
Oct 29, 2017


Stormgate is a free-to-play PC real-time strategy game set hundreds of years in Earth's future. Build your base, harvest resources, and command mighty armies to emerge victorious.

Stormgate on Steam

Stormgate is a free-to-play RTS in active development. Featuring competitive 1v1, 3P co-op missions, and an evolving campaign, Frost Giant aims to build the next great RTS, guided by player feedback. A 3v3 mode is also on the way, so join our development journey today!

Official Trailer


Early Access Release Date: Aug 13, 2024
Pre-purchase to play on July 30, 2024
Developer: Frost Giant Studios
Publisher: Frost Giant Studios
Price: Free to play. Everyone can play for free on Aug 13th 2024
Platform: PC

Early access gets: Human Vanguard Campaign, 1v1, 3player Co-Op
Features coming later: Editor, 3v3, 3 player campaign coop

3 factions: Human vanguard, Infernal Host, Celestial Armada

Built by RTS Veterans
Stormgate is developed by Frost Giant, a fully-independent studio founded by industry veterans Tim Morten (production director on StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void) and Tim Campbell (lead campaign designer, Warcraft III). They are joined by more than 50 talented developers, all united by their passion for RTS.

Early Access Pack $24.99:
Play game early on July 30th
Amara - Vanguard Hero
Vanguard Campaign - Chapter 1 Missions
Gold Vanguard Army Accent


Oct 27, 2017
Been following this a bit. I don't think it can replace WC3 for me. It's got too much SC2 in it.
There was this WC3 match between Moon and Lyn on Concealed Hill the other day. Lyn's Kodo devoured Moon's Sapper to prevent it from destryoing his expansion in a super hectic fight. The Kodo died eventually but a Shaman was just fast enough to purge/kill the Sapper before it reached his expo. It was an epic moment that decided the game. Something like that won't happen in a Stormgate match (or in any other RTS match tbh). WC3 has so many unique mechanics: heroes, creeps, mercenaries, upkeep, etc.


At the end of the day, the pro scene will determine whether Stormgate succeeds or fails. Personally, I'd prefer rewatching old WC3 matches forever even if its pro scene dies (which seems unlikely).


Oct 25, 2017
Been following this a bit. I don't think it can replace WC3 for me. It's got too much SC2 in it.
There was this WC3 match between Moon and Lyn on Concealed Hill the other day. Lyn's Kodo devoured Moon's Sapper to prevent it from destryoing his expansion in a super hectic fight. The Kodo died eventually but BM was just fast enough to kill the Sapper before it reached his expo. It was an epic moment that decided the game. Something like that won't happen in a Stormgate match (or in any other RTS match tbh). WC3 has so many unique mechanics: heroes, creeps, mercenaries, upkeep, etc.
At the end of the day, the pro scene will determine whether Stormgate succeeds or fails. Personally, I'd prefer rewatching old WC3 matches forever even if its pro scene dies (which seems unlikely).

I have the same problem but it's got too much SC2 in for me to think it'll ever replace Broodwar.

Of course all the people who got big streaming SC2 have leapt on this since this is where the eyes are going to be and are treating this like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I think with the RTS scene it's going to be difficult to win SCBW and War3 fans over since their respective games already do everything you could possibly want, anything else feels like a cheap immitation.


Jun 15, 2018
those three factions are straight up Terran, Zerg, Protoss, couldn't they have tried a little bit to make their game unique?


Oct 30, 2017
Maybe something for the really big esport or multiplayer fans, but for me, who was mostly always interested in the classic RTS formula and campaign (skirmish and a little multiplayer) it's not really appealing to me (sadly). Had hopes for it, even if I was skeptical from the early days and first screenshots/information out there.

But somehow the game just does nothing for me, mentioned it before on threads, but the art style isn't working for me somehow, no issues with the comic style, but in Stormgate it just doesn't work for me. Everything looks so generic, simple, without attention to detail (compared to even Warcraft/Starcraft). I get it, that it's mostly a game that is focused on attracting esport and multiplayer fans.

Anyway I will probably still try the EA version at some point (for the campaign/skirmish), but the alpa demo some months ago on Steam didn't do anything for me. Still hope they will be successful with their concept and what they want to achieve for their main target audience.


