What system are you primarily playing Street Fighter 6 on?

  • PlayStation 5

    Votes: 330 41.5%
  • PlayStation 4

    Votes: 12 1.5%
  • Xbox Series X

    Votes: 86 10.8%
  • Xbox Series S

    Votes: 17 2.1%
  • PC / Steam

    Votes: 350 44.0%

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Dec 30, 2017
I'm just gonna wait until the patch drops before making any real judgements, because if I were to be real critical right now with this very limited information, this shit is looking real weak so far. Like I would find it hard to believe that's the only buff Juri would get, that would be real goddamn sad.
You said that like Juri in dire need of buffs? She's a strong ass character


Oct 30, 2017
He's ALL risk and almost no reward.
His fierce SPD does 3300 damage. Hitting some punish counters gives you like 4000+ damage.

I'm not saying he doesn't need buffs, but making him into another DR combo character is not it. I don't want to see a weird cr.mp whiff punishing monster who also has a 2500 light spd mixup lol

Improve his mp slaps, improve his stomps into something usable for sure, make cr.fp a good antiair for crossups if lariat is going to be garbage. Giving him more combos seems out of character.
Oct 25, 2017
You said that like Juri in dire need of buffs? She's a strong ass character
No, that's not what I'm saying. And I'm about to go on a bit of a rant, but know that's it's not really directed specifically at you, but I get real tired of being misunderstood, and maybe that's my fault, and I should preface every post with "I know ______ is strong and I hope their dumb shit gets nerfed and useless/near useless/under used shit gets buffed". When I talk about a strong character receiving buffs, that doesn't mean I think they're weak or that I want them even stronger than they already are. Just like if I say to nerf the absolute hell out of Lily's OD wind spire, that doesn't mean I don't recognize that she's a fairly weak character and deserves some significant buffs.

I play Luke primarily. I don't think the character is ok the way he is. However, I would like certain moves to be buffed because they just aren't particularly useful or could be made into something fun, WHILE also deleting his fucking nonsense.

All I'm ever saying is that I don't want to be playing the same ass characters next season, regardless of how good or bad they are. Say whichever character you play (Cammy, I believe?), got no new tools. Maybe you wouldn't be upset, I dunno, but I'd personally be disappointed, because I'd find that boring. Like say they nerfed Cammy's divekick by making it 16 or 17 frames of startup or something, but in return they made her f+hk a chargeable move that's +2 on block and you could also cancel the charge by forward or back dashing. I don't even really fuck with Cammy, but that was just the first thing that popped in my head.

So yeah, all I'm saying is change is fun in my opinion.


Oct 27, 2017
No, that's not what I'm saying. And I'm about to go on a bit of a rant, but know that's it's not really directed specifically at you, but I get real tired of being misunderstood, and maybe that's my fault, and I should preface every post with "I know ______ is strong and I hope their dumb shit gets nerfed and useless/near useless/under used shit gets buffed". When I talk about a strong character receiving buffs, that doesn't mean I think they're weak or that I want them even stronger than they already are. Just like if I say to nerf the absolute hell out of Lily's OD wind spire, that doesn't mean I don't recognize that she's a fairly weak character and deserves some significant buffs.

I play Luke primarily. I don't think the character is ok the way he is. However, I would like certain moves to be buffed because they just aren't particularly useful or could be made into something fun, WHILE also deleting his fucking nonsense.

All I'm ever saying is that I don't want to be playing the same ass characters next season, regardless of how good or bad they are. Say whichever character you play (Cammy, I believe?), got no new tools. Maybe you wouldn't be upset, I dunno, but I'd personally be disappointed, because I'd find that boring. Like say they nerfed Cammy's divekick by making it 16 or 17 frames of startup or something, but in return they made her f+hk a chargeable move that's +2 on block and you could also cancel the charge by forward or back dashing. I don't even really fuck with Cammy, but that was just the first thing that popped in my head.

So yeah, all I'm saying is change is fun in my opinion.

Yeah, I was getting at this with a post I made earlier. Changing the way the character plays is a lot more interesting than tweaking numbers to reach some hypothetical balance line while still playing exactly the same.

Luke 2mp isn't a super interesting move, but it's the best move in so many situations that you would be gimping yourself if you tried to avoid using it. All nerfing the recovery did was allow Luke to get clipped a little more often for being greedy. It's still one of his most used normals at various ranges.


Oct 25, 2017
This game.


Oct 27, 2017
His fierce SPD does 3300 damage. Hitting some punish counters gives you like 4000+ damage.

