
Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
So I've had Titanfall 2 in my backlog for a while now along with dozens of other games, and two days ago I thought I'd attempt to clear through some of it.

Started with the new DOOM and it just wasn't doing it for me. Something about it just seemed a bit too chaotic and repetitive, and the levels too busy. Then I moved on to Metro Redux (2033), seeing as this is a remaster of an older title, the graphics left a bit to be desired, and the build-up at the beginning felt a bit too slow for my mood at the time, so I stopped that too (will return to it later).

Enter Titanfall 2.

Honestly, the campaign in the game really took me by surprise. I was expecting something completely ho-hum and ordinary, but it's actually much more than that, instead, it's a bolder, more innovative, diverse and creative take on what you might normally find in a war based campaign.

So what elements make it so fun?

  • The diversity of gameplay. Whilst Titanfall is predominantly an FPS, it mixes things up constantly with a heavy emphasis on fluid parkour and platforming gameplay segments, copious amounts of mech combat, numerous Titan based boss battles, light puzzle segments, and more that I don't want to spoil. There's segments and tools or abilities you get in this game that I simply was not expecting, and they're used in such interesting and creative ways. They not only make you feel unbelievably cool or badass, but offer really unique scenarios I've not experienced in a shooter before.
  • Super satisfying gunplay. Similar to Call of Duty it's precise and impactful, but here most of the weapons pack a meatier punch and were, to me at least, more interesting and diverse. Throughout the campaign, you're constantly cycling through new weapons and that diversity, coupled with the excellent and dramatic weapon audio and excessive blood splatter, plumes and effects, really add an element of tactility and drama to gunfights.
  • The breadth of mobility with moving, wall running, jumping and dashing around is all just really fluid and fun. You feel very nimble and powerful, and can approach combat scenarios more creatively than in many other shooters. Add to that, the wall running and jumping isn't all fully automated either, instead, there's a surprising amount of skill associated with it, plus a certain freedom to some of the level design that enables more airborne creativity, which is only further highlighted when trying to collect the secret helmets that are numerously dotted around.
  • The art direction and locations are beautiful, diverse and aesthetically rich. When I talked about what I'd want form a Titanfall 2 campaign post Titanfall 1 launch, I mentioned wanting jungle and mountain areas from movies like Avatar, with alien creatures et all, and in a sense, Titanfall 2 delivers that. One minute you'll be in some dense tropical-like environment, the next you'll be in some cool looking installation, then some Japanese looking gardens, and then some beautiful high up mountain region depicting something like the floating hallelujah mountains of Zhangjiajie in China or Avatar's weird alien world etc. Despite the 60fps frame rate and not so ideal visuals at times, art direction wise things are strong and make the visual identity quite striking, plus there's a tonne of verticality and elevation to some of the levels that give them added fun factor.
  • The sense of scale and scope to the campaign is impressive. A lot of the moments throughout the game are just really epic and awesome. There's big, bombastic set pieces and moments, which aided by your airborne abilities and massive Titan, have an added air of grandeur and scale about them.

The game is not perfect by any means, there's still some jank, trial and error platforming moments, some not so creative boss battles, some repetition, weak elements of visuals (faces, textures etc) and ropey dialogue here and there, but they don't detract too heavily from the overall experience, which is pretty unique and ultimately very fun.

If you haven't checked Titanfall 2 out already, it can be had for so cheap lately that I'd give it a go just for the single player campaign, even if you're not interested in the multiplayer. Hell, I saw it going for like £5-£10 the other day. Easily worth that, even if it's not the longest game in the world.

Thought I'd make the thread because I feel Titanfall 2 got somewhat overlooked, but in truth, the single player campaign at least is a much more creative, efforted and fun experience than most typical or standard war shooters.

Gameplay shots (Xbox One).









Oct 27, 2017
The campaign was inventive and unpredictable in a way that I really really loved.

The multiplayer is damn good too, still my favourite FPS this gen.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I got it for $6 on a PS4 flash sale.

