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Oct 27, 2017
Reminder that Wes is a religious bigot.

Wes Streeting MP: ‘My faith made it very difficult to accept my sexuality’

Labour's shadow health minister Wes Streeting MP talks about growing up in poverty, reconciling his faith and sexuality, and building bridges across political and religious divides
Wes said:
If we can feel like that more often about people we disagree with, we will be in a healthier, happier place. But it's difficult when the discourse is so harsh. And it's taking place in the context of raging culture wars, in which people are feeling attacked for who they are. That's hard.


Oct 25, 2017

Rayner’s email switch-off is potential ‘minefield’ for employers

Angela Rayner’s plans to give workers a right to switch off threatens to create a “playground for ambulance chasers”, an employers’ group has claimed.


ahh yes, worker-rights policy is unpopular with...employers. who knew
Aug 31, 2019
If employers think it's bad, it's probably good.

Business leaders raised concerns about the need for flexibility in emergency situations and the implications for companies operating across multiple time zones. They also argued that more senior workers should be more open to out-of-hours contact compared to their more junior colleagues.

All solvable by writing a fair contract, and paying people to be rotated on call instead of guilting people to being always on call.


Oct 31, 2017

Rayner’s email switch-off is potential ‘minefield’ for employers

Angela Rayner’s plans to give workers a right to switch off threatens to create a “playground for ambulance chasers”, an employers’ group has claimed.


ahh yes, worker-rights policy is unpopular with...employers. who knew

This right to switch off is a great thing... Means employers have to solidify things like out of hours support and stuff....

I work in IT so I massively welcome this lol


Oct 25, 2017
From what I can tell, there's a large contingent of "LGB drop the T" people who believe that they shouldn't advocate for Trans rights because the general public finds it distasteful and puts them all in a negative light

Basically just "respectability politics" bullshit

It's not much comfort but it's a very small group. Every poll taken shows overwhelming support by the queer community for trans rights. Lesbians, despite what the press presents, are actually the *most* supportive group.

The problem is a small minority has captured the media / political class in a really bizarre and unusual way and pushed the entire country to transphobia.


Oct 28, 2017
Labour have appointed Karin Smyth, who has met with transphobic hate groups, spoken in their defence, and advocated for their inclusion in Labour Party events, as Minister for Health and Social Care. She also spoke against the Scottish Government's plans to introduce self-ID.


"It is not acceptable for people to stand up here to talk about women's sex-based rights and to be barracked by men" - Labour MP Karin Smyth

(The video was posted by a Labour-affiliated transphobic hate group, fair warning.)

Transgender law reform has overlooked women’s rights, say MPs

Consultation to improve trans people’s rights accused of ignoring women’s concerns

A number of MPs including Conservatives Andrew Selous and David Davies, and Labour MPs Karin Smyth, Tonia Antoniazzi and Paul Williams attended the meeting with activists from Fair Play For Women, Woman's Place UK and Transgender Trend, who said they and other women had faced online and real-world harassment for organising, speaking at and attending meetings to discuss the reforms.

If you search 'Karin Smyth transphobia', you'll find plenty more--mostly transphobic blogs praising her and citing her.
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Oct 27, 2017
Could of just got him to drop the n word or something in there or the p word. The not racist card he plays and sell it to the news for maximum profit.


Apr 26, 2019
It's sad that in 2024, the choices for a trans person in the UK seem to be "this party that really hates your guts" and "this other party that really hates your guts but maybe like 0.01% less".
Nov 8, 2018
It's sad that in 2024, the choices for a trans person in the UK seem to be "this party that really hates your guts" and "this other party that really hates your guts but maybe like 0.01% less".

Genuinely hope Labour lose some of their transphobic seats in bi elections, I think my best hope for next election is just cis people, cis women especially somehow manage to force Labour's hand, that or a hung parliament due to people voting more with their hearts than tactically, and Labour are forced to side with Lib Dems on the conditions that they drop and reverse their transphobic bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017

And people wondered why some of us took anger at Labour's comments on the trans community, on how disabled people being out of work, on their language on immigration, on the Gaza issue, etc. So many times I've read Labour will move in the right direction when in power.