I'm not saying he doesn't need buffs, but making him into another DR combo character is not it. I don't want to see a weird cr.mp whiff punishing monster who also has a 2500 light spd mixup lol

Improve his mp slaps, improve his stomps into something usable for sure, make cr.fp a good antiair for crossups if lariat is going to be garbage. Giving him more combos seems out of character.

The 3 stomp move by Gief is utter shit and has almost never worked for me in a ranked game and I've never in the last 10+ months faced a Gief player who has used it against me either.

Capcom should delete that garbage and replace it with something else. I was thinking replacing it with his Iron Muscle move from SF5 would be much better especially If you have been corner trapped and you could wake up with corner muscle giving you some defence from anything (other than a throw) so you can at least try and get out of a corner.


Apr 9, 2021
anyone have any tips for learning Dhalsim? (so i can be part of the annoying dhalsim players nobody likes to fight hehe)
May 26, 2023
Forbidden Lands
I would actually not mind Juris drive rush/fse dominance to be blunted in order to allow for a more expansive toolkit and player expression, ngl.

Give me a dependable green juggle outside of FSE, Capcom, because right now it's either 3 bars or use up fuha stocks, which reduces oki effectiveness and streamlines the character. Despite how good she is, I'm bored and frustrated that everything good requires FSE and Drive Rush.
Oct 26, 2017
South Carolina
anyone have any tips for learning Dhalsim? (so i can be part of the annoying dhalsim players nobody likes to fight hehe)

Learn to recognize when someones just watching you to either DI or jump in on reaction. You need to back off to change to put them on edge; trying to throw out linear or AA attacks is putting yourself into a 50/50. Alot of opponents learn they can just hang out and wait for an opening or Parry/DI your stuff (which turns his 33yo game on its head) whereas you cant do that to them unless they're down on life/Drive and they have to run the guantlet to stage a comeback. It can be rough in a game where there's so many things you can do in neutral but might should not and potential anti-pressures lurking for a character who people instinctively/learn to not respect the offense/defense of.

Practice AAs and which ones for which angles. b+roundhouse is a damn good one that can lead to multi-stage 50/50 on the rattled. Stuff like b+strong -> jab Flame is good at getting people to burnout their drive gauges.

Practice CH jab, jab DC jab b+strong, roundhouse Flame, and (this is just me editorialzing) the CH jab, jab Inferno

The reason for the latter is that I tend to treat Drive like a Halo shield, as things get nuts out there when you're pressured and Sim has ALOT of DC random pickups off long range hits others dont/cant. the EX Flame into lvl 1 or lvl 3 is better if you dont wanna risk the drop in damage or sheer speed pulling it off with the fierce or roundhouse versions. I see some Legends take this strat too fwiw.

Speaking of DC pickups, practice those st. roundhouse, b+fierce, d+strong combos. Some are mighty nasty and can be a huge source of damage.

Getting hit while Floating is always a hard knockdown. People know this. Be wary. Also the convoluted "neutral jump anti-throw" of it doesnt work below Diamond unless you've thrown them a ton to condition (again, no respect).

Insta-air Drill is another. People learn to DI that.

People dont know what to do against the mummy drill or fireballs that go off screen. This a comedy, remember!

I havent practiced the corner fuckery yet, (db+forward, roundhouse yoga fire, repeat) but that's my next one on the burned out.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I was getting at this with a post I made earlier. Changing the way the character plays is a lot more interesting than tweaking numbers to reach some hypothetical balance line while still playing exactly the same.

Luke 2mp isn't a super interesting move, but it's the best move in so many situations that you would be gimping yourself if you tried to avoid using it. All nerfing the recovery did was allow Luke to get clipped a little more often for being greedy. It's still one of his most used normals at various ranges.
Yes exactly. I want cr.mp to get nerfed. I don't want to be spamming this button for another fucking year. I want to do something different. There's plenty of stuff you can change/buff to make him interesting. Because believe it or not non Luke players, the character has moves that are either not very useful or very situational.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm coming around on Battle Hub. No pressure when I just assume everyone beating me up is a Master. Gonna get all swole there then go back to ranked in 10 years. Or in a couple weeks when Akuma drops, because I'm gonna enlist in the Akuma Army (as one does).

Nacho Papi

Oct 27, 2017
I'm coming around on Battle Hub. No pressure when I just assume everyone beating me up is a Master. Gonna get all swole there then go back to ranked in 10 years. Or in a couple weeks when Akuma drops, because I'm gonna enlist in the Akuma Army (as one does).

