For US politics and election threads


Oct 24, 2017
I think this is the first time someone this high ranking has delivered a rebuke like this, and on the senate floor. Immediate ceasefire is badly needed but it appears contention continues to grow inside the White House and on the Dem side. US support for Israel will never go away but maybe could be an inflection point that can see some results over the next months.

One can hope anyway.


WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer on Thursday called on Israel to hold new elections, saying he believes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has "lost his way" and is an obstacle to peace in the region amid a growing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Schumer, the first Jewish majority leader in the Senate and the highest-ranking Jewish official in the U.S., strongly criticized Netanyahu in a 40-minute speech Thursday morning on the Senate floor. Schumer said the prime minister has put himself in a coalition of far-right extremists and "as a result, he has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows."

"Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah,"
Schumer said.

The high-level warning comes as an increasing number of Democrats have pushed back against Israel and as President Joe Biden has stepped up public pressure on Netanyahu's government, arguing that he needs to pay more attention to the civilian death toll in Gaza amid the Israeli bombardment. The U.S. this month began airdrops of badly needed humanitarian aid and announced it will establish a temporary pier to get more assistance into Gaza via sea.

Schumer has so far positioned himself as a strong ally of the Israeli government, visiting the country just days after the brutal Oct. 7 attack by Hamas and giving a lengthy speech on the Senate floor in December decrying "brazen and widespread antisemitism the likes of which we haven't seen in generations in this country, if ever."

But he said on the Senate floor Thursday that the "Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past."

Schumer says Netanyahu, who has long opposed Palestinian statehood, is one of several obstacles in the way of the two-state solution pushed by the United States. Netanyahu "has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take precedence over the best interests of Israel,"
Schumer said.

The majority leader is also blaming right-wing Israelis, Hamas and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Until they are all removed from the equation, Schumer said, "there will never be peace in Israel and Gaza and the West Bank."

The United States cannot dictate the outcome of an election in Israel, Schumer said, but "a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government."

Top Democrat Schumer calls for new elections in Israel, saying Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is calling on Israel to hold new elections


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Better late than never I guess.

Wonder how long it'll take for them to realize that Netanyahu isn't the only problematic figure in Israel's government.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
I'll believe it's more than lip service when Biden finally cuts off weapon deliveries to Israel, which is something he said on the 9th that he will never do. I'm a Jew, and this disgusts me.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Mitch McConnell's pearl clutching at this statement is pretty funny, given Trump begged for Russia to interfere in US elections.

Better late than never I guess.

Wonder how long it'll take for them to realize that Netanyahu isn't the only problematic figure in Israel's government.

While I'd be very surprised if this actually led to new elections, I think the thinking here would be that a push for a new government would be a mandate for peace. Given how much corruption we're talking about it's a big ask.


Oct 25, 2017
That's actually a pretty big deal. For the senate majority leader, who himself is Jewish, to condemn Netanyahu, such a thing would have been unthinkable.

I can only hope that this adds even more steam for Biden to also increase pressure on Israel.


Oct 25, 2017
Better late than never I guess.

Wonder how long it'll take for them to realize that Netanyahu isn't the only problematic figure in Israel's government.

Didn't see a mention of it in the ABC article, but NY Times has some more excerpts from Schumer's speech which make it clear that his issue isn't solely with Netanyahu.

In his remarks, Mr. Schumer said that Mr. Netanyahu refused to "disavow Ministers Smotrich and Ben-Gvir and their calls for Israelis to drive Palestinians out of Gaza and the West Bank."


Oct 29, 2017
That's actually a pretty big deal. For the senate majority leader, who himself is Jewish, to condemn Netanyahu, such a thing would have been unthinkable.

I can only hope that this adds even more steam for Biden to also increase pressure on Israel.

It's a powerful statement no matter how you slice it. It also gives the buffer of "but he's being antisemitic!" not in the cards, for whatever that's worth.

Netanyahu's own criminal charges are on permanent hold as long as he's in power. Something that needs to be given some credence for why he is keeping this "war" going.


Oct 25, 2017
Still a long ways off from anything but any sign is better than none, right? That said I wonder what frustration really means if there is no outlet for release. Election year after all


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
No lies detected. The US has supported Israel for a variety of reasons but the patience is running out even for someone like Schumer who is one of, if not the, senator most directly tied to Israel. Netanyahu has failed to accept any of the carrots he has been offered and if things don't change he will start getting sticks.


Oct 26, 2017
Hopefully the title of highest ranking Jewish official in the US holds some weight.

