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Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Those reviews



Big Powder

Oct 25, 2017
I bought it because at this point I will support DONTNOD no matter what they do, as Life Is Strange and Tell Me Why were both amazing, Vampyr was GREAT as well, but I will admit that LIS2 ended up disappointing me a little bit (there were some episodes in there that were among the best they've done, though), and hearing that people don't seem to like this one as much is worrying. I will post in here in a day or two after I've gone through it and let y'all know if it's worth playing as a fan of the developer.

As for the Telltale comparisons, it worries me a bit too. I would prefer if they slowed down and focused on one or two games at a time. Any more, and you risk diminishing the quality.

Going into this trying to be optimistic!

Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Started playing now. What a gorgeous game!

EDIT: Haven't read any reviews yet and won't. Will post my impressions about it (good or bad) later on.


Nov 6, 2018
I finished the game earlier and my opinion is that it's mediocre. I don't hate it, but wouldn't recommend it either. Life is Strange Season 1 was infinitely better. I'm currently maybe half way through Tell Me Why and from what I've played that game seems massively better as well.

I loved the characters in Life is Strange and they seem great in Tell Me Why so far. I also loved the investigation in Life is Strange with the putting the pieces together moment making me feel like I had worked something out.

Twin Mirror on the other hand is just boring. I don't care about any of the characters and the investigation part is entirely railroaded. You can't miss any clues and when you need to piece them together you can't get it wrong either, the game won't let you continue until you get it right.

The investigation part is basically a multiple choice puzzle. You choose something like: The victim was <punched/shot/kicked> by <person 1/person 2/person 3>, watch how it plays out and decide if that matches what you know and what clues you found in the environment.

The first one I did I felt like I was kinda solving something. In a later investigation I picked the correct answers on my first attempt and was immediately sent into a cutscene. The problem is that I didn't even think that was the answer, I was only trying to choose a good starting point. That also meant I accidentally skipped one of the better parts of the game.

The next one was even worse. I couldn't work out what the solution was and had to go through every single option one by one until I had the answer the game wanted.

Twin Mirror costs the same as Tell Me Why but it feels like it must've had a fraction of the budget. Limited NPC's, dialogue options, choices and a short length. There are also multiple moments where you click on say a notice board looking for a clue and every single texture is a blurry unreadable mess. The clues you need to read are fine, you can click on them individually and see the text in an overlay, but low res textures right in your face feels like something games don't do nowadays, and not something I remember seeing in Life is Strange or Tell Me Why either.

It's not a horrible game, it looks quite nice and outside of weird moments it runs great on Series X, it's just a giant, disappointing step back from their prior work.

The voice in your head is a douche and I hate him. I pretty much consistently ignored them, did the opposite of what they recommended and almost never asked them for advice. In one scene I basically repeatedly told them to f-off, only for a follow up scene to show them pretty much taking credit for all of my success and my main character sat there agreeing with them? That felt entirely out of place for a choice based game

edit: Another complaint I just though of. One of the things I hate in games is when you can see something that you know is important, but the game won't let you interact with it until it wants you to. Twin Mirror does that.

I see a bag. Clearly it's significant. I'm here to investigate but I can't interact with it. I progress a little bit further and my character says something like "I wonder where they could've hidden it?". Oh, like the bag I saw when I first walked in? That you wouldn't let me do anything with until now?

I guess I was expecting a detective/mystery game where I would puzzle it out and feel smart while doing it. But because almost everything you can interact with is significant, you can't miss any clues and have to solve the investigations the way the game wants you to, I never really felt like I really worked anything out on my own. Not to continuously bring them up, but Life is Strange Season 1 and Tell Me Why probably are far better detective games.
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Darth Smurf X

Oct 25, 2017
Hoth, WI
I broke down and bought it despite some negative reviews. I just like DONTNOD and their games and want to support them when I can. I can't play Tell Me Why, but I can play this game. So I will.

EDIT: I removed the dumb part.
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Oct 27, 2017
I broke down and bought it despite some negative reviews. I just like DONTNOD and their games and want to support them when I can. I can't play Tell Me Why because they refuse to allow Playstation owners access, but I can play this game. So I will.
That's a weird way to phrase that.

