Oct 28, 2017
Teamfight Tactics is a new auto-battle mode for League of Legends. You'll recruit champions, create a team with synergies, equip them with items and then send them to fight an AI-controlled battle against another player. After each battle, you'll get more gold to hire new champions and ultimately only one player will remain standing. TFT is an eight-player FFA and each game lasts about thirty minutes if you make it to the end.

Developer: Riot Games
Platform: PC (mobile in the future)
Genre: Auto-Battle
Release Date: TBA (in open beta now through League of Legends client)
Price: Free


Teamfight Tactics has a ton of strategy underlying its basic features. In-depth strategy is still in its infancy, but generally people consider two strategies to be particularly effective early on: economy and reroll. Here's a brief guide courtesy of LoL celebrity Scarra:


Items and champions are your bread and butter in Teamfight Tactics and combining them is what separates the best from the rest. There are many resources across the net for these, but Scarra has also created some cheat sheets with decent visuals that can help out in a pinch while you're learning the game. These can be invaluable to new and experienced players as a reminder of what does what.



Other Guides
If anyone has any guides they think are particularly good, please post them and I'll add them in here. Here's what I've been using:

Riot's Official Guide - Great for beginners. Gives a fair overview of the mechanics.
Scarra's YouTube Guides - Also really great for beginners who are looking to up their game and do well.
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Oct 25, 2017

Thanks for making this Carthago! You may want to add a section of active players to add or something: my League tag is "Chronos" on the NA server.

I am really enjoying this despite some pretty obvious flaws.


Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait for the patch next week. It pretty much changes the entire game + ranked mode


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for stepping up and making the OT fam, game is godlike.

Game is so good I created a new account and secured my "Darkmaigle" account tag.
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Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
I'm becoming obsessed with this game. So fun to build synergies and see what works. And the matches are short enough that I can squeeze in one or two before work or during my lunch break. And the game has positively blown up on Twitch, so there are no shortage of streams to watch while at work. It's great.


Publisher - Riot Games
Oct 27, 2017
santa monica
Dope OT, OP! I'll let dev peeps know here this is the megathread for resetera. Hope y'all are enjoying it & are looking forward to the patch changes!


Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
Speaking of Twitch, maybe some links to good and informative streamers would be helpful to add to the OP? I've been watching hafu and dog mostly, since I'm familiar with them from HS. Any others people recommend?


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
As a person who has no interest in MOBAs, this game has been addicting to me for the last week. I've won three times now and actually feel like I have a good grasp on the strategy and usually finish top 3 most matches (unless I have terrible draw luck). When ranked comes around I may actually dip my toe in and see how I do.

Random question: is the genre called autobattle or autochess? I thought it was the latter since that's what the original mod was called, right?
Dec 4, 2017
I won twice now thanks to god tier build. I think the game as it is now does not have much space to try new things.

Darius, Garen, Fiora, Shen
Draven + all itens you can build, some mage with good buff or CC and Kayle if possible.

I lost 2 times for a guy who had Lulu and Ahri, but the moment draven got critical hit + attack speed they were no match

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Carthago Delenda Est
Oct 28, 2017
playing this weekend!

Damn I am so jelly Carthago Delenda Est

I 🙏 one of the Valve Janitors could post in one of my Dota threads.

Actually I saw them posting in the other thread and thought "we can't let such a lovely game with active developers not get an OT!"

I still would like to make it better at some point. I've played 40+ games at this point but I still want to dig deeper before I expand a lot. If anyone has other guides they like though, I'd love to add them. I'll also take advice on how to make the thread more enticing to new players (which is basically my target audience for the OT minus the cheat sheets).


Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
I won twice now thanks to god tier build. I think the game as it is now does not have much space to try new things.

Darius, Garen, Fiora, Shen
Draven + all itens you can build, some mage with good buff or CC and Kayle if possible.

I lost 2 times for a guy who had Lulu and Ahri, but the moment draven got critical hit + attack speed they were no match


Glacials, especially with an Ashe carry, can counter the stacked Draven comp. They just keep freezing him out. I think Assassins can as well, as it can remove the Draven right at the start of the battle, but I haven't played that build much.


Oct 25, 2017
Great OT. I have a very spotty relationship with League (I'll play pretty hard for a week/end once every year or so and then fall off), but TFT is so fucking addicting. It helps that League just has miles better characters and designs than Dota 2.

I'm not great yet, but I've been listening to podcasts and stuff the last couple days, picked my first win up the other day with Yordles and Karthus. I almost always top 3 unless I'm trying something new though.

The one thing I really hate in this game is the item RNG, however. I went several games in a row as a new player getting literally 1 item from all the creeps through like the third carosel and being genuinely confused how the game even worked since I wasn't getting them.

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
I won 3 in a row using locket spam a few days ago. Can't wait for the nerf though lol

And regarding tft as a game, holy shit its fun. Didnt know I'd like it so much. Its "random" but not really. You can skill your way hard into stomping people. I love it!

It also reminds me of marvel vs capcom with how insane builds and item stacking can be. Are other auto chess games this wacky or is it only a beta tft thing?


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Item RNG is a killer right now, yeah. They're apparently going to smooth it out, so I'm looking forward to that.

My big takeaway after a bunch of games is: never build Gangplank past 1 for synergies. He's baaaaaaaad.


