Deleted member 8593

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Oct 26, 2017
Disclaimer: Fanedits are a legal grey area. While they are made for non-commercial purposes and can be considered fair use, multiple projects have been taken down for copyright reasons. Generally, fan edits are to be used by people that already own the source material. So please refrain from posting any links to fan edits. So with that out of the way...

I recently started getting into fan edits, mostly for films that I loved but were for various reasons not available in their best version. From that I went to films that I didn't enjoy in their original incarnation and were dramatically improved by fan edits. These edits range from restorations and light changes to edits that completely change the feel and narrative of the source material. Here are some that I found enjoyable or at least interesting.

Harmy's Despecialized Editions
by Harmy

Probably one of the more popular fan edits. Considered by many to be the best way to experience the Original Trilogy as it is basically a remaster of the theatrical releases of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi without all the jarring changes introduced by the 1997 Special Editions. This is a work in progress with the eventual aim being 1080p resolution for the 3.0 versions.

J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit & Durin's Folk and the Hill of Sorcery

by Dustin Lee

Many people weren't happy with Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy that stretched a pretty straightforward story to three films totalling 9 hours. What remains is still 245 minutes film that is nonetheless more faithful to the book. The most notable changes are that Legolas and Tauriel are almost completely removed and that the entire Dol Guldur subplot has been cut out. All that content is cut into a "companion piece" called Durin's Folk and the Hill of Sorcery.

Man of Tomorrow

by JobWillins

Probably my favourite fan edit so far, simply because it's a great showcase for the magic of editing. The creator calls this a narrative experiment that tries to combine Man of Steel and Batman v Superman into one film. It basically recenters the narrative around Superman's role as symbol of hope and pushes everyone else into a more supporting role. It's a pretty lofty goal and the seams are visible at times but the achievements outweigh those in my opinion: For one, Superman appears as a more heroic figure throughout the movie. Musical cues and the removal of most of the fabricated and pointless conflict with his father make for a way more focused and plausible arc. Furthermore, it manages to almost seamlessly lead from MoS into BvS. Here I obviously have to give a lot of credit to Snyder for the Metropolis destruction scene in BvS that just works incredibly well with the equivalent from MoS. Last but not least, it actually manages to reuse the two most infamous scenes, Pa Kent's death and "Martha!", and transform them into something that actually feels meaningful instead of borderline farcical.

Thor: The Dark World - Hard Forged Edition
by TM2YC

A comparatively lighter edit that further refines the greatest and most defining film of our generation. You can only improve so much on perfection after all. All jokes aside, this is an edit that mainly focuses on streamlining the narrative by cutting down on exposition, repetition and unnecessary subplot (Sif who?). As the creator says, if you hated the theatrical version, you won't magically love this but it makes for a more enjoyable and dramatically more effective viewing.

Prometheus: Giftbearer

by Severian

The only fan edit on my list that is actually longer than the original. This one uses a lot of additional and deleted footage in order to fill plot holes and make character motivations clearer and reduce the stupidity that has become a staple of these Alien prequels. Also addresses that scene.

Memories Alone
by Q2

Haven't seen this myself yet but this is an attempt to combine Black Swan and The Wrestler into one film. If you've seen both movies and thought they were kinda similar, this might be for you.


Oct 27, 2017
I live and die by my Despecialized Editions recommendations.

I'll have to check out Man of Tomorrow.
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Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Wow. I haven't heard of this. I know you can't post links but how can I access these? I want to see the Prometheus one. I've had so many conversations about how different edit could save it. This whole concept really turns me on.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I thought man of tomorrow sucked, I don't know why people hype it up. The cuts are jarring, especially Zod's death, and ultimately it feels like watching a clips show version of 2 movies squished into one.

Terminator 3: The coming storm is pretty good, in that it basically goes through an methodically deletes anything "silly." Makes it into a much better movie, more in line with the first two.


Oct 28, 2017
Those Despecialized original trilogy versions are great. I've been meaning to rewatch them.

There's a 3.5 hour edit of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me that has The Missing Pieces footage integrated back in that I've been meaning to watch, having rewatched both FWWM and The Missing Pieces in the last week. I'm curious as to how well it'd all actually fit together.

I want to say I saw something about an edit somewhere of Terminator 2 that majorly downplays all the childish John Connor crap that kind of drags down parts of the movie. I'd love to see that. Edward Furlong is the worst part of that film.
Oct 25, 2017
The font color you're using is really not working with dark theme era.

