
Feb 12, 2018
Sad to see him go. He did a great job with Infinite.

Definitely keeping my eye on what he works on next.


Oct 25, 2017
They've lost an incredibly concerning amount of leads and senior level staff since Infinite launched. That's going to set them back months if not years on whatever they're up to now.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
They've lost an incredibly concerning amount of leads and senior level staff since Infinite launched. That's going to set them back months if not years on whatever they're up to now.
And MS has a hiring freeze in place so they can't even hire people to replace the departures.

Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
He worked on The Saboteur before Halo...

Finally, it is time for The Saboteur 2!


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
They've lost an incredibly concerning amount of leads and senior level staff since Infinite launched. That's going to set them back months if not years on whatever they're up to now.
343 needed a shakeup of leadership after the last decade where every game they released has been deeply compromised in some way


Oct 27, 2017
Will always remember this dude for his dope sense of style and being the lead on The Saboteur :)


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
Nov 20, 2017
11.5 years is a long-ass time to be working on a thing. I wouldn't really read too much into it, but unfortunate that they might not be able to replace him anytime soon.

Deleted member 68874

Account closed at user request
May 10, 2020
Great news for Halo.

Good luck to Tom for whatever is next for him. Halo 5 was the best MP FPS of all of last gen, that's one hell of an achievement.


Feb 12, 2018
Another major departure while 343 is unable to hire more staff, damn.

They've lost an incredibly concerning amount of leads and senior level staff since Infinite launched. That's going to set them back months if not years on whatever they're up to now.

That's... incredibly concerning. There's no way that's a coincidence.

Fucking. Lol.

God damn. This series can't catch a break.

Don't really get the concern here. He did great work in building Infinite's MP, him leaving doesn't mean the game is suddenly going to play bad. The bulk of the work is done, I'm sure plenty more can pick up and keep adding to the sandbox for the lifetime of the game.


Oct 1, 2021
Here we go.

Halo Infinite is a bad game and 343i are a horrible dev team


OMG, Halo is bleeding talent every day, this is not good for the series.


Jan 14, 2018
The bulk of the work really isn't done at this stage... they'rre literally in a period which will either kill Halo Infinite MP or give it a second chance imo

So many senior devs, producers have left by now. Every single time one leaves, we get told "oh it's nothing, it's just one." Sure, if you only count them individaully and pretend it's isolated


Oct 26, 2017
He was a big part of the identity behind Halo 5 and Infinite, sad to see him go. He was in charge of fForge for 5 iirc and clearly made big things happen.


Art Manager
Oct 27, 2017
Hoping for the best for this team. I want Halo to be great! Hopefully they can start righting the ship in the new year.


Oct 28, 2017
This is at least the 3rd director leaving 343i in the last few years. What is going on over there?


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
Yeah Im grateful for Tom's work on Infinites MP. Its a blast despite content/technical problems. He was able to ship Forge and see the community unleashed which is nice. Had Bonnie stayed on board longer like she planned initially, the both of them probably would have announced their departures together.


Oct 26, 2017
I see the doom posting has already begun

Remenber when there was news around leads and senior personel leaving the studio during the development of Halo Infinite and there was a lot of doom posting around the development being incredibly troubled and then all of the doomposting turned out to be true?
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Nov 1, 2017
Renenber when there was news around leads and senior personel leaving the studio during the development of Halo Infinite and there was a lot of doom posting around the development being incredibly troubled and then all of the doomposting turned out to be true?
This exactly. Doomposting is healthy and good.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
The bulk of the work really isn't done at this stage... they'rre literally in a period which will either kill Halo Infinite MP or give it a second chance imo

So many senior devs, producers have left by now. Every single time one leaves, we get told "oh it's nothing, it's just one." Sure, if you only count them individaully and pretend it's isolated
I mean we are also told that the leadership at 343 is horrible and needs to be replaced


Oct 25, 2017
Change can be very good. :)

You're not wrong, but it's going to take a lot of time to train up people to be in leadership or senior roles if they weren't ready for it. Without knowing more about where their design staff is in terms of being prepared for this kind of thing, it's hard to say.

Don't really get the concern here. He did great work in building Infinite's MP, him leaving doesn't mean the game is suddenly going to play bad. The bulk of the work is done, I'm sure plenty more can pick up and keep adding to the sandbox for the lifetime of the game.

The concern is not that the game is going to suddenly play bad, it's that the amount of tribal knowledge, skills and confidence amongst the team can be dramatically impacted by this many leads and senior level staff leaving. Unless they had people ready to step into those shoes (which is never a guarantee) then it's going to take time to train them up to fill the roles. That can mean things get delayed, especially since they have a hiring freeze as someone else mentioned.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
And MS has a hiring freeze in place so they can't even hire people to replace the departures.
Unsure of what all the hiring freezes are for as the economy is still doing fine, businesses altogether hired 263,000 more people just this week, retail sales are still up

Some specific people keep trying to say things are bad but I don't see it

Deleted user 125633

User requested account closure
Sep 13, 2022
343 has had quite a long time to try establishing itself as the developer of Halo into the future of Microsoft's continued interest in video games, and frankly they just haven't gotten there outside of wishful thinking, internally and from their fans. Infinite is the closest they've gotten to the heights of the Bungie games, and it still fell short in a number of ways.

If nothing else, the departure of key personnel is the canary in the coal mine here; there have been and there are ongoing issues internally that we're just not fully privy to, and these issues have affected every 343 developed Halo from the word 'go.'

Obviously, Tom French isn't responsible alone for the problems with Infinite, but he was leadership, and clearly whatever they're doing over there just isn't working in terms of game development. I'm not particularly sorry to see him go, even despite his impressive accomplishments. There has to be a fundamental, from the ground up, restructuring of 343, because somewhere along the way I feel like the "understanding" of what made Halo special in the past was lost. Hell, maybe it was a fools' errand to begin with, to create a studio with the sole purpose of both preserving and adding to a legacy.


Oct 27, 2017
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Jul 3, 2020
The whole Halo Infinite project has been a failure on so many levels. They are in desperate need of a complete overhaul at 343, it's already started to happen with Ross leaving and now another one has departed.

I get the impression they were pushed rather than jumped. Regardless this game was/is a shell of what it should have been.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
He did a phenomenal job in the role. Infinite's multiplayer is fucking brilliant at a core design level, it's the junk around it that's not so hot. But when you're in a game with a good team and a sound connection there's nothing quite as enjoyable. Interested to see where he goes next.


Jan 3, 2018
Remenber when there was news around leads and senior personel leaving the studio during the development of Halo Infinite and there was a lot of doom posting around the development being incredibly troubled and then all of the doomposting turned out to be true?

A bit unrelated, but still, I can't tell you the amount of time I've been called out before release for expressing concerns about the lack of variety in the campaign environments shown during marketing. People kept saying "they're obviously hiding a lot" or "eh, one biome makes sense, it's coherent for an open-world".

lol that was the biggest flaw of that campaign in the end.

Sometimes doom and gloom is real.
Not saying it is here or not, but I never understand why others need to correct people about that or something.