Oct 27, 2017
Theres a cpl things on PBE that i hope get changed before pushed to live...

Mystery boxes give xp, gold or items.. i think it should just be gold or items

Gunslingers / shivs are INSANE atm


You have seen.
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully they prioritize damage bars / highlighted units you need to buy for synergies and other QoL stuff. Including what items combine and do what. Shouldn't have to drag an item onto a permanant character to then drag stuff over it and see what they do. League was always horrible for not having enough stuff in game though.
Oh and not knowing character names / classes on Carousel also sucks. 'I think this looks like an 'x' unit' is not fun. I know most of their base is from League, but still.

Carousel. characters and emotes, and fights on same board are good changes tho imo. DAC/Underlords need more social interaction.
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Oct 28, 2017

Maybe another link to add to the OP.

It's a site made by DisguisedToast and his brother, you can just click the items that you've got and it automatically shows you all the possible combinations you can make with them.

It works quite good and you save the time of looking the combinations up on the "Item Cheat Sheet".

Bob White

Oct 27, 2017
I didn't know mana gained during life stays after you re spawn with Guardian Angel equipped until today. So I've been trying out random mages front line with the goal of, they tank a lot of hits quickly building their mana, die, then re spawn and nuke everyone around them.

I just tried it with Swain and found that, while the re spawn animation plays, his drain health ult still is active on the board around his body! So basically, if Swain dies while in ult form with GA active, you have an AOE life steal unit on the board that's untargetable! I coasted into 2nd place with no real team comp other than one star Swain with a GA.

This is why I love this wacky ass game.


Oct 25, 2017
Other than UI improvements, I'd like them to focus on increasing early game diversity and decreasing late game damage.

Right now early game damage is perfect for punishing greedy builds, which are much riskier than in other autobattlers. The problem comes late game because it's very unsatisfactory finally getting your comp online only for the game to finish right away, without seeing it perform and without allowing you to adapt to the battles when there are less than four players alive. I've won around 40 games and played probably more than double that, but I've only had a handful of interesting 1v1s at the end and I've only seen the rift herald twice.


Maybe another link to add to the OP.

It's a site made by DisguisedToast and his brother, you can just click the items that you've got and it automatically shows you all the possible combinations you can make with them.

It works quite good and you save the time of looking the combinations up on the "Item Cheat Sheet".

TFT Overlay is great for that too: https://github.com/Just2good/TFT-Overlay/releases


Oct 27, 2017
I think the next patch is gonna be quite exciting. Lots of stuff is happening.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't know mana gained during life stays after you re spawn with Guardian Angel equipped until today. So I've been trying out random mages front line with the goal of, they tank a lot of hits quickly building their mana, die, then re spawn and nuke everyone around them.

I just tried it with Swain and found that, while the re spawn animation plays, his drain health ult still is active on the board around his body! So basically, if Swain dies while in ult form with GA active, you have an AOE life steal unit on the board that's untargetable! I coasted into 2nd place with no real team comp other than one star Swain with a GA.

This is why I love this wacky ass game.

That's hilarious, love Swain so much


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Third place finish again 😫

Wasn't really building much focused, ended up picking up a Yasuo and blowing my economy to get him on the field to very little effect. Went up against the same guy twice in a row, got crushed both times, and that was that.


Oct 25, 2017
I managed a Yordle + Elementalist game earlier where I dropped to 8 hp first and won every game after once I got 6 Yordles in.


Oct 25, 2017
Got way further than I ever thought running an all (and I do mean all) marksmen (rangers and gunslingers)


Publisher - Riot Games
Oct 27, 2017
santa monica
Wasn't really building much focused, ended up picking up a Yasuo and blowing my economy to get him on the field to very little effect. Went up against the same guy twice in a row, got crushed both times, and that was that.

In my experience, Yasuo really tends to shine if you're doing some filthy blademaster stuff already before picking him up, or you're rank 6/7, have a solid comp but need to fill the next level with a non-ninja body, and there's no other 4/5 rank that seems to be better. Building around Yasuo (or any 5 star) is a super gamble IMO - but anything is possible with the right rolls and positions.


Oct 25, 2017
Played three more games and won my final one. Went Knight + Elementalist... started as a Noble comp and somehow morphed into that by the end.


Oct 25, 2017
Still don't have a win under my belt, but bruisers are really strong as a comp. You basically ignore the assassin spammers, and if you pair it with a strong mage in the middle, you'll last long enough for the mage to start ulting and blowing up the enemy team.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly when I get through the first minion rounds and I get one chainmail I just want to leave the game.
Carthago Delenda Est
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly when I get through the first minion rounds and I get one chainmail I just want to leave the game.

No joke. The balancing patch needs to at least ensure we all get the same number of items. All defense I can deal with. But when some people get 2.5 full items and I get a Chainmail, I'm starting from so far behind it's really quite unfair.


Oct 25, 2017
No joke. The balancing patch needs to at least ensure we all get the same number of items. All defense I can deal with. But when some people get 2.5 full items and I get a Chainmail, I'm starting from so far behind it's really quite unfair.
My Knight comp I mentioned above I got a Thornmail + Gunblade + Negatron on a lvl 3 Garen and he was wrecking fools. I find Red Buff and Phantom Dancer strong too.