This game doesn't really need an introduction, so to keep things short and sweet: Sonic 06 is known as one of, if not the most disappointing Sonic release of all time. There was a lot of hype surrounding it prerelease, and it sold quite well, but ultimately the game was critically panned to the point where SEGA did a complete course correction with their subsequent Sonic games. Just about everything this game had to offer was criticized heavily: the glitchy, twitchy controls and gameplay, the weird realistic graphics, the gigantic boring hub world... you name it.
Everything but the music, that is. So I'm gonna post some killer tracks, and y'all are gonna listen. I'm hoping that those who haven't played the game will now discover how cool the soundtrack to this game is, lol.
Seriously... the game's soundtrack jumps across so many genres. It's insane! Genre's and sounds that you wouldn't expect from a Sonic game.
Flame Core hits you with a CHILL AF vibe once you hit the caverns...
The vibe ramps right TF up when you enter the mach speed section of Radical Train...
And then back down again with the excellent piano composition in Aquatic Base!
There's so much to love about this game's soundtrack, it's so varied and cool. It's too bad the game attached to it is fucking miserable, lol.
Post your fave tracks here.
One more from me, lol.
Tropical Jungle's jungle track is fucking great and super chill.