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Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
My one question is regarding near the end when Rey hears all the past Jedi voices as she's saying "be with me". I swore I heard Obi Wan, Anakin and even Qui Gon (Luke and Yoda obviously), but was there anyone else? It went by so fast I couldn't really process it.

Also I could've sworn that it was Matt Lanter's Anakin that I heard, or was that just me?

Kanan from SW Rebels was definitely in there too. And Mace Windu.


Oct 27, 2017
Im sure it will get explained in the comics or something. Since we saw the wreckage of the Death Star I suppose his near death corpse was discovered in the wreckage and taken back to the Sith planet.

This is what it seemed like to me. For example the tanks with Snoke clones and the off-handed remarks. It seemed like it was intentionally cut content to help give reasons for EU content. Parts of this movie felt like I bought a game with on-disc dlc.


Oct 25, 2017
It's always a good sign when you wake up the next day after seeing a Star Wars movie and wonder if it was all just some weird fever dream. I can't even process the crazy, fourth-wall breaking nonsense I watched yesterday.


Oct 28, 2017
Rogue One
Revenge of the Sith

I can't see that changing for me over time
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Oct 25, 2017
Forgive my Cinema Sins level of discourse here but...

Ben shows up on Sith World in an imperial TIE Fighter... they don't have hyperdrive capability, do they?

Also triangle winged TIE's looked dumb.
Standard TIEs from the original trilogy didn't have hyperdrives but some more advanced models(both in old and new canon) did.
Hyperdrives seem to be standard for First Order TIEs.


Apr 27, 2018
Deleted scene



Oct 25, 2017
So, before TRoS came out, apparently there was a personal take by Alan Dean Foster on what episode 9 should be, and Jenny Nicholson did a video basically reading it all out loud.

Now, you don't have to watch it, because, yeah, ti's almost as long as a movie itself, but one of the most hilarious parts is the Snoke clones. Turns out Snoke predicted or counted on Kylo Ren killing him and had clones of himself and the final battle is Luke fighting off a bunch of snoke clones, and it's just got really fucking funny to say things like "the trio of snokes", and "multiple snokes" and "another snoke" and "No more Snokes".

Come TRoS, we see a jar full of snokes and I'm fucking dying nad that was the first indication TRoS was gonna go places.

Atleast we didn't have to see Rey being a half droid hybrid.


Oct 25, 2017
99% of people both making and watching watching this movie do not know or care about the EU.

There is a group of at least six people working at Lucasfilm called the Story Group whose job -- whose only job, the thing they get paid for and write down on their IRS tax forms -- is to ensure things like this don't happen lol

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So, before TRoS came out, apparently there was a personal take by Alan Dean Foster on what episode 9 should be, and Jenny Nicholson did a video basically reading it all out loud.

Now, you don't have to watch it, because, yeah, ti's almost as long as a movie itself, but one of the most hilarious parts is the Snoke clones. Turns out Snoke predicted or counted on Kylo Ren killing him and had clones of himself and the final battle is Luke fighting off a bunch of snoke clones, and it's just got really fucking funny to say things like "the trio of snokes", and "multiple snokes" and "another snoke" and "No more Snokes".

Come TRoS, we see a jar full of snokes and I'm fucking dying nad that was the first indication TRoS was gonna go places.

Atleast we didn't have to see Rey being a half droid hybrid.



Oct 30, 2017
There is a group of at least six people working at Lucasfilm called the Story Group whose job -- whose only job, the thing they get paid for and write down on their IRS tax forms -- is to ensure things like this don't happen lol

Like I said, they don't care, rightly so. A film production is never going to yield on a creative decision to some cartoon or videogame.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if theres a supposedly much better "Snyder Cut" (so to speak) that we can demand for the next couple years


Oct 27, 2017
So I saw this last night and honestly, I loved it.

I had a great time with it. I laughed, gasped and was just generally enthralled with it all.

My one question is regarding near the end when Rey hears all the past Jedi voices as she's saying "be with me". I swore I heard Obi Wan, Anakin and even Qui Gon (Luke and Yoda obviously), but was there anyone else? It went by so fast I couldn't really process it.

Also I could've sworn that it was Matt Lanter's Anakin that I heard, or was that just me?

Either way, I'm really happy and I can't wait to see it again on Sunday with family.
Yeah Mace Windu was in there as well. He said something like "Stand up, motherfucker!"

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I guess Lando is much more inspirational than Leia and the rest of the bunch.

I guess Carrie Fisher was meant to do that part but she passed away so they couldn't really do it, but giving it to Lando to do? Why not Poe or Finn? I thought the whole point of this trilogy existing was so it would kill off the original cast and let the new characters be the heroes.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
As somebody who loved TFA (and it was my first actual SW film) and enjoyed TLJ a lot, I had a lot of mixed feelings about this film.

Was Palpatine really necessary? Why did he hide all of this time when he could have just ruled the First Order? If his plan was to make Rey kill him, why not use the force to make her do it?

