
Jan 5, 2018
In light of the impressive Nintendo Switch sales I believe now is the right time for Microsoft to release an Xbox Series X Portable. This device could be a network only companion device to the Xbox Series X. It will connect to wifi for you to play at home or connect to LTE to connect to your home machine or Xcloud for those short trips. HD screen similar looks to the standard Xbox controller but with a screen in the center, ultra-slim, ultra-portable. Rechargeable batteries, rumble features, share button. This device could also double as the main controller for your Series X. Sound similar to something from the past I know, but just some thoughts. Please no system war babble, just intelligent convo only, if not let this die. Take care.


Oct 25, 2017
Who wants Xbox to have its very own (less successful) Vita? There isn't a market for an Xbox portable. Less people will be asking for it than are apparently asking for VR on Xbox and we know their stance on that. xCloud delivers their content to any portable device they want it to.


Oct 27, 2017
Would love for you to back this up. Making products is NOT cheap, and like has been said, most people already have thousand+ dollar phones that would accomplish this. They're not going to spend another 300 on a dedicated streaming tablet device, especially if the Series X is like 500 bucks.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
That's what Lockhart is duh. A 4 tflops Xportable. /s

this is what makes the whole idea stupid. it's extra shit in your pocket that you can just use your phone for
The idea isn't stupid, Switch just does it better. I'm sure if pocket space is at a premium for you, you're not bringing a mount or controller with you.


Jan 5, 2018
this is hilarious coming from someone suggesting Microsoft spend millions on R&D and manufacturing on something that most people can accomplish with the phones they already have and a plastic clip
Like I've said it many posts in the past if you feel a thread is silly then by you coming in the thread makes you look just as silly but thanks for the contribution.


Oct 28, 2017
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
The risk is minimal and if they can even take 10% of the Switch sales it would be beneficial. If it doesnt work nothing lost everything on the main Xbox Series X side of the house keeps steam rolling along.

If they are going to release a portable, and I would love it if they did, they should release something close to, or more powerful than the Xbox One S. It has to play local games, otherwise, as other have stated, your Phone already does everything you are talking about.

Imagine a portable that is kuch kore powerful than a switch, but it compatible with every game in your Xbox library locally, and also works with Xcloud to produce XSX calibre visuals when docked. That cpuld be pretty amazing.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
ITT: OP is suggesting that the generation that Microsoft decided to make their console a thick box for heat dissipation reasons (implying a high power draw) is the right time to make a handheld which by definition has to have a low power draw so it doesn't get too hot.

Mate, you're going to get Xcloud and that's it.


Jan 5, 2018
If they are going to release a portable, and I would love it if they did, they should release something close to, or more powerful than the Xbox One S. It has to play local games, otherwise, as other have stated, your Phone already does everything you are talking about.

Imagine a portable that is kuch kore powerful than a switch, but it compatible with every game in your Xbox library locally, and also works with Xcloud to produce XSX calibre visuals when docked. That cpuld be pretty amazing.
Yes you have a good point.


Mar 7, 2019
I feel like this is the absolute worst time to release a new portable onto the market.


Jan 5, 2018
Sir...my mind has been with streaming for like the past 3 years (actually earlier...but I called it being a thing come 2020). You have now caught up to me! <3

Hahaha actually I've been on that thought process just as long but because I'm on holiday vacation from work, I have time to post and reply :)


Oct 27, 2017
Like I've said it many posts in the past if you feel a thread is silly then by you coming in the thread makes you look just as silly but thanks for the contribution.
So you made this thread so people can come in and wrongly tell you your idea is good, and for people who don't agree to say nothing?


Jan 12, 2018
It's strange hearing people compare xcloud to portable gaming. Most of the time when I game portably I do not have access to a GOOD internet connection, thus making cloud gaming a non-starter.

having said that I firmly disagree with the OP. MS needs to focus on getting Xbox back on track and not some new portable that will have to compete with the likes of a switch.


Jan 5, 2018
So you made this thread so people can come in and wrongly tell you your idea is good, and for people who don't to say nothing?
Listen here, I come here to start a conversation, I do not know what your intentions are but to come in here off that bat with no substance and being super negative is not what this is about. Stay out if you do not like the content. thanks.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
It's not "minimal risk", it's a ton of unnecessary risk. Also makes no sense to do with their cloud gaming efforts. Microsoft wins nothing by trying to compete with Nintendo. It ain't happening.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
The risk is minimal and if they can even take 10% of the Switch sales it would be beneficial. If it doesnt work nothing lost everything on the main Xbox Series X side of the house keeps steam rolling along.

