
The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
For those unfamiliar the Cass Review is a review commissioned by NHS England, whose outward intent was to review existing services and the current evidence base when it comes to providing healthcare to children with gender dysphoria. It would offer criticism of existing issues (of which there are many) and provide recommendations for a modern system of care. In its own words:
The aim of the Cass Review is to ensure that children and young people who are questioning their gender identity or experiencing gender dysphoria, and who need support from the NHS, receive a high standard of care that meets their needs and is safe, holistic and effective.

The Review was published on Wednesday, and it does the opposite. The recommendations that it outlines, and that NHS England will adopt, will deny trans children the ability to delay puberty, and risks suspending their ability to transition. It has led to international healthcare organisations speaking out against it, and the actions taken in England run in stark contrast to guideline updates published recently for Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

This will be the go-to argument in stripping back access to healthcare for trans children in the UK, and it's worth being aware of its apparent and numerous flaws. It's also likely that this will be referenced by anti-trans organisations in other countries moving forward, in their own attacks on trans healthcare. For that reason, particularly for those in the US and Europe, it's worth some familiarity with the Review to best push back against those championing it.

It's important to understand initially how out of step it is with current medical consensus though, and for that the Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA) put out a statement on the Cass Review:
The Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA) is disappointed to see the number of harmful recommendations made by the NHS-commissioned Cass Review, released yesterday in England. This review ignores the consensus of major medical bodies around the world and lacks relevance in an Aotearoa context.
The final Cass Review did not include trans or non-binary experts or clinicians experienced in providing gender affirming care in its decision-making, conclusions, or findings. Instead, a number of people involved in the review and the advisory group previously advocated for bans on gender affirming care in the United States, and have promoted non-affirming 'gender exploratory therapy', which is considered a conversion practice.

It's shocking to see such a significant inquiry into transgender health completely disregard the voices of transgender experts. It would be like reviewing women's health with no women, or Māori health with no Māori involved.
PATHA has shown the benefit of collaborations between transgender community members and clinicians providing gender affirming care. The lived experience and knowledge of our community members and clinicians does not make them biased - it means they're the experts in this care.

They also joined with AusPATH, the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health, in a joint statement:
The Cass review downplays the risk of denying treatment to young people with gender dysphoria and limits their options by placing restrictions on their access to care.
The Cass review recommendations are at odds with the current evidence base, expert consensus and the majority of clinical guidelines around the world, said Dr Portia Predny, Vice President of The Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH)

Cass Review out-of-line with medical consensus and lacks relevance in Australian context - Equality Australia

10 April, 2024 – England’s Cass review ignores the consensus of major medical bodies around the world and lacks relevance within an Australian context, say medical practitioners, trans advocates, parents and human rights groups. The Cass review downplays the risk of denying treatment to young...

The benefits of gender affirming care are not an unknown. It was only last year that medical journal The Lancet published a letter regarding its importance:
GAC is linked to improved quality of life and mental health among trans people. Notably, in a large match control study, use of hormones was associated with less depression, and trans people not on hormones had 4-fold increased risk of depressive disorder. Results from a prospective cohort study of U.S. trans youths showed increases in positive psychological outcomes, including positive affect and life satisfaction, and decreases in depression and anxiety symptoms after receiving 2 years of hormones—addressing the lack of longitudinal data in this area. Notably, this study also reported a total of 3.5% suicidal ideation—a comparable rate to the U.S. general population rate of 4.6%. To date, no studies have reported findings that suggest GAC increases negative mental health outcomes.

So what happened? Well it's interesting to look at who Hilary Cass affiliates herself with. It turns out that this isn't the first time she's taken an interest in the banning of healthcare for transgender children. Many here will know how awful things are for trans people in Florida right now. Well, it turns out Cass is quite familiar as well:
The Cass Review seems to have emulated the Florida Review, which employed a similar method to justify bans on trans care in the state—a process criticized as politically motivated by the Human Rights Campaign. Notably, Hilary Cass met with Patrick Hunter, a member of the anti-trans Catholic Medical Association who played a significant role in the development of the Florida Review and Standards of Care under Republican Governor Ron DeSantis.


In the UK it seems Hilary Cass is also, at the very least, interested in the known anti-trans hate group TransgenderTrend:

Still though, how do you get around the amount of existing evidence that shows gender affirming care to be a beneficial approach to caring for trans children? Well, you deem it not fit for purpose and move on. In the instance of one area of the review, 101 out of 103 studies were dismissed. On what grounds though?


