Mainly because I see alot of people either not know what happened with the Project before and after or get bits confused.

So I just thought as someone whos been in alot of threads like this I thought I would try and sum up the history of Versus Development as best as I could.

To note this is mostly focused on Versus 13 up until Tabata took over and the reboot.

Lets start with the Beginning.

Fabula Nova Crystallis:

FNC began back in 2004 as Square was beginning to work up development on the next Final Fantasy, FNC and its mythos was originally developed by Nojima over the course of a year and when he showed his idea to Square and its Developers they did really enjoy the idea bak in 2005.

The concept was to have a central Mythos a Grand Crystal Tales/Story but then each game in the series would be a Different interpretation/story using said mythos of Fabula Nova Crystallis.

Over the year it was decided there would be three games set in said FNC.

1. Final Fantasy 13 the first game in FNC

2. Final Fantasy Agito 13, Type-0 original title back when it was announced before years later when it was re-revealed to have dropped the 13 from its name and be renamed Type-0 mainly because it didn't have much to do with 13.

and finally

3. Final Fantasy Versus 13

VERSUS before 13's release

As with the title, Versus 13 was developed as in many ways the opposite or turn around of Final Fantasy 13.

13's main color was White.
Versus 13 was Black

13 was set in a fantastical mystical futuristic world
Versus 13 was set in a more Modern World (probably the last one since 8)

More so how the game was when it released, 13 was closed of and section based like 10
Versus 13 was always designed and envisioned to be open in a way and try and replicate a real big open world.

Look at things a bit more:
Lightning Bright Pink Hair, main color of clothes white with a futuristic gun sword

Noctis jet black hair, wears all black and main signature weapon a sword with an engine on it with Ancient Royal Arms

"FFVersusXIII" is a companion work to "FFXIII", but it's a contrast even if you compare the main characters.
Is it because "FFVersusXIII" is dark overall or black (laughs)? It's true that the story is dark, but at first I thought it would be the shadow of "FFXIII", so I'm following that image. If "FFXIII" was light, "FFVersusXIII" was a shadow image. It's not particularly narratively paired, but I think it's too dangerous to call yourself "FFXIII" by itself. On the contrary, I would like to express in "FFVersusXIII" things that are not done in the numbering title. The word "Versus" means "turn around" in Latin, but in English it means "versus", which means "paired". It will be such a work.

インタビュー『ファイナルファンタジーXIII』 - 電撃オンライン

最強のゲーム情報サイト! 読み応え抜群のレビューやインタビューなども盛りだくさん!

Versus 13 was announced back in 2006 same year as FNC and 13, though unlike its counter part at this stage Versus did not have much people behind it, for its first years most of what we saw and knew of versus was all conceptual not much work behind the game had began at that point due to other projects at Square Enix like Kingdom heats Birth By Sleep but mainly due to projects in the works at

Development Studio 1, the main team tasked with making offline Final Fantasy that was busy working on 13 (same studio would later be the main force behind Final Fantasy 7 Remake).

So for a couple of years no big work was being done on Versus 13 and what fans have seen was so far conceptual but its clear it did hit with fans but it did have ramifications when Versus was eventually rebooted under director Tabata:
Also the situation with FFXV is very unique and I have learned one thing from this experience: when you release information about a game very early, as it was the case with Versus XIII which is a game that never really took shape, how the information is viewed by the world is very different to what we think.

To answer the second part of your question, I also agree with you that gaining information too early is a very bad thing. For FFXV, this is obviously a special situation, having started out as Versus XIII and having information released at that time. That's something we can't turn the clock back on. We have to continue and put a lot of effort to maintain that relationship with the fans to reassure them. For our next game, we would never want you to get information at such an early point, because it's counterproductive. But with FFXV, we have to continue and make the best of it, unfortunately.

