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Oct 28, 2017
Feels like the demographics of this site are moving to the right. Especially with progressive members getting banned and people ignoring, making excuses, or peddling right-wing talking points.

Perhaps, full disclosure I tend to stay away from those topics since even with the best intentions I manage to say the wrong thing and get the axe. So now I just shut up. I'll ask you this, do think its a shift to the right or just the mods not being so axe heavy as in the past? Again, most of my time here has become topical so folks rarely get banned in the threads I make or read.


Mar 10, 2018
Someplace Far Away
F is for family is decent tbh.
Never liked it honestly.

It's hard to get a read on Burr. He says some super questionable shit then says something that makes him seem really 'progressive', to the point you rationalise that the questionable stuff is just part of his jock asshole shtick. Which I can't deny can be fucking hilarious at times.

Then there's this trailer which makes it seem like the dude is kind of just turning into a clueless boomer asshole. Maybe its just a shit trailer, I'll try to sit through it when it releases.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
Perhaps, full disclosure I tend to stay away from those topics since even with the best intentions I manage to say the wrong thing and get the axe. So now I just shut up. I'll ask you this, do think its a shift to the right or just the mods not being so axe heavy as in the past? Again, most of my time here has become topical so folks rarely get banned in the threads I make or read.
It's the latter which is causing the former imo.
It's been extremely noticable to the trans community lately.


Oct 27, 2017
It's Bill Burr so I mean I don't really need any more reason not to watch it, but then I watched the trailer and I was right.


May 3, 2023
Looks terrible and like something from 25 years ago. No jokes or wit in that trailer. Boilerplate edgy comedy stuff where the ending will be some sort of epiphany that he's become a rigid asshole and everyone meets in the middle to celebrate ~enlightened centrism~.

The cis male attachment to their aging standup heroes of the early aughts is so boring. I'll never forget the Bill Burr segment on Conan once (I think the clip autoplayed to me on YouTube while I was just watching Conan stuff) where his schtick for that show was pointing out that it's funny to make feminists mad because it's so easy to make them mad. I've never known anything about him, but it was just such a dated premise, and he was so happy with himself for thinking of it, and since then it's always baffled me how he gets talked about by progressives like he has anything to offer. He's a middle-aged man acting like a teenager who's just trying to get reactions out of adults.
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Oct 27, 2017
Perhaps, full disclosure I tend to stay away from those topics since even with the best intentions I manage to say the wrong thing and get the axe. So now I just shut up. I'll ask you this, do think its a shift to the right or just the mods not being so axe heavy as in the past? Again, most of my time here has become topical so folks rarely get banned in the threads I make or read.

I think it's both but the blame falls on the mods.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
Never liked it honestly.

It's hard to get a read on Burr. He says some super questionable shit then says something that makes him seem really 'progressive', to the point you rationalise that the questionable stuff is just part of his jock asshole shtick. Which I can't deny can be fucking hilarious at times.

Then there's this trailer which makes it seem like the dude is kind of just turning into a clueless boomer asshole. Maybe its just a shit trailer, I'll try to sit through it when it releases.

The saying "progressive" stuff is by design so he stays palatable to most while still slinging transphobic and misogynistic views. It's intended.

He says "funny stuff sometimes" because he knows that many people will brush over the transphobia, spread the "funny stuff" like wildfire on the internet and such and still give him money.


Mar 9, 2018
It's hard to get a read on Burr. He says some super questionable shit then says something that makes him seem really 'progressive', to the point you rationalise that the questionable stuff is just part of his jock asshole shtick.
I think there are a lot of people like this in society in general, where they'll say weirdly contradictory things and they're all over the place. One second they'll be saying some reprehensible shit and then the next they'll be saying something completely opposite and reasonable and you're left thinking ???


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not seeing the nuanced, deconstructive "storytelling" portraying a character that's not just a vehicle for his worldviews (despite, I'm sure, some self-awareness and self-critique) that some others are seeing. At least based on what I've seen of him already. Unless he's always in character, even when on, say, Joe Rogan's podcast.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
I'm not seeing the nuanced, deconstructive "storytelling" portraying a character that's not just a vehicle for his worldviews (despite, I'm sure, some self-awareness and self-critique) that some others are seeing. At least based on what I've seen of him already. Unless he's always in character, even when on, say, Joe Rogan's podcast.
This might be extremely reductive of me but he's just a transphobic assholes.


Jun 26, 2021
Watched the youtube videos posted in this thread, and yeah that stand up is gross. He has a weird facination with Trans individuals genitals I've only seen from annoying chud losers, and refuses to use the correct pronouns when speaking about them.

Weird so many people seem to love this guy. He is clearly just another comedian grifter.