For those unaware, some studies can opt to be blind or double-blind in nature. In the former the participants between two control groups don't know which group has the placebo and which the real drug. In the latter, neither do the researchers. However this approach, despite being important, can be both unethical and impractical in nature when it comes to healthcare and particularly healthcare for children. When it comes to puberty blockers for children suffering from gender dysphoria, it would be unethical to give only half of the participants the ability to block puberty, forcing the other half through it unnecessarily. It would also be an impossible blind to uphold by its very nature, as it will quickly become apparent which group had blockers when one start going through puberty and growing breasts or facial hair.

Yet this bar – that existing studies should have used blinds – is maintained and used to reject existing comprehensive evidence around the benefits of existing models of care.

It's worth noting at this point that this is all borne out of an alleged concern over the safety of using puberty blockers. I'm sure many of you have heard of them, they can be used to give transgender children time to further consider their options before going through puberty in either direction and having their body irreversibly change. They're also used by cisgender children in cases of precocious puberty and considered safe:
GnRH agonists have a good safety record. Currently, only Triptorelin is licensed for use in children with central precocious puberty.

For reference, I'm also on Triptorelin to block my production of hormones which I then counter with estrogen gel. I had my latest injection last week. These are drugs considered safe for cisgender children for delaying puberty, trans adults for gender dysphoria and transition, and men with prostate cancer. Yet despite this, we are expected to believe there is some great concern when it comes to their use for trans children, in delaying their puberty and giving them the time needed to make a decision.

The report is no strangers to claims without evidence though, as we can see below:

TransActual have put out a comprehensive briefing on the Cass Report. If you're reading this I highly recommend reading through it. It's long but it covers a lot of the holes in the Review, a couple of which I'll touch on but I want to first draw attention to a section of their opening text:
Underpinning this report is the idea that being trans is an undesirable outcome rather than a natural facet of human diversity.

This really is it distilled down. It's clear through much of the report that a child transitioning is seen as a negative. That the distress of trans children is an acceptable expense in ensuring cisgender children don't pursue transition and regret it. Which, while we're talking to it, it's worth noting that of the 3,499 patients audited as part of the Review fewer than 10 detransitioned and only 2 of those were spoken to. This is a regret rate of 0.2%; a figure in line with other studies and far below many other medical interventions. In addition, while it is claimed that children are being rushed into a default path of medicalisation, only 27% of the patients reviewed were referred to endocrinology for puberty blockers:


Elsewhere the briefing notes the bias NHS England has exhibited against trans people through past actions and their approach to the report, including barring trans people from being a part of the core team while inviting advocates of conversion therapy – something recognised as torture by the UN – on board:


So it is clear that NHS England had an intended result in mind, when they had already taken action to prevent trans children accessing puberty blockers a month prior to the report being published. Which makes it unsurprising that despite the ignoring of all existing evidence, it running counter to global medical and psychological consensus, the removal of trans voices and advocates from any part of the approvals process, ties to the United States and their trans healthcare bans, and providing no evidence for the recommendations it makes, NHS England have immediately pursued action in banning puberty blockers for children and are likely to implement other aspects of its recomendations.

They also plan to prevent children accessing puberty blockers privately:


...and with trans healthcare for children severely restricted, their target shifts to adults, as a review into our healthcare becomes the priority:


This focus on adult care is aided by the Cass Review, which adopts the language of the NHS' recent 0-25 approach (itself a good system that prevents a hard switch to separate adult services upon turning 17 in favour of a tapered approach between then and 25) to scope creep into recommendations around adult care:


This would see young trans people face further delays in starting transition, with youth care based around conversion models and therapy over medical treatment bleeding into adulthood and up to 25. This recommendation infantilises adults and suggests people remain vulnerable and cannot be certain of the care they need up until they're 25. It's worth noting another section of the briefing mentioned earlier, that touches on this cut-off point:


As it stands now though, the report and subsequent actions by NHS England will work to deny a generation of trans children the ability to live as themselves. It contradicts the multitudes of research and observational evidence of practitioners around the world, it opposes medical consensus that's well established and practiced around the world. Here is a piece from the parent of a trans child, and her perspective:
Instead of centring the concerns of those directly affected – trans youth and their families – the Cass review has failed to listen properly to them. The result? A report that feels as though it has rolled back healthcare for trans youth by 20 years and is completely out of touch with the realities faced by young trans people and their families navigating the NHS healthcare system.
The Cass Review had the potential of being a turning point for trans youth healthcare in the UK. Instead, its failure to prioritise the voices of trans youth and their families has left them disillusioned and distressed. As one parent said to me this week, 'People without trans kids can sit comfortably ignorant to what it's like walking the tightrope that we walk every day trying to give hope to our children.'