THAT level (you know the one) was a blast.

Haven't finished the game yet, though.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
It was really great, it's fun, engaging and no section ever outstays it's welcome.


Feb 22, 2018
I kept reading about how amazing it was, but I....ended up not caring much for it the way everyone did. Really wanted to love it, but ending up thinking it was alright.

Infinite Warfare's campaign was a much better FPS affair that year. for me, anyway.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I got it for $6 on a PS4 flash sale.

THAT level (you know the one) was a blast.

Haven't finished the game yet, though.

Yeap. Totally was not expecting anything like it, not least from what I thought would be a very run of the mill standard military shooter lol.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Best FPS campaign ever, imo. Incredibly satisfying gameplay, amazing level design, great plot, everything was good.

I got it for $6 on a PS4 flash sale.

THAT level (you know the one) was a blast.

Haven't finished the game yet, though.
I actually don't know which one. They all were awesome.


Oct 28, 2017
I kept reading about how amazing it was, but I....ended up not caring much for it the way everyone did. Really wanted to love it, but ending up thinking it was alright.

Infinite Warfare's campaign was a much better FPS affair that year. for me, anyway.
Same. I enjoyed Titanfall 2 and Effect and Cause was a great level but I still fail to see why so many people really loved the campaign so much.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
It was undoubtedly one of the highlights of 2016 and it's a crying shame that more people didn't buy it.

Titanfall 2 was the complete package, amazing singleplayer, one of the best competitive multiplayer suites, and no season pass/paid map packs/loot boxes. It checked pretty much all of the boxes...and yet it spectacularly undersold.

Part of this is EA's problem, it sandwiched the game between BF1 and Infinite Warfare in one of the stupidest/most competitive slots to release in. If it had been delayed until Spring of 2017 it might've found an audience and done better.


Nov 2, 2017
It's outstanding and can't get enough credit. The only problem is its brevity.

When you put together the SP campaign with its MP, it's one of the best games of the generation.

Deleted member 11093

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It is, and while we're still speaking about Titanfall 2, the game is in absolute desperate need of crossplay.
The sequel better support it.


Oct 25, 2017
Co-signed. Just got done replaying it only about a week ago. BT was one of the best NPCs in a game for a while.

"I am 50% in love."

"That's cold BT"
"Indeed. The body is indeed at a low temperature due to being a corpse."


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
The final section with the Smart Pistol will go down as one of my favourite sequences ever.

Now I want to reinstall it.


Nov 9, 2017
Yeah, had a blast playing through the single-player. Wish I could actually sit down at my PC to play games nowadays as I would have enjoyed playing more multiplayer.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Amazing game. Has some issues and is a bit short but it's a blast to play. Never eveb touched the multiplayer lol

Best FPS campaign ever, imo. Incredibly satisfying gameplay, amazing level design, great plot, everything was good.

I actually don't know which one. They all were awesome.

He's talking about the time travel one.
I wasn't a huge fan of it. That mechanic felt much more like something that should have been built into it's own game than a level gimmick


Oct 25, 2017
People comparing it to Valve and Platinum are bonkers. It was a halfway decent AAA shooter, no more.


Oct 29, 2017
Yes, yes it is.

The multiplayer is pretty damn good too.

Its too bad EA sent the game out to die by releasing it sandwiched between CoD and Battlefield.


Oct 28, 2017
Great campaign! I seriously hope they are working on a part 3 and focus alot on the single player. Wish would be Wolfenstein type of campaign length for Titan Fall 3


Oct 25, 2017
Also a fan of the Titanfall 2 SP campaign. Wish more studios/publishers woulds still invest in a fun, high polished singe player campaign.


Oct 31, 2017
One of the few games I've bothered getting the platinum. It's perfection. The multiplayer is also much better then people give it credit for.

I need to rebuy it on PC one of these days and do another playthrough.


