
Self-Requested Ban
Sep 5, 2021
Children in Gaza are so malnourished they don't have the strength to cry, says the chief of the United Nation's agency for children.

UNICEF executive director Catherine Russell has told CBS News over 13,000 Palestinian children have been killed by Israel's assault on Gaza, which is now in its sixth month.
"We haven't seen that rate of death among children in almost any other conflict in the world, it's really shocking. Thousands more have been injured or we can't even determine where they are. They may be stuck under rubble. Thousands more have lost one or both parents. Some of these children, you've seen them on the news, they're just by themselves managing their younger siblings: it's a horrifying situation."

In northern Gaza, one in three children under the age of two is already suffering from acute malnutrition.

Ms Russell says the stunting it causes is already apparent, and it will affect them their entire lifetime - if they survive.

"I've been in wards of children who are suffering from severe anaemic malnutrition, the whole ward is absolutely quiet. Because the children, the babies, don't even have the energy to cry."

article: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/podcast...-dont-have-the-energy-to-cry-unicef/q11ypc4ke


Jul 6, 2023
It's hard to wrap my head around the suffering that must come from being too malnourished to cry.

End the genocide. End the occupation. It's the only just way to put a stop to this inhumanity.


Oct 25, 2017
Inhumane shit going on with Israel's seemingly endless terror campaign.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
Keep in mind that this genocide is financed, supplied with arms and politically protected by the United States.

If you are a US tax payer, your tax money is paying for mass suffering.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Israel wasn't satisfied with just shooting children and infants in the head, they have to make them suffer a slow death as well.

If I have to hear one more settler whine about feeling unsafe...


Oct 25, 2017
Keep in mind that this genocide is financed, supplied with arms and politically protected by the United States.

If you are a US tax payer, your tax money is paying for mass suffering.
Our taxpayer money has been paying for mass suffering for at least a century. Too bad there isn't a way to pay into just the funds you want to.


Jan 6, 2021
If this doesn't get Biden to do anything to stop this than we as a country are truly fucked up beyond words.


Oct 25, 2017
Whenever this ends, because I do believe it will end at some point, with the infrastructure so wrecked it may be years after that we learn the full toll of this horrible time.

With an event of this scale I try to find comfort in the fact that things like this have happened before and people have lived through it somehow. It only sometimes helps; the rest of the time it just goes numb


Jan 29, 2024
If this doesn't get Biden to do anything to stop this than we as a country are truly fucked up beyond words.
Politics are far more important than the lives and sanity of a thousand children. That has been so since the beginning of time. What an absolutely horrible situation. Nothing will be done.


Oct 28, 2017
It's very public weaponized starvation conducted by a western ally. Israel desperately wanted UNRWA undone because that would entirely cripple any hope for aid distribution in Gaza. Thankfully many countries have resumed funding because the accusations were baseless but the U.S. has still not resumed funding. So this idea that the U.S. actually gives a cares about aid is nonsense. Everything they have done so far is simply performative. Why would a port controlled by Israel at all help get aid to Palestinians when Israel are the ones blocking aid. It's so patronizing.


Oct 27, 2017
all the while some people don't like it when you're too mean to the ones responsible