Gamescom 2015 : Interview Hajime Tabata (ENG) - Finaland

Votre site de référence sur la saga Final Fantasy et toute l’actualité Square Enix

So yeah until 13's release in 2009 in Japan and 2010 everywhere else Versus 13 didn't see much action, but in 3-4 years time things would change.


Versus 13 was to be built using the tools of its counterpart Final Fantasy 13, which meant everyones favorite engine....


Problem was Crystal Tool and how its engine and tools were designed was counter productive to what Versus wanted to do, Crystal Tools was good for making the kinds of closed off and narrow (think 10) environments that FF13 was made up from, Versus from the get go was always thought up to be a more open/open world exprience and the tools that crystal tools provided were not up to the task.

to quote Technical Director of XV:

the 'universal engine' Toriyama's team built couldn't handle Versus 13 anymore - because it had been so carefully designed to fit FF13's specifications, it now buckled under the vast open-world environments that had been designed for Versus 13 with technical specifications, making it virtually unusable.

How Final Fantasy 15 almost destroyed itself (with help from FF13)

Back in 2008, things weren't going well for Final Fantasy 13. A few short years after it was announced as the leading entry in Square-Enix's Fabula Nova

Luckily Square did have another Priority Engine in the works that was more suited for the open environments Versus was seeking, Luminous Engine so in 2010 the team made the switch to the developing Luminous Engine and Versus 13 went into Full Production.

Common Misconception I see is that people think Versus didn't have much of a development team, true early on as FF13 was still being developed but once that was nearing its end and out the door Versus 13 did have lots of people working on the game.

Roberto Ferrari a character designer that has worked with Nomura since 2010, worked on Versus, 15 and Final Fantasy 7 Remake had this to say:
I wasn't part of the 2010 group from XIII that "would have scratched their bellies" (and then turned into the XV one), I came into May 2010. I know I was called in when a (female) designer resigned since she wasn't able to get any kind of approval from the art director. Then from 2010 till the end of 2011 I worked on the designs I got assigned with, without any big issues. That's why when the team got resized from 200 workers to around 20 in 2012

So from 2010 to late 2012 (thats when Tabata and the Type 0 team came on board so while a good amount of the original team were not there they were filled in by Tabatas group), Versus 13 by Robertos own words had a team of about 200 people, which is about the same amount of people as Final Fantasy 13 had at its height of development.

So 2 years or so of full development and things were not going well to say the least to once again Quote Roberto:
The staff -200 souls- had to work when the story still wasn't completely defined. In fact, this story kept changing every 3 months and the definitive delivery date for the game was for the end of 2014 (who would have thought it would have been pushed back to November 2016?).

Even after the years of conceptual work and predevelopment as FF13 was being worked on and as the game was in full development Final Fantasy Versus 13 story and concepts were not set in stone, as development progressed the story of Versus kept on changing and as we know from the development history of Bioshock Infinite changing os a story during development that should have been pretty much set can have drastic impacts on the pipeline and production of the game much less morale especially when at this point Versus was no longer a PS3 exclusive but aiming for next gen systems with the game set to be released by the end of the year of 2014.

Along with the idea of Versus 13 being a trilogy of its own games

This was a big task for developers and what didn't help the game and teams confidence was the reaction to Versus 13 inside the company.

Square Enix Internals & Reboot

Despite Square Enix saying Versus was doing well and such with PR, but on the inside of Square Enix it was anything but happiness with Versus 13.

Then President and CEO of the time Wada along with other executives were presented in 2012 what had been done so far with Versus 13.

Wada and Excs were not impressed nor inspired what Nomura and his teams have put up in the time since the game went into full production in 2010, from what Wada and others at Square Enix saw and played of Versus 13 it just wasn't fun nor did they feel confident putting in the resources to finish a game that no one was happy with.

