
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I am on the fence on whether this is better or worse than the previous one but it doesn't have to do with loot boxes.

I liked the customization of my trooper in the previous one. I know there are multiple eras here but I'd love to be able to fix up what they look like in each era. Let me worry about managing my time if I want to do that. That is a biggie for me though I don't think that is a huge negative.

They said in the AMA yesterday that they are working on a visual customization system. We don't know when it will be implemented, but it will get added
Oct 25, 2017
I liked the customization of my trooper in the previous one. I know there are multiple eras here but I'd love to be able to fix up what they look like in each era. Let me worry about managing my time if I want to do that. That is a biggie for me though I don't think that is a huge negative.
Yeah other than loot boxes its my biggest negative of this game.

At the very least Rebels and Resistance need gender/species/faces.


Nov 16, 2017
Yeah other than loot boxes its my biggest negative of this game.

At the very least Rebels and Resistance need gender/species/faces.

Yeah, picking your gender is a huge deal to me, but picking my face is a bigger deal. I'll probably have certain classes always gender and others others. But i want to be an Duros or another alien for sure. I rocked Duros hard last game.

I don't care about unlocking most stuff in the game (no heroes, barely starfighter) so I am okay spending all my currency on trooper cards and outfits. It is good to hear it is coming.


Oct 27, 2017
Capping a point doesn't give you a lot of points, but once it's capped you get like 500 points or so. Same for activating devices or shooting the walker/vehicles with the ion dissruptor (even only picking it up nets you a lot of points)
Also always be shooting people,even kill assists give a lot of points. If you're playing Starfighter assault: shoot the turrets on the capital ships. Gives you 300 points or so.
And if you're not comfortable yet with the gunplay, play some of the campaign.
Weapons and loadouts are the same in MP and it's a good practice. As is arcade mode.
Yeah, it was mostly the capping thing that was throwing me off. You just have to be in the area, right? I saw a button prompt, but wasn't sure if I was supposed to be holding it down to cap. I would think that would give you the most points


Nov 16, 2017
Capping a point doesn't give you a lot of points, but once it's capped you get like 500 points or so. Same for activating devices or shooting the walker/vehicles with the ion dissruptor (even only picking it up nets you a lot of points)
Also always be shooting people,even kill assists give a lot of points. If you're playing Starfighter assault: shoot the turrets on the capital ships. Gives you 300 points or so.
And if you're not comfortable yet with the gunplay, play some of the campaign.
Weapons and loadouts are the same in MP and it's a good practice. As is arcade mode.

I felt like when I did objectives and captured stuff, I was getting about 2,000bp. Are we talking about different locations?


Self-requested ban
Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, it was mostly the capping thing that was throwing me off. You just have to be in the area, right? I saw a button prompt, but wasn't sure if I was supposed to be holding it down to cap. I would think that would give you the most points

Some objectives, like the door controls on phase 2 of Theed, require one player to stand next to them and hold a button while the rest of yor team protects you. If you let go if the button, progress is halted.


Oct 31, 2017
If loot boxes were to go cosmetic a la Overwatch, what kind of skins would Vader get?

I mean, there is only so much they can do with him.

I doubt Disney is gonna approve anything that makes him look silly, which is part of the fun in skins.
Oct 27, 2017
If loot boxes were to go cosmetic a la Overwatch, what kind of skins would Vader get?

I mean, there is only so much they can do with him.

I doubt Disney is gonna approve anything that makes him look silly, which is part of the fun in skins.



Oct 26, 2017
can someone explain to me origin access and Battlefront II
can I really play the full campaign for 5 bucks with origin access?
Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 28, 2017
Blimey, people are really exploiting the ships! The same people constantly spawn in ships and generate thousands of points within the first few minutes of the match, then spam heroes. Bit of a massive oversight there.


Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
can someone explain to me origin access and Battlefront II
can I really play the full campaign for 5 bucks with origin access?

They made it seem like the first 3 mission limit was only before the game officially released. I mean it's $5, if you are at all curious to see how the game feels I'd say it's a good investment.

Something definitely seems to be going on with servers on PS4 at least. Almost every other match I'm getting kicked into an empty lobby.


Oct 26, 2017

Electronic Arts shares drop after Wall Street raises concerns over 'Star Wars' game sales


Well deserved EA. :p

Wow. Never thought it'd get that kind of attention. Good!

Indeed. But honestly I wasn't expecting something like this to happen.

Title is very misleading title. The article is more about the December forecast of EA being under what investors expected. And I do not think it has anything to do with the loot box story. If anything, the investors say:

"If Star Wars can encourage users to spend real money on virtual goods (like FIFA) the game could drive meaningful upside to F'18 and '19 EPS, but this is not a certainty"

So, not sure...

It'd be awesome if people read articles before racing to be first to post it here and/or hot-taking on headlines.


Oct 25, 2017
It'd be awesome if people read articles before racing to be first to post it here and/or hot-taking on headlines.

Yup. Nothing has changed for EA or analysts' outlook, still rated very much a "buy"

I stated that it was good that something was getting attention. I never thought EA stock was going to take a nosedive, so please spare me. That aside, I originally thought