
You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
A paywalled article, but I excerpted the choice parts.

By age 30, Epic Games Inc. founder and CEO Tim Sweeney had a couple of successful videogames under his belt and was starting to make real money.

"I had a Ferrari and a Lamborghini in the parking lot of my apartment," he recalled. "People who hadn't met me thought I must be a drug dealer."

Today, Mr. Sweeney, at 48, is worth more than $7 billion, according to Bloomberg's Billionaires Index. Epic was last valued at $15 billion, counting Walt Disney Co. and China's Tencent Holdings PLC among its investors. And "Fortnite," its blockbuster game, has racked up 250 million players and $3.9 billion in estimated revenue.

Mr. Sweeney is a tech giant, but he remains a little-known figure.

"I'm single. Unmarried, no kids. So I lead a fairly simple life," he said. In his spare time he programs or hikes. "I love going off the trail and finding things that I think nobody's ever seen before," he said.

Mr. Sweeney has long since shed his passion for luxury vehicles. He now puts his money toward nature-conservation efforts. He's spent hundreds of millions of dollars to preserve more than 45,000 acres of forest throughout North Carolina.

His favorite food is Bojangles' fried chicken. ("It strikes the perfect balance between tasty food and time commitment," he said.) He primarily drinks Diet Coke ("but only because it's almost impossible to find Tab nowadays"). His office uniform is a T-shirt and cargo pants.

While the biggest U.S. videogame companies are clustered in Los Angeles, New York and the Bay Area, Epic is based in Cary, N.C., down the road from Raleigh. Mr. Sweeney said the location prevents Epic from being swayed by Silicon Valley groupthink....

People who have worked with Mr. Sweeney describe him as highly intelligent, with a youthful air. Lee Perry, a former Epic videogame designer, recalled seeing Mr. Sweeney jump on a small trampoline in the office and rollerblade around the company's parking lot. "He's just a big kid," Mr. Perry said.

Mr. Sweeney works at a desk in a six-person office with some of the leadership team. "There are a number of similar 'brain trust' offices throughout Epic that I visit a lot," he said. "We find small group offices like this strike the best balance between individual work and group collaboration, versus solitary offices or cube farms."

Sweeney is particularly proud of helping push Cross Play with Nintendo and MS. Although he hoped Sony would also follow suit, but he's happy he started a dialogue.

Fortnite was also a result of an internal Game Jam. Didn't know that.

Nothing on the Epic Game Store, though.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The guy who first thought of copying PUBG should get the credit. I hope that fella is well paid.


Oct 27, 2017
Epic have done some really good things for the industry but Tim himself comes across as a slimy hypocrite with a massive ego.

Jay Shadow

Oct 28, 2017

Deleted member 15440

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
calling any profile like this "the man behind X" is fucking gross when X is the work of hundreds of people busting their asses and not even being properly compensated or treated well
Oct 27, 2017
He's spent hundreds of millions of dollars to preserve more than 45,000 acres of forest throughout North Carolina.

Seems like a real slimy dude...

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The man behind Fortnite? Yeah, ok.
Screw Tim Sweeney, by the way. He's a jackass who saw fit to lie to and mislead the PC gaming community every day because he knew the fuck you money would let him slide. He's one of my least favorite actors in PC gaming right now, and he earned that very quicky.
Aight, time to read this
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Oct 25, 2017
He spends so much time on reddit/twitter arguing pettily with people that I wonder if this is really a CEO

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If people actually sat down with most of these people I'd imagine they'd have a totally different perspective but the internet loves to create villains and judge people.

I've had actual conversations with Tim Sweeny before. Back around 2014, I was doing VR work for MD Anderson and we negotiated with him directly on a deal to use UE4 for a commercial medical application. I still think the dude is scummy as hell.

o Tesseract

Oct 28, 2017
Because video games are made by a single person. Would love to see a profile on the crunched team that's making this guy a ton of money.


Nov 7, 2017
User banned (3 days): off-topic drive-by trolling, previous infractions for similar
Guys, steam is not that great


Oct 27, 2017
I've had actual conversations with Tim Sweeny before. Back around 2014, I was doing VR work for MD Anderson and we negotiated with him directly on a deal to use UE4 for a commercial medical application. I still think the dude is scummy as hell.

Most successful people are likely ruthless when making deals, that's why they are successful lol. I was talking more outside of work onm a personal level. Even where I work some you think are assholes but you get outside of that environment and they are totally decent people.

people can have large negative effects on things and still be friendly and feel like you could get a coffee with

see: republicans

The problem with that is much like consoles, we love to amalgamate everything under one umbrella to make things easy. I would imagine many Republicans are decent folks while others aren't but because you are part of that party of course you will be labeled with the rest of them. That's why I think they need more than two parties because you cannot all be 100% democrate or 100% republican.