From duckroll

Wada confidence in the game was such that he was seriously considering just cancelling Final Fantasy Versus 13, thats when he decided to give a call to Tabata:
Hajime Tabata:
In 2012 I took a phone call from our previous CEO, Yoichi Wada. He told me that there was a great deal of trouble with Final Fantasy Versus XIII, a separate project to Final Fantasy XIII. He told me that he was considering whether or not to cancel the project. If he did, he said, then he'd want to really start it up from scratch again and take it off in a new direction, and maybe have me take on that project.

There are problems with every videogame project, of course. But with Final Fantasy Versus XIII the period of trying to fix the issues just went on way too long. It had already been in development for six years by that point. It couldn't carry on in the same way. That was when I became involved and started to change the project towards becoming Final Fantasy XV.

Everyone was doing what they thought was right with these projects. Nobody was deliberately trying to grind the company into the dirt. But there are some things where the problem only becomes clear once the games take shape. Sometimes you only realize where you've gone wrong after the work is finished.
Edge #314 Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Special Edition.

Tabata and his team made a demo of what would become Final Fantasy 15 that Wada and co were more comfortably and confident in and thus the greenlight of versus into FF15 had began.

Though with two big parts that needed to be agreed to.

#1. Final Fantasy 15 would be a standalone game, it would not have a sequel planned/multiple games like Versus 13

#2. Final Fantasy 15 no matter what would be released by the end of 2016

With that in mind I think I will stop it here, I don't think i should now go into 15's production (maybe a thread later) but the intent of this thread was to give just a gist of what we know about Final Fantasy Versus 13.

What I see in Final Fantasy threads is an unawreness to Versus 13's troubles, a rose tinted glass look at the game that most of us only ever saw concept footage and trailers that made the game look as best as it could just like what you see at E3 at times which aren't representative of the true game, remember Cyberpunk?

Like lets not talk about some the bits from Versus like Stella being a ghost the entire game who was killed by Noctis as a kid.

I'm reminded of the Camelot episode in Sopranos, where Tony really has only good things to say about his dad that he was an honorable good man when really as we see in the episode as Tony is foced to confront and meet his fathers Mistress.

He was a crook who didn't really care for his wife and kids and would rather spend time with his sleazy mistress than his own family.

I didn't make this thread to bash or make fun of Nomura or that, far from it he is a talented director who worked and a big part of some of my favorite games of all time.

But no matter the director sometimes projects just never come together, that they may sound good in concept but when you're trying to make it all work it mix it all together into a cake....... it just doesn't come out right.

Final Fantasy Versus 13 was game that just never came together despite best intentions it was a game in development whos story keep changing, whos excs and producers didn't think was fun & had no confidence in, a game that had to get rebooted otherwise it would be canned and more.

A Game that could never take shape.

Thank you all if you stayed to read the whole thread, I would also like to Liam Allen-Miller just cause I think he would like this thread


Oct 18, 2021
Find a bit questionable how much intel a character designer (Ferrari) would have about the dev of the game if the guy was only responsible for doing the drawing as was not responsible for any logistic stuff.
Find a bit questionable how much intel a character designer (Ferrari) would have about the dev of the game if the guy was only responsible for doing the drawing as was not responsible for any logistic stuff.
Why would he lie/don't trust his word?

He worked on Versus when it went into production in 2010 and 15 all the way to 2014 and worked on Remake he done plenty of work for Square Enix and wouldn't just lie about this.

He is to be trusted.

Deleted member 35509

Account closed at user request
Dec 6, 2017
Nomura is a poor, terrible manager. He should stick to art, not managing. The timeframe for his games is embarrassing.

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
You know, this is kind of an aside, but I always had a similar strategy/idea in mind for creating multiple mainline Final Fantasy installments at one time, however, they would have separate universes and mythos. What would truly set them apart is their visual styles. For example, Final Fantasy XVII could be a throwback with 16-bit graphics, Final Fantasy XVIII could be a throwback to 32-bit graphics and Final Fantasy XIX could be the next modern, open world game. I think that would build up excitement for the series in many different ways. Instead of announcing one new mainline FF game and waiting years for it. Just a thought.