I'll also include a thread on the recent guidelines being put together by Austria, Germany and Switzerland around trans youth and their care. It maintains and furthers the international standard of care for young trans people, and runs in complete and stark contrast to the Cass Review:




There is a lot more to this, like the recommendation for restricting trans children from socially transitioning (changing clothes, name, pronouns etc.) without clinical approval, but hopefully the above combined give a clear sense of how flawed the Review is from a scientific perspective, and how attacks on the trans community are progressing in the UK.

Much love to my trans siblings in these dark times. Take care of yourself and unplug when you need to.

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Oct 28, 2017
My heart goes out to you, UKers. The Cass report would be almost comical if it wasn't so horrifying.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Been reading tweets about this thing.

Unfortunately for my resetera cred the OP is so extensive I have nothing else to add.


Oct 25, 2017
"Dr"Cass's review is equally a joke as it is heinous and horrific. Thanks so much kyuuji for this, and all of our cis members here should consider reading.


Oct 27, 2017
Thank you for putting this together as always Kyuuji.

I didn't follow the report too closely but thought it was some shady shit from the get go, I'll be using this as a reference if the conversation ever comes up with people I know.
Jun 20, 2021
The fact that they couldn't interview trans organisations but COULD interview conversion therapists is shocking.


One Winged Slayer
May 27, 2019
Amazing write up, and terrifying times.

I can't wrap my head around how the "trans debate" is getting more intense. What is there to debate? It's human rights plain and simple.

It's starting to brew in Sweden as well. The leading political party is having a large internal fight over allowing 16 year olds the right to change their juridical gender with their guardians approval.

WHO CARES WHAT GENDER A 16 YEAR OLD HAS IN THEIR PASSPORT????? I don't understand how some politicians wants that to be the bridge to die on.

I'm trying to fight it in the classroom, but fuck me it's hard. It's so culturally ingrained that trans is the minority that it is the most "okay" to kick down on.


Unfurling New Wings
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Excellent work typing all this up Kyuuji

I will be sharing your post with people I want to understand exactly why the Cass review is far from an independent study and rather an attack on trans healthcare.

The Cass review is the "one" result in this gif


The UK did the exact same thing with regards to children's risk of contracting and spreading COVID. One study suggested they were at low risk, and the UK ran with it ignoring allllll the other saying the opposite. Just so they could force kids back to school.


Nov 14, 2017
Politicians acting like scientists, I hate it. Trying to imagine if the CSO of my company was just some guy off the street who thought there needed to be a "healthy debate" about whether it was in our best interest to be honest with customers.


Oct 25, 2017
So I work in edi at a hospital and we have been working on our trans policy in terms of support for trans staff.

I have never had so much interference from Directors, most of the time no one cares what Edi does the moment it's about trans people every cis person has an opinion.
Dec 19, 2023
Very well put together, Kyuuji.

From an ideological and methodological pespective, it is an absolutely atrocious report that wears the skin of science to justify repressing healthcare for generations of children, all for the sake of this ridiculous 'culture war'. It's so blatant in the way any study that doesn't fit her conclusion is immediately thrown out. It would be a poor report from a first year undergraduate, let alone an actual clinician.

I'm not trans nor am I a medical professional, but I don't believe you need to be either to see that these ideologues won't stop with trans children's healthcare, nor will they stop with trans adult healthcare, which looks to be next in the firing line if you take a gander at any British newspaper.

These fascists won't rest until we're back in the Section 28 days, although even that won't be going far enough for today's right wingers.

Much love to all my trans brothers, sisters, and enbies. Stay strong and look after yourselves.


Dec 22, 2017
Amazing write up, and terrifying times.

I can't wrap my head around how the "trans debate" is getting more intense. What is there to debate? It's human rights plain and simple.

It's starting to brew in Sweden as well. The leading political party is having a large internal fight over allowing 16 year olds the right to change their juridical gender with their guardians approval.