The attack on the trans community is not surprising and exactly what Labour have been saying very publicly for months. People being shocked is very much "Leopard face eating party" this is the stall they set out, why would they have gone back on their word if this lead to one of their greatest election victory? I hope in future cis white males accept how good a hand they've been dealt and not dismiss the concerns minority groups have, we can only go by the words sprouted out by the politicians. This nonsense about moving the overton window always ignored trans children suffering, because the gradual shift to the left, if there ever is one, will still end up killing children who's time is running out. They can't wait 5 years, they needed action now.

This government has already signed the death of trans children and I am worried on which minority group they attack next.


Oct 25, 2017
yeah, this is why I couldn't bring myself to vote for them. (had the luxury of being in a rock solid labour seat, but still...!)


Oct 27, 2017
The shit that was in the Forde report was disgusting but unsurprisingly, the press barely pushed the issue because institutional black and brown racism is ok in their minds.

Neil Coyle got reinstated after having a racist rant at a Chinese person in public as well as some other instances of inappropriate behaviour.

Labour to restore whip to Neil Coyle after suspension over drunken abuse

Bermondsey MP had whip removed last year after complaint by reporter Henry Dyer about racist comments


Oct 25, 2017
The shit that was in the Forde report was disgusting but unsurprisingly, the press barely pushed the issue because institutional black and brown racism is ok in their minds.

Neil Coyle got reinstated after having a racist rant at a Chinese person in public as well as some other instances of inappropriate behaviour.

Labour to restore whip to Neil Coyle after suspension over drunken abuse

Bermondsey MP had whip removed last year after complaint by reporter Henry Dyer about racist comments

Think of all the people they de-selected, and why. And this guy gets to stay. Are the tories genuinely more progressive racially?

People have been making a big deal of the labour cabinet only having one privately educated person, nobody is pointing out it also only has one minority.

In politics, they constantly think of image and optics. This hasn't happened by mistake.


Oct 28, 2017

Rayner’s email switch-off is potential ‘minefield’ for employers

Angela Rayner’s plans to give workers a right to switch off threatens to create a “playground for ambulance chasers”, an employers’ group has claimed.


ahh yes, worker-rights policy is unpopular with...employers. who knew

I hope this comes to pass but I doubt it happens. I recently was let go from a 12 month contract 3 months in and there is nothing I can do about it even though the new manager was an absolute prick towards me.

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022

Rayner’s email switch-off is potential ‘minefield’ for employers

Angela Rayner’s plans to give workers a right to switch off threatens to create a “playground for ambulance chasers”, an employers’ group has claimed.


ahh yes, worker-rights policy is unpopular with...employers. who knew
Right to switch off would genuinely be life changing for so many people in modern society.

The way digital communications have not lessened our workload but allowed it to encroach into all aspects of our life is a huge injustice that has not been properly reckoned with. If you're thinking about work, you're not resting. You're not living.

You can always pay people to work an occasional "on call" shift like what happens in fields such as medicine or IT support should there be something project essential that requires late night readiness, but those should be rare exceptions and compensated with overtime or time off in lieu.


Oct 25, 2017
Right to switch off isn't enough. Sending a work email after 10pm should come with a prison sentence

Jubilant Duck

Oct 21, 2022
Right to switch off isn't enough. Sending a work email after 10pm should come with a prison sentence
Ive communicated something like that to bosses before. They say "just because I send it after hours doesn't mean I expect a response after hours" but I've argued intention doesn't matter as it sets an example/expectation.

when every major email client allows you to schedule an email to be sent on a day/time of your choosing there's no excuse to have a 10pm sent time. Write it late at night if you prefer but don't have it deliver until 9am the next morning.


May 14, 2022
Right to switch off would genuinely be life changing for so many people in modern society.

The way digital communications have not lessened our workload but allowed it to encroach into all aspects of our life is a huge injustice that has not been properly reckoned with. If you're thinking about work, you're not resting. You're not living.

You can always pay people to work an occasional "on call" shift like what happens in fields such as medicine or IT support should there be something project essential that requires late night readiness, but those should be rare exceptions and compensated with overtime or time off in lieu.

