
Oct 28, 2017
The Intercept

A CHILDREN'S SPEECH PATHOLOGIST who has worked for the last nine years with developmentally disabled, autistic, and speech-impaired elementary school students in Austin, Texas, has been told that she can no longer work with the public school district, after she refused to sign an oath vowing that she "does not" and "will not" engage in a boycott of Israel or "otherwise tak[e] any action that is intended to inflict economic harm" on that foreign nation. A lawsuit on her behalf was filed early Monday morning in a federal court in the Western District of Texas, alleging a violation of her First Amendment right of free speech.
The child language specialist, Bahia Amawi, is a U.S. citizen who received a master's degree in speech pathology in 1999 and, since then, has specialized in evaluations for young children with language difficulties (see video below). Amawi was born in Austria and has lived in the U.S. for the last 30 years, fluently speaks three languages (English, German, and Arabic), and has four U.S.-born American children of her own.

Amawi began working in 2009 on a contract basis with the Pflugerville Independent School District, which includes Austin, to provide assessments and support for school children from the county's growing Arabic-speaking immigrant community. The children with whom she has worked span the ages of 3 to 11. Ever since her work for the school district began in 2009, her contract was renewed each year with no controversy or problem.
She was prepared to sign her contract renewal until she noticed one new, and extremely significant, addition: a certification she was required to sign pledging that she "does not currently boycott Israel," that she "will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract," and that she shall refrain from any action "that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israeli or in an Israel-controlled territory."


That language would bar Amawi not only from refraining from buying goods from companies located within Israel, but also from any Israeli companies operating in the occupied West Bank ("an Israeli-controlled territory"). The oath given to Amawi would also likely prohibit her even from advocating such a boycott given that such speech could be seen as "intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with Israel."
This required certification about Israel was the only one in the contract sent to Amawi that pertained to political opinions and activism. There were no similar clauses relating to children (such as a vow not to advocate for pedophiles or child abusers), nor were there any required political oaths that pertained to the country of which she is a citizen and where she lives and works: the United States.

In order to obtain contracts in Texas, then, a citizen is free to denounce and work against the United States, to advocate for causes that directly harm American children, and even to support a boycott of particular U.S. states, such as was done in 2017 to North Carolina in protest of its anti-LGBT law. In order to continue to work, Amawi would be perfectly free to engage in any political activism against her own country, participate in an economic boycott of any state or city within the U.S., or work against the policies of any other government in the world — except Israel.
In response, Amawi's supervisor promised that she would investigate whether there were any ways around this barrier. But the supervisor ultimately told Amawi that there were no alternatives: Either she would have to sign the oath, or the district would be legally barred from paying her under any type of contract.
THE ANTI-BDS ISRAEL OATH was included in Amawi's contract papers due to an Israel-specific state law enacted on May 2, 2017, by the Texas State Legislature and signed into law two days later by GOP Gov. Greg Abbott. The bill unanimously passed the lower House by a vote of 131-0, and then the Senate by a vote of 25-4. When Abbott signed the bill in a ceremony held at the Austin Jewish Community Center, he proclaimed: "Any anti-Israel policy is an anti-Texas policy."
The bill's language is so sweeping that some victims of Hurricane Harvey, which devastated Southwest Texas in late 2017, were told that they could only receive state disaster relief if they first signed a pledge never to boycott Israel. That demand was deeply confusing to those hurricane victims in desperate need of help but who could not understand what their views of Israel and Palestine had to do with their ability to receive assistance from their state government.
At the time that Texas enacted the law barring contractors from supporting a boycott of Israel, it was the 17th state in the country to do so. As of now, 26 states have enacted such laws — including blue states run by Democrats such as New York, California, and New Jersey — while similar bills are pending in another 13 states.
Following Cuomo, Texas's GOP-dominated state legislature, and numerous other state governments controlled by both parties, the U.S. Congress, prodded by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, began planning its own national bills to use the force of law to punish Americans for the crime of supporting a boycott of Israel. In July of last year, a group of 43 senators — 29 Republicans and 14 Democrats — supported a law, called the Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S. 720), introduced by Democratic Sen. Benjamin Cardin of Maryland, that would criminalize participation in any international boycott of Israel.

But now, as The Intercept reported last week, a modified version of the bill is back and pending in the lame-duck session: "Cardin is making a behind-the-scenes push to slip an anti-boycott law into a last-minute spending bill being finalized during the lame-duck session."

Article is quite long so that's all I'll steal to quote. And tweet has a short video -

Surprised 26 states have something like this. Maybe free speech advocates will bring it up 🤔


Oct 30, 2017
Leaving out the politics around Israel, this is a gross invasion of an individual's personal life and beliefs. It's bad enough to demand oaths of fealty to our own country, but loyalty to another nation? FOH


Oct 27, 2017
Israel first!?
This country is pathetic, the amount of bootlicking and ass kissing.
Is Saudi Arabia next?


