
Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017

Slow Burn is a podcast by Slate about Watergate that goes through the events that brought down Nixon step by step as people perceived them at the time.

Every other day, I see a new thread on the front page asking about what Trump supporters will or will not do, what Mueller will or will not do, what Trump himself could do. A lot of people in these threads would ask deeper questions if they had a bit of context about what happened with Nixon because of the parallels that story has with the current scandal.

Did you realise, for instance, that even after Nixon left office in disgrace, he still had a hard core of supporters so that his approval rating never dipped below 22%? These were people who would by and large have benefited from Democratic policies but who saw Nixon as their man, the guy to stop all the madness of a world rapidly changing world around them, who would stand up to the hippies, the feminists and the uppity minorities and restore Law and Order. Years after he was gone, their minds hadn't changed.

There are names in this podcast you'll recognise, but others you won't. Martha Mitchell, for instance, was the wife of a Nixon aide who was essentially kidnaped and sedated so that she wouldn't keep blabbing to the press. Her story is harrowing and fascinating, but she gets lost in the collective memory because of what happened after.

The host goes through this journey with the listener, uncovering the scandal bit by bit as it happened in the press of the day. Sometimes, the similarities to today are uncanny.

If you're at all interested in digging into Watergate and don't have the time or energy to read a history book, you owe it to yourself to listen to this podcast.

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Oct 26, 2017
Haven't listened yet, but I have them all downloaded for when I do.

Season 2 is gonna be about the Clinton impeachment, should be coming out very soon.

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
listening to this now. One can only hope. The problem is, the Watergate tapes were the smoking gun. Today, Trump says his own Russia tapes daily, so it's like a frog getting slowly boiled. No one thing is sticking out - but hoping that once it's all pulled together, it'll end with Trump gone.


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
listening to this now. One can only hope. The problem is, the Watergate tapes were the smoking gun. Today, Trump says his own Russia tapes daily, so it's like a frog getting slowly boiled. No one thing is sticking out - but hoping that once it's all pulled together, it'll end with Trump gone.
To be fair, that seems to be what it was like back then, too. People seem to follow similar patterns regardless of the time period. History will see Trump and his cronies as villains, but that won't be apparent until at least the 2030s, when definitive restrospectives of this time start to be written.

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
I can't hear Tom Brokaw's reports without thinking of Dana Carvey's impression

"Gerald Ford...................."
Oct 25, 2017
This is neat, and I'll add it to my listening feed.

Honestly what concerns me is the GOP distancing themselves in damage-control efforts after all's said and done. When they, as a party, are the shitty source that perpetuates most of his awful policies, and endorsed him as their guy in the 1st place.


Oct 25, 2017
I actually downloaded this but never listened! Thanks for the recommendation. This is one I want to listen to with my full attention.


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
Sounds good, I'll give it a listen. Watergate is so fascinating.

I listened to a podcast suggested here that covered Trumps family and his parents...some crazy stuff I learned there. His whole family is horrible, and that all comes before him being President.


Oct 30, 2017
Ya this was really great. Gave a ton of context to how the scandal played out.

I think one telling point is the fact that Nixon was cruising until he pissed off Senators in his own party. If that's the bar we need to clear, we might be F'd with Trump.


Oct 27, 2017
Ya this was really great. Gave a ton of context to how the scandal played out.

I think one telling point is the fact that Nixon was cruising until he pissed off Senators in his own party. If that's the bar we need to clear, we might be F'd with Trump.
Seems to me that a lot of the senators are already pissed off, but also scared of Trump's base primarying them. I wonder if we could get to a point where the approval rating is low enough (low 30's?) that they don't care any more and are okay with going against Trump. At least in states that are flipping anti-Trump (as some states will NEVER go against him in a meaningful way).
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
Ya this was really great. Gave a ton of context to how the scandal played out.

I think one telling point is the fact that Nixon was cruising until he pissed off Senators in his own party. If that's the bar we need to clear, we might be F'd with Trump.

There are some, not many, but some signs individual rank and file GOP Senate are getting disgruntled at him and acting on it from time to time. It's VASTLY lower than it needs to be, but alot of that blame comes from McConnell trading away everything to keep this tenuous alliance going for just a little longer, plus the fact they actually gained seats due to realignment/SCOTUS boondoggle voting. I posit (in my infinite lack of expertise) that if they lost net 1 seat last year, hell would be breaking loose right now more than already there.

But yeah, back in 74, that was almost entirely an Executive branch scandal that harmed Congressional GOP (8 Senators, 48 Reps lost in 74) but now it's clearly to an unclear extent a party-wide problem that the House and Senate will have blood on their hands about.


Oct 30, 2017
Seems to me that a lot of the senators are already pissed off, but also scared of Trump's base primarying them. I wonder if we could get to a point where the approval rating is low enough (low 30's?) that they don't care any more and are okay with going against Trump. At least in states that are flipping anti-Trump (as some states will NEVER go against him in a meaningful way).

Yeah, I know what you mean. There was a glimmer of hope with the government shutdown. Not that there was anything hopeful about the shutdown, per se, but it looked like it was starting to push his party to the breaking point.

Unfortunately, that ill will seemed to evaporate as soon as the crisis passed. I'm wondering what would stick? Maybe the farm crisis, if it gets bad enough?


Oct 27, 2017
His comment on All The Presidents Men was kind of unfair. The ending didnt mean to convey that it all happened quickly after Wapo published the articles. The movie just ended at that point and needed to provide viewers an idea of what the resolution was.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I know what you mean. There was a glimmer of hope with the government shutdown. Not that there was anything hopeful about the shutdown, per se, but it looked like it was starting to push his party to the breaking point.

Unfortunately, that ill will seemed to evaporate as soon as the crisis passed. I'm wondering what would stick? Maybe the farm crisis, if it gets bad enough?
Who knows. Maybe actual evidence of selling us out to Russia is what it'll take.