What's your opinion on TW3's combat?

  • It's amazing

    Votes: 57 1.8%
  • It's good

    Votes: 831 26.8%
  • It's servicable

    Votes: 1,367 44.2%
  • It's poor

    Votes: 558 18.0%
  • It's terrible

    Votes: 277 8.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 0.2%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
This debate has been done to death, but I'm curious what the actual Era opinion is, how much it is spread, etc...

So, please vote, and explain your choices if you can.
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Mike Rambo

Oct 27, 2017
It's just really average. The potions and bombs add to the combat in a mechanical sense but I don't feel like they make it more fun. I adore TW3, but it's just not the game's strong suit.

That being said, it's still far and away better than the first or second game in that regard, so I give props for that
Oct 25, 2017
It's serviceable. Can be fun, especially in the DLC, but not quite good. It plays mostly like a straight up action game, and it's not great at that. Its strenghts lie in the preparations, and the whole "being a Witcher" aspect, in which it's severely nerfed compared to Assassins of Kings.

2/5, if I had to rate it.

I don't think it's anyhwere near as bad as people tend to state here, but I'm not sure if I just like it a lot more than most people on Era or if we actually like it about the same amount, but people are too stuck on "either the best or the worst" when it comes to discussing it.

I imagine a lot of people who say it's terrible wouldn't find a 2/5 "too high".

Deleted member 3183

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's fine, I enjoyed it. Don't get the hate.

I feel like the reason people shit on it is that it's not the slow, input laggy combat you see in the Soulsborne games.


Jun 17, 2018
Serviceable at best sadly. Really the worst part of the game. Reposting is ok and signs make it more tolerable, but the swordplay is meh.


Dec 15, 2017
Ah, yes, I saved a list specifically for these occasions so I don't have to retype it every time.

1. The game has absolutely no consistency in frame timing. Think about a fighting game and how each move has a pre-determined number of frames to execute and tied down to a specific button. For example a jab is 8 frames and executed with the dedicated punch button. In TW3, attack is binded to Square/X but the move that Geralt performs is completely random. He can perform a quick downward slash, twirl or leaping slash with one button prompt. The problem with this is that all moves have different frame timings. The leaping slash will obviously take much longer to execute than the quick slash. This will cause the player to either miss the enemy or worse, get hit out of their control
2. There's no weight to the weapons. This is somewhat linked to the first point in regards to frame timing. In attack animations, we have three phases, the windup, the strike and recovery. Most action games would exaggerate the duration of windup and recovery phases to make it seem like the character is putting their all into a move with a very quick strike phase. TW3 seems to have all three phases at roughly the same durations, so they lack the anticipation of a big, powerful hit
3. Enemies don't telegraph their moves properly. In action games, enemies typically have exaggerated windup animations to show which attack they are about to perform. This helps players to read their animations, come up with a strategy and counter appropriately. In TW3, enemy moves are very poorly telegraphed or can at times even be misleading, causing the player to get hit for no reason
4. Enemies are hit sponges. Often, even basic enemies can soak up damage and deliver a hit back even though they're getting hit. This is frustrating especially on higher difficulties because you expect the enemy to be staggered. You timed your move based on the best conditions, you deliver the hit, but surprise, the enemy hits you back
5. There's no weapon variety whatsoever. Now I'm aware axes are in the game, but considering how heavily the game prioritizes swords, it's like the devs are actively discouraging you from trying other weapon classes. This is doubly bad because every single sword handles the exact same way. There's no variance in how one sword may be slower but hits harder or has further reach than another.

Feel free to refute or ignore
I agree with this guy


Oct 27, 2017
I'd say it's just okay. Definitely not amazing, but certainly not the worst thing in the world either.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's awful. Feels terrible to control, enemy response to hits feels like terrible beat em ups without hit stun.

It's just so bad all around. There's nothing good about it.

Sir Sonic

Jan 14, 2020
Yeah, you put the best word there, "Servicable" has some depth, not enough variety and it's not very easy
I think it doesn't go anymore further than that word, and honestly it's enough for an RPG focused game


Jun 17, 2018
Poor, it's basically a turn based game pretending to be an action game. Doesn't feel great to play. But like not the worst ever or anything.


Oct 27, 2017
What does "serviceable" mean?.

I think a game can have parts that are fun or interesting, and parts that are boring/tedious.

The combat just felt like filler during my whole playtrought.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
It's fine for the first 40 hours or so, the problem is when you start playing that extra 40 hours. The combat can't justify the long running time and grows very stagnant towards the end. Nier: Automata suffered from a similar problem.


Jan 17, 2020
It's servicable. Depending on the enemy, it's either button mashing or cleverly using your signs/grenades during the fight. Not brilliant, but doesn't diminish the masterpiece that the game is.
Oct 25, 2017
It's fine, I enjoyed it. Don't get the hate.

