Oct 29, 2017
They're just trying to win votes, guys, they'll change when they win!

I really shouldn't need to point out this is sarcasm, but its where we're at.

Fuck these people.


Oct 25, 2017
Sadly, this was obvious to anyone listening to what these pricks were actually saying.


Oct 25, 2017
Did people think Labour was bluffing on this? They've been very clear several times. They're already fine abandoning their Muslim voter base to be genocide apologists, and they will enact fascist policies on trans folks for another genocide. If you voted for Labour for harm reduction, you'll get to see what you can actually tolerate now when the plans are put into action.
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Oct 6, 2022
Ignorant person here but Is there a particular reason why they are so transphobic? I would have thought their voter base would be mostly fine with trans people?
Explanation of why the report is nonsense


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Gotta love having anti-science people in charge of healthcare.

Reminder that this is all off the back of the Cass Review which contradicted international standards of trans healthcare and, when reviewed itself, was torn apart for the following reasons:


NHS England had the intent of banning puberty blockers for trans children (not cis children, who use the same drug for precocious puberty; triptorelin) and made moves to do so even prior to the report. When that was struck down in the courts they needed another route and so you have this sham review, criticised by and in contravention of international healthcare organisations and standards.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ignorant person here but Is there a particular reason why they are so transphobic? I would have thought their voter base would be mostly fine with trans people?

They abandoned their traditional voter Base to chase votes from the right, safe in the knowledge that our electoral system means those more to the left have little choice but to vote for them anyway.
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The Gold Hawk

Jan 30, 2019
Fucking disgusting little weasel. He's going beyond the shit in that revolting cass "review"

Thinking back on all the people who dismissed the valid concerns about labour or who got defensive when people said they wouldn't vote for Labour, because of shit like this.

Where are those fuckers now. They got anything to say about this miserable right-wing lickspittle piece of shit.


Aug 15, 2021
Awful and monstrously cruel.

I can only hope it gets killed in the proceedings, but damn Jo Maugham's warning is stark. Bless the Good Law Project, to hear them say that is terrifying
Oct 29, 2017
Ignorant person here but Is there a particular reason why they are so transphobic? I would have thought their voter base would be mostly fine with trans people?
Because they believe in it. Its not about their voters, its just what they believe.

Which is compounded by the fact trans rights issues will not, and wouldn't have, swayed enough votes.


Oct 25, 2017
Fucking disgusting little weasel. He's going beyond the shit in that revolting cass "review"

Thinking back on all the people who dismissed the valid concerns about labour or who got defensive when people said they wouldn't vote for Labour, because of shit like this.

Where are those fuckers now. They got anything to say about this miserable right-wing lickspittle piece of shit.

They've been defending everything he's been saying about private healthcare in the NHS so wouldn't surprise me if they found a way to defend this.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
Did people think Labour was bluffing on this? They've been very clear several times. They're already fine abandoning their Muslim voter base, and they will enact fascist policies on trans folks. If you voted for Labour for harm reduction, you'll get to see what you can actually tolerate now when the plans are put into action.

I think it was based on complete desperation to believe Labour would be better. I know I once convinced myself that the way Labour spoke about minority communities had to be a bluff, and that they'd treat us well when in power.

It was a foolish thing to think, but even then I wasn't expecting the speed and harshness with which Labour would attack the trans community.


Oct 25, 2017
Wes definitely is a "LGB without the T" sort of gay. I think it's more angering and frustrating seeing a member enact this than your typical old bigot.

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022
I knew that getting the Tories out was only ever step one but this is an alarming acceleration.

Everyone please write to your local MPs about this.


Oct 28, 2017
I knew that getting the Tories out was only ever step one but this is an alarming acceleration.

Everyone please write to your local MPs about this.
It isn't. They made their position on all of this pretty clear before the election.


UK Health Secretary Declares Intention to Ban Puberty Blockers for Trans People; Labour Welcomes Her 'Justifiably cautious and responsible approach'

https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/victoria-atkins-wes-streeting-health-secretary-commons-house-of-commons-b1159890.html There's just nothing more to say. The Tories are obviously monstrous, but when it comes to trans rights, Labour are almost in lockstep. This is the first election in...