I've been meaning to watch Northwest Passage, the Twin Peaks fan edit for a while.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, despecialized is great. I only watched part of the T3 one, but the movie is so bad, I can't really put up with it.

Don't remember the others, there haven't been many.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
I'm about nine minutes into Man of Tomorrow right now, and it's so incredibly disjointed. It's already cut to six different scenes (well, eight, but three of them are made to look like the same scene). If you haven't seen the source material, this would be incredibly confusing. I hope it gets better.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I thought man of tomorrow sucked, I don't know why people hype it up. The cuts are jarring, especially Zod's death, and ultimately it feels like watching a clips show version of 2 movies squished into one.

I'm about nine minutes into Man of Tomorrow right now, and it's so incredibly disjointed. It's already cut to six different scenes (well, eight, but three of them are made to look like the same scene). If you haven't seen the source material, this would be incredibly confusing. I hope it gets better.

Yeah, as I said, it's not perfect because the original movies obviously had a very different target (that they also missed).

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, as I said, it's not perfect because the original movies obviously had a very different target (that they also missed).

In the end, their choice of edits didn't drastically change either movie for me in the long run, and my original problems still remained, so I perhaps thats why it didn't speak to me. In the end, I feel like MoS and BvS were already pretty well interconnected and could already be seen as one long movie if you wanted.

Maybe I'm misremembering stuff. You mention they changed Martha, but I don't remember how. Can you go into more explanation?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I have tried very hard to find a watchable fan edit of The Hobbit and could not. Even with eight+ hours of material to work with, continuity errors and jarring transitions are just impossible to avoid. Every creative decision the editor makes seems to compromise the viewing experience in some way. The only way you can fix these films is with a professional editing suite and access to the raw audio/score and dailies.


Oct 25, 2017
I recall there being a good fanedit of Batman Forever that restored a lot of deleted material, removed much of the camp and successfully made it a more serious film that felt closer in tone to the Burton films (without the gothic look).


Oct 27, 2017
There's the Dune Alternative Edition Redux by Spicediver which has been reviewed as painting a far more coherent and involving film than either the Theatrical Cut or the chaotic Extended Edition.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
In the end, their choice of edits didn't drastically change either movie for me in the long run, and my original problems still remained, so I perhaps thats why it didn't speak to me. In the end, I feel like MoS and BvS were already pretty well interconnected and could already be seen as one long movie if you wanted.

Maybe I'm misremembering stuff. You mention they changed Martha, but I don't remember how. Can you go into more explanation?

My main problem with Man of Steel was that all the stuff with Pa Kent was just pointless and gives you the illusion of an arc that doesn't exist. Nothing really changes in Clark's behaviour throughout the movie except that he dons the suit and Pa Kent's death feels empty as it doesn't teach him anything. For me personally that was the most jarring aspect of the entire movie and something I just can't get past. I didn't have much of a problem with anything else.

As for the Martha scene, the specific scene in Man of Tomorrow versions remains largely unchanged but he introduces parts of the Wayne death during a key moment earlier in the movie. It is, of course, still a bit silly, but this way it doesn't fall flat like in the theatrical or ultimate cut.

Dr. Dre's Dr.

Oct 27, 2017
What was name of the fan edit that turned the Star Wars prequels into one movie? I have been meaning to catch that one.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
As for the Martha scene, the specific scene in Man of Tomorrow versions remains largely unchanged but he introduces parts of the Wayne death during a key moment earlier in the movie. It is, of course, still a bit silly, but this way it doesn't fall flat like in the theatrical or ultimate cut.

Oh, I thought you meant the "Save martha!" scene, which I don't recall being changed at all.


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA.
The only truly necessary one

I really wish somebody would give Richard Williams some money to truly finish this film the way it was meant to be, it's so close to being done. Get some of the Disney second golden age guys like Richard Williams acolyte Eric Goldberg to help co-direct and supervise the final version.


Oct 25, 2017
I recall there being a good fanedit of Batman Forever that restored a lot of deleted material, removed much of the camp and successfully made it a more serious film that felt closer in tone to the Burton films (without the gothic look).
But Batman Forever is the best in those original four movies


Oct 27, 2017
I really wish somebody would give Richard Williams some money to truly finish this film the way it was meant to be, it's so close to being done. Get some of the Disney second golden age guys like Richard Williams acolyte Eric Goldberg to help co-direct and supervise the final version.