Oct 28, 2017
Never liked it honestly.

It's hard to get a read on Burr. He says some super questionable shit then says something that makes him seem really 'progressive', to the point you rationalise that the questionable stuff is just part of his jock asshole shtick. Which I can't deny can be fucking hilarious at times.

Then there's this trailer which makes it seem like the dude is kind of just turning into a clueless boomer asshole. Maybe its just a shit trailer, I'll try to sit through it when it releases.

Ignoring the trailer, which is just you know a trailer, and they don't tend to be super representative of movies, especially in comedies, there isn't much to understand, you can be say staunchly against the wealthy dominating society, while being a massive transphobe, you can be pro abortion while believing in normative gender roles, progressiveness isn't a singular spectrum, it is several spectrums depending on the topic.
I mean, how many democrats push for relatively progressive policies, and then will at the same time be quite pro-Israel and their current apartheid state.

Black people in America, for example, have historically been very progressive, far more than White people, yet as far as I know, their views regarding Gay rights and trans rights and so on, aren't particularly more progressive than White people's opinions there, that doesn't mean that they as a community don't tend to be progressive, just that this doesn't apply to everything, unfortunately.
If we look further back, history is absolutely littered with people pushing progressive ideas in an area while having absolutely abhorrent views in others, I mean how many of the US founding fathers weren't espousing the relatively progressive for the time view of equal rights for men (not women though), while owning slaves themselves.

Bill Burr is very much a case of being fairly transphobic, in the sense that he unfortunately believes and espouses views that many of his peers (both in age and profession) have regarding trans people, while also being aware of certain systemic injustices on other unrelated topics and being progressive in some of those.

Anyway, don't expect this to be a deconstruction of boomer ideology, but also don't think it is just going to be an old man special, suspect it will fall a fair bit into both the sides are wacky and hypocritical type of thing, which can be made to work if it doesn't treat both sides the same (As in being performative on Twitter is not the same as being a massive asshole in real life), but doubt he will pull it off even if that is the intend, frankly his comedy hasn't been particularly good or insightful for quite a few years, something that giving credit where credit his due, he himself has said once on an interview with Conan, I think.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
This might be a bit of a "hot take" but one cannot be progressive and transphobic at the same time.

Those two things cancel each other out like matter and anti matter.


Dec 2, 2017
User banned (permanent): Dismissive drive-by concerning transphobia, prior severe bans
Never liked it honestly.

It's hard to get a read on Burr. He says some super questionable shit then says something that makes him seem really 'progressive', to the point you rationalise that the questionable stuff is just part of his jock asshole shtick. Which I can't deny can be fucking hilarious at times.

Then there's this trailer which makes it seem like the dude is kind of just turning into a clueless boomer asshole. Maybe its just a shit trailer, I'll try to sit through it when it releases.

I mean it's a fictional story that goes along with Burr's brand of comedy where his entire schtick as of 10 or so years ago is that he's out of touch old guy with a rapidly changing world around him that he's desperately trying to catch up with which is highly relatable for a large segment of the populace.

F is for Family is just that trope set in the 70s. A lot of his recent more publicized bits are usually him not understanding why certain things are popular. Famously he has shit on Star Wars fans because he doesn't see the appeal, and yet he is now one of the more popular characters from the Disney+ shows and he's only been in 2 episodes.

Burr like a lot of public figures has lived an extremely public life. Thanks to the internet you can pull up clips of him back in 2014 making the same tired trans jokes Dave Chappelle is now, but if you listen to his more recent podcasts you can hear his evolution in understanding trans issues and his empathy for people who are deeply mistreated for no other reason than for who they are. He's also able to see the contradiction of people who condemn or vilify individuals who go on hormones or get surgeries to be more aligned with their gender who then would turn around and take any number of gender-affirming drugs or undergo their own treatments to affirm their given gender like the Joe Rogans of the world who jump on TRT and promote its benefits specifically to men.

Dude is certainly not perfect and is never going to check off all the boxes for any one demographic. He's a human being with nuances in his thinking like most people. But as I've listened to the guy recently he comes off to me as a dude who is generally "getting" issues whether they be on gender or otherwise. He's always seemed to be class conscious, but is only more vocal about it these days as the contradictions in our society become much more apparent.

As much as people are shitting on this trailer I can probably tell you exactly how this movie is going to go:

Act 1: Bill Burr and friends are living their lives largely outside of the rest of the world. His son he had later in life is now older and ready to enter the modern school system that's going to expose him and his friends to much younger parents than him who he can't relate to. At the same time his job is also changing and updating company policy and demographics.

