Is fracas gettin the axe?

  • Nah you're fine dawg

    Votes: 411 45.5%
  • Better update that resume!

    Votes: 492 54.5%

  • Total voters


Oct 27, 2017
So my boss just sent me an invite for a meeting early Monday morning with our CEO who I never see (I used to report directly to him, fyi) and a random HR manager I've never met. It's a half hour meeting called "Check In." I asked her what it was about and she left me on read (it's a WFH job) before logging out for the weekend. I work in a small division of a bigger group within a giant company.

I have never been on a performance improvement plan and I've actually been promoted at this place twice. The brand I manage has had double digit growth literally every month since I started.

I asked my other boss if they knew anything about it and she said she didn't but who knows.

Can't wait to agonize over this all weekend! Never been let go before, so this should be fun.

Anyone hiring? Or know if it's easy to apply for unemployment? Asking for a friend!
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Feb 5, 2023
I mean it could just be an improvement plan and not the whole parting ways thing in the first go?


Oct 28, 2017
It would be weird to schedule a firing on monday morning rather than just do it on Friday afternoon. It seems also weird that CEO would personally be present for firing an employee unless you work at a mom and pop company. Often times senior leaders dont think about the stress that a random meeting invite like this creates and it may just be nothing. I wouldn't assume you are fired yet. Good luck.


Jul 30, 2018
Do you/have you ever talked to your CEO in general? I work at a large company and can't imagine they would invite our CEO every time there was a meeting to fire someone. But maybe if you work more closely with yours it could be possible? But I'm leaning towards it being something else besides a layoff


Oct 27, 2017
It would be weird to schedule a firing on monday morning rather than just do it on Friday afternoon. It seems also weird that CEO would personally be present for firing an employee unless you work at a mom and pop company. Often times senior leaders dont think about the stress that a random meeting invite like this creates and it may just be nothing. I wouldn't assume you are fired yet. Good luck.

Yeah all of that seems true.

Good luck OP!


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
It is very, very rare for a termination to be done first thing on a Monday morning. They usually schedule that at the end of the work week instead of the beginning.


Oct 25, 2017
Northeast Illinois
Yeah that does sounds sketchy, especially with an HR person being there. It's possible they're investigation something else? Did they let anyone else go lately or anything? But to be safe, I would totally update your resume this weekend regardless.

As for unemployment, it depends on the state. New Hampshire required to sit through some video with a bunch of other people on how to properly handle a budget or something like that. Indiana I think was easier, but that was 20 years ago so who knows anymore.

Either way, good luck.


Nov 2, 2017
A scheduled firing on a Monday morning feels weird, and since it's Friday it might just be your boss being an ass and not realizing how it feels to receive such a meeting invite without a word.

Some people just don't ever consider that kind of thing, a lot of them are bosses.

I'd say you're fine, but your boss is an ass.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you/have you ever talked to your CEO in general? I work at a large company and can't imagine they would invite our CEO every time there was a meeting to fire someone. But maybe if you work more closely with yours it could be possible?
The CEO being there is throwing me. I think you might be ok.
To clarify, I used to directly report to him - the team I work in is a smaller company that was bought by a giant one a few years back. I see him very rarely but I'm pretty sure he's been present in the past when other folks have been let go. We're about 30 people or so and he's in our team-wide meetings every Friday. He's a lot more involved than you'd expect.

Also to my knowledge, no one has discussed layoffs before this. All I know is there have been some requests of our team to cut discretionary/unnecessary spending, but that's it.

My boss leaving me on read seems like a telltale sign :/


Oct 27, 2017
Regardless of how this meeting goes, when did you last update your resume? It seems like this should be done on an annual basis, no matter how comfortable you feel at your job.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
You're going to be the new CEO. Congrats.

Edit: oh just read the update. Yeah doesn't sound too good. Hope it works out for you.


Oct 25, 2017
Cuck Zone
It is very, very rare for a termination to be done first thing on a Monday morning. They usually schedule that at the end of the work week instead of the beginning.
When I got laid off 5 years ago it happened first thing on a Monday morning. The person eliminating our whole division came 3 minutes late to the meeting, and then talked for < 90 seconds, thanking our team for our work, calling us by the wrong team name, and then turning things over to HR to discuss everything else. It was the most unprofessional thing I've ever been a part of, and that's saying something! They also broke a bunch of labor laws laying off people out of the U.S. through the same process, whoops!