Anyways, I'm glad that Versus was released in some form as FFXV. I'm glad that I played it. It was an interesting journey. I didn't think it was a good game by any means, but it had its strong suits such as the road trip aspect, exploration in the world and the banter between the party members.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm not gonna lie, watching the early CGI trailers on a daily basis and speak about this game everyday was a non-insignificant personality trait I had in high school.


Oct 25, 2017
You know, this is kind of an aside, but I always had a similar strategy/idea in mind for creating multiple mainline Final Fantasy installments at one time, however, they would have separate universes and mythos. What would truly set them apart is their visual styles. For example, Final Fantasy XVII could be a throwback with 16-bit graphics, Final Fantasy XVIII could be a throwback to 32-bit graphics and Final Fantasy XIX could be the next modern, open world game. I think that would build up excitement for the series in many different ways. Instead of announcing one new mainline FF game and waiting years for it. Just a thought.
Isn't that what they did with FFIX, FFX and FFXI?


Oct 26, 2017
The storyline of FF 13 Versus would never had worked as a mainline FF. This Noctis was a drug peddling member of a Yakuza family. And that Ardyn was Caius 2.0.


Oct 25, 2017
Did they announce those at the same time? Can't remember. They should do that again.


Square Millennium Event:: Final Fantasy IX, X, and XI Revealed - IGN

Without a doubt, Square's crown jewel is Final Fantasy. Today, at the Square Millennium Event being held in Tokyo, Japan, Square officially revealed its plans for the series for well into the next few years. Final Fantasy IX was officially announced for the current PlayStation and was given a...


Feb 7, 2022
FF versus 13 was my most anticipated game for a long time, was very excited at the FF15 rereveal back at 2013, was so disappointed at the bait and switch final product. So boring, bland, empty open world...bad combat...nonsense story... I go back and watch the FF vs 13 trailer on occasion and just feel sad that we never got that game. Only part I liked was the soundtrack, really excellent music.


Oct 28, 2017
It's been 15 years since Versus was announced and the development troubles aren't a secret. I don't think this thread is shedding light on anything here and I'm not really sure why you're using duckroll as a legitimate source for anything here. You are missing the elephant in the room that was the disastrous launch of FFXIV 1.0 that upended projects, including Versus, at Square Enix for a very long time. Nomura is definitely not without fault for what happened with Versus, but the company as a whole had a long period of fuck ups and scrambling to fix things that Nomura was given more work than any one person could realistically handle.

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
It's crazy when you think about Square's troubles began with FFXII, then progressively became worse for FFXIII, FF Versus XIII, and FFXIV 1.0.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
I'll always be grateful to Tabata and his team for FFXV. Whenever I'm reminded of how incredibly troubled the development of V13 was I can't help but think it's a miracle that XV even came out. They did the best they could with a hodgepodge of ideas and concepts and tried to make a fully complete game from that. They may have faltered for sure but the bros story was one of my fav in the series.
Oct 30, 2017
I was super excited for Versus, Loved the dark gothic mature theme.. it was the dream Final Fantasy game for me.

Too bad even with FFXV the story wasn't presented with it's full potential.. I feel like we haven't had a new main entry with the story being told properly as it was planned since FFX and that was 21 years ago ( talking about offline and new entries so remakes don't count too ).

I have a massive hope and faith in FFXVI.. I know they will finally get it completely right in all aspects.


Oct 20, 2019
I loved what I saw of the game, a lot of the trailer footage still inspires me to this day. Like a dark version of Kingdom Hearts.

The concept of "Versus 13" was always strange to me. First off, I have my doubts that the game would have sold very well in the first place, because of the name. People would just be confused and think it was a re-release of FF13 or something.

That being said, I do miss the mafia Noctis and Regis feel, and Stella playing a part of it.


Oct 28, 2017
This pretty much breaks the narrative that FF14 is responsible for Versus 13 being canned. The story kept changing in the 2010s when the game was announced in 2006, lmao.