WHO CARES WHAT GENDER A 16 YEAR OLD HAS IN THEIR PASSPORT????? I don't understand how some politicians wants that to be the bridge to die on.

I'm trying to fight it in the classroom, but fuck me it's hard. It's so culturally ingrained that trans is the minority that it is the most "okay" to kick down on.

The current "transphobia mania" is pretty much the definition of a moral panic.



Jul 11, 2022
Excellent write up, many thanks for taking the time to write it and I'll be bookmarking this thread for future reference.

It's devastating seeing how much we've regressed, and it worries me how much worse things may become.


One Winged Slayer
May 27, 2019
The current "transphobia mania" is pretty much the definition of a moral panic.


The weird thing is; I feel like we have skipped step 3 over here. I don't really se a huge sentiment of social anxiety among swedes.

It's more like the right trying to stoke the flames of a culture war. Hopefully the fuel won't be sufficient.


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you for breaking this down and sharing it with us, Kyuuji. As always, it is very appreciated especially for those of us who may not see this news because where we live.

Every time I see you as the thread creator, I hope for good news on this front and I continue to be saddened by reality. My heart goes out to all that will be impacted by this.

You've probably answered this dozens on times but, do you have suggestions for organizations those of us not in the UK could contribute to to help fight shit like this?
Feb 24, 2018
Fantastic OP Kyuuji, I still feel so empty and hopeless after everything that went down that day. I hate to say this but espcially after seeing groups like Stonewall support it (and then having the very gall to then pretend they gave a damn about trans people afterwards) and and Cis LGB people support it or downplay it, I felt so betrayed and furious, like I really want to just shout traitors at people before just crying.

I've been trying to distract myself every since, I have damn clue what I can even do or what to do. Like who do I even vote for now, who can I trust outside of close friends and users on sites like here?
Oct 25, 2017
Some great compiling here, thank you Kyuuji. The selective engagement with certain sides of the 'debate' is stark, as well as the incredibly low statistics of folks detransitioning. Also pretty pathetic to raise such a high bar for clinical trials without any commitment to working out how you would conduct a safe version of a study. Because that's not what they're interested in.


May 8, 2023
Wow, that is fucked up.

What is up with the UK that they seem to be going the opposite direction of other countries?

Also what is it with this obsession (not only the UK mind you) with trying to make the lives of trans people harder? I mean, say you don't 'understand' what it exactly means or is to be trans...just don't get it..... why not at least just leave it the fuck alone. Why actively fight 'against' it.


Oct 26, 2017
Thank you for writing this up and breaking it down.

Refusing studies and input from trans people, their families, and trans health care specialist organisations but instead inviting the input from conversion therapy specialists and their adjacents is such a huge and immediate red flag. It's not even trying for a half veiled both-sidsing and goes straight cherry picking. But I guess the media is doing the both siding so they don't have to. Imagine just leaving it at "oh there is pushback from some over this study" and not just saying that the study itself is garbage that threw everything out that it didn't agree with/didn't support it's agenda. That's literally the opposite of how the scientific method works.

They need to leave trans people the fck alone but they won't stop until they are made to stop.


Oct 25, 2017
These assholes are so transparent.

They start with their desired outcome and work their way backwards to draft a "report" that arrives at that very f conclusion, naturally dismissing whatever evidence is contrary to their desired goal.

And I see that Ron DeSantis bullshit is having international repercussions as well :(


Oct 27, 2017
These assholes are so transparent.

They start with their desired outcome and work their way backwards to draft a "report" that arrives at that very f conclusion, naturally dismissing whatever evidence is contrary to their desired goal.

And I see that Ron DeSantis bullshit is having international repercussions as well :(
Probably has more to do with JK Rowling if anything.


Oct 27, 2017
Thank you for the thread, Kyuuji. Been reading the UK thread the past two days and I just don't know what to say anymore. I'm sorry this is happening to all you amazing people in the UK. :(

It's transparent, and ugly, and it seems untenable for trans men and women to remain in the UK, and I'm just really sad for you all.

I don't know if there's much I can offer, but I'm always willing to lend an ear, a virtual hug, or even a bit of cash to help with moves or anything. :(
Nov 29, 2018
I got to the double-blind study and had to stop reading. The idea of needing to deprive children of healthcare to prove that children need healthcare is some dark shit.