Oct 25, 2017
Pro Israel oath? Why the hell are these loons forcing people to support (or at least not take action against) other countries? Downright absurd.


Oct 29, 2017
Let's be super clear that Pflugerville is not Austin. It's an awful awful burb. It's a shitty state law, but there is no way Austin ISD would enforce this.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Dec 5, 2018
bro wtf is this the twilight zone? pledging an oath to Israel in the USA?


Oct 28, 2017
Why was it even added? Did they think she was going to start convincing children she is helping about her beliefs?
It seems to be a state wide thing when using public funds for a contract. It's not just the school board or anything, it's the state's law.

Honestly it sounds a bit crazy I'm half expecting someone to come in and drop some extreme clarifying caveat lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this violates the First and probably Ninth Amendments. Wonder if the SC would take this case? Lawyers will probably be lining up to do this case.


Oct 28, 2017
Oh I guess my snide comment in the last sentence of the OP was kind of already mentioned in the article:

As these Israel oath laws have proliferated, some commentators from across the ideological spectrum have noted what a profound threat to free speech they pose. The Foundation for Middle East Peace's Friedman, for instance, explained that "it requires little imagination to see how criminalizing Americans' participation in political boycotts of Israel could pave the way for further infringements to Americans' right to support or join internationally-backed protests on other issues." She correctly described such laws as "a free speech exception for Israel."

The libertarian lawyer Walter Olson, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute's Center for Constitutional Studies, similarly warned: "It is not a proper function of law to force Americans into carrying on foreign commerce they personally find politically objectionable, whether their reasons for reluctance be good, bad, or arbitrary."
Meanwhile, though, there is an entire pundit class that has made very lucrative careers from posing as defenders and crusaders for free speech — from Jonathan Chait, Bill Maher, and Bari Weiss to the glittering renegades of the intellectual dark web — who fall notoriously silent whenever censorship is aimed at critics of Israel (there are some rare exceptions, such as when Chait tweeted about Cardin's bill: "BDS is awful, but this bill criminalizing it sounds insane and unconstitutional," and when Weiss criticized Israel for barring a Jewish-American boycott advocate from entering).


Jan 12, 2018
Pflugerville ISD posted a "We didn't want to do this, the law basically forced us into this position" notice on their Facebook page today.


Oct 28, 2017
At the time that Texas enacted the law barring contractors from supporting a boycott of Israel, it was the 17th state in the country to do so. As of now, 26 states have enacted such laws — including blue states run by Democrats such as New York, California, and New Jersey — while similar bills are pending in another 13 states.


Oct 28, 2017
The fuck is this oath? Seems like the shit they'd pull in China with their black mirror social media rating bullshit.

Pata Hikari

Jan 15, 2018
Eagerly awaiting for this to be 5-4 decision-ed and just flat out declaring First Amendment only applies to corporations.
Oct 27, 2017
Fuck that noise. I don't support apartheid states and it's my right and every citizen's right to boycott whomever the fuck we want. This is wholesale stupidity. Bibi is a dirtbag, murdering piece of shit.


Jan 11, 2018
I can refuse to do business with gay people but I can't refuse to do business with a foreign political entity

Sounds legit


Oct 25, 2017
Absolute insanity. Is it the only (foreign) nation being protected in this way?

People who are "anti-BDS" tend to claim that it unfairly maligns Israel and is anti-Semitic because it equates the actions of the state of Israel with Jewish people in general. So in response, the answer is to...specifically protect Israel's economic interests regardless of its government's actions?
Oct 30, 2017
This law sounds like something an anti-semitic cab driver would start rambling at you about and you'd roll your eyes because it's so hyperbolic and insane and clearly not real

Except it is real
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Oct 25, 2017
I can't imagine this is legal, since this is a public school. This is blatantly against freedom of speech.
Oct 27, 2017
I have to imagine this law will eventually be overturned as an obvious free speech violation. Also, god, why is Texas so fucking pro Israel?

Wait, I just noticed the skin color of the people who have Israel most.


Oct 25, 2017
Let's be super clear that Pflugerville is not Austin. It's an awful awful burb. It's a shitty state law, but there is no way Austin ISD would enforce this.
Pflugerville ISD has been more progressive than Austin ISD in the past.

This is a shitty law that is in effect in the majority of the country, and it's something that affects all vendors/individual contractors, not employees.

On the bright side, this could challenge the state law, but I believe there have already been challenges that have failed.


Oct 29, 2017
Texas envies their ability to commit genocide while having all the major countries kissing their ass.


Oct 26, 2017
Lmao what? Absolutely bananas.
Why the fuck would I swear loyalty to a country that has never done anything for me or a country that I have no connection to? Fuck that noise.

We already bend the knee to the US, and I don't plan on doing so for another country unless it actually benefits me substantially.