Apr 6, 2019
He's spent hundreds of millions of dollars to preserve more than 45,000 acres of forest throughout North Carolina.

Seems like a real slimy dude...
Ah yes, the "Do something symbolic therefore he is a Saint"-defense. Useful to hide scumbags and peopel doing bad things to others because it gives a veneer of legitimacy and kindness.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Most successful people are likely ruthless when making deals, that's why they are successful lol.

He agreed to let us use UE4 completely royalty free. You shouldn't talk about things you don't know about. I actually think, as a businessman and entrepreneur, he's a stand up guy. It's literally on a personal level that I think he's scum.


Oct 27, 2017
He agreed to let us use UE4 completely royalty free. You shouldn't talk about things you don't know about. I actually think, as a businessman and entrepreneur, he's a stand up guy. It's literally on a personal level that I think he's scum.
You're right, I don't know Tim but I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt until I get MY OWN expereinces with them. I do not take others words as gospel and dogpile on them or judge without actually meeting them myself. Understand now?


Oct 25, 2017
You know, it's weird enough to attribute a game's existence to a single person, but it's arguably even stranger to do that with a game that didn't turn heads with its original vision and pushed its creator to blatantly copy the structure of a popular game in order to get people to care about it.


Dec 27, 2017
It's pretty insane that he single-handedly came up with the BR genre and crunched 24 hours to day to keep up this update schedule. I don't know how he managed to do that and spend so much time online finding dances to steal without credit.


Oct 25, 2017
He agreed to let us use UE4 completely royalty free. You shouldn't talk about things you don't know about. I actually think, as a businessman and entrepreneur, he's a stand up guy. It's literally on a personal level that I think he's scum.
Can you expand on how do you think that?

The dude gave you that royalty free agreement, and outside of that according to the article he spent hundreds millions USD to preserve wildlife and forest? It does not sound scummy to me.

Sure Epic is doing assholery business tactics in the PC gaming world, but it is a business.

On another note, why are people dog-piling on him tweeting on Twitters? If a CEO tweets or does anything directly then people call him petty. But if a spokesperson does then it's condemned as all PR talk?

I just find this funny and sad at the same time to be honest.


Oct 25, 2017
You're right, I don't know Tim but I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt until I get MY OWN expereinces with them. I do not take others words as gospel and dogpile on them or judge without actually meeting them myself. Understand now?
i usually judge people by their actions but sure you do you

im sure *insert any monster of history here* was a nice person when you had tea with them


Oct 25, 2017
On another note, why are people dog-piling on him tweeting on Twitters? If a CEO tweets or does anything directly then people call him petty. But if a spokesperson does then it's condemned as all PR talk?

I just find this funny and sad at the same time to be honest.

Its not that he shouldn't go on the twitters, its that he spends an inordinate amount of time waging his PR war against internet randoms and being an insufferable prick.

Your last statement is on the spot.


Jul 25, 2018
"He's spent hundreds of millions of dollars to preserve more than 45,000 acres of forest throughout North Carolina. "

He buys up land and donates it to places like the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, so they are permanent conservation areas. He gives nice deals to small devs using Epic's engine. Epic makes games people enjoy playing.

Somehow, he still gets more more hate on ERA than almost everyone in the industry.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
You're right, I don't know Tim but I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt until I get MY OWN expereinces with them. I do not take others words as gospel and dogpile on them or judge without actually meeting them myself. Understand now?

So Trump is a good guy? Or the millions of other assholes, white supremacists, misogynists, racists, sexual predators, homophobes/transphobes, murderers, etc.
You give them the benefit of the doubt, sure.


Oct 27, 2017
So Trump is a good guy? Or the millions of other assholes, white supremacists, misogynists, racists, sexual predators, homophobes/transphobes, murderers, etc.
You give them the benefit of the doubt, sure.
Lol, way to take things to the extreme about a rich guy who is a computer nerd. Feel better now? Typical internet chatter where everything is dialed up to 11 for dramatic effects.


Amico fun conversationalist
Nov 4, 2017
Seattle, WA
Because video games are made by a single person.

From what I've gathered anecdotally, Fortnite BR was an experiment grokked out by the Unreal Tournament team who were otherwise bored. This came after, what, six years (?) of commitment to the "Save The World" mode. That's the freaking story that I wanna see... or write... (cough, cough, my PMs here and Twitter DMs are open...)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Most successful people are likely ruthless when making deals, that's why they are successful lol. I was talking more outside of work onm a personal level. Even where I work some you think are assholes but you get outside of that environment and they are totally decent people.

