Do you want more from the TLOU IP?

  • Yes, I want a sequel featuring Ellie and Abby

    Votes: 413 20.9%
  • Yes, I want a sequel focusing on Ellie

    Votes: 414 21.0%
  • Yes, I want a sequel focusing on Abby

    Votes: 146 7.4%
  • Yes, I want a new game in the series with new characters

    Votes: 267 13.5%
  • No, I don't want any new game based on this setting

    Votes: 736 37.2%

  • Total voters


Apr 14, 2020
In the weeks, months and years following the release of the original, this was a hot topic among fans of the game. The somewhat open-ended ending (Ellie clearly knowing something was up but choosing to ignore it, no epilogue that ties it all up nicely) meant that many wanted answers as to what the future held for Joel and Ellie, but just how well it worked as a self-contained story meant that just as many people wanted it to be left untouched, or wanted more "The Last of Us" games, but ones that didn't involve Joel and Ellie and rather relied on the same setting.

While the contents of the story of the sequel are still being hotly debated, there's no denying that the ending once again leaves plenty of room for a continuation to Ellie's and Abby's stories. The former has lost nearly everything but her life and there are many paths forward for her, some tragic and some less so. The latter is supposedly on the road to join the newly reborn Fireflies after suffering some heavy physical and mental trauma, with the added bonus that she has more information on the possible cure for mankind than any other person in the world, though whether she'd want to share that with the Fireflies after being saved/spared by Ellie might not be clear cut.

So, taking everything into account, from your enjoyment (or lack thereof) of the story at play in the sequel, to what you think the future might entail and without forgetting that should there be a Part III, Joel's role in it would likely be even more minor than in this one (not only would he not take part in much of the gameplay, besides an eventual flashback or two, he wouldn't even be the main driving force behind anyone's actions), do you want there to be a sequel or would you rather leave things as they are?

If you feel like it, elaborate on your reasoning one way or another, and if you do want a direct sequel, give us some insight as to what you'd want from it? (Example: Would you want it to follow Ellie and Abby, or just one or the other, or one of them and a new character, ...) If you wouldn't want a direct sequel, would you still want games from the IP to happen, beyond an eventual TLOU II DLC?

PS: For the sake of this thread, assume that a new TLOU wouldn't hinder Naughty Dog's ability to produce games in another existing IP or a new IP: While in reality a sequel would evidently affect that, this thread is more about whether you'd want a sequel if it could exist in a vacuum.


Aug 28, 2018
New York
'Yes' isn't an option but I'm not sure any of these options will be what they choose. I do think it would be foolish to not anticipate another entry, but I do think it will wait until they feel like another story is worthy of being told. Could be another 7 years, could be fewer - but as long as there's a pressing narrative I will be there to play.


Oct 25, 2017

I would like to see it take a Walking Dead approach and focus on life post-pandemic. New cast of characters, somewhere else under assault by the apndemic, etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes! I didn't want a sequel to TLOU 1, but I do want a sequel to TLOU 2.
I need to see Ellie smile :(


▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
I don't want a new cast of characters. As Neil said, that would almost justify a new IP. This story is about Ellie, Joel, and the extended cast. Not the outbreak.

I like where Abby's story ended. I don't really need to see what happens when she meets the fireflies. I think ultimately, she's safe there with Lev and they can build a new life together there. I don't really need to see that.

There is more to see in Ellie's story separated from Abby, and I would be vaguely interested in that, though I'm more interested in seeing Naughty Dog tackle something brand new. They seem to love space. Let's go there

The Shape

Nov 7, 2017
Yes. I want to see what's next for Abby and Ellie too. Maybe focus on Abby and Lev, with Ellie only in a limited capacity.


Oct 26, 2017


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
No. I believe Neil said he doesn't think another game makes sense if it's not with Joel or Ellie. I don't know if I care enough about Abby to go see her with Lev, even though he's the shit.

And Ellie's story has even less wiggle room for a continuation than the first game did. The first game ends as a bit of a question, the second ends as a period to her story.


Oct 25, 2017
Be careful what you wish for lol. I doubt Ellie survives a part 3.

Part 2 was a great end..but I felt the same about the first one.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm good. Didn't enjoy TLOU 2's story all that much and I'd rather ND made something else anyway.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Yes, after a new IP, so in 5-10 years from now.

But I don't have a preference for characters, I want to be surprised again.


Jun 12, 2019
Nope, i don't want one.
If i could, i would mod my game to have it end when you enter the barn.

Sleve McDichael

Oct 28, 2017
Yes, I want a part III for sure. I'd also like a stand-alone DLC that focuses on Tommy.
The Last of Us feels like a trilogy, so I hope they wrap up the story with part III.


Oct 27, 2017
I want to select both No and New characters. But I'd rather want Naughty Dog to do something new. But as always; why not both?


One Winged Slayer
Dec 16, 2017
If ND can come up with another story they want to tell, I'm all for it. But I'm perfectly content leaving it here if they don't.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't need a perfect ending to their story, what's more, I seriously doubt we'd ever get one in this universe. The best we could get is knowing they're both looking to better their lives after new found perspectives on their enemies, with more empathy and hopefully fixing their broken hearts.

I have no doubts that Ellie went immediately to Jackson to look for Dina. And I have no doubts that she let her into their lives, again. I suppose we could have a comic, like American Dreams about that.
Oct 27, 2017
For now I don't really want another sequel. I didn't want one for the first game either because I thought it ended things perfectly. This time around, I'm just burned out on the setting. They'd have to really change things up to get me interested. I'm just over going through a bunch of dilapidated buildings scouring for random junk. TLOU2 was just too long with not enough good material to support itself and it just kind of killed it for me.