Oct 27, 2017
those three factions are straight up Terran, Zerg, Protoss, couldn't they have tried a little bit to make their game unique?
Yeah that plus the general look (even health bars) and all the slowdowns in the lmao they really don't make it easy for themselves

I'll try the campaign anyway


Oct 27, 2017
So a "free to play" clone of Starcraft... No thanks. Still have to complete SC2 one day anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
It's great that we get a new RTS, but the art style is so terrible. At 22 years old, Warcraft 3 looks better.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll be curious to hear impressions on the campaign, at least. I've never been an RTS fan, but Blizzard's work in the genre still manages to be some of my favourite games of all time that I sunk countless hours into.
It's great that we get a new RTS, but the art style is so terrible. At 22 years old, Warcraft 3 looks better.
I don't care for Stormgate's art style either but let's not get carried away.

I love its look, and is a veritable classic, but WC3 would be laughed out of the room for its graphics these days.

also jesus Reforged is ugly. I wanted a more modern point of comparison... but this is too much.


Oct 26, 2017
Kickstarted this ages ago so I'm excited to download the early access when it's up. I played some of the betas and it was easily the best 'feeling' of the new RTS slate (outside of maybe battle aces), even if the art style is pretty lackluster. I will say the new faction revealed does look really cool and has a cool gimmick being very building based.


Oct 27, 2017
Very excited to get back into this. Played in most of the earlier tests and had so much fun, it's definitely the best playing RTS out there right now in my opinion. Everything just feels correct.

I will say that even though the Celestial Armada maybe looks like Protoss (I don't really think they do, but I guess to some people high-tech aliens is more than enough) they certainly play nothing like Protoss. Very excited to see how creative players play with them!


May 25, 2021
I'll definitely give it a shot but I'm waiting for first impressions before I buy in early. I assume they'll release different heroes overtime which will impact how the factions play? I think that might add a bit of extra intrigue into the SC2 styled strategy.


Oct 25, 2017
From what I have seen of the game, there hasn't been anything that hooks me and makes me want to play it.

I don't like the artstyle, and from a first glance the game play just looks like more SC2 with a different coat of paint.

Maybe once its released it might get some positive word of mouth and show some interesting matches to get me curious enough to try it since it's free.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks great, hopefully plays great too - only thing I'm really interested in is the coop though, maybe the campaign if it's great


Oct 27, 2017
Been following this a bit. I don't think it can replace WC3 for me. It's got too much SC2 in it.
There was this WC3 match between Moon and Lyn on Concealed Hill the other day. Lyn's Kodo devoured Moon's Sapper to prevent it from destryoing his expansion in a super hectic fight. The Kodo died eventually but a Shaman was just fast enough to purge/kill the Sapper before it reached his expo. It was an epic moment that decided the game. Something like that won't happen in a Stormgate match (or in any other RTS match tbh). WC3 has so many unique mechanics: heroes, creeps, mercenaries, upkeep, etc.


At the end of the day, the pro scene will determine whether Stormgate succeeds or fails. Personally, I'd prefer rewatching old WC3 matches forever even if its pro scene dies (which seems unlikely).

Warcraft 3 is so fun to watch. If it released today with a bit modernized design and support, I'm certain it would be a very popular e-sport.


Nov 25, 2017
On topic: I will try this one when it gets released for free, as I have been longing for a new "old school" RTS for a while.

Slightly tangential comment: as someone who still owns both CDs of Warcraft III ROC and TCG but does not own an cd drive anymore, was is the most convenient way to re-install Warcraft III, benefit from the latest patch from back in the pre-Reforged days, but not upgrade to Reforged? I mainly plan on redoing the campaigns and playing offline maps.


Oct 25, 2017
On topic: I will try this one when it gets released for free, as I have been longing for a new "old school" RTS for a while.

Slightly tangential comment: as someone who still owns both CDs of Warcraft III ROC and TCG but does not own an cd drive anymore, was is the most convenient way to re-install Warcraft III, benefit from the latest patch from back in the pre-Reforged days, but not upgrade to Reforged? I mainly plan on redoing the campaigns and playing offline maps.

I was able to add my RoC and TFT keys to my battlenet account years ago, when I go to the games and subscriptions section on my account on the web page it gives me the option to download the Classic games.