Dec 3, 2018
I remember being disappointed hearing that Stella was to be killed off by Noctis early in the game. Which leads to her brother becoming one of the main antagonists.

Versus had a really cool vibe. It was so mysterious and dark. Sad to see it go. I love XV to bits, but Versus' world felt so alluring, I understand how some can't let it go.


Oct 27, 2017
The concept of "Versus 13" was always strange to me. First off, I have my doubts that the game would have sold very well in the first place, because of the name. People would just be confused and think it was a re-release of FF13 or something.

i think if they stuck to the landing on Fabula Nova Crystallis and gave each game the "XIII" branding those games would sell better than your typical FF spinoff.

it was a neat idea but a cynical one as well, which is mainly why it didn't work


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
This is probably one of the best summaries I've seen on it all. In the end, even this is only a fraction of the story, though, and a lot of it will likely not be told publicly for a long time, if ever, as it's a lot of internal politicking and things like that. If a bunch of the faces involved leave Square in the future, maybe more of it will come out. But the narrative that Versus stalled because of 14/ARR, or because 13's development hit the rocks, is false. Those things slowed stuff down and exacerbated the problems, but the project span wheels just fine on its own.


Apr 1, 2019
SE would never do it, but I would love for them to do an extensive making of for Versus/XV.

I feel like we'll never really know what happened. I've tried to explain the situation to friends before but I always end up realizing we actually know very little.

The project went on so long that there are tons of rumors and inferences of what may have happened mixed in with the little we do know. Every video or essay I see about the game is somehow different.

Definitely a very bad time for everyone involved. I feel bad for Nomura but am also thankful for Tabata. Both are talented individuals. The saddest part of all of XV's legacy is how people treat these two in my opinion. I look forward to their future projects.

I'm still kind of shocked that SE is allowing Nomura to so heavily call upon Versus with Verum Rex. Like, people higher up than him had to look at that stuff and say "yeah, go ahead." You'd think they would say no to that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll always be grateful to Tabata and his team for FFXV. Whenever I'm reminded of how incredibly troubled the development of V13 was I can't help but think it's a miracle that XV even came out. They did the best they could with a hodgepodge of ideas and concepts and tried to make a fully complete game from that. They may have faltered for sure but the bros story was one of my fav in the series.


Back at the old place with all the troubles for the original game I said that they would take Versus and rebrand it as XV before they did it. Nobody believed me.


Oct 28, 2017
This is probably one of the best summaries I've seen on it all. In the end, even this is only a fraction of the story, though, and a lot of it will likely not be told publicly for a long time, if ever, as it's a lot of internal politicking and things like that. If a bunch of the faces involved leave Square in the future, maybe more of it will come out. But the narrative that Versus stalled because of 14/ARR, or because 13's development hit the rocks, is false. Those things slowed stuff down and exacerbated the problems, but the project span wheels just fine on its own.
I don't believe anyone has said that 14 was the a single cause for Versus developmental woes but it absolutely played a large part in the games development being as rough as it was.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 21, 2019
He share the director chair with two other devs though.

People seem to forget that because whenever 7R gets brought up, those that hate it use it as an opportunity to shit on Nomura exclusively lol

Like Toriyama's name is right there...... and after the 13 trilogy I read people saying he shouldn't ever direct a FF game again.


May 17, 2022
Every time someone mentions Versus XIII i cry a little over its lost potential and what could have been. FFXV was honestly shockingly bad, I still can't believe that it even released like this. It's one of those games where I was genuinely wondering if I was missing some major part of the game for the first couple of hours.
I kept playing it not out of enjoyment or obligation, but because I was convinced that this was just the tutorial and the actual game was just around the corner. But the game actually got way worse as it went on. I couldn't even bring myself to finish it. I guess after so many years they had to get something out the door but I wonder if the damage it did to the brand was really worth it.
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