I agree that no matter what level of bloodlust (0 or otherwise) Israeli citizens feel against Palenstinians, continuing to bomb innocent people is a grand failure of their leadership.

You are fomenting hatred of your people around the world.


Oct 27, 2017
"Netanyahu is an obstacle to peace." He's killed too many people using the weapons we keep giving him. He needs to "do better." Ok here is 14 billion dollars and thousands of more bombs.
Oct 31, 2017
Great. Now stop sending them bombs.
And this system of enforcing a wordcount is dumb. It just makes me feel like an undergraduate again, spinning things out in the silliest possible way while not providing any addiitional useful content.


Dec 23, 2017
Mitch McConnell's pearl clutching at this statement is pretty funny, given Trump begged for Russia to interfere in US elections.

While I'd be very surprised if this actually led to new elections, I think the thinking here would be that a push for a new government would be a mandate for peace. Given how much corruption we're talking about it's a big ask.
Is the Israeli public against the war? If not, then even if an election is called the results won't be that much different

On the other hand, I'd never thought I'd see the day where supporting Israel becomes too much


Oct 25, 2017
Good to see, and a watershed moment because I don't recall this happening at a level this high previously -- especially given the context and background.

I much prefer having a word count minimum. Prevents the glibness from passersby that poli threads attract especially in an election year. Hopefully that continues to be the case until someone tests the bounds by plugging it into a gpt but hey more effort is more effort, and that may be a good thing in these threads


Oct 29, 2017
Great. Now stop sending them bombs.
And this system of enforcing a wordcount is dumb. It just makes me feel like an undergraduate again, spinning things out in the silliest possible way while not providing any addiitional useful content.

Sending bombs is only part of the equation. It's the Israeli leadership that is using them for reasons (not good reasons) to bomb civilians for an ends to a means that cannot be made to happen with brute force. Israel should be allowed to protect itself, just not in the direction of leadership that is happening under Netanyahu (and many far right leaders in the party).


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Is the Israeli public against the war? If not, then even if an election is called the results won't be that much different

On the other hand, I'd never thought I'd see the day where supporting Israel becomes too much

There's a sizable anti war movement in Israel on top of officials within the structure that know things have gone too far. Its just Bibi is in the pocket of their 100% pro war right wing and is serving them what they want.
Oct 31, 2017
Sending bombs is only part of the equation. It's the Israeli leadership that is using them for reasons (not good reasons) to bomb civilians for an ends to a means that cannot be made to happen with brute force. Israel should be allowed to protect itself, just not in the direction of leadership that is happening under Netanyahu (and many far right leaders in the party).

Relentlessly bombing civilians is not self defense, and that is the only use they are going to be put to. By all means sell them Iron Dome munitions, or other actually defensive systems. Cuttting the supply of equipment destined to sustain this campaign of ethnic cleansing is the only real way to put pressure on Netanyahu.
Oct 26, 2017
Not something that should be undersold, calling for the Prime Minister of Israel to effectively step down is a big risk for establishment Dems - especially since Netanyahu has seized so much power and influence in Israel. Schumer knows how important Michigan and Minnesota are for electoral victory, I think he's trying to force Biden's hand.


Oct 28, 2017
Bibi just went too hard and the propaganda wasn't effective this time around. They prefer a softer more gradual strategy of apartheid, imprisonment and subjugation in Gaza while increasing settler expansion in the West Bank. Then the world doesn't get as mad.

I am glad Schumer is calling for regime change though because Bibi is a war criminal and his coalition of ethno fascists is a danger to the world.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
Reading this makes Netanyahu/Israel out to be this sort of "spoiled child" of the US, the latter always turning a blind eye while saying "Not my perfect little angel". And now, slowly but surely, they're realizing it's too much, they can't play Innocent anymore.

I don't know, that's just the vibe I'm getting from this.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Not something that should be undersold, calling for the Prime Minister of Israel to effectively step down is a big risk for establishment Dems - especially since Netanyahu has seized so much power and influence in Israel. Schumer knows how important Michigan and Minnesota are for electoral victory, I think he's trying to force Biden's hand.


First, this wasn't Schumer going rogue, the White House is obviously on board with this. Schumer is in a unique position here that even the President can't speak about as bluntly.

Second, I can't speak to Minnesota, but there's been no evidence at all that Gaza is a make or break issue for winning Michigan. The protest vote in the primary barely got 2% over baseline uncommitted votes. We're talking at most 20,000 votes in a state he won by much more.
Oct 27, 2017
This seems majorly unprecedented.

And while I don't think things are happening fast enough, or that this speech will change things overnight, it's definitely worth pointing out that the highest ranking Jewish official in the US is openly condemning Israel on the senate floor.