Agreed, especially why he's still alive.


Oct 25, 2017
I would recommend the Blair Witch Book of Shadows fan edit (steFAN edi)) that does a much better job presenting Joe Berlinger's idea of the tapes never lie than the theatrical edition did.
Also, the Harmy Edits and Dune Alternative Edit are both amazing, though Dune is a slog at like 3 and half hours.
And if Twin Peaks is your deal, I just finished Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - Teresa Banks and the Last Seven Days of Laura Palmer and it's interesting to see the film that way. Certainly fits with the Return

I've yet to get my hands on the fan edit of Crow: City of Angels that I've been searching for, but have heard almost raises the film above dumpster fire.


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
I have the Despecialized trilogy on an old hard drive. Should probably boot it up to see if it still works.

As someone who hated MoS and BvS, Man of Tomorrow sounds pretty interesting.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I only watched part of the T3 one, but the movie is so bad, I can't really put up with it.

Were you one of the people from the old board that I sent it to? I remember a bunch of people pming me and asking me where they could get a copy.

Thats whats weird about fan edits -- there are many of them, but they're all kinda hard to find online lol.


Oct 28, 2017
The Hobbit was definitely something were I walked out of the 3rd film thinking, "WTF were they thinking trying to make this into a trilogy?" It was 2 films at best, but would have worked well as one really long film.

Fan edits are definitely something I've thought about more as I've seen films that had good elements but feel like a better edit could have improved things. Even just thinking about pacing or unnecessary scenes, some times even seeing deleted scenes and thinking if it was a good or a poor decision to take it out.

I'd have some fun doing some fan edits but I'm not as interested in spending time trying to do such a thing, especially since the legal grey area of sharing such a thing means it's something that even feels a bit hard to share your work with others. Maybe just doing fan edits of trailers is a good place to start. :P


Oct 25, 2017
Just watched the 2 Hour fan edit of The Hobbit and it was a very refreshing experience. Not perfect by any means, such drastic cutting can be jarring at times, especially when hacking away at The Battle of Five Armies(example: Thorin and Azog just kind of end up on that ice somehow), but it definitely felt closer to what I wanted out of The Hobbit.

And she did a bang up job with the Misty Mountains song scene:


Oct 27, 2017
Those Despecialized original trilogy versions are great. I've been meaning to rewatch them.

There's a 3.5 hour edit of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me that has The Missing Pieces footage integrated back in that I've been meaning to watch, having rewatched both FWWM and The Missing Pieces in the last week. I'm curious as to how well it'd all actually fit together.

I want to say I saw something about an edit somewhere of Terminator 2 that majorly downplays all the childish John Connor crap that kind of drags down parts of the movie. I'd love to see that. Edward Furlong is the worst part of that film.

It's well-done and I enjoyed it, but there are extras that don't add anything and just make it drag on to excessive length.


Oct 27, 2017
The only truly necessary one





Incredible film. It works pretty well despite the unfinished parts. A complete narrative and some of the most mind-blowing animation and art direction ever made.

I don't remember which Hobbit fan edit I watched, I think it was the one that's listed in the OP. I never saw the original versions but I found that tolerable. Still not a great movie.

I need to watch the Dune Redux. I watched the original for the first time a few months ago and it was a pretty fucking cool looking film but god damn did they fuck it up. I love the books but I'm not sure a movie can be made right. Maybe a TV show.


Oct 25, 2017
Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but Pulp Empire is a fan edit of The Empire Strikes Back (and other Star Wars films) but made so in a way as if Quentin Tarantino had a hand in it.

Trailer (YouTube):

Full movie (YouTube):
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Oct 26, 2017
I wanna try watching Man of Tomorrow one of these days.

Can't remember the name of it, but I recall seeing a fan edit of Superman 4 and Supergirl. No idea how that'd have worked and am struggling to find addition information about it online.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I wanna try watching Man of Tomorrow one of these days.

Can't remember the name of it, but I recall seeing a fan edit of Superman 4 and Supergirl. No idea how that'd have worked and am struggling to find addition information about it online.

Like, Superman 4 and supergirl mixed together?

Supergirl was a better movie to begin with.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but Pulp Empire is a fan edit of The Empire Strikes Back (and other Star Wars films) but made so in a way as if Quentin Tarantino had a hand in it.