I feel like the reason people shit on it is that it's not the slow, input laggy combat you see in the Soulsborne games.
Eh, I can't think of a Souls game with noticeable input lag. Try booting up Dark Souls 1, equip a shield, go up close to a random wall (works very well in the Firelink Shrine elevator), and hit parry. You'll see the parry sparks (indicating the active frames) coming out instantly, before the animation even properly starts. It puts priority entirely on player input over animation.


Oct 25, 2017
What does "serviceable" mean?.

I think a game can have parts that are fun or interesting, and parts that are boring/tedious.

The combat just felt like filler during my whole playtrought.
adjective: serviceable
  1. 1.
    fulfilling its function adequately; usable.


Oct 29, 2017
its ok. The best part of the gameplay is alchemy anyway, preparing oils/poison, etc. The alchemy tree can break the game and is significantly more fun than focusing on purely swordplay. That is easily the weakest aspect of the game, especially against monsters.

overall the gameplay is probably at the bottom of the list of things why TW3 is an excellent game.


Nov 12, 2017
Serviceable. Compare it to any good action game. Gives you a decent amount of options, but it feels janky and clunky, not very smooth. Game is pretty janky outside of combat also.
Oct 25, 2017
it's kind of mindless in the moment, even on harder difficulties -- the fun is in the pseudo-role-playing stuff, like reading the beastiary and preparing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Serviceable but leaning towards poor for me. The sole reason it took me over a year to beat it, and even then I had to put it on the easiest difficulty so I could just fully focus on the story.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
It's good. It works well when you're fighting against multiple enemies, it has a pretty nice flow, and I like that the magic is there but doesn't take over.

The camera is more of an issue, in tight spots.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved it, it felt great to me. I really enjoyed the dodge/block/roll split. Fighting bosses felt really good trying to react in the best way to each attack. You get killed super fast if you're not careful. Felt fun balancing sign usage. It was responsive and fluid. I don't really understand what could be considered wrong or bad about it!


Feb 22, 2019
I voted "Its good", but I played on PC if that makes any difference? I don't know about gamepad controls in The Witcher 3 if they are less intuitive.

As comparison I thought the combat in Skyrim (e.g.) was much much worse.

Though to be fair the combat in The Witcher 3 is worlds behind FROM Software games or God of War.
Oct 27, 2017
I thought it was pretty good. Way more fun in the beginning - Quen was a bit too strong.

Pretty sure I would've enjoyed it less if I picked anything lower than deathmarch as difficulty.


Oct 27, 2017
It is servicable, like 6/10. If it were poor or bad there would be no way I'd have beaten the game.

But the combat did prevent me from replaying the game when I tried to this year.
Dec 26, 2017
Firelink Shrine
i think it's on the upper end of serviceable. it didn't hinder the experience, but it also didn't elevate it; which is a testament to how good the rest of the game is. fortunately, the gunplay (combat) in Cyberpunk looks excellent.


Oct 25, 2017
The biggest issue with the Witcher 3's combat isn't the action itself but the enemies. The enemies fucking suck to fight. Its just a couple different enemy types that get a variety of pallet swaps and maybe some extra little visual touches or gameplay gimmick like the zombies that have spikes or the zombies that explode. However even various different enemy types can be easily beaten by spamming a couple of attacks or magic abilities to the point even on the hardest difficulty its a joke to take out most enemy types. Even the harder rarer style of enemies are just usually a drake model with some differences and all act and fight basically the same way.

The Witcher 3's basic combat isn't DMC but its not bad. The enemies just don't require any kind of greater thinking, strategy or skill beyond the most basic elements and things like kiting enemies absolutely destroys a lot of the challenge if you want to take a little longer. It also doesn't help that most enemies are just fought in random locations with no sense of design in the areas to account for the fact you might be fighting someone. Its a great open world to explore but its piss poor in regards to making the most of the combat system.

TLDR: The enemies are repetitive reskins, give little reason for advanced combat and the world and systems at large don't do anything to make fighting them any more interesting.


Oct 27, 2017
It was okay. I see folks complaining about it all over the place, but I can't really imagine how it could have been improved without replacing those systems entirely.


Oct 27, 2017
adjective: serviceable
  1. 1.
    fulfilling its function adequately; usable.
Yeah, but in this context?

I can add me chanics that "works" on game but has to have a purpose to be there.
So, what is this function that its fulfilling, because it really feels like the combat its just there, but I dont know anyone who enjoyed their time with the combat.


Dec 30, 2017
It's serviceable. Tolerable enough that you can still enjoy the game, but severely lacking when held under any scrutiny.

Frankly for a game that's supposed to be one of the best of the gen; it should be much better than average at something so fundamentally core to the experience.