
Nov 6, 2017


Authorities in Boise, Idaho, are investigating after the only Anne Frank memorial in the US was defaced with swastika stickers.

"We take all instances of hate and hate messaging seriously," the Boise Police Department said in a statement Wednesday. "We are committed to ferreting out individuals who would sow hate in our community and seek to cause harm."

Investigators are currently reviewing surveillance video, police added.

Nine stickers bearing the Nazi symbol and the words "We are everywhere" were discovered at the Anne Frank Human Rights Memorial Tuesday morning, the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights said in a Facebook post.

The memorial was defaced in 2017 by racist and anti-Semitic graffiti that caused $20,000 in damage. The stickers found Tuesday, however, were easily removed.

Idaho has a troubled history of neo-Nazi and white supremacist sentiment dating back decades. The extremist Aryan Nations group was based in a compound in the state from the late 1970s until 2001 and in the past few years.

Last year, the Associated Press reported that white extremist groups were on the rise in the Pacific Northwest, with at least nine of them classified as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center operating along the Idaho/Washington border.

The stickers were discovered the same day as an intense anti-mask rally in the state capital. State health officials were also forced to end a meeting on a four-county mask mandate because armed protesters outside the state capital and the homes of board members were deemed a threat to public safety.

"This is not normal — the rhetoric we've seen over the past days and months has no place in our community," Boise Mayor Lauren McLean said in a statement Wednesday. "Bad actors who use racist and violent rhetoric are not welcome in this community."

The Only Anne Frank Memorial In The United States Was Defaced With Swastika Stickers

Stickers bearing the Nazi symbol and the words "We are everywhere" were found Tuesday at the memorial in Idaho.


Oct 30, 2017
Fucking horrible.

Is there a reason the only Anne Frank memorial in the US is in Boise Idaho of all places?
There was a priest here named George Wasmuth that spent his life fighting white supremacists, and when he died they built the Wasmuth Center For Human Rights which features the Anne Frank Memorial.

I'm actually working on an engraved stone memorial for Martin Luther King that I'm donating to the local NAACP. It's going to go in front of the Black History Museum that is just a few hundred yards down the road from where this happened. I hate knowing that my work is eventually going to be vandalized.


Oct 30, 2017
Shit is getting real rowdy here in Boise. In addition to that we've got Cliven Bundy's son Ammon going around the valley stirring up all the anti-maskers and white supremacists* to fight against any sane covid precautions.

*-That Venn diagram is likely just one circle.

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Oct 25, 2017
Boise Area, Idaho
Shit is getting real rowdy here in Boise. In addition to that we've got Cliven Bundy's son Ammon going around the valley stirring up all the anti-maskers and white supremacists* to fight against any sane covid precautions.

*-That Venn diagram is likely just one circle.
watching it from Canyon County, I thought the people out here were nuts.
Oct 27, 2017
There was a priest here named George Wasmuth that spent his life fighting white supremacists, and when he died they built the Wasmuth Center For Human Rights which features the Anne Frank Memorial.

I'm actually working on an engraved stone memorial for Martin Luther King that I'm donating to the local NAACP. It's going to go in front of the Black History Museum that is just a few hundred yards down the road from where this happened. I hate knowing that my work is eventually going to be vandalized.

Wow thanks, I had no idea, thought it was just random.

These Nazi scum really need to fuck off.


Oct 26, 2017
There was a priest here named George Wasmuth that spent his life fighting white supremacists, and when he died they built the Wasmuth Center For Human Rights which features the Anne Frank Memorial.

I'm actually working on an engraved stone memorial for Martin Luther King that I'm donating to the local NAACP. It's going to go in front of the Black History Museum that is just a few hundred yards down the road from where this happened. I hate knowing that my work is eventually going to be vandalized.
fwiw, the monument you're working on will remain standing long after vandals deface it. That's its power.


Oct 25, 2017
This has the opposite effect on me than the one I assume they were intending. It doesn't intimidate, it galvanises.


Oct 25, 2017
Was it this guy?


Full review:

The voice in the book jumps between musings of a 13 yeard old, a failed novelist, a mature philosopher, a feminist and a queer. The debauchery in the book makes me wonder how someone would allow this book to a kid.
-She repeatedly says she doesn't have any close friends, yet she constantly meets with friends and even mentioned how she gets bored without them. How they sleepover. There is no sense of her being estranged in any way. She then says that maybe it's because she doesn't confide in others, so there is a lack of intimacy. At 13? On her birthday she had distributed cookies in her class, and in gym everybody played the game she wanted them to (She couldn't play), and after that they all sang her 'Happy Birthday'. Repeatedly her views differ from her own reality, so much so, I reckon hypocrisy might just be one the themes in this book.
-She personified her diary as her ideal best friend, yet just after that she says that noone would understand what she had written so she must explain more.
-She berates boys very much. In fact concerning boys there is an undertone of feminist writing. While describing her classmates she says "There's a lot to be said about the boys, or maybe not so much after all" and goes on in detail about how she despises each boy, except one guy who she calls 'decent'. In her essay to her Maths teacher she argued how talking was a 'female trait' and how her mother talked a lot as well. She talks about her teachers as "I get along pretty well with all my teachers. There are nine of them, seven men and two women".
-The debauchery in the book makes me wonder how someone would allow this book to a kid.
Sanctimonious Anne criticized how these sexual 'vices' had entered her school and how boys were always ogling at girls (She described a boy in her class who "went all the way"). Yet there is a sense that she liked to have who she called her 'admirers'. There were plenty of those.
An example from book:
Her mother used to ask her who she was going to marry, and she always had in mind Peter. Even though when Hello (age:16) came to talk to her (age:13)at her home she said "Miracle of miracles, I didn't rush down the stairs but waited quietly until he rang the bell. I went down to open the door" Even though she explicitly said she did not love him.
The debauchery continues:
Hello's grandma thought Anne was too young. Then he says how he broke up with Ursula. "Did you have an argument?" "No,I told her weren't suited for each other I thought she was hanging around with another boy. I treated her like that. My uncle asked me to apologize to her. I didn't feel like it and I broke up with her."
She goes on to say:
"If your grandparents don't want you to, you shouldn't go behind their backs" (Hypocrisy is one of her traits)
"All's fair in love and war" - Hello
She then took a long walk with Hello, but when she came late fer father scolded her for coming after curfew timing
There are some serious discrepancies in this book. Contradictions of voice, style, ideas... Even conflict between consecutive passages. There are certainly some elements of good writing like her character building, but they only add to the ambiguitiy and inconsistency of her style.
Reading it one does not get a sense that she was 13. The only reason this book is famous is because it gives a voyeuristic view of a kid who went through Nazi oppression. She is the poster child of holocaust. Otherwise this is a secondrate book filled with sentimentality.
I did not finish the book because I did not want to waste my time. Life is too short to be wasted on a book like this.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not exactly sure why "We are everywhere" gets to me more than...any number of other vile things I've seen in the last 4 or so years, but it does. Maybe it's because it feels more true every day.

As sad as it is to say, I'm glad I'm not a practicing Jew anymore and equally glad that I don't have a last name or something that really screams, "I'm Jewish!" to people either. I was thinking yesterday how despite that, being Jewish is still a really big part of how I see myself and yet I feel safer the less people know that about me.