Seems like this speech will give lots of cover for other progressive Dems to voice even stronger dissent.

Once again, every moment after October is "late" but it's good to see this shift in the wind.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
I don't think it'll actually spark new elections and will probably only harden Netanyahu's behavior, but does seem like a major break, both because calling for elections in a foreign country is a pretty major demand — I sure can't remember the last time I saw it — and Schumer both high ranking and known as extremely pro-Israel, he personally came out against Obama's efforts to pressure Israel over settlements.

Also saw this article just a few ago, which sure sounds like there's an effort underway to up the pressure, even if it's obviously way too little too late

Oct 26, 2017

First, this wasn't Schumer going rogue, the White House is obviously on board with this. Schumer is in a unique position here that even the President can't speak about as bluntly.

Second, I can't speak to Minnesota, but there's been no evidence at all that Gaza is a make or break issue for winning Michigan. The protest vote in the primary barely got 2% over baseline uncommitted votes. We're talking at most 20,000 votes in a state he won by much more.
Clinton lost Michigan by 11,000 votes in 2016.

And we'll see how Biden responds to Schumer's comments. With how divided Dems are and how this could be costly to turnout and enthusiasm for Biden among liberals/younger voters, even if Biden has said the same privately to Schumer, there's a chance this could be him trying to push Biden to be more public about his disagreement. Schumer speaks more for Senate Dems than the White House.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
This seems majorly unprecedented.

And while I don't think things are happening fast enough, or that this speech will change things overnight, it's definitely worth pointing out that the highest ranking Jewish official in the US is openly condemning Israel on the senate floor.

Seems like this speech will give lots of cover for other progressive Dems to voice even stronger dissent.

Once again, every moment after October is "late" but it's good to see this shift in the wind.

100% agree. It's frustrating to see this go so slowly, but it is simply the political reality that changing the longstanding, ironclad, unquestioning US support for Israel has been unthinkable for decades. Viewed through that lens, it is incredible that this is happening at all.

And Schumer is definitely the right person for this to come from. I hope this is the major step it seems like it could be.


"This guy are sick" and Aggressively Mediocre
Oct 25, 2017
Wow. I'm very (happily) surprised that Schumer would do this. Took long enough, sure, but it's incredibly bold of him, and he's the perfect person to say this. Not sure that the Biden admin can ignore the Senate Majority Leader saying this.


Oct 27, 2017
Is the Israeli public against the war? If not, then even if an election is called the results won't be that much different

On the other hand, I'd never thought I'd see the day where supporting Israel becomes too much
A big reason there even is a war is because there are many Israelis pissed at Bibi. By keeping up the veneer of war he makes it easier to argue that he should stay in power. There were plenty of articles back in October from Israeli publications voicing their anger at Bibi because his whole schtick was "only I can keep you safe!" and then the worst attack against Israelis happened under his watch proving his whole argument bullshit. Now the bombings have been going on for months and not only has he failed to "get rid of Hamas", but much more importantly (in terms of optics for Israelis) he has failed to get the hostages back and never seems to be prioritizing it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 30, 2017
Netanyahu is a problem, but so long as you have people like Yoav Gallant, Ben Gvir and the rest of the Zionist ministers allowing settlers to displace people and commit heinous crimes with impunity you cannot simply remove him. Even an election will simply see someone as bad or worse for Palestinians.

The Israeli state is bad for peace, not just Netanyahu.


Oct 27, 2017

First, this wasn't Schumer going rogue, the White House is obviously on board with this. Schumer is in a unique position here that even the President can't speak about as bluntly.

Second, I can't speak to Minnesota, but there's been no evidence at all that Gaza is a make or break issue for winning Michigan. The protest vote in the primary barely got 2% over baseline uncommitted votes. We're talking at most 20,000 votes in a state he won by much more.

Strongly disagree on the importance in Michigan. The Muslim voting bloc here is significant and large portions of the population have been very vocal about their displeasure with Biden.


Oct 27, 2017
Jewish or no, I don't think it's his place as a US politician to call for new elections in another country, even if he qualifies it a little. He's not wrong that they all need to be removed, but we'll have to trust the people there to vote them out. I can't imagine that Netanyahu will survive this politically.


One Winged Slayer
This seems majorly unprecedented.

And while I don't think things are happening fast enough, or that this speech will change things overnight, it's definitely worth pointing out that the highest ranking Jewish official in the US is openly condemning Israel on the senate floor.

Seems like this speech will give lots of cover for other progressive Dems to voice even stronger dissent.