That's like me saying, I just like From Software and their games and want to support them when I can. I can't play Bloodborne or Demon's Souls because they refuse to allow Xbox owners access. LOL


Feb 7, 2018
Expected reviews and reception. Also looks like there is no hype for the game at all. Even they didn't really try to promote the game and let ppl know that it's out.

I personally think that Dontnod peaked with Life is Strange and that everything after that was disappointing or not as good. I am sure that sadly they will never repeat what they did with Life is Strange.

Deleted member 17184

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Expected reviews and reception. Also looks like there is no hype for the game at all. Even they didn't really try to promote the game and let ppl know that it's out.

I personally think that Dontnod peaked with Life is Strange and that everything after that was disappointing or not as good. I am sure that sadly they will never repeat what they did with Life is Strange.
Agree to disagree, I guess. Life is Strange 2 was one of my favorite games last year and this as well, and I can say the same about Tell Me Why. I'm still too early in to say anything about Twin Mirror, but their output has been fantastic regardless of it.

The Telltale comparison people have been making also doesn't make sense. Telltale depended on expensive licenses without sales, while Dontnod has been doing so well they became a public company. Telltale also was one studio, while Dontnod has multiple ones.


Oct 29, 2017
I'll get around to buying these, as I love Dontnod and the graphics and atmosphere look phenomenal. But it's kinda disappointing to hear it's only 5 hours long, I always assumed this game was intended to be 8-12 hours


Oct 29, 2017
yeah me too :(
I have not finished the game yet.
Glancing at the reviews, it seems like the big complaint is the game's runtime. Lots of critics saying its characters and world are super interesting but the game is too short for its reveals and narrative to fully pay off. That's sad to hear. Maybe Twin Mirror should've been episodic instead


Oct 27, 2017
Completely forgot this released this week! Will jump in despite the reviews, the narrative really hits the right notes with me.
Oct 26, 2017
The team is now at Dontnod Paris,and i think,but maybe i am wrong,that Twin Mirror is their game.So basically the first game for this new Dontnod team.
Yeah this is Dontnod Eleven's game. Obviously heavily changed after they were merged with main Dontnod. And likely strongly cut according to the findings of the Eurogamer review. Probably would have been too expensive to keep the production values up for 8-12 hours, so they collapsed it a bit. When you self publish you need to be way more budget conscious.


Oct 25, 2017
a little more info/confirmations from this article/tweet (can't read it,it's behind a paywall)

So Twin Mirror is the first self-published game by Dontnod.Bandai is the publisher in Europe on the different online stores.
They have 6 games in production/developpement,4 will be self-published.(So we know they have one project with Focus,so...probably another game published by Microsoft too?maybe?)

Oof, I bet all those self-published games will be timed Epic exclusive as well.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
I just finished Tell Me Why today. That game is good for the soul (if there is such a thing). I have to say, regardless of how the overall title reviews, props for DONTNOD for sticking with the art aesthetic. And per usual, the black character looks even more realistic (which, I know, is not the aim of the said aesthetic).


Oct 25, 2017
Finished this earlier, it wasn't earth shattering but I quite liked it despite the mixed reviews.


Feb 7, 2018
Another thing i don't understand why is this priced similarly to Life is Strange 2? It's 29€ for me on Epic Store and we are talking about 5-6 hours of gameplay. This should have been priced much better, but it's going to be discounted pretty soon i am sure anyway.


Feb 8, 2018
Western Europe
Twin Mirror project history for those interested and to clear up confusion:
  • 2013 Nov: DONTNOD gets granted 400 000€ monetary aid from French agency CNC for project "LOA" (FAJV). (First concept work dates to 2015)
  • 2017 Aug: Bandai Namco announces it has partnered with DONTNOD on a new narrative adventure IP in development since 2016. Internally known as "LOARebirth".
  • 2018 Jun: Bandai unveils Twin Mirror at E3 2018
  • 2018 Aug: Twin Mirror is revealed to be 3 episodes with a 2019 release date at Gamescom 2018. Press and age rating data points at a Q1 2019 release date (08 February 2019 on
  • 2019 Jun: DONTNOD announces has acquired the Twin Mirror IP and delays the game to 2020 (having partially split with Bandai beforehand, probably around January 2019)
  • 2020 Jun: DONTNOD announces Twin Mirror is no longer episodic and has been reworked.
  • 2020 Dec: DONTNOD release Twin Mirror.
The credits mentions a "Alpha Team" and a "Conception & Pre-Production Team".