Nov 8, 2017
When I played the first Titanfall back in 2014 one of my main impressions were that the mechanics could be used to make some truly great scenarios and setpieces in a single-player campaign (wall jumping between falling pieces of debris, intense 1 on 1 mech duels with unique configurations) that I was thrilled to not only see completely realized but expanded on even further in Titanfall 2's campaign.

Respawn really took a good hard look at how they could squeeze every drop of gameplay juice out of the design pulp and that's something I can't say many games have done ever.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Had a blast with it. Picked it up on sale as I had no interest in multi and got more than my money's worth.

A few nitpicks here and there but otherwise great.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
On a side note, if they do make a third game, which I really hope they do, they should stick in at least one or more huge alien dinosaur type boss battles. That's the only thing that was missing. The animals that were in the game were smaller basic types. We needed larger, crazier beasts.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I kept reading about how amazing it was, but I....ended up not caring much for it the way everyone did. Really wanted to love it, but ending up thinking it was alright.

I'm gonna have to agree. Didn't really do much for me. Despite only being four hours long I felt like it was outstaying its welcome near the end.


Oct 27, 2017
This game is


I would've tried multi but it scares me. Everyone's so fast.
Multi isn't too bad as the maps are very spaced out, so you get a lot of Breathing space.

Some of the streaks you get, make you sit back and say how the fcuk did I manage that lol.

I can't place my finger on it or work it out, but as much fun as I have in the multiplayer there is just something which doesnt pull me back in day after day.

Maybe it's the progression system hmmmm
Oct 29, 2017
I'm gonna have to agree. Didn't really do much for me. Despite only being four hours long I felt like it was outstaying its welcome near the end.

Sorry can't understand this at all - it was an amazing and unexpectedly varied thrill ride for a single player shooter campaign.

My main complaint would be that some of the ideas introduced would have benefited from another level or two utilising them (yes I am looking at you cause and and effect).


Oct 28, 2017
The campaign for T2 was excellent. It's been said, but reminded me of Half Life 2. They really know how to craft a great story and inter weave it with the gameplay.

Makes me SUPER excited to see their Star Wars game.


Oct 27, 2017
Agreed one of the best single player experiences I have played. I need to play it again actually.


Nov 14, 2017
Probably my favorite action-FPS campaign of the generation. And the X graphics upgrade is phenomenal. I've never even touched the multiplayer and I recommended it wholeheartedly to a coworker, who also enjoyed the campaign on PS4.

A sequel would be a welcome treat, especially if it could somehow implement co-op.


Oct 27, 2017
It really is great. It was such a huge surprise buying a game for the MP and getting such fun campaign without expecting it.


Jan 12, 2018
I love how every month or so a thread like this pops up because I 100% agree and feel that this is a very overlooked game and people really need to give it a chance. This is the first shooter that REALLY drew me in to the game and make we want to keep playing and actually do the more ridiculous trophies (top 3 in gauntlet) to get the platinum for (and I did).


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
For me, one of the best games to come out this generation, period. It does so many things that are right up my alley.

Fluid controls for ALL functions of its gameplay -- aiming, movement, and mech; great audiovisual feedback for successful gameplay; decent balance of platforming and shooting across its campaign and movement skill feeling crucial to multiplayer as well; scales between supersoldier and mecha gameplay effortlessly; it might not be an emotionally striking story but it does feel like an entertaining, easy-to-follow blockbuster set in a realized universe.

Even with the multiplayer included in consideration, the game is top to bottom amazing -- I love it. I'd say only Doom 2016 outdoes it for me in terms of moment-to-moment splendor this generation, and perhaps among consideration across all the first-person shooters I've ever played.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
The atmosphere and story was awesome. It felt so comfy to play and the art for the series is beautiful. I really hope we get a Titanfall 3 with an even better campaign with, you know, that one thing from the campaign everyone loved ;)


Oct 27, 2017
Is it? I didnt even know it had a campaign, since I think titanfall 1 didnt? good to know TF2 has one.