But yes, people should be writing to their MPs.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone who's bi I don't understand how anyone could be like this - especially people who know how badly gay and lesbian people were treated even up until the 2000s when finally the homophobia started to tone itself down. I realised I was bi only a few years ago so I luckily never felt any of that kind of abuse myself, but even as at the time an outsider I could see how it was wrong and how someone like Wes can see how Gay people were treated back then and hurt Trans people in a much worse way I have absolutely no idea.

Hopefully there's enough good trans supporting Labour MPs to block anything he tries to do like this in parliament.
May 26, 2018
As someone who's bi I don't understand how anyone could be like this - especially people who know how badly gay and lesbian people were treated even up until the 2000s when finally the homophobia started to tone itself down.

I'm guessing there are many people who still wish the "toning down" never happened. And they're not confined to Tories.


Dec 12, 2018
Puberty blockers save lives. They saved mine.

This is evil, harmful and not backed by any scientific consensus.
Guidance on Writing to Your MP

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022


Jun 2, 2023
They've been defending everything he's been saying about private healthcare in the NHS so wouldn't surprise me if they found a way to defend this.

something something, right wing tabloids... conservatives are worse... something something… they gave lip service to something... and kier said that thing about not hating trans... Am i doing it right?

It's funny how the labour defence were saying anyone with legit concerns over this lot were bending over backwards to find faults... you watch how this will get brushed over
Feb 24, 2018
Gotta love having anti-science people in charge of healthcare.

Reminder that this is all off the back of the Cass Review which contradicted international standards of trans healthcare and, when reviewed itself, was torn apart for the following reasons:


NHS England had the intent of banning puberty blockers for trans children (not cis children, who use the same drug for precocious puberty; triptorelin) and made moves to do so even prior to the report. When that was struck down in the courts they needed another route and so you have this sham review, criticised by and in contravention of international healthcare organisations and standards.
I really wish the evil shits running the NHS got some justice, you can't pretend you give a damn about saving lives when you push shit like this.


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
They'll change when they win honest

Just hold your nose and vote

Tories out


Dec 22, 2017
As someone who's bi I don't understand how anyone could be like this - especially people who know how badly gay and lesbian people were treated even up until the 2000s when finally the homophobia started to tone itself down. I realised I was bi only a few years ago so I luckily never felt any of that kind of abuse myself, but even as at the time an outsider I could see how it was wrong and how someone like Wes can see how Gay people were treated back then and hurt Trans people in a much worse way I have absolutely no idea.

Hopefully there's enough good trans supporting Labour MPs to block anything he tries to do like this in parliament.
There were always deeply transphobic gay people. If you go beyond the most surface level queer history narratives you'll find how we were almost always kept out of the community as far as possible until the last few years.

View: https://youtu.be/Jb-JIOWUw1o?si=0DU82MeCtDGsyjZM

Hell, I've recently even come across an open letter to the Weimar Republic's World Committee for Human Rights where a gay member of the SA (yes, that SA!) lamented that the good, patriotic Germans would have long accepted gay people if they were only shown straight(-passing), real (heteronormative)gay guys and not hermaphrodites, transvestites and effeminated ones like Hirschfeld did.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Did people think Labour was bluffing on this? They've been very clear several times. They're already fine abandoning their Muslim voter base, and they will enact fascist policies on trans folks. If you voted for Labour for harm reduction, you'll get to see what you can actually tolerate now when the plans are put into action.


First time I didn't vote Labour in my life. I went with an independent this time.


Oct 27, 2017
He won his seat by a meager 500 votes and holds one of the most powerful positions in government, don't let anyone tell you every vote doesn't matter.


Oct 30, 2017
He is, always has been, and looks like he always will be, an absolutely Jeremy Hunt.


Feb 28, 2018
Can someone from the UK explain the obsession with punching down on trans people? Is it all to appease JK Rowling and her ilk of TERFs?

I genuinely don't understand what's going on, it's like the only thing on British politicians' mind, from Tories to Labour.


Oct 28, 2017
The UK elections were like the one decent piece of news recently (unless you count France not yet electing Neonazis).

But TERF island, huh.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
Can someone from the UK explain the obsession with punching down on trans people? Is it all to appease JK Rowling and her ilk of TERFs?

I genuinely don't understand what's going on, it's like the only thing on British politicians' mind, from Tories to Labour.

Honestly, the UK has just always been pretty nasty to LGBTQ+ people in general. We only struck down section 28 in 2003, and internationally, the anti trans movement is basically a chance to relitigiate their fight against the whole community.