If there is a sequel hopefully they just focus on one character. The two characters was an interesting idea here but both stories felt shortchanged to me.


Nov 6, 2017
i wouldn't say "no", because 10 years from now i would probaly be interested, but defintely with another cast in another area and other problems.


Nov 2, 2017
Yes! I didn't want a sequel to TLOU 1, but I do want a sequel to TLOU 2.
I need to see Ellie smile :(

I didn't want Part 2, didn't like Part 2 and don't necessarily want a 3rd part either. But if we get it I'd want it for this reason
Seeing her at the end and then remembering her "I'm afraid of ending up alone" line from the first game just broke me.

Having Abby and Lev as minor characters that come up in the story would be ok but them being playable or even main characters would be terrible


Oct 27, 2017
I certainly wouldn't mind one, but as I mentioned in another thread, I'd prefer they don't do a complete retread of the themes they've been exploring with the series so far. And I'd be cool with whatever direction Naughty Dog would want to take in terms of setting/characters.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I have zero interest in this franchise after Part 2. Would prob love a new Uncharted in the vein of Lost Legacy, though.

Deleted member 60772

User requested account closure
Oct 21, 2019

Give us a bigger time leap to change the atmosphere and environments even more. Let me see an older Ellie who's walked the earth alone. Reintroduce the road movie aspect. Let this be her redemption story. Maybe do a riff on something like Yojimbo. I want Ellie in Mad Max mode. Would suit the ending of Part 2 perfectly.


Nov 3, 2017
One more, where Abby has reformed the Fireflies and is looking for Elle to make the cure.


Apr 14, 2020
Yes, I want a part III for sure. I'd also like a stand-alone DLC that focuses on Tommy.
The Last of Us feels like a trilogy, so I hope they wrap up the story with part III.

Where I stand on a standalone DLC is that I'd like it to focus on Joel and Tommy after Sarah's death and before Tommy joined the Fireflies (Tess cameo mothafuckas). If it's a Left Behind style DLC that follows two parallel stories I'd want the other story to feature Joel and Ellie 'cause I need more Joel and Ellie.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, I'm all in for a third entry with both protagonist BUT only if they have something to tell, otherwise it would be a negative.
I think exploring loneliness (even with having someone) coupled with grappling with her actions from this past game (from what I've gathered overall) would make for a great avenue. It might be a bit too parallel with the latest God of War, but it seems this game left all of that on the table to be explored later.


Oct 25, 2017
I was in the camp that thought it was a bad idea making a sequel to the first game but Part 2 won me over and does justify its existence. Part of that is because they made some pretty bold choices with the story and took it in a different direction that the first game, I would want them to do that again in a Part 3. If anything I'd be excited for a sequel on PS5 just for the game play, it was ok in the first one but Part 2 is a masterclass in game design and some of the best stealth/tps combat I've ever played.

Given how successful this on seems to be I'm sure it's probably inevitable they'll make a third game, but I would be excited to see them do a new iP first.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I'd love a sequel featuring both Abby and Ellie. The things these two could do as a tag team force. Phew.

At the same time I also want a new IP or specifically Savage Starlight, but ND usually work on two different projects, so theoretically we could get both.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Yes, most definitely.

I would like a game focusing on Ellie. I don't see the point of having Abby reappear. I liked her a great deal, but her and Ellie's story has been resolved. I don't see a meaningful way of having them reconnect and cross paths again.

Abby and Lev would be great for a Lost Legacy type game though. To close out their story and show how they and the Fireflies chart a new path.

Ellie I would like to see go on the road. Make Part III a game of discovery for Ellie to find purpose and meaning in the world. I don't think the cure angle is a worthwhile one, but could be potentially poetic for her to finally fulfill that role all these years later. And could be a justification for Abby returning, but really I would rather Ellie find another purpose in life. The cure route was lost because of Joel and now they have to move on and find another way to cope with and live within this new world of theirs.

I really liked the world building in TLoU, especially Part II, and so it would be interesting if Ellie was a wanderer of sorts for a bit in Part III. Exposing us to various regions and factions that have developed. Eventually finding something to live for and commit to in the world. I saw Ellie as rather broken by the end of Part II. She hasn't come to terms or at peace with Joel's death or what he did to her, just that vengeance and hate wont fix the hurt and just makes things worse. She still has to rebuild and find something to live for and care about in this world.
Last edited:


Aug 31, 2018

Loved the game, but Joel and Ellie story is done. For good this time.

They are the emotional core of this franchise, and moving forward without them (or without Joel) would feel wrong.

Enjoyed a lot Abby and the other characters, mainly Lev, and I would play anything from ND in that world

But that would be like filler


Oct 29, 2017
Yes, I have faith in Naughty Dog that after Part 2, even if it's a new character or one we know already that they can make a compelling story around them. I wanted to play as every single character introduced in Part 2 and see their past, present, and future unfold. I would prefer a new character though or a mix of them!


Oct 27, 2017
I think exploring loneliness (even with having someone) coupled with grappling with her actions from this past game (from what I've gathered overall) would make for a great avenue. It might be a bit too parallel with the latest God of War, but it seems this game left all of that on the table to be explored later.

Without a doubt, I don't know for how long Neil would be interested in this ip (he already is more interested than I thought he would) but if he's still in and thinks there's meaningful stuff to tell, I'll be there and I must say I need to see a game with Ellie at 50/60 years old as a main character or mentor.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
only if it's 10 hours of Dina yelling at Ellie for being an irredeemable asshole.