
User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
Seems I was wrong.

But let's say that yes most Jews support Israel. I doubt this would be that big of a deal as you are making it out to be. When you factor in the other minorities like Latin Americans, Native Americans, Muslims and Black Americans, losing the Jewish vote (even though there is a chunk that doesn't support Israel) shouldn't make them lose. What they lost will be regained through other minorities.
That's a very big gamble. USA are very much tied to Israel for one. Second see where the money is coming from. A lot of it is Jewish. Not that I am against Jews by the way. It is always about money. Israel is also tied very much with the military. Money buys influence, influence is power. Latino's and such have very different needs and are much more willing to jump to the side that provides them with what they need. And that is mostly jobs and prosperity.


Oct 25, 2017
That didn't make any sense.

The POC are an expendable voting base to the democrats because they have no other options, therefore, POC's must suffer eternally until the mythical time where they can push for legislation where they can make change. Here's the problem. That time never comes. Even when the democrats have everything you all will make excuse after excuse after excuse pretending now is never the time.


Oct 26, 2017
Surprisingly, people are capable of doing both.
This thread coulda fooled me.
I too enjoy condescendingly dismissing other people's legitimate concerns by exaggerating them.
Guess that makes two of us.

Edit - If you think this thread is chock full of well-intentioned and well-reasoned criticism of Democrats then I guess we're reading entirely different threads. Even moreso if you think my post is the one that has a problem with condescending exaggeration.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Second see where the money is coming from. A lot of it is Jewish. Not that I am against Jews by the way. It is always about money. Israel is also tied very much with the military. Money buys influence, influence is power.

Welp. Back here again. Never surprising.

Linking Jews and money underpins the most damaging and lasting Antisemitic canards. Antisemites claim that Jews control the world finances, a theory promoted in the fraudulent Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and later repeated by Henry Ford and his Dearborn Independent. In the modern era, such myths continue to be spread in books such as The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews published by the Nation of Islam, and on the internet.


Oct 25, 2017
Democrats are powerless imo at the moment. They can't change anything at the moment.
The Democrats has also many many ties with Israel. You have such a big bond that anything someone will say will be downstruck.
Trump knows this very well and wants those Jewish voters. He is also creating chaos by knowing that the Democrats can't fully support Omar and he also knows that it will open the wound of what did the Democrats ever done to POC for the votes that the POC have given them. So that is a second win for Trump. The Democrats are in a lose lose situation. And Trump knows it. Either the Democrats are starting to be critical to Israel but then they will lose the Jewish votes and support and also the financial benefits the Americans get from the Jews. Or they do nothing and try to downplay it. In that case they will be called hypocrits by POC and religious groups. And they are less likely to vote for them.
My view is that you have to seize power and then make the changes. Now they are trying to keep all the voters. Because they want to win.

Most Jewish Americans vote Democrat and even if they support Israel, they aren't right wing evangelicals that think Israel is some god granted entity that must be constantly protected and defended. They actually acknowledge Palestinian rights. This isn't as big as a crudgel as you think. Plus, Jewish Americans see REAL anti-semitism from the right where lives have been lost (see Pittsburg). Unless things get weird in the next two years, the Jewish vote will be split close to what it was in 2016.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
The POC are an expendable voting base to the democrats because they have no other options, therefore, POC's must suffer eternally until the mythical time where they can push for legislation where they can make change. Here's the problem. That time never comes. Even when the democrats have everything you all will make excuse after excuse after excuse pretending now is never the time.
Who is "you"? I am from a different country. I think that the Democrats took the POC as for granted. It seems to change a bit because the POC are becoming very important for winning for them. Before it were more white Democrats before. So that has shifted a bit.
Of course I don't want them to be taken for granted. I am just saying what viable option does the POC have? That is why it is wrong imo to have such a (basically) two party system. But it seems that won't change quickly. All this changes if the base is large again to win. Then it will change. But for now they have to cater for more people to win. That's why they are walking on a tight rope. But when you have the power then you have to push like hell.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
So you are against Omar and saying she is an antisemite?
And no it isn't Jewish people only that have much money in politics. There are so many.
It is scary how fast you are called an antisemite. For me any religion can have a place in this world.
But educate me, there are no great Jewish donors and Israel is not very hard connected with the USA?