Once again, every moment after October is "late" but it's good to see this shift in the wind.

I know you clarify with you last sentence, but it is worth pointing out that enthusiastic support for a genocide is majorly unprecedented. This statement would have been the bare minimum in fucking October. Not only is it late now, it does nothing to discuss how the US has been equally complicit in this genocide. Biden could stop this at any time.


You know what else is going to be unprecedented? The fucking inevitable land acknowledgments happening in Israel by self proclaimed progressives in 10-15 years that will be just as hollow as the ones done in the US.

Jewish or no, I don't think it's his place as a US politician to call for new elections in another country, even if he qualifies it a little.

This. If you have a problem with what Netanyahu is doing then STOP SENDING HIM WEAPONS. STOP PLAYING DEFENSE FOR HIM AT THE UN. That is it. Literally the best most productive thing the US could do to stop the suffering right now is nothing.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Strongly disagree on the importance in Michigan. The Muslim voting bloc here is significant and large portions of the population have been very vocal about their displeasure with Biden.

Disagree all you want, but there's no evidence to support it.

200,000 Arab-Americans in Michigan, including children and non voters.
Not all of them are Muslim.
Many of those who are, are socially conservative, against Biden for his support of LGBTQ rights for example.
That leaves by the most generous estimates about 40,000 dem Arab-American voters.
Many of whom still supported Biden in the primary despite an organized protest vote.
Now obviously, not all Muslim voters are Arab-American, but consider that the protest vote in the primary barely got 2% including Arab-American and other protest vote supporters over Obama's 2012 baseline of an incumbent president's performance in the primary, despite Obama being more popular then than Biden is now with no coordinated effort against Obama.

Which leaves again, a generous estimate of Biden at risk of losing at most 20,000 votes.

Some bad faith conservative groups helped to manipulate the media narrative that Biden was at major risk and got multiple articles about how he lost their votes, votes he never would have gotten in the first place, but it simply never materialized.

Trying to get movement from the administration because it's bad for him electorally was never going to work because you have a relatively small number of unreliable voters vs much larger Jewish communities elsewhere, notably swing states like PA. No candidate worth their salt is going to alienate reliable voters to court unreliable ones. That's why Biden is consistently trying to thread an impossible needle. That's why every new thing he comes around on is a frustratingly slow baby step. That's why when Schumer is out here calling for Netanyahu to be ousted, the White House has to pretend to be focused on other things.

Pushing public sentiment to change pushes Biden to change, not unrealistic political threats.

And I say all this as someone who has been a vocal critic of Biden's handling of Israel's actions since his first statement. I do not want the US to send unconditional aid, and absolutely do not want the US to send them weapons. It's just that threatening him with Michigan for example, won't work because they've seen the same numbers we have.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
How did he manage to escape getting jail or banned from running in Israel. The war has definitely given him legs and he isn't going until it ends so that makes it even worse, he will keep it going so US has to force it to stop and if he does get investigated, probably for sleeping at the wheel, corrupt, useless and horrible as always than anything else.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
How did he manage to escape getting jail or banned from running in Israel. The war has definitely given him legs and he isn't going until it ends so that makes it even worse, he will keep it going so US has to force it to stop and if he does get investigated, probably for sleeping at the wheel, corrupt, useless and horrible as always than anything else.

He barely squeaked back into power this last time as other coalitions failed to meet thresholds or he'd either be in court or in prison by now.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wilmington, NC
How did he manage to escape getting jail or banned from running in Israel. The war has definitely given him legs and he isn't going until it ends so that makes it even worse, he will keep it going so US has to force it to stop and if he does get investigated, probably for sleeping at the wheel, corrupt, useless and horrible as always than anything else.
Yeah I feel like every election there's headlines saying he won't have a coalition government, or someone else will be PM. Yet he always wins in the end.

Isn't there significant opposition to him in Israel because of how he's handled this?
Oct 25, 2017
We need to see so much more pushback against this right wing lunatic, this is a good first step but it's still just words without much of weight to them.


Oct 27, 2017
Disagree all you want, but there's no evidence to support it.

200,000 Arab-Americans in Michigan, including children and non voters.
Not all of them are Muslim.
Many of those who are, are socially conservative, against Biden for his support of LGBTQ rights for example.
That leaves by the most generous estimates about 40,000 dem Arab-American voters.
Many of whom still supported Biden in the primary despite an organized protest vote.
Now obviously, not all Muslim voters are Arab-American, but consider that the protest vote in the primary barely got 2% including Arab-American and other protest vote supporters over Obama's 2012 baseline of an incumbent president's performance in the primary, despite Obama being more popular then than Biden is now with no coordinated effort against Obama.