When I originally dipped my toes into SF6 and ranked I placed something like Plat 3. Then I endured the roller coaster that is BH for a while and I ended up in ranked again but this time I tore things up all the way to Master.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Jan 12, 2018
I'm coming around on Battle Hub. No pressure when I just assume everyone beating me up is a Master. Gonna get all swole there then go back to ranked in 10 years. Or in a couple weeks when Akuma drops, because I'm gonna enlist in the Akuma Army (as one does).

Ya I had some nice back and forths in the "intermediate" rooms, but now I'm in the general rooms and getting my butt kicked.

But it's still kinda fun to run around and see people playing.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I'm coming around on Battle Hub. No pressure when I just assume everyone beating me up is a Master. Gonna get all swole there then go back to ranked in 10 years. Or in a couple weeks when Akuma drops, because I'm gonna enlist in the Akuma Army (as one does).
At this point, I get most of my sets in through Battle Hub.


Oct 25, 2017
Capcom, please SF6 has been amazing but why can we not still buy all the outfit 3 costumes as a bundle?
It sucks, but expected. They held back complete costume wave bundles in SFIV where they only released smaller packs over a few months first, and held back bundles for about a year in SFV. Sadly, they've always been shitty like this. I just set all my opponents' costumes to the default ones so I can just act like they don't exist.

$6 per skin via virtual currency is ridiculous with no bundles on the actual storefronts.Hope people stopped buying these and sales have dropped off. I was hoping they would offer a bundle at the end of S1 or start of 2, but I almost just don't care anymore. I don't think they deserve the sales with they way they're handling DLC.


Dec 30, 2017
Marisa not being in top 5 makes sense. For all her damage she has bad anti airs, doesn't get nearly the same type of conversions off lights that other characters do, her specials are PP fodder, she's hella weak to lows, lots of recovery on her stuff.

Blanka on the flip side has one of the best anti air buttons in the game, has a flash kick Blanka ball for anti air and a reversal, jump back ball makes both approaching him annoying and can blow up someone trying to throw loop, that cr mp is a war crime, and his level 2 is some bullllllllllllllshit. Legitimately more bullshit than JP and Rashids level 2s, but make no mistake all 3 are some bullshit.

What keeps Blanka out is more like weaker matchups he does have/this game has a real strong group of top tiers (Luke, Chun, Cammy, Ken, Jp, guile. Deejay, Juri, Rashid). Outside of Luke n JP, who are locked top 5, could probably do the rest in any real order.

Doctrine Dark

Nov 13, 2017

I had replied to you a few days ago about Akuma's Raging Demon and seeing the "Instant Hell Murder" name back in the day.

In X-Men Vs Street Fighter, Akuma mentioned it:


Pretty cool.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles

I had replied to you a few days ago about Akuma's Raging Demon and seeing the "Instant Hell Murder" name back in the day.

In X-Men Vs Street Fighter, Akuma mentioned it:


Pretty cool.

Oh I know Instant Hell Murder has been around forever. That's just the usual translation of Shun Goku Satsu

Homie we was talking to was trying to call it "Instant Hellish Deathstrike" tho

Putting all kinds of flourishes on it haha


Oct 30, 2017
How is Blanka not in more peoples top 5??
No idea, the dude is a menace. Possibly the best he's ever been or at least up there with his CvS2 showing (where he was tops).

You could argue top 5 for him easily. I think he's been overlooked despite Mena being such a monster with him. Look what he did to Kakeru!
May 26, 2023
Forbidden Lands
Capcom, please SF6 has been amazing but why can we not still buy all the outfit 3 costumes as a bundle?

Because the only thing more Capcom than not putting out a new Megaman title is amazing developers being saddled with shitty marketing and exec decisions.

It's not just SF. It's the entire product stack. In Monster Hunter, you have to pay if you want to use the character creator after each characters first time using it
Last edited:


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
Because the only thing more Capcom than not putting out a new Megaman title is amazing developers being saddled with shitty marketing and exec decisions.

It's not just SF. It's the entire product stack. You have to pay if you want to use the character creator after each characters first time using it
That's not entirely true. There's an option for you to pay real money, but there's no real reason to when you can use easily-earnable Zenny in World Tour to change your avatar.
May 26, 2023
Forbidden Lands
That's not entirely true. There's an option for you to pay real money, but there's no real reason to when you can use easily-earnable Zenny in World Tour to change your avatar.