Trailer (YouTube):

Full movie (YouTube):

Having Yoda's voice dubbed in with Pai Mei dialogue is hilarious in this. Holy shit hahahaha


Nov 11, 2017
I forgot I had seen MoT, it's a nice idea and it's been a while since I watched it, the thing is whilst it streamlines a lot. E.g it makes the senate hearing to be about the collateral damage rather than Lex's machinations. I got the feeling at times that it was done to remedy a lot of the surface level "problems" without stopping to ask why they were in the film. So for example removing the Africa subplot made the film easier to follow but it removed the unexpected consequences theme that was running through BVS. Considering how many people didn't pick up on that, it would probably be for the better. The Martha remedy IMO is even worst, Batman stops branding people cos he remember what Alfred said about turning cruel. That makes no sense considering Batman spent the film branding people, but maybe that could work if the fan edit excised the branding subplot. Like I said it's been a while. In my opinion, it makes me defend the Martha scene even more. It also purged a lot of Lex.


Features Editor at
Oct 28, 2017
Not sure if its classified as a fan edit but I enjoyed watching the fan edit of Kill Bill Whole Bloody Affair. Wish that wasn't cancelled :(

The official version of this wasn't even really cancelled; Tarantino finished it and even screened it at a few of his favourite cinemas, so it exists. As such it'll surely be released more widely eventually, it's just a question mark as to when. The fan edit version is a decent recreation of what that version was like, though.

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My favorite fan edits are the one that scrambles the scenes in True Romance around like they were in the original script, and the Waterworld one that combines movie footage with the extended tv version that came out.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I forgot I had seen MoT, it's a nice idea and it's been a while since I watched it, the thing is whilst it streamlines a lot. E.g it makes the senate hearing to be about the collateral damage rather than Lex's machinations. I got the feeling at times that it was done to remedy a lot of the surface level "problems" without stopping to ask why they were in the film. So for example removing the Africa subplot made the film easier to follow but it removed the unexpected consequences theme that was running through BVS. Considering how many people didn't pick up on that, it would probably be for the better. The Martha remedy IMO is even worst, Batman stops branding people cos he remember what Alfred said about turning cruel. That makes no sense considering Batman spent the film branding people, but maybe that could work if the fan edit excised the branding subplot. Like I said it's been a while. In my opinion, it makes me defend the Martha scene even more. It also purged a lot of Lex.

You seem to have seen a different fanedit. The senate hearing is completely removed and I don't really see how the Martha scene relates to the branding?


Oct 31, 2017
Finally! A proper version of The Hobbit! Can't wait to check this out.

Also really loved the Star Wars edits. So much better I really don't know why Lucas keeps coming along and shitting on them.


Nov 9, 2017
While I'm mostly aware of what's going on in the world of fan edits, I don't think I ever gave any a real chance. That being said, I'm certainly looking forward to what the fans will do with Blade Runner 2049. With how dense that movie is, I'm sure it's possible to cut it into an entirely different experience.


Oct 25, 2017
A fascinating subject for sure. I liked the Star Wars Ep. 1-3 "anti cheese" edits that were even tolerated on Youtube for some time.

The Hobbit one sounds very interesting, I'll check it out if I can find it.


Nov 11, 2017
You seem to have seen a different fanedit. The senate hearing is completely removed and I don't really see how the Martha scene relates to the branding?
I think I saw an abridged version of BVS, the movie starts with a cold open of the Metropolis fight. Fuck I need to find MOT. Anyone wanna send it to me via PM?

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
So the newest fan edit I tried are HAL 9000's Star Wars prequel trilogy edits.


Aside from the hilariously corny titles, these promise to be marked improvements over the originals. They seem to mostly retain everything that made the PT interesting (expanded lore, locales, visuals) and attempt to fix its most glaring flaws in dialogue and editing that directly affect character and story clarity as well as pacing. As a consequence, most of the annoying things that Lucas introduced are gone. I have only seen Episode I so far but Jar Jar becomes a background character and almost all of his antics have been cut. What's most impressive about this is that it cuts a total of 27 minutes (and adds 4 min from deleted scenes back in) but it feels like nothing is really missing. Instead, the removal of all this fluff dramatically improves the pacing and makes for a way more engaging film. I honestly cannot tell what was cut, the editing is that smooth. Obviously, some of the stilted acting cannot be completely removed without completely butchering the story but you expect some of that with Star Wars. All in all, this has become without a doubt my go-to version of Phantom Menace. If you're planning a rewatch, you should definitely give this a try.

Onto Attack of the Clones

Wish me luck