Oct 27, 2017
See, stuff like this makes my wife and I start having a hard look into getting a Vista somewhere else outside the USA. Always the PoC fault that the country is screwed up.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
Most Jewish Americans vote Democrat and even if they support Israel, they aren't right wing evangelicals that think Israel is some god granted entity that must be constantly protected and defended. They actually acknowledge Palestinian rights. This isn't as big as a crudgel as you think. Plus, Jewish Americans see REAL anti-semitism from the right where lives have been lost (see Pittsburg). Unless things get weird in the next two years, the Jewish vote will be split close to what it was in 2016.
Ok thank you for the insight. Good to know.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't essentially say this.

You said
Kyra said:
All of my ideals and my principals might as well be thoughts and prayers without power

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you wrote (feel free to correct me if I am misunderstanding something btw). Your willing to forgo your ideals to win which to me means you are not someone who can't be trusted with any power because you will be willing to throw any your principles just to win. In my view, there are certain things that are non negotiable and I will not compromise on and I can't trust someone who doesn't feel the same.


Oct 27, 2017
It seems to change a bit because the POC are becoming very important for winning for them. Before it were more white Democrats before.
Democrats haven't won the white vote since 1964. POC have been must have voting block for Democrats for decades. And they've been taken for granted for just as long.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you really surprised that Omar is being thrown under the bus, and people in this thread tell poc to shut the fuck up and do as they're told.

When this shit happens. Never forget.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Unless I'm misunderstanding what you wrote (feel free to correct me if I am misunderstanding something btw). Your willing to forgo your ideals to win which to me means you are not someone who can't be trusted with any power because you will be willing to throw any your principles just to win. In my view, there are certain things that are non negotiable and I will not compromise on and I can't trust someone who doesn't feel the same.

I'm saying having principles but jeopardizing your position to make them matter is the same as just wishing things work out for the best. I would argue that doing whats necessary to be in a position of power if you have conviction of your views is itself a principle. If you want to argue that no values that any dems hold would be of benefit to you or anyone you care about or align with any view you hold valuable then i guess it's moot.


Oct 25, 2017
How the fucking fuck is this godamn tweet still fucking up?! Twitter would have had tons of reports by now.


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
Does POC feel that they are represented enough in the Democratic party?
And as a black person or Muslim who would you support in the next election? Or do you think that no candidate is good?

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
Does POC feel that they are represented enough in the Democratic party?
And as a black person or Muslim who would you support in the next election? Or do you think that no candidate is good?

I don't feel like I'm represented, and I dislike all of the current candidates.

I'll hold my nose and vote, but I don't fucking want to.
May 9, 2018
BuzzFeed News: Twitter Left Up Ilhan Omar Death Threats So Law Enforcement Could Investigate

Twitter would've typically taken down the threatening tweets once they were reported, but the company left them up to enable potential law enforcement collaboration, a source close to the company told BuzzFeed News. The Capitol Hill police are working on the issue, the source said.

Asked if it's aware of the threats on Omar's life, the United States Capitol Police declined to specify. "The mission of the United States Capitol Police is to protect and serve Congress," a Capitol Police spokesperson told BuzzFeed News. "Our responsibilities include consulting with Members and their offices on security-related matters. However, we do not discuss how we carry out our protective responsibilities for Congress."


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
I don't feel like I'm represented, and I dislike all of the current candidates.

I'll hold my nose and vote, but I don't fucking want to.
Ok thanks for the response.
So you would vote because you don't have another viable option? Someone who represents you? And because the other side is worse?