I left out the important part when I edited it, I meant in Monster Hunter you had to do that as a way to show that anti-consumer shit is pervasive at Capcom, but people let it go because the games are pretty great and it really doesn't change much if you just skip that mtx stuff.

But hot damn sometimes I wish I could find who keeps doing that shit to remind them it's the nickel and diming crap they pulled in the late 2000's early 2010's that almost sunk the company, because back then they didn't have the rock star dev teams they have now.

El Sloth

Oct 26, 2017
Care to explain further? These characters Play nothing alike
just meant that a two touch with full resources into KO isn't really enough for me to put a character in the top 5. Like Marisa. Worded poorly on my part. Although I do think that they both have to play uphill against the same characters.

also this is a cool two touch imo. Much more impressive than other i've seen.
Oct 25, 2017
Care to explain further? These characters Play nothing alike
Playing nothing alike wouldn't have anything to do with character ratings/placements. Luke and JP are pretty opposite.

I can't speak for El Sloth, but if I had to guess, it's more of a comparison that both characters have fairly exploitable weaknesses.

Edit: Sloth explained themselves, so you can ignore my assumption, though those would still be my personal thoughts.


Linked the Fire
May 9, 2020
Playing nothing alike wouldn't have anything to do with character ratings/placements. Luke and JP are pretty opposite.
Yeah I know. I was just asking sloth why Blanka was not top 5 for the same reasons because the reasons where not explained in the original comment.

Sloth has already commented further.

Edit: Basically just looking for thoughts on the characters

Nothing was flawed with sloths comment I just wanted more information

El Sloth

Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I know. I was just asking sloth why Blanka was not top 5 for the same reasons because the reasons where not explained in the original comment.

Sloth has already commented further.

Edit: Basically just looking for thoughts on the characters

Nothing was flawed with sloths comment I just wanted more information
Yeah, that was my bad. In my tired brain the reasons were "because i think all these other characters are better than both of them" but i only realized afterwards that it reads like "because these characters have the same weaknesses".

Also as an aside: I don't know if we give enough credit to how strong projectiles are in this game, in season 1. Not in a bad or good way. Just that I personally think they play a big part in a character's strength and where they eventually end up in these tier lists. I wondered a month or two after release if things would change as people got better at perfect parrying projectiles, but doesn't seem like it has. Maybe people still need more time to improve or the reward off of perfect parrying projectiles isn't scary enough to stop a character like Guile from chucking booms? Whatever the case, I can't help but admire the SF6 team for somehow managing to have a game where both (perfect) parries and projectiles can exist in the same game AND feel strong. That's cool.

I only brought this up because part of my feelings on that strongest characters is that they all either have strong projectiles or ways of dealing dealing with projectiles that don't put them in relatively terrible positions. Obviously not the only reason why those characters are strong, but not an insignificant one either. I checked back to my own list and you can tell how it was on my mind when i made the list lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, that was my bad. In my tired brain the reasons were "because i think all these other characters are better than both of them" but i only realized afterwards that it reads like "because these characters have the same weaknesses".

Also as an aside: I don't know if we give enough credit to how strong projectiles are in this game, in season 1. Not in a bad or good way. Just that I personally think they play a big part in a character's strength and where they eventually end up in these tier lists. I wondered a month or two after release if things would change as people got better at perfect parrying projectiles, but doesn't seem like it has. Maybe people still need more time to improve or the reward off of perfect parrying projectiles isn't scary enough to stop a character like Guile from chucking booms? Whatever the case, I can't help but admire the SF6 team for somehow managing to have a game where both (perfect) parries and projectiles can exist in the same game AND feel strong. That's cool.

I only brought this up because part of my feelings on that strongest characters is that they all either have strong projectiles or ways of dealing dealing with projectiles that don't put them in relatively terrible positions. Obviously not the only reason why those characters are strong, but not an insignificant one either. I checked back to my own list and you can tell how it was on my mind when i made the list lol.

Projectiles are strong, but if you lose focus for a second and get jumped on for throwing a bad fireball you lose 30-40%.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
So I can't remember how close to character drops (or if at all?) we got some gameplay or demonstration vids? I just wanna see some normal gameplay of Akuma already.

Stone Ocean

Oct 25, 2017
So I can't remember how close to character drops (or if at all?) we got some gameplay or demonstration vids? I just wanna see some normal gameplay of Akuma already.
Between a week and a little under two weeks before release. Ed character guide was 13 days before launch, Aki was 10, Rashid was a week, so the full Akuma showcase should be next week at the latest.
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