Jul 30, 2020
Monday's aren't common but our RIF earlier this year was done on a Monday. What throws me is the CEO being there, at least for a single person. Not to scare you but it might be a larger invite for a RIF where everyone has been privated (can't see other invitees); that tracks with our Monday RIF earlier this year with the CEO and other C-suite present.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Depends. How big is the company, for a larger one it would be weird, but a small to mid size less so. Could be a PRP.

Just be better safe than sorry. Prep the resume. Start applying and networking and emailing.

I've had this feeling before that I was about to get let go and it turned out to be nothing at the time. But then my hours were cut like a week and a half later.

But then at another job, the person that I was hired with was laid off on a Monday a couple hours after our morning meeting.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
When I got laid off 5 years ago it happened first thing on a Monday morning. The person eliminating our whole division came 3 minutes late to the meeting, and then talked for < 90 seconds, thanking our team for our work, calling us by the wrong team name, and then turning things over to HR to discuss everything else. It was the most unprofessional thing I've ever been a part of, and that's saying something! They also broke a bunch of labor laws laying off people out of the U.S. through the same process, whoops!

Yeah, considering your company broke a bunch of labor laws in the process of laying your team off, it definitely sounds like that falls inside of the "very rare" part of my statement. That sounds like a fucking mess and I hope they got sued for it!
Jan 15, 2019
Start the meeting with a sort of "So what position am I being promoted to" statement so you can either get the ball rolling on your new position right away or make the process of firing you considerably more uncomfortable for them.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Last time I had a meeting like that I got a dollar an hour raise.

I'm not saying that's what's going to happen to you but...

Don't stress about it all weekend. No job it's worth stressing about all weekend even if you're going to lose it.


Nov 8, 2017
I don't think it's you being "fired". You'll either be laid off for budget reasons or put on a performance improvement plan. Or best case scenario it's nothing and you just didn't get a response because it's Friday.


Nov 4, 2017
To clarify, I used to directly report to him - the team I work in is a smaller company that was bought by a giant one a few years back. I see him very rarely but I'm pretty sure he's been present in the past when other folks have been let go. We're about 30 people or so and he's in our team-wide meetings every Friday. He's a lot more involved than you'd expect.

Oh. That changes things drastically. Sorry but yeah I think you're out.
He might be doing you the courtesy since you reported to him before.

Or maybe he wants to work with you again. Fingers crossed.


Oct 27, 2017
As others have said, I have no idea why the CEO would be there.

Are you guys a super small company or something?

If they put you on a PIP, consider it a 90 day period to look for a new job. (Yeah I know there are folks who turn things around when it comes to a PIP but those cases seem few and far between)


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, I wouldn't assume it's a firing just yet. How big is this company?
My team is like 30 people but the entire company is 10k+.
Maybe they want you to return to the office full time?
I don't think so, they went fully remote in 2020 and I don't see why they'd do one on one calls to change that when we're such big company overall
Any reason for you to think negatively?
I have really bad anxiety and depression plus lifelong imposter syndrome ayyyy


Apr 11, 2023
I think if you're gonna get fired, they would be more apt to do it on a Friday, just to get 5 more days of work out of you.

Could just be someone in HR wants to "put a face to a name"

Best of luck, fracas 🫡


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
i mean if you really want to know, call your boss or hell even the CEO since you used to report to the them. or let it weigh on you all weekend.
"check in" is also a bizarre way to title the meeting if it was a lay off vs say org update or even just "connect".
Oct 28, 2017
Good Luck and Godspeed my friend.

I hate to say it but a month ago I had a meeting on a Monday called "Check in" where I was let go right before a big regional event.

The job was beneath my station and it was obvious from day one.

Now, the good news is 2 weeks later I was hired into a position better suited for my skills and with better pay so it worked out.

If the CEO wasn't on the meeting I would think they would let you go but that is throwing me off. Maybe it's one of those rub elbows with the team kinda thing. I had lunch with the owner of a company I worked for without even knowing it. Just sat down and ate and good conversation.


Oct 27, 2017
My company did layoffs on a Monday last year. I also got a cryptic meeting invite, but it ended up being my boss telling me I'm not laid off. I was kind of pissed off that she chose to tell me like that and leave me in suspense.

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I've seen this lately at my org and it scared the shit out of us too.

Some fucking vendor is going around selling middle managers on these "work value" plans that rank you from beginner to expert. My team thinks it's a way to number the people that are ok to fire if layoffs need to happen.

If you can still log into your email, you are not getting fired. They would have immediately cut your access to everything if the decision came down.