  • In 2011, Oskar Guilbert (CEO of DONTNOD since founding in 2018) gets appointed president of studio HESAW (developer of Viktor Kalvachev's Blue Estate), independently from his role at DONTNOD.
  • In 2016, HESAW announced they have rebranded as DONTNOD ELEVEN (BUT only in name, it remained an independent entity) with DONTNOD's approval and are working on Battlecrew Space Pirates.
  • In 2018, DONTNOD absorbs struggling DONTNOD ELEVEN in goodwill. The remaining employees of ELEVEN are integrated into DONTNOD to help out with rapid growth following the IPO strategy, Battlecrew Space Pirates Game Director Florian Desforges becomes Director of Twin Mirror.
Maxime, could you double check please?
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Mar 30, 2018
Rio de Janeiro
I broke down and bought it despite some negative reviews. I just like DONTNOD and their games and want to support them when I can. I can't play Tell Me Why because they refuse to allow Playstation owners access, but I can play this game. So I will.
I don't understand this post? Dontnod can't allow access to any platform for that game since it is not their IP, nor did they fund it.

This game has another publisher so it is on playstation, same with LiS (square enix).


Oct 27, 2017
Alright, finished it. Really did not like it at all. A first for a DONTNOD game for me. I guess the game looks pretty but even that is tampered by some rough edges. All the neat ideas (Double, Mental Palace) are extremely undercooked.

It starts nicely (I guess what was Episode 1) but honestly nothing takes off and the pays off range between uninteresting and laughable. Special mention, but in a negative way: The ambient sound is sooooo lacking. Same for the music. Overall the game is glacially quiet.

I honestly won't even bother to talk stories because there's nothing to talk about. My hot take as the credits roll is: Don't bother even with a nice discount. Play Life is Strange 2 instead: It's been on you wishlist long enough and it has meaningful things to say.

I hope DONTNOD will bounce back. This game probably has a rough story (COVID didn't help) and so had Remember Me and Vampyr but these two have unique things for the to stand. This one has just nothing.

At least it's short.


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I thought I was about 1/3rd in and then the game just ended? What? I'm so confused right now, lol.

edit: I played very slowly, talking to a lot of people, and taking notes for my review. I also got stuck a couple times when I couldn't find certain clues. There was one instance where I was stuck for about 20 minutes because I didn't see tire tracks that were hidden in the grass. All in all my PS5 tells me I spent 4 hours with the game, even after playing that slowly. This is a super, super short game.

edit 2: Looking at the different endings on YouTube it appears I had the longest ending as well.
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Type VII

Oct 31, 2017
Just downloaded it on Series X and it shows as an Xbox One game in my library - this is Series X enhanced isn't it? 4K etc?

Deleted member 86306

User requested account closure
Nov 20, 2020
Just refunded on Epic Store.
Kinda feel bad, because I always want to support Dontnod.
But what I'm hearing just isn't worth 30 euros. Ah well, maybe their next game.


Jan 17, 2018
I'm hesitant because, while I liked Remember Me and LOVE the Life Is Strange series (including Captain Spirit), Tell Me Why bored me. Still, the premise is interesting, so I may give it a go!
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Feb 14, 2018
The ambient sound is sooooo lacking. Same for the music. Overall the game is glacially quiet.

yeah this is really weird.Maybe it's a bug?There's no sound at all in a lot of areas,it's really bizarre for a Dontnod game.
No birds,no wind,nothing,nothing at all,you don't hear water,you don't hear the firecamp when you are in front of it...etc...Also the music is lacking,sometimes you can hear a little loop of ambiant music,and then it stops,and then...nothing.????...
You can hear only footsteps and voice.It's terrible.Also in one sequence you have to turn off a jukebox ,and you character says "i don't need this for the moment",but there was actually no music at all in the sequence....?????
really weird.Did they release an unfinished build?

edit: Well i can confirm it's a bug on the PS4..There is ambiant sound (saw on a stream,on the PC version).

edit2: i found a fix apparently: i selected "defaut audio option" in the sound menu....and i have ambiant sound ! hurrah !
This is a weird bug.
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Oct 25, 2017
So, I just finished the game. This is the first time I'm playing a Dontnod narrative game (actually, I played Captain Spirit back when it released and really liked it) and I was pretty hyped because of the premise and how well regarded the Life Is Strange franchise is in my friend circles.