Why was Poe suddenly the least agreeable of the trio? Why were him and Finn suddenly not agreeing with each other? Why did Zorii Bliss go from "I HATE YOU" to "come with me" like damn they couldn't have a new female character who did not have any romantic connection to a main character? Why was Poe a "spice runner" in the past? When did he have time between having a very happy, comfortable childhood with his Rebel parents and going to school in the New Republic and serving as a pilot for it until he joined the Resistance? Are we supposed to believe Poe hit on hard times during all of this and needed to become a spice runner for some random space gang? Was it a mission? Did he take a gap year?

Why was Hux suddenly a spy? I remember this was the rumor floating around since after TLJ released but lol

I have more rhetorical questions, but I just wanted to say that my theater groaned and laughed at the kiss. If Kylo has earned his return to the light side, sure maybe it would have been fine but he doesn't imo. And the weird thing is, I really enjoyed all of the Kylo and Rey stuff regardless of how I felt about Kylo's redemption but their sudden unspoken love was definitely not earned.

Also Kylo's scar just disappeared at some point and it had me dying for the whole film. How could they forget to give him the scar?

I have a lot of other thoughts on this film but I need time to figure it all out.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing in this movie makes a lick of damn sense, it all seems like such a purposeful slap in the face to TLJ, and it has no heart and no message. Complete and absolute turd.


Oct 25, 2017
Why were the Knights of Ren even in this movie

You have this group of badass force users who are of a kind with Kylo Ren. That makes them either great antagonist material or EU bait for which fans can go and learn about them. Cool.

After not appearing in the first 2 films, they are finally a part of the 3rd and....they're nobody. They do nothing. They're just elite mooks with no dialogue or personality....and they're not even good at that because they only really beat fight Kylo Ren and then die.

Why have them be in the movie at all then?

I'm sorry to anyone whose annoyed at me spamming the thread with my scatter shot thoughts, but I'm still processing and I'm going from one element to another thinking "Why" to each one and most of them are coming up "idk"


Oct 27, 2017
So, before TRoS came out, apparently there was a personal take by Alan Dean Foster on what episode 9 should be, and Jenny Nicholson did a video basically reading it all out loud.

Now, you don't have to watch it, because, yeah, ti's almost as long as a movie itself, but one of the most hilarious parts is the Snoke clones. Turns out Snoke predicted or counted on Kylo Ren killing him and had clones of himself and the final battle is Luke fighting off a bunch of snoke clones, and it's just got really fucking funny to say things like "the trio of snokes", and "multiple snokes" and "another snoke" and "No more Snokes".

Come TRoS, we see a jar full of snokes and I'm fucking dying nad that was the first indication TRoS was gonna go places.

Atleast we didn't have to see Rey being a half droid hybrid.

lol, I was watching this video earlier today, after I'd seen TROS, and it is an absolute riot in retrospect. Not thirty seconds into the movie you see an ACTUAL VAT OF SNOKE CLONES! I can't imagine what was going through Jenny's mind. Her video's going to be incredible :P


Oct 30, 2017
When Lando just appeared randomly on that desert planet, that's when I knew they forgot to write a script.

Did they even explain what the wayfinders were? It was all such a mess. Essentially JJ shoved all his ideas for Episode 7, 8 and 9 into one convoluted script and then hacked away at it until he got it down to 2 hours.


Oct 27, 2017
BTW, was anyone else legit creeped out by Leia?

Like, there was something off about her in a way that even the Rogue One CGI actors wasn't.

It wasn't that she looked wrong, but more that she acted wierd. They tried to write the script around the pieces of recordings they had of her, but it was like a bad photoshop insert except for acting. You could 100% tell that the spoken dialogue and body language she had wasn't intended for the script that they wrote around and you just get flashbacks of Tony Soprano's dialogue with his mother. The most obvious one is her reaction to the news that Palpatine's alive was did not fit at all.

There was something...I don't want to say skincrawling since that's a bit strong, but I had a reaction approaching that, I couldn't stand it. Every time she was onscreen, I wanted the scene to end. It was seriously freaking me out. Am I the only one?

I felt the same way about the Leia scenes. I would have rather just CG'd her entire performance and got someone who sounded like her. It didn't fit any scene and it stood out in a weird/yuck kind of way.


Oct 25, 2017
1. ESB
2. ANH
3. TLJ

4. R1
6. TFA

7. Skywalker
8. Solo.

10. TPM
11. AOTC

After sleeping on it, think this is where the films rank for me. First 3 Disney movies filled me with so much hope for Star Wars only to turn into "well it's not the prequels"


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Aug 21, 2018
When Lando just appeared randomly on that desert planet, that's when I knew they forgot to write a script.

Did they even explain what the wayfinders were? It was all such a mess. Essentially JJ shoved all his ideas for Episode 7, 8 and 9 into one convoluted script and then hacked away at it until he got it down to 2 hours.
Didn't Lando specifically say that Leia sent him? Also the wayfinders were a map to the Sith world.
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