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
Are people getting now how throwing progressives under the bus hurts America? It strengthens the right wing's position and allows them to attack

The democrat party barely holds its disdain for people like Omar because she challenges the status quo. ANd of course the GOP are fully on that side as well. Unless we hold the "opposition" accountable, things like this will just continue, and if someone ends up dead because of that, it would just be too sad a thing
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Didnt he already do that when Democrats were trying to censure her over her comments about Israeli occupation?

he stayed silent (at least publicly) during the AIPAC controversy in February, iirc. His public statement in response to the March "allegiance to a foreign country" controversy was decent, but it took longer than it should have and it didn't explicitly say that her comments weren't antisemitic
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
AOC included? Even she can't get a break with this? I'm pretty sure she's pretty high up there on the Republican and Democratic (centrist) shit-list too.

her statements during the Omar antisemitism controversies consistently accepted her attackers' central premise that what Omar said was actually antisemitic.

she hasn't recanted that, yet, but her defense of Omar this time has been unequivocal and not couched in any "she was wrong last time, but..." caveat, so hopefully she's learned from the backlash she received from the left for failing to have Omar's back


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
he stayed silent (at least publicly) during the AIPAC controversy in February, iirc. His public statement in response to the March "allegiance to a foreign country" controversy was decent, but it took longer than it should have and it didn't explicitly say that her comments weren't antisemitic

He called her personally in Febuary IIRC?

His March statement reads
While anti-Semitism is a "hateful and dangerous ideology which must be vigorously opposed ... we must not equate anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of the right-wing, Netanyahu government in Israel."

"Rather, we must develop an even-handed Middle East policy which brings Israelis and Palestinians together for a lasting peace," Sanders said, reported HuffPost. "What I fear is going on in the House now is an effort to target Congresswoman Omar as a way of stifling that debate. That's wrong."

It sounds like he's clearly saying her statements are a legitimate criticism of the right wing Netanyahu government and not anti semitism to me.

Its is funny going through the DM's now though that everyone else jumped on board to defend Ilhan after Sanders did, which also happend this time as well


Oct 27, 2017
Linking all jews to money that controls everything is indeed wrong. But let's not act like a lot of Jewish groups don't donate money to influence what happens with the government like a lot of other groups. Ironically a majority of this seems to go towards helping democratic candidates which is why so many dems don't want to criticize Israel at all. Also why the whole democrats entire party is antisemitic attack so moronic.
Oct 25, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
He called her personally in Febuary IIRC?

His March statement reads

It sounds like he's clearly saying her statements are a legitimate criticism of the right wing Netanyahu government and not anti semitism to me.

Its is funny going through the DM's now though that everyone else jumped on board to defend Ilhan after Sanders did, which also happend this time as well

his February call wasn't public, and while his March statement gets close to that territory, I don't think it quite crossed the line of outright refuting the antisemitism smears. But ymmv


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
his February call wasn't public, and while his March statement gets close to that territory, I don't think it quite crossed the line of outright refuting the antisemitism smears. But ymmv

fair enough, but the fact remains that the next step is to clearly detail what the israeli situation is and how Palestinians factor into it, and why lobbying of israel exists in the first place.

Something i have not heard anyone prominent do. Closest was AOC stating that there was occupation going on by some hack CBS reporter and she walked back those comments super early on


Apr 1, 2019
Are you really surprised that Omar is being thrown under the bus, and people in this thread tell poc to shut the fuck up and do as they're told.

When this shit happens. Never forget.

...I really wonder if I should just pack up & get out of this country with my passport book, especially if Trump gets another four years.

I'm also a POC, by the way.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
As long as we leave the word "jews" out of it and clearly define the right wing apartheid state of israel and its defenders, it should be cut and dried what the difference is. It isnt an ethnic group of people, it is a state committing human rights abuses under the support of the USA.

That is exactly what Omar has been saying for years.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
The problem isn't Omar's ability to talk to our community, it's all the people (White christian/racist/nazis) that think they can respond for us.