Non-spoiler thoughts, the game really reflects the rocky development cycle it seemingly had. There are some ideas that felt reminiscent of the first draft of the game that the narrative doesn't really do nothing with and feel disjointed from the rest of the story, at least on a first playthrough. It feels like a game put together by competent people that know what they are doing, but ultimately don't have enough time to fulfill their vision. Also, I went it with very different expectations regarding the game's themes, so...
when it turned out to be a corrupted police department/drug cartel story I was let down. The culprit identity and the actual villain were painfully obvious too.

I felt like the game peaked at the wake right at the beginning and the first mind palace puzzle. Everything else after feels like introducing characters that the player won't get to see again. The next mind palace puzzles didn't feel as clever as the first one (which was very basic still), and the one at the
was an infuriating trial-and-error mess that didn't make any sense lol

Regarding the ending...
I feel like my whole playthrough was getting that "best" storyline from my guesses (Sam dealing with his double personality and past, Bug not running off from home, Anna being present in the investigation and trusting Sam again...) then I get presented a choice by the Other Sam which didn't really make any sense (why would Sam choose between the Mind Palace and his other personality? ... the sudden conflict about fitting with society and facing the real world felt like it came out of nowhere. That whole setpiece was visually gorgeous, though.

And then came the confrontation with Declan, which felt so comical that I don't know if I should be infuriated or not... Sam stands around doing nothing? and Anna runs to Declan instead. And while Declan has a gun in his hands and Anna is in the way, you have the choice of: throw a rock at him (which I guessed could end up with Anna getting in the way and hurting her instead), going for the gun (which I thought would end up with Anna or Sam getting shot while the three of them were struggling) or tackling Declan (... which I found to be the most logical choice? so while Anna was fighting him off, Sam could throw him to the floor losing the gun). So I chose tackling Declan... and fucking Anna stops Sam throwing him to the side and she gets shot instead. My reaction:


Then all the other choices felt written in a way that the game was really pushing me to either have Declan keep shooting Anna... or shooting the phone so Sam couldn't call an ambulance (why would he use his phone anyways? we saw him having signal at that same spot during the game's prologue...). So with Anna dead, I guess I got one of the bad endings.

The epilogue starting with the other cop basically saying "you know, it's not like the police have any responsability in any of this, and Declan might have killed three innocent people and ruined the lives of many of the townspeople, but he was still a good person" and anytime you had the choice to confront her about her bullshit she ignored Sam made me roll my eyes. Sam figuring out who the actual mastermind was at the ending and leaving in slow-mo just to make another exposé article at the newspaper felt like it didn't have any consequence to the characters and world, since the game skips right into the credits afterwards.

So, I will try to find some time and replay the game again to get another ending and collect the two items I missed. Overall, I still had a good time with the story and the world, but I the game's faults doesn't really relate to its runtime, in my opinion. I'm very interested in jumpint into Tell Me Why next, and finally playing the main LiS games.


Feb 14, 2018
Finished it.Yeah it's not a terrible game(liked the beginning a lot) ,but it's the most unsatisfying Dontnod game.Everything has been said.
The environnements are very well done (yeah it still a Dontnod game after all),and the character models looks great imo.The plot is the weakest part of the game imo,some characters seem to be interesting,but you will never know's already the end of the game.
It's not a "avoid" game,it's just not really satisfying.And too short.

. It feels like a game put together by competent people that know what they are doing, but ultimately don't have enough time to fulfill their vision.


Regarding the ending...

Hey that's my ending too...i liked it a bit should write "regarding my ending" because the final "twist" is not in all the endings.There are 5 endings i think,but there must be only or two with the final deduction.

but I the game's faults doesn't really relate to its runtime, in my opinion

it's a part of the pbs.
Twin mirror was supposed to be an episodic game,with 3 episodes.
The first episode was almost finished in 2018 ,and was supposed to be released early 2019 if i am correct.
this is the 2018 version :


Feb 8, 2018
Western Europe
(Continuing from the info post above)

Looking at the scene list it appears episode 1 would have ended after
the car crash mind palace investigation. Difficult to say for episode 2, but I think the epilogues are the same/similar to episode 3. E1S080_, E2S010_, E2S040_, E2S080_ E2S100_ and TRAVEL2 appear to be missing.