Oct 26, 2017
No 2v2 even in the roadmap is crazy, think I'll pass till then.
I think the main focus for their teamplay efforts are 3v3 which is coming later and COOP which will be like SC2 LoTV's coop which was really successful. They want to reduce the pressure on individuals and have more fun/casual modes for teamplay, and the 3v3 mode will have hero units like WC3 did.


Oct 27, 2017
I think the main focus for their teamplay efforts are 3v3 which is coming later and COOP which will be like SC2 LoTV's coop which was really successful. They want to reduce the pressure on individuals and have more fun/casual modes for teamplay, and the 3v3 mode will have hero units like WC3 did.
exactly this.
For what it's worth, they did have a 2v2 map in the last test before EA that could be played via custom games so it's not like they are NEVER going to support 2v2.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the main focus for their teamplay efforts are 3v3 which is coming later and COOP which will be like SC2 LoTV's coop which was really successful. They want to reduce the pressure on individuals and have more fun/casual modes for teamplay, and the 3v3 mode will have hero units like WC3 did.
Yeah loved LOTV coop, but that was also 2v2. Only have one RTS friend from the old days left :(

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017
Lmao the current state of RTS succinctly summarized by the first two posts itt being nostalgia for WC3 and BW.


Apr 1, 2019
On topic: I will try this one when it gets released for free, as I have been longing for a new "old school" RTS for a while.

Slightly tangential comment: as someone who still owns both CDs of Warcraft III ROC and TCG but does not own an cd drive anymore, was is the most convenient way to re-install Warcraft III, benefit from the latest patch from back in the pre-Reforged days, but not upgrade to Reforged? I mainly plan on redoing the campaigns and playing offline maps.

If you have the CD key IIRC you can just register that to your BNet account and play the original ROC/TFT

You might have to download the latest patch from a 3rd party website, I'm not sure whether Blizzard still serves the updates through their client


Nov 25, 2017
I was able to add my RoC and TFT keys to my battlenet account years ago, when I go to the games and subscriptions section on my account on the web page it gives me the option to download the Classic games.

Cool, will check when I get home! Hopefully this is still active! Thanks mate


Oct 27, 2017
Ottawa, Canada
I tried the beta and didn't love this game but perhaps because it looks bad to me, the UI is bad and it honestly runs worse than SC2 on my computer. I even think Battle Aces is more fun. SG is just kind of boring to play and watch.

However for those saying the last race is protoss, no way. Watch how the last race operates, it's pretty cool and very unique.

I just want more SC2 Co-Op. I wish someone could mod that game mode. Give it to the players


Oct 29, 2017
I was a kickstarter supporter. I'm able to install and play the game now. I won't be playing much until my free to play friends join me in 2 weeks.


Feb 20, 2019
I backed this on KS because I support the endeavour and the devs seem genuinely passionate about RTS.

Sadly, since then, I've never had the desire to actually install and play it. The ways in which the game differs from classic RTS have made it less exciting to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a way to practice Heroes like how you can practice factions using a Custom Match against Peaceful Bots?


Oct 26, 2017
I really like what they've done with the hotkey setup for macro and building units. It's really not easy to categorize the amount of stuff you can do in an RTS but I think they did it the best way possible with 1 for buildings, 2 for units/advanced units then 2 for upgrades.

The categories are the top row of your keys where you rest your left hand, and then you can basically queue up everything possible with the two rows below. Very smart design


Oct 25, 2017
As a pretty hardcore SC/2 fan, I liked what I played of the last demo in the Next Fest, even if I thought it was rather uninspired art-wise.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll keep an eye on this one, not dying to play but will def give it a shot since it's F2P

Edit: I'm watching winter base push someone as celestial and I'm already annoyed lol
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I want Stormgate to be a success and I love RTS games, but it really just seems to be a different take on SC2 with a lesser graphical style. I suppose I was hoping it would become a large improvement over SC2 instead with more of a deviation from the SC2 formula.

Looking forward to trying it out on the August 13th free demo day.


Oct 25, 2017
Seems pretty mid and unpolished from reading Steam user reviews.