Oct 27, 2017
I appreciate the positive thoughts, y'all. I'm just gonna assume I'm getting let go. I'd rather try and make my peace with it now then hold on to any shred of false hope before the axe drops.

I have somewhere around 4-5 months worth of savings (we just had to buy a new AC and I covered my dad's headstone, great timing btw!) and thankfully we live in a low cost of living area + my wife makes good money, so long term I should be fine. I'm just panicking for now. I've never been fired and I never received any hints I was at risk. WFH gave me unbelievable work-life balance and I'm terrified I'm gonna lose it.

Really hoping if it is the worst, it's layoffs at least. Unemployment would be really helpful and having a reference would be nice. It's just hard to see this as anything but negative news heading my way.

The best part is it's not even first thing in the morning Monday, it's at like 9:30. I get to log into our teams chat and pretend everything's cool for a couple hours, hell yeah


Oct 25, 2017
You'll be fine. It's likely a meet and greet so the CEO can put names to faces as a show of goodwill.

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I appreciate the positive thoughts, y'all. I'm just gonna assume I'm getting let go. I'd rather try and make my peace with it now then hold on to any shred of false hope before the axe drops.

I have a good 4-5 months worth of savings (we just had to buy a new AC and I covered my dad's headstone, great timing!) and thankfully we live in a low cost of living area + my wife makes good money, so long term I should be fine. I'm just panicking for now. I've never been fired and I never received any hints I was at risk.

Really hoping if it is the worst, it's layoffs. Unemployment would be really helpful and the reference would be nice. It's just hard to see this as anything but negative news heading my way.

The best part is it's not even first thing in the morning Monday, it's at like 9:30. I get to log into our teams chat and pretend everything's cool for a couple hours, hell yeah
I work in IT my dude.

If you can access ANY company controlled resource, then you aren't getting fired.


Oct 29, 2017
Do you/have you ever talked to your CEO in general? I work at a large company and can't imagine they would invite our CEO every time there was a meeting to fire someone. But maybe if you work more closely with yours it could be possible? But I'm leaning towards it being something else besides a layoff

Yep if anything you're probably safe because why would the CEO of a large company personally lay off or fire a non-executive? The only time you hear about that is when they do a large layoff and announce it to a bunch of people at once. They especially wouldn't be part of a performance improvement plan. It's more likely to be good news honestly.


Oct 27, 2017
Can only speak for my company, but involuntary terminations are not telegraphed in advance (i.e. report to me on Monday) as they do not want the employee to do any damage to company data/property when they still have access or (God forbid) show up looking for some kind of physical retribution. They have the employee report to HR immediately and they are terminated then. They aren't even allowed to go back to their desk or office. They are escorted out by security who will then go back and get their belongings.


Dec 27, 2021
American in Costa Rica
My limited experience
if the CEO is at the meeting things are positive
the CEO calls you to soften being laid off while being told your a key part of the company we have to let you go let me know how I can help you with your future employer


Oct 26, 2017
If they were gonna can you they would've done it today most likely.

I'm thinking they might ask you to change roles, check if you're interested in a promotion, impromptu review, or they're gonna dump an extra job on your lap "temporarily" because someone quit or they're going to fire them.


Nov 2, 2017
Your saying it's a small team part of larger company, so there's a good chance they're looking to potentially promote you to a higher position that operates on the bigger company scale.

But I've also seen people be fired and it's the exact same scenario your describing. Not the CEO, but the man in charge of our side of the company.

So Godspeed to you both ways OP.


Oct 25, 2017
Monday morning is really fucked up if they do let you go.

I've never heard of that one before and it just feels like extra unnecessary torture on their part.


Oct 29, 2017
Can only speak for my company, but involuntary terminations are not telegraphed in advance (i.e. report to me on Monday) as they do not want the employee to do any damage to company data/property when they still have access or (God forbid) show up looking for some kind of physical retribution. They have the employee report to HR immediately and they are terminated then. They aren't even allowed to go back to their desk or office. They are escorted out by security who will then go back and get their belongings.

Yep you have to have a pretty incompetent HR department to telegraph a firing over a weekend of all things given the possibility for the employee to download proprietary info, delete important files, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been laid off on a Monday and I had full access to my email for the preceding week (when I was on vacation so they could've easily removed my access then). However, the CEO was not involved even a little bit and neither was the CFO, it was just a call from HR.


Sep 14, 2023
Mi'kma'ki Territory
afaik most people are fired Fridays, and CEOs don't attend. I wonder if it really is just a weird friendly check-in for some reason.

Good luck OP - it doesn't SEEM bad 🥲