Scene/map list; Episode 1:
  • E1S010A_TRAVEL1
  • E1S030A_PUBEXT
  • E1S040A_PUBINT1
  • E1S060A_PUBINT2
  • E1S071A_HUBCAFE1
  • E1S072A_HUBDRUG1
  • E1S100A_ROAD
  • E1S100M_ROADMP
Episode 2+:
  • E2S050A_TRAVEL3
  • E2S070A_TRAVEL4
  • E2S150A_TRAVEL5
While a longer game might have helped with character building, it probably wouldn't have fixed some fundamental issues like the double/mind palace choice thing.


Feb 14, 2018
(Continuing from the info post above)

Looking at the scene list it appears episode 1 would have ended after
the car crash mind palace investigation. Difficult to say for episode 2, but I think the epilogues are the same/similar to episode 3. E1S080_, E2S010_, E2S040_, E2S080_ E2S100_ and TRAVEL2 appear to be missing.

Scene/map list; Episode 1:
  • E1S010A_TRAVEL1
  • E1S030A_PUBEXT
  • E1S040A_PUBINT1
  • E1S060A_PUBINT2
  • E1S071A_HUBCAFE1
  • E1S072A_HUBDRUG1
  • E1S100A_ROAD
  • E1S100M_ROADMP
Episode 2+:
  • E2S050A_TRAVEL3
  • E2S070A_TRAVEL4
  • E2S150A_TRAVEL5
While a longer game might have helped with character building, it probably wouldn't have fixed some fundamental issues like the double/mind palace choice thing.

the only real pb with the choice is that it's too early in the game imo.If this was a choice near the end of episode 3,i will be ok with it.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like my major issue with the game (and I had other issues too) was the fact that your double just shows up with no explanation or anything and then doesn't really do anything of consequence. It just felt like a completely superfluous storytelling choice that didn't add to the narrative at all. It was bizarre.


Feb 14, 2018
This review is interesting:

"Being from West Virginia myself, I can personally attest to the accuracy with which the old mining town aesthetic of Basswood was created here. Everything, from the vast wooded hills down to the cracked pavement of old roads that aren't traveled enough to warrant regular repair feels right. This makes Twin Mirror's outdoor areas its most interesting by far to me. The town of Basswood is full of faded buildings, dusty windows, grass and ivy creeping up from under old concrete, and the occasional well-intentioned graffiti. The town, like so many others from the region, genuinely feels like it harbors memories of a happier time but now barely clings to the last few threads of its former vibrancy.
The dying coal industry, the opioid crisis, and how the former feeds into the latter are depicted without lazy stereotypes but instead, thoughtful nuance."

Opioid crisis? i didn't know it was a thing in West Viriginia?

Also there's a comment on the video review by the original writer of the story:

" I was the lead writer on the game. Thanks for this review! You're the first person I've found who did a review that was actually from the area we were writing about. I'm glad you didn't want to strangle the team for screwing it up. We put a lot of time and effort into that but of course, most of the team is from France, and I'm from California. So, we'll never get it entirely right. We didn't live it. Some things are painted in broad strokes. Based on interviews, or visits that were mostly driving through uneven back roads. I see a lot of people claim the visuals of the game are wasted on such a setting, and I couldn't disagree more. Thank you very much for taking the time. "


Oct 28, 2017
Played a bit on PS5 yesterday, but couldn't shake the feeling something was a bit off.

The game seemed to be very low-res (like sub-1080), very choppy in terms of performance, and I couldn't get the brightness slider (the only option in the video part of the menu) to a point where the game didn't look overly dark or super washed out.

Has anyone else had these issues? I haven't seen anyone mention performance issues so I wasn't sure if this is just how it runs or if there may be something I need to tweak on my system. I believe the PS5 runs the game as if it was on a PS4 Pro by default.

I've played through all of the Life is Strange games on PS4 without issue, and definitely don't expect this one to be a technical stunner, but it definitely seemed like something was off. Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to provide some insight.