Act 2: Bill and friends bump heads with everyone as they become more and more frustrated with how they can't relate to the world around them. He tries to do the right things by his kid but his stubbornness keeps getting in the way. This culminates with some big comeuppance he's able to get over on the people who've annoyed him the most, but has the unintended consequence of hurting his relationship with his kid or negatively impacts him in some way.

Act 3: Bill realizes he has issues he needs to get over starts doing the work to apologize to everyone and make things right. He maybe finds a new job or makes amends at the one he has, forms a more cordial relationship with the younger parents around him, and his friends come along for the ride. He ends up becoming closer to his son and everything wraps up with Bill, who's still learning, maybe making one final good-natured crack at someone he made amends with or something even more new comes in and sets him off again as credits roll.

It's a movie that's been done a million times and like I said previously, seems like it's just a quick payday for him from Netflix to make a by-the-numbers "old person deals with the youths" comedy movie.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You know what? I've never liked Bill Burr. I've never understood why he's so popular in alt/progressive comedy circles. I guess he has good opinions? (Edit: Wow, very much nope; transphobic scumbag). But his stand-up just comes off as that boring, angry, Gen-X-white-guy-mad-at-change thing that's felt hacky and basic since Denis Leary quit doing it in favour of acting.
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Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
Burr like a lot of public figures has lived an extremely public life. Thanks to the internet you can pull up clips of him back in 2014 making the same tired trans jokes Dave Chappelle is now, but if you listen to his more recent podcasts you can hear his evolution in understanding trans issues and his empathy for people who are deeply mistreated for no other reason than for who they are. He's also able to see the contradiction of people who condemn or vilify individuals who go on hormones or get surgeries to be more aligned with their gender who then would turn around and take any number of gender-affirming drugs or undergo their own treatments to affirm their given gender like the Joe Rogans of the world who jump on TRT and promote its benefits specifically to men.

He's progressed so much since 2014 that he was making transphobic jokes a year ago, as posted in this thread. Come on.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
You know what? I've never liked Bill Burr. I've never understood why he's so popular in alt/progressive comedy circles. I guess he has good opinions? But his stand-up just comes off as that boring, angry, Gen-X-white-guy-mad-at-change thing that's felt hacky and basic since Denis Leary quit doing it in favour of acting.
He has good opinions like I'm just a man in drag and stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
He's too smart to still be on the "I'm just a dumb old school straight white guy who needs to be constantly corrected by my black wife" shtick.

He knows what he's doing. People are laughing with him, not at him.

Burr's a pretty savvy piece of shit, as this thread is proving. He'll be "progressive" in some areas in order to smokescreen people when he says indefensible things, like linked to in this thread.

Oh he definitely regularly tries to have the cake and eat it too, absolutely. Sometimes he pulls it off, others he doesn't. I think you can make fun of younger generations for being performative on Twitter or whatever and also make fun of older people for being completely out of touch and bigoted. Whether he pulls it off in the movie or not, I don't know, and I don't feel compelled to watch it.
I liked listening to Burr occasionally in small doses, but after hearing his transphobic stuff, I couldn't anymore. Still, the stuff shown in the trailer is typical Burr making fun of himself being a stubborn old goat.

Basically all of this. Burr is only "progressive" to the chuds that are too stupid to know what he's doing and too fragile to handle any of his self-deprecating schtick. He's a particular kind of shitty white moderate who's self-aware enough to know how behind the times he is but isn't willing to get too uncomfortable unless his wife slaps him enough to do it. Basically the kind of late-boomer suburban dad who grew up emulating Al Bundy, and his appeal's basically with the same kind of fuckers.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm noticing a trend here. The people warning of bill Burrs bigotry in this thread are almost exclusively trans women.

Do Cis people just not listen to what their favorite comedians actually say anymore?
Like you don't even need us to say this shit he's said his horrific opinions on trans people like A LOT.

Unfortunately I think even in relatively liberal/left leaning groups, trans people get ignored or worse far too regularly.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Not surprising from Netflix, the home of Dave Chapelle and Joe Rogan. They don't give a shit, but worse than that they try to convince people they do by highlighting how important diversity is to them and then they turn around and platform these creeps.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
He has good opinions like I'm just a man in drag and stuff.

Just caught up on the thread - Jesus fuck. Guy needs to be drop kicked. Will edit my previous post.

Edit: also, trans friends, apologies for my ignorance about this jackass. I'm sure you folks understood my post was based on a very cursory knowledge of Burr, but I'm also sure it still felt shitty to see someone say they thought he has good opinions based on the company he seems to keep. My fault for not catching up before posting. I'm trying to remember every podcast I've heard him guest on, but I remember Call Chelsea Peretti most specifically, so now I'm wondering if she's going to turn out to be another Richard Ayoade.
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Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
Not surprising from Netflix, the home of Dave Chapelle and Joe Rogan. They don't give a shit, but worse than that they try to convince people they do by highlighting how important diversity is to them and then they turn around and platform these creeps.
What's weird is one of my partners informed me that fucking South Park treated Netflix like the transgender supportive platform when it's anything fucking but.