I agree, businesses can have a nasty habit of hassling people out of normal hours and making unreasonable demands on people.

I think it should also extend to private contracts (ie self employed) that dont have a 24/7 support requirement, or on call work. You can get some really weird, out of left field demands in this environment that are really unreasonable and can be spun as a breach of contract if ignored.

I've had some serious cases of main character syndrome with SME contracts before. Like, no I have many other clients who operate on a 9-5 type schedule. I cannot be working with you at 3-4am because thats when you personally are most productive, or because it would be convenient to your outsources who are in a different timezone.

There is nothing in our contract that stipulates this, and you're not my one and only client.

But hassle and criticise they do. Funilly enough, as SME contracts they're usually lower budget clients too.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ive communicated something like that to bosses before. They say "just because I send it after hours doesn't mean I expect a response after hours" but I've argued intention doesn't matter as it sets an example/expectation.

when every major email client allows you to schedule an email to be sent on a day/time of your choosing there's no excuse to have a 10pm sent time. Write it late at night if you prefer but don't have it deliver until 9am the next morning.

Definitely agree that bosses who can't switch off are poison for a company culture.


Oct 25, 2017
Ive communicated something like that to bosses before. They say "just because I send it after hours doesn't mean I expect a response after hours" but I've argued intention doesn't matter as it sets an example/expectation.
yup, especially when they conveniently fail to see how their total comp puts after hours in a different perspective

if they want to show what a boss they are, schedule their emails to land first thing in the morning. it achieves the exact same outcome if they genuinely weren't expecting a response


Oct 26, 2017
I've always had the right to switch off!

Because I just ignore anybody that messages after end of day.

But good to enshrine it in law for others.


Nov 11, 2020

Labour’s ‘rooftop revolution’ to deliver solar power to millions of UK homes

Ed Miliband sets new rules on solar panels and approves three giant solar farms as Labour seeks to end years of Tory inaction

Keir Starmer's new Labour government today unveils plans for a "rooftop revolution" that will see millions more homes fitted with solar panels in order to bring down domestic energy bills and tackle the climate crisis.

The energy secretary, Ed Miliband, also took the hugely controversial decision this weekend to approve three massive solar farms in the east of England that had been blocked by Tory ministers.

The three sites alone – Gate Burton in Lincolnshire, Sunnica's energy farm on the Suffolk-Cambridgeshire border and Mallard Pass on the border between Lincolnshire and Rutland – will deliver about two-thirds of the solar energy installed on rooftops and on the ground in the whole of last year.

Now, before Wednesday's king's speech, which will include legislation for setting up the new publicly owned energy company GB Energy, ministers are working with the building industry to make it easier to buy new homes with panels installed, or instal them on existing ones.

The Observer understands that ministers are looking at bringing in solar-related standards for new-build properties from next year.

At present, while formal planning permission is not required, there are restrictions on where and how high up on buildings they can be placed. There are also restrictions in conservation areas and on listed buildings. These may potentially also be re-examined.


Jun 2, 2023
Save us from the chaos of Ed

I'd love to have solar panels but I live in a ground floor flat lol

I don't work for them, and have no affiliation with them… however I have "invested" in Ripple's wind farms… if you do not have a roof, investing in their solar farms or wind farms will reduce your electric bills at a fraction of the cost of actually getting solar installed… I won't link to the website just in case I get accused of shilling but happy to talk in DM's if you have any questions

I also have solar installed on my roof… 😅


Oct 25, 2017
Ive communicated something like that to bosses before. They say "just because I send it after hours doesn't mean I expect a response after hours" but I've argued intention doesn't matter as it sets an example/expectation.

when every major email client allows you to schedule an email to be sent on a day/time of your choosing there's no excuse to have a 10pm sent time. Write it late at night if you prefer but don't have it deliver until 9am the next morning.
Also it is extremely irritating simply getting work emails during your rest time, even if you're not expected to reply. I don't mind if it's because of time zones or if it's a genuinely urgent thing, which it never is. I do fucking mind otherwise.
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