
Oct 25, 2017

The Department of Energy announced Friday that it had finalized a rule allowing for a new class of dishwashers with cycle times of an hour or less and different energy and water conservation standards -- a move that critics charge would circumvent key environmental regulations.

"Today the Trump Administration reaffirmed its commitment to reducing regulatory burdens and reinstating consumer choice for American families," Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said in a statement. "With this final rulemaking, we are once again letting the American people -- not Washington -- decide what appliances to use in their homes."

The rule's advancement comes as President Donald Trump has referenced suburban women's alleged dissatisfaction with dishwashers while pleading for their support in the final weeks before the election.
The rule would create a product class of dishwashers "with a cycle time for the normal cycle of one hour or less from washing through drying." The department will "determine the specific energy and water conservation standards for the new product class" at a later time, according to the rule.

Trump has repeatedly mentioned dishwashers in his characterizations of interactions with female voters. In Nevada last Sunday, the President told rallygoers to "go buy a dishwasher."

"I said what's wrong with this thing? It doesn't clean the dishes right," he continued. "The women come up to me, the women who they say don't like me -- they actually do like me a lot. Suburban women, please vote for me. I'm saving your house. I'm saving your community. I'm keeping your crime way down."

At a Michigan rally late last year, Trump said that while dishwashers used to generate an "explosion" at the push of a button, "now you press it 12 times, women tell me."
In the new rule, the department referenced a shortened cycle in the context of a requirement for "a product class with a higher or lower energy use or efficiency standard than the standards applicable to other dishwasher product classes."

While some dishwashers feature cycles shorter than an hour, the department said in the rule finalized Friday that it could not confirm that they "operate within the confines of current energy and water consumption standards," which are applied to "normal" cycles.

Some opponents of the new rule charge that it will result in certain new dishwashers flouting energy and water regulations.

Joe Vukovich, energy efficiency advocate at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said in a statement that "wasting energy and water doesn't help anyone."

Energy Department's plan for faster dishwashers draws environmental worries

The Department of Energy announced Friday that it had finalized a rule allowing for a new class of dishwashers with cycle times of an hour or less and different energy and water conservation standards -- a move that critics charge would circumvent key environmental regulations.


Oct 29, 2017
"Today the Trump Administration reaffirmed its commitment to reducing regulatory burdens and reinstating consumer choice for American families," Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette said in a statement. "With this final rulemaking, we are once again letting the American people -- not Washington -- decide what appliances to use in their homes."
This reads like a parody.


Oct 27, 2017
Do these people only wash their dishes when they absolutely don't have any clean ones left?
Why does it matter how long the dishwasher takes?


Oct 26, 2017
Don't people just run the dishwasher at night and go to sleep? I wouldn't know, mine is merely a drying rack for my wet dishes.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
This is him 100% thinking this will get him suburban women. From the out of touch guy that brought you "soon your husbands will be able to go back to work."


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Cool. A market with the size and scale of California will continue to drive manufacturers to create products that use less resources. This creates a product class, it does not create products.

So fuck off sir.
Oct 27, 2017
Those pesky women! This will be sure to keep them in the kitchen where they belong...

I swear this shit is what's running through these people's heads...


Oct 25, 2017
It's this why Cascade started their "do it every night" ad campaign?


Oct 25, 2017
I don't get it. Are dishwasher manufacturers clamoring to release inefficient machines? It takes a while to design, produce, and distribute a product. Won't this be reversed before one is even made?


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Still no movement on toilets? Typical out of touch government.
Oct 25, 2017
Trump once again proving that he's never done anything like a normal turn on a dishwasher, or pay a water bill. Our washer has a 1 hour button that we use every now and again (like Christmas, to clean up after breakfast before making a big lunch), but the three hour setting is perfectly fine 99% of the time.


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
If Trump wins a second term, I'm expecting the second round of stimulus to just be a new dishwasher for every household


Oct 12, 2018
This will definitely help him win the election. People want their dishes cleaned faster.


Oct 25, 2017
Trump's transparently desperate attempts to win back suburban white women have been the highlight of this entire campaign season.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get it. Are dishwasher manufacturers clamoring to release inefficient machines? It takes a while to design, produce, and distribute a product. Won't this be reversed before one is even made?

These newer dishwashers do indeed run longer than old dishwashers. There was a summit where they essentially redesigned how dishwashers work across the industry.

They use less power now, and use less water than before. They also CLEAN better than the old dishwashers did, on top of all this.

The tradeoff is that they run for 3 hours instead of 1 hour now. I'm totally ok with that if the end product means it costs me less money (lower electric bill, lower water bill) and it cleans just as well or better than old dishwashers.

I have one myself and it works amazingly well!

The idea is that for some reason Trump seems to be implying that these new dishwashers 'clean worse than before and take longer to do it,' which is patently false. They take longer because they're better at what they do than old dishwashers were, and use less resources to do it.


Oct 27, 2017
It's actually not a joke, I have a colleague whose family starved to death because their dishwasher just ran and ran and ran and they had no plates or silverware to eat off of. Then when the forensics team came, they found out the dishes in there weren't even clean when it finished.
Oct 25, 2017
Why not? Uses less water and less hot water than hand washing, so better for the environment.
This, actually. Dishwashers, thanks to the revamp I mentioned above, use less water than washing each dish by hand. Obviously this is irrelevant if you have lots of dishes that HAVE to be hand-washed, but if all your dishes are dishwasher safe, it's a lot better for the environment and less expensive to just use a dishwasher.


Oct 29, 2017
Still do my dishes by hand, don't have enough to really use a dishwasher if I had one. But yeah, it seems gasping for straws before having the same effort placed on coming up with ways to remove votes


Oct 25, 2017

These newer dishwashers do indeed run longer than old dishwashers. There was a summit where they essentially redesigned how dishwashers work across the industry.

They use less power now, and use less water than before. They also CLEAN better than the old dishwashers did, on top of all this.

The tradeoff is that they run for 3 hours instead of 1 hour now. I'm totally ok with that if the end product means it costs me less money (lower electric bill, lower water bill) and it cleans just as well or better than old dishwashers.

I have one myself and it works amazingly well!

The idea is that for some reason Trump seems to be implying that these new dishwashers 'clean worse than before and take longer to do it,' which is patently false. They take longer because they're better at what they do than old dishwashers were, and use less resources to do it.
Right. I just don't get what the point of this is. No manufacturer is going to bother changing their product lines knowing that this will be reversed and limited to just the US. It doesn't make economic sense. This is the most ridiculous out of touch pandering ever.


Oct 27, 2017
people actually use dishwashers in real life?

They are very effective at getting dishes pristine clean. But please don't scrape your plate and stick them in the dishwasher. It's a lie, you will have dried food stuck on your dishes if you don't at least wash them off in the sink first.

Sink wash =/= Dishwasher clean


Oct 25, 2017
I don't use the dishwasher, but surely they don't take 3 hours? That sounds like total bs.
Mine has been running for about two hours so far and hasn't reached the drying cycle yet.

(The drying cycle is the only thing I don't like about this washer from 2017. My previous 20 year old washer got things dryer, but I guess energy usage is the trade-off)