Nov 1, 2017
Suomi Finland
User banned (1 month): Dismissive drive-by concerning transphobia
what bigoted shit has he said lately?

i only remember the bit about how one of those jailed Jan 6 terrorists was his hero.


Jan 6, 2021
Dude was awesome in the Mandalorian but this movie is going to piss off a lot of people


Apr 14, 2022
Burr always comes across as the most conservative non-conservative dude.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
I thought Bill Burr was better than this, yeesh. A lot of these jokes are of the right-wing, anti-PC variety.
Now, I don't watch Bill Burr, but going on his Wikipedia page makes me think that being anti-PC is a significant part of his shtick. There are at three separate paragraphs in there that talk about how he disagrees with political correctness.


Oct 26, 2017
I've def felt a rollercoaster of late seeing a lot of posts where I'm like I can't believe there's no push back on this here.
I felt this when Travis Scott's last album had a thread going with everyone praising it. While it featured Dave Chapelle on a track and was produced by Kanye west. I reported it, but nothing happened and i never heard anything. Not sure why people here would want to support any of that
Dec 2, 2021
Unless this takes a hard swerve into a deconstruction, I'm sure this is going to be 70 minutes of shitty jokes before right at the end they're forced to be a little less shitty and everybody just instantly forgives them even though they probably don't actually change that much. Bill Burr then jerks himself off for how brave he is to stop doing obviously shitty things that a normal adult should be able to know not to do.

It's fine though because it's self aware about it's shittyness, therefore making it totally okay and definitely not the exact same thing.


May 5, 2018
Embarrassing trend on this site where trans users will post about transphobic people/works of fiction and then people will just like, continue to have a conversation around those people instead of stopping to acknowledge what they're saying.

Anyone describing Burr as "progressive" needs to have a serious think about what progressiveness actually is.


Jan 6, 2019
I wasn't exactly a Bill Burr fan already but this thread taught at least one more person about his transphobic comments because I had no idea, so thanks for that. Regarding this community leaning more to the right - respectfully, if this forum leans too far to the right for you then you live in a bubble, this forum is extremely left-leaning compared to most. The crux of the issue is that left-leaning communities are ALSO bad about understanding trans issues, sure they won't straight up say transphobic stuff like right-leaning communities would, but a lot of times the mark is missed. Especially the type who are just here for video games and not the political stuff.
Jan 20, 2022
I think there are a lot of people like this in society in general, where they'll say weirdly contradictory things and they're all over the place. One second they'll be saying some reprehensible shit and then the next they'll be saying something completely opposite and reasonable and you're left thinking ???
Most people are inherently contradictory. I'm sure we all have thoughts/opinions that don't all line up. Most of our beliefs are tailored to our personal experiences. So you can be progressive about topics that pertain to you, and ignorant about topics that don't. Fortunately we are trying to combat that and open more lines of dialogue. But I don't think it's particularly odd that we can point out contradictions in someones world views.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
His entire shtick is old man yells at cloud, he is funny but clearly not a role model, and he obviously says shit just to get a rise out of people.

Edit: Also the movie looks terrible, and I say that as someone who liked F is for family but didn't bother watching past season 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Even as a cranky guy myself, I just can't figure out why people love the "guy always annoyed by stuff" genre of stand up comedy and it's 1000x worse when they try to do it as a scripted project.


Aug 30, 2022
It's how it works if you're trying to avoid platforming the views you're supposedly satirizing, yeah.

Look at how the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia gang is treated in the show (they're bad people and bad things happen to them frequently and immediately) versus how say Walter White is treated (he's a bad person but treated as the POV hero and goes out on his own terms) and how both integrate into culture. No one wrongly hero worships the Always Sunny gang, but always do with characters like Walter White.

The Burr character as presented in the trailer (again, maybe the trailer just sucks) is a piece of shit and should be getting put in his place frequently and immediately. But, if instead, it lets Burr just present this piece of shit ideology unopposed for the whole film and at the end go "riding this scooter was fun, maybe I should lighten up a bit (but I'm still going to raise my son based on toxic masculinity)" that's nonsense and merely a criticism deflection.
Eh...this isn't black and white,otherwise you might as well say all Scorsese's mafia movies fail to condemn their main characters in a proper way.Breaking Bad try to make viewers understand where Walter White is going and why he is going there but it doesn't ask people to blindly revere him.
It's less "wow look what a badass he is" and more " look at this train crash of a man,the aftermath of his self drestruction is entertaining"
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