Which leaves again, a generous estimate of Biden at risk of losing at most 20,000 votes.

Some bad faith conservative groups helped to manipulate the media narrative that Biden was at major risk and got multiple articles about how he lost their votes, votes he never would have gotten in the first place, but it simply never materialized.

Trying to get movement from the administration because it's bad for him electorally was never going to work because you have a relatively small number of unreliable voters vs much larger Jewish communities elsewhere, notably swing states like PA. No candidate worth their salt is going to alienate reliable voters to court unreliable ones. That's why Biden is consistently trying to thread an impossible needle. That's why every new thing he comes around on is a frustratingly slow baby step. That's why when Schumer is out here calling for Netanyahu to be ousted, the White House has to pretend to be focused on other things.

Pushing public sentiment to change pushes Biden to change, not unrealistic political threats.

And I say all this as someone who has been a vocal critic of Biden's handling of Israel's actions since his first statement. I do not want the US to send unconditional aid, and absolutely do not want the US to send them weapons. It's just that threatening him with Michigan for example, won't work because they've seen the same numbers we have.
You're basically summing up my feelings whenever I read a poster saying something like, "Biden needs to change his stance or he'll lose the youth vote!" There are plenty of reasons Biden should change his stance, we don't need to go inventing bad arguments that ignore the reality of how unreliable the youth vote has been over the years. No politician is going to actively alienate reliable voters in pursuit of a theoretical youth vote.


Oct 27, 2017
One thing that's become very clear about Netanyahu is that if he had a magic button that would instantly free all of the hostages and kill every last person involved in 10/7, he'd hold off on pushing it. He has a personal stake in dragging this out as long as possible.


One Winged Slayer
Mar 14, 2018
I hope this is an inflection point.

This is not something you see everyday, high ranking US politicians speaking against Isreal… well an Isreali politician.

It has problems, Netanyahu is not the root of the problem, the occupation is.

And its calling for a re-ellection in a foreign government rather than changing of policies of the government he does have influence in.

At least it is a start, keep up the pressure and never let up.

Hopefully we get some shift, time is of the essence and people are being mass murdered.


Oct 29, 2017
cut off funding like GHWB did over illegal settlements in the West Bank and you might see some action

otherwise? I doubt it. Netanyahu needs the war to continue too badly for his own political survival he isn't going to be moved by stern words and concerns from allies


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
And yet he voted against Sanders' proposal to condition aid for Netanyahu on humanitarian rights.

Senate votes against Sanders resolution to condition Israel aid on human rights

Senator’s bid to make US military support conditional on whether Israel is violating human rights in Gaza fails by 72 votes to 11

Actions speak louder than words.
This is actually a much larger deal than a procedural vote that was never going to pass.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Everywhere and nowhere
I guarantee the only frustration in the Biden admin is that so openly supporting genocide is making them look bad. Also got to chuckle at yahu "losing his way" this is who he always was.


Jul 12, 2019
Good. I'm hoping the leads to more people in power doing the same. Bibi is a horrible man, both corrupt and cruel. He won't stop until Palestinians are wiped from existence.


Dec 15, 2017
It's long overdue, but it's definitely encouraging. Hopefully this is the start of a major shift in how Biden and the Democrats approach this conflict


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
Biden has made it explicitly clear that there is no "red line" for what Israel is doing. And in the same interview, the only people he could bother wagging his finger at was the Palestinians.

Biden is maybe watching his tone more carefully, but he sure as fuck isn't showing a change of heart. Internal dissent from Democrats doesn't mean shit, and Netanyahu will continue this campaign unabated. It's not like his eventual successor is going to win on a platform of peace and rehabilitation.
Dec 15, 2017
Netanyahu is a genocidal war criminal and that he keeps retaining power says a lot. Hopefully the pressure from the world community to end the boundless bloodshed will finally put a end to this madness.


Dec 2, 2017
It's good, but it's on Biden to take action because Netanyahu will keep going if he's not forced to stop.
You can't blame Netanyahu for his genocide while ignoring that Biden is supporting it.
Biden has become the problem.
It's been already more than two months of "Biden increasingly frustrated with Netanyahu"
Two months is an eternity given the situation in Gaza.


Oct 28, 2017
It does not matter who is prime minister of Israel. No leader there will run on a policy of ending the occupation.

Just look who is part of the government now. People on the right to Bibi.


Oct 25, 2017
Dunno if anythings gonna come out of it but Schumer calling for regime change in Israel is certainly unexpected. Lets see how much of this is actually backed by action.