I feel like any comparisons to SC2 in terms of polish is going to be very, very, VERY unfavorable given how absurdly polished Blizzard games are, and how high their production values are. I can see why they're launching in EA with what they have, but players really need to temper expectations because this is not a huge AAA production with a decade of preproduction, production, and polish.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I backed it on Kickstarter and received my key yesterday - I plan to actually try it this weekend. It actually feels good to play but everyone is right, it is still unpolished but that's to be expected with a small team (and they did announce this as early access with continuous updates).

I wonder if Microsoft (Blizzard) will start to care about StarCraft again now that Stormgate is out and Age of Mythology is releasing soon. I know there's no "money" to be made anymore from SC1/SC2 but they can probably give the series a boost by putting SC1 and SC2 on Steam.


Oct 27, 2017
I played 2-3 hours of the kickstarter beta, but I ended up asking for a refund. I wanted the game to replace SC2, which I still play sometimes. To me it felt more like WC3 (without heroes) than SC2, and I did not enjoy that. I will give it a second chance when it is free, I really want a new RTS game to succeed.


Jan 25, 2018
I feel like any comparisons to SC2 in terms of polish is going to be very, very, VERY unfavorable given how absurdly polished Blizzard games are, and how high their production values are. I can see why they're launching in EA with what they have, but players really need to temper expectations because this is not a huge AAA production with a decade of preproduction, production, and polish.

It is very unfair to Frost Giant to compare the game to SC2 (or even WC3), but we're currently living in an era where indie RTS games are starting to come out, and a good few of them have even smaller teams and smaller budgets while outperforming Stormgate in terms of polish.

The most obvious point of comparison is Godsworn, a two-man team (with no budget to speak of) making a spiritual successor to Warcraft 3. It's far easier to parse than Stormgate visually (despite both games using a cartoony, high-saturation style) and has much more favorable reception than Stormgate despite launching as a $30 Early Access game. Both games offer campaign, pvp, and co-op, and both games follow the Blizzard style of RTS.

There's also the just-released Cataclismo, released by a small Spanish indie studio, with a beautiful art style and interface. The focus on single player and the use of city builder/tower defense elements may not satisfy those that want something from Stormgate, though.

Shiro Games's Northgard has been around for six years, pioneering in the indie RTS space, and their Dune: Spice Wars recently exited Early Access.

...And while it may have Microsoft's backing (modern Microsoft's pretty infamous for mismanaging its studios), Age of Mythology Retold blows Stormgate out of the water in terms of value. The $30 base game offers 50 campaign missions (vs Stormgate selling packs of 3 missions for $10 each...). it's also supposed to have a cool replayable co-op mode like Stormgate's but that part got mysteriously cleaned off the marketing when they updated the steam page

With all of these points of comparison, we're left wondering how Stormgate used its $34.7 million in investments and $2 million in Kickstarter. It's clearly not a scam, and there are bits of solid design in the campaign missions, co-op mode, and pvp indicative of developers clearly passionate about the genre-so what happened?


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Bought it last night after watching a few streams. Excited to jump in and get my ass handed.


Oct 25, 2017
is there custom map support a la sc/wc3 era usually uninterested in rts outside of story campaign + "use map settings" maps


Oct 29, 2017
is there custom map support a la sc/wc3 era usually uninterested in rts outside of story campaign + "use map settings" maps

There are currently custom maps made by stormgate only. The editor which allows custom maps by users will come out later as a 1.0 feature.


Oct 28, 2017
I can ignore poor graphics if the art direction is solid, but this game looks so catastrophically plain it hurts. I want to like it because on paper everything sounds so good, but I can't help to have war flashbacks of early sc2 when Terran mech looked like plastic cars and Zerg creep was a velvet carpet.

I play SC2 Co-Op almost daily and I need a similar experience to jump to, and the fact that this seems to be the only alternative makes me terribly sad.


Oct 26, 2017
I played all the modern RTS revivals including godsworn and tempest rising, etc and I still think Stormgate feels the best of all of them. It really does have that crisp SC2/WC3 feel. Outside of maybe Battle Aces because that felt great too but is a different type of RTS entirely really.

The visuals and production values are this game's biggest faults tbh. It's such a hard sell looking the way it does. The game itself is good, the ideas and races are cool, it controls well and has good systems, but it looks like ass.

It's a shame too because when they first unveiled the game like 2 years ago everyone told them this and they stuck to their guns and never changed it and here we are.