Thank you for all the good work, OP. Extremely harrowing stuff.


Oct 28, 2023
And things get even worse in the UK and I have no doubt that the GOP is taking down notes so they can try the same shit here too on a nation wide base. Fucking hell I hate how much shit these assholes are pushing though in so many places though so many directions made even worse by how many are just apathetic or worse


Oct 28, 2017
North-East England
It's worth noting that the impossible double-blind standards for evidence in the review were drawn up by Dr Trilby/Tilly Langton, a documented advocate for conversion therapy
While the Review was happy to discount peer-reviewed medical evidence, it repeatedly and non-critically cites the publication Archives of Sexual Behaviour. This journal is overseen by Kenneth Zucker, whose own gender identity clinic in Canada was closed in 2015 for promoting conversion therapy

Given Labour's stated policy to ban trans conversion therapy, I've written to my local MP to make them aware of the links between the Cass Review and conversion therapy lobbyists.
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That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
I just read about this and fucking hell. Talk about starting from a position and working your way backwards. Putting a bigot in charge of something like this is like putting Andrew Jackson in charge of the well being of the indigenous tribes of North America.

I really fucking hope there's a serious amount of pushback because there's just so much wrong with that report that it's not even funny. There are 8th graders who could have done a better job on their first research papers.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
Just imagine how little thought one would have to have put into the double blind thing when it comes to fucking puberty blockers.

Also they're perfectly fine for cis kids though just don't ask why.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
And things get even worse in the UK and I have no doubt that the GOP is taking down notes so they can try the same shit here too on a nation wide base. Fucking hell I hate how much shit these assholes are pushing though in so many places though so many directions made even worse by how many are just apathetic or worse
They already got some of their ideas in this from the Florida GOP.


Jan 6, 2018
United Kingdom
They already got some of their ideas in this from the Florida GOP.

That's because Cass also consulted on the Florida GOP's anti-trans policies.

But the British media aren't reporting on the factors that clearly show the report isn't independent in the slightest and is highly biased.

It's the biggest hatchet job since Andew Wakefield's report into vaccines and autism.


Nov 9, 2017
Trans people, homeless people, poor people, asylum feels as if everyone is being targeted and made to suffer in this country nowadays. I feel like we have become quite a nasty place to be. I'm sorry for everyone this is going to disenfranchise and impact.

Melody Shreds

Oct 25, 2017
Terminal Dogma
There's no pushback because all the political parties are in agreement and all of the media (even the "left wing" outlets) are in agreement.
Yeah true and while most human rights organizations are pushing back against it you still have shit like fucking Stonewall agreeing with it. They should change that fucking name considering how many poc trans people were instrumental in that uprising. It's fucked because they've been directly supportive of us in recent times too.
Oct 27, 2020
Thank you Kyuuji for putting together this OP and for all the hard work you do on Era.

It is disgusting, but sadly not surprising, that this report is going completely unchallenged in this country by every institution.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks to Kyuuji for this. I haven't had time to read the Cass review properly (edit: I've read a bit more now) but the report is getting sympathetic reporting in the UK.
They are also blaming the adult clinics for not passing on their follow up data.
While these data are likely to be useful, the small numbers mean the data could not be anonymised, so the adult clinics have probably decided it's unethical and probably illegal under GDPR to hand over data without patient consent.

The double blind criticism is poorly written. The review skims over the general reasons why without specific reference to the problems of doing this type of trial for puberty/hormone treatment and while it moans about the lack of "good quality" evidence, it doesn't talk about how you would actually do a "good quality" experimental study.

I don't do clinical trials (my "subjects" are fortunately non-sentient non-animal life) but I know that human control groups are ethically allowed until it's known that a treatment is effective (common in heart attack prevention trials, where the control is switched to treatment when a clear effect is seen), but it's difficult to have an effective control when the patient knows they are in a control group - especially when the endpoints being monitored are psychological.

The report does include an appendix about talking to trans people. They reviewed thousands of papers, but they only spoke to 14 trans kids and 18 trans adults, including 2 who have detransitioned.

As with most discussion of trans issues, it is portrayed as an avalanche of exponentially increasing cases (over 100 fold increase since 2009!) that requires urgent investigation, while they seem unable to get good data because the numbers are actually too small.
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Oct 31, 2017
Thanks for this. It's a really handy resource that I will use when trying to get people I know to understand why the report is so disturbing