If they are going to release a portable, and I would love it if they did, they should release something close to, or more powerful than the Xbox One S. It has to play local games, otherwise, as other have stated, your Phone already does everything you are talking about.

Imagine a portable that is kuch kore powerful than a switch, but it compatible with every game in your Xbox library locally, and also works with Xcloud to produce XSX calibre visuals when docked. That cpuld be pretty amazing.


Jan 5, 2018
It's not "minimal risk", it's a ton of unnecessary risk. Also makes no sense to do with their cloud gaming efforts. Microsoft wins nothing by trying to compete with Nintendo. It ain't happening.
I hear you and respect your opinion, but I'm putting myself in the shoes of running a business and I can't believe any company would let another company have exclusive domain to the portable market uncontested. If I was running the Xbox division ( I know ain't ever happening) I would take a calculated risk on that. even if its take 5-10% market share.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Xcloud plus their partnerships in the phone space with people like Samsung is essentially this already. They just need Apple on board and theyll cover 50% of the entire phone market between them 2 alone.


Aug 9, 2018
The cost to R&D a console, even a portable one, is immense. Microsoft would have to spend a LOT of money to develop it, take a TON of losses for each unit sold,because they can't make it weaker than the switch but also can''t make it too expensive, and create even more teams to develop for the platform.

There's a reason sony decided to not do it anymore, is not worth it. Nintendo got the timing right with the switch, that market is cornered. Now with streaming its another story.


Jan 5, 2018
Xcloud plus their partnerships in the phone space with people like Samsung is essentially this already. They just need Apple on board and theyll cover 50% of the entire phone market between them 2 alone.
Yes maybe they will reveal a grand Xcloud strategy come E3. It seems like they've mastered the art of keeping secrets. Which is good.


Oct 27, 2017
Listen here, I come here to start a conversation, I do not know what your intentions are but to come in here off that bat with no substance and being super negative is not what this is about. Stay out if you do not like the content. thanks.
What do you mean, "no substance?" You're saying you think Microsoft should make a dedicated streaming tablet that, from how you're describing it, would cost millions and millions of dollars of research and development and would retail for about $300, and then you throw around posts like this:
The risk is minimal and if they can even take 10% of the Switch sales it would be beneficial. If it doesnt work nothing lost everything on the main Xbox Series X side of the house keeps steam rolling along.
with literally ZERO backing up of your argument. How is spending millions on R&D for this dream device "minimal risk?" How is "taking 10% of Switch sales" beneficial? How is it "nothing lost" if it doesn't work? Unless you're about to link me to detailed spreadsheets and market analysis documents, you're pulling this all out of your ass. Your idea is, at least from a primitive business standpoint, ludicrous. The potential market for this ~$300 tablet, that requires a constant and strong internet connection and some existing investment in an Xbox ecosystem, is puny.

This isn't rocket science, dude. Come on.


Oct 28, 2017
Microsoft will have a first party streaming device tho...I do believe it will be a roku/chromecast type of device that comes with a controller (just like Stadia) for $149, next year.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
512GB UFS memory is REALLY expensive. Also the TDP might be 15-20W, so it'll be a bulkier device than Switch.

It's technically feasible to build a handheld Xb1, but it'll be at least $399.


Oct 25, 2017
Just because you say "minimal risk" doesn't make it so. Just because you say they can easily take "5-10% of the Switch market" doesn't make it so. You want people to participate in a conversation where you make these declarations and expect them to just be accepted.

MS' platform for any kind of handheld/streaming seems to be XCloud, which will work on phones/Tablets/laptops. Why create unnecessary risk and waste trying to compete with devices people already have?


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Xcloud is being setup to meet that need. A phone you already have connecting to a controller would serve that purpose. Sure it would be pretty cool to have the option to play games locally (which could be a possibility down the line i'd assume). I think Microsoft is more likely to partner with nintendo for portable games (as we've seen with a few titles already) than directly competing with Nintendo with a legit handheld console.