the VP of the First Black President is not going to be seen as the weak, fearful, or even uninspired thing to do.

It's really bad messaging if you're hoping to eventually peel black voters off of Biden. And, make no mistake, if Biden ultimately wins? It'll be because he held on to his black support.
I feel like the message works with all of the skepticism black people have of the Democratic party doing nothing but pandering to black voters with words. Bold solutions for black people living in dire situations is what people want. Idk I'm not sure I see all of this reasoning.
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