The UK is quite a shit hole for our community and always has been.
Nov 8, 2018
Can someone from the UK explain the obsession with punching down on trans people? Is it all to appease JK Rowling and her ilk of TERFs?

I genuinely don't understand what's going on, it's like the only thing on British politicians' mind, from Tories to Labour.

The transphobic movement worships J K Rowling and she has been funding anti Trans Think Tank to lobby for anti Trans laws. Her cult runs deep throughout society, in the media, in government.

It's been pushed in the UK for years as a woman's rights issue, and if you don't bow the Rowling then you are blasted by the transphobic press for being against women.

Dr Hillary Cass, a transphobe, who met several times with Ron Desantis to discuss a final solution on Trans people was appointed to do a review of transgender healthcare for youths. She omitted trans voices, but allowed transphobic organisations to have their say in the report, she omitted all but one piece of evidence, stating that such evidence isn't true because it wasn't double blinded, even though it's impossible to double blind puberty. Not only that but allowed pseudoscientific evidence in including a report that said playing with gendered toys was partially biological in. And tried to spin the fact that only 10 in over 3000+ transitions regretted it. Oh and said that being trans was just autism.

Anyway it suggested an immediate ban on puberty blockers, despite the drugs being used on cisgender kids without issues. And without actually reading it or listening to reason BOTH Labour and Tories agreed with the findings. Anyone who didn't was forced to apologise and resind their questioning of the report.

Weak spined centrists don't like being called by the self appointed "Queen of all Women" Rowling so they just fall in line with Transphobia, because the government and press are systemically transphobic due to the amount of TERF Rowling worshipers there.

Where in America it's more seen as a left wing / right wing political issue. The UK it's a bipartisan "feminist" issue of which there is no escape.

The only reason I've not killed myself is because its against my life insurance, I can only hope that something within my life insurance gets me before I find no other option. I'm not leaving my wife without an insurance payout.
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Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
The transphobic movement worships J K Rowling and she has been funding anti Trans Think Tank to lobby for anti Trans laws. Her cult runs deep throughout society, in the media, in government.

It's been pushed in the UK for years as a woman's rights issue, and if you don't bow the Rowling then you are blasted by the transphobic press for being against women.

Dr Hillary Cass, a transphobe, who met several times with Ron Desantis to discuss a final solution on Trans people was appointed to do a review of transgender healthcare for youths. She omitted trans voices, but allowed transphobic organisations to have their say in the report, she omitted all but one piece of evidence, stating that such evidence isn't true because it wasn't double blinded, even though it's impossible to double blind puberty. Not only that but allowed pseudoscientific evidence in including a report that said playing with gendered toys was partially biological in. And tried to spin the fact that only 10 in over 3000+ transitions regretted it. Oh and said that being trans was just autism.

Anyway it suggested an immediate ban on puberty blockers, despite the drugs being used on cisgender kids without issues. And without actually reading it or listening to reason BOTH Labour and Tories agreed with the findings. Anyone who didn't was forced to apologise and resind their questioning of the report.

Weak spined centrists don't like being called by the self appointed "Queen of all Women" Rowling so they just fall in line with Transphobia, because the government and press are systemically transphobic due to the amount of TERF Rowling worshipers there.

Where in America it's more seen as a left wing / right wing political issue. The UK it's a bipartisan "feminist" issue.

Another thing to note about the Cass report is that it recommends a ban on anyone under 25 to be given gender affirming care.

To be clear, in the UK you can drink, drive and join the military at 18. If we were to make the the legal adult age in the UK 25 for all things, we'd immediately lose a third of the military.

Which is astonishing when one of our major political parties just spent the past month campaigning on bringing back mandatory national service.
Nov 8, 2018
Another thing to note about the Cass report is that it recommends a ban on anyone under 25 to be given gender affirming care.

To be clear, in the UK you can drink, drive and join the military at 18. If we were to make the the legal adult age in the UK 25 for all things, we'd immediately lose a third of the military.

Which is astonishing when one of our major political parties just spent the past month campaigning on bringing back mandatory national service.

Yeah it's fucking vile.


Oct 25, 2017
This is so depressing, i feel for all the trans community in the UK... A lot of people just can't afford to move elsewhere, this will be devastating and send trans healthcare so many years in the past, ugh