The problem with that is much like consoles, we love to amalgamate everything under one umbrella to make things easy. I would imagine many Republicans are decent folks while others aren't but because you are part of that party of course you will be labeled with the rest of them. That's why I think they need more than two parties because you cannot all be 100% democrate or 100% republican.

Don't listen to ERA it is possible to be a good decent person and a Republican. I don't like admitting it but it's true. You can also be a Democrat and a worse person than some Republicans. There's a lot more to life than what people can think and type on an internet forum.
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Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
"He's spent hundreds of millions of dollars to preserve more than 45,000 acres of forest throughout North Carolina. "

He buys up land and donates it to places like the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, so they are permanent conservation areas. He gives nice deals to small devs using Epic's engine. Epic makes games people enjoy playing.

Somehow, he still gets more more hate on ERA than almost everyone in the industry.

He's not a saint as you try to present him but also he's not a cartoon villain. People are not one-dimensional and the wholeof actions should speak for them. He gets the money to do nice things but he is crunching the people they work for him, utilizes a bussiness model in Fortnite that has been characterized as "addictive" with the bad sense of the term and he is full bs on how he bullies his digital store in PC gaming space.

I do like the Tim Sweeney side that helps out with the environment but also i, a non US citizen that has PC gaming as a hobby, find his bussiness methods terrible to the point they are threatening the freedom PC gaming enjoys and his communication vain, annoyingly arrogant and, some of the times, being false by intent.
In my eyes he is an a-hole with a stupid plan and the money to pursue it which sometimes saves trees.


Oct 28, 2017
Article sounds weird and the replies here also weird. I always thought Tim Sweeney was a very clever technical guy, pioneering 3D gaming in the vein of John Carmack.
I also thought that the Unreal engine would be a bigger claim to fame than Fortnite. Oh well, pop culture is weird.


Aug 23, 2018
If people actually sat down with most of these people I'd imagine they'd have a totally different perspective but the internet loves to create villains and judge people.

You don't even have to go that far. Many that vilify him today considered him a hero when he was making claims about MS wanting to make Windows a walled garden.

To me, he seems to be an idealist. He goes on these 'righteous' crusades to fix gaming. Unfortunately for him, Steam is a much more popular entity than Microsoft.


Oct 26, 2017
You can't complain about what someone do and say, if he also does some good things on the side.

Someone on Era 2019.


Cute Animal Whisperer
Nov 3, 2017
Lol, way to take things to the extreme about a rich guy who is a computer nerd. Feel better now? Typical internet chatter where everything is dialed up to 11 for dramatic effects.

You are the one who states nonsensical things.

Person A tells you "Person Y is an asshole, here are my sources." and you reply: "No, I will make my own experience with them if I meet them."
Person A also tells you "Person Z is a homophobe, here are my sources." and you reply "Fuck that person! I don't need to meet them to make up my mind."

In the end, either you live by the mantra or it is just an excuse for liking person xyz while others hate them.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
You don't even have to go that far. Many that vilify him today considered him a hero when he was making claims about MS wanting to make Windows a walled garden.

To me, he seems to be an idealist. He goes on these 'righteous' crusades to fix gaming. Unfortunately for him, Steam is a much more popular entity than Microsoft.
Sorry, it isn't because of Steam being popular. He is doing exactly what he preached against Microsoft: creating a walled garden with his EGS. Lyin' Timmy is just a damn hypocrite.


Oct 27, 2017
You are the one who states nonsensical things.

Person A tells you "Person Y is an asshole, here are my sources." and you reply: "No, I will make my own experience with them if I meet them."
Person A also tells you "Person Z is a homophobe, here are my sources." and you reply "Fuck that person! I don't need to meet them to make up my mind."

In the end, either you live by the mantra or it is just an excuse for liking person xyz while others hate them.

You know person A personally? We all have our own opinions and you or nobody else will push them onto me, understand? Do you get off attacking people? Don't like what I have to say then put me on ignore. I'm not going to dogpile on him just because someone said he did this or that and I was talking about people outside of work. I already know people like Steve Jobs are ruthless, so because of that he's an asshole to me?

I also never said I liked Tim Sweeney, I simply said I would give him the benefit of the doubt until i get my own personal impressions. But of course you want to label anyone who doesn't think he's a prick as some genetleman who deserves the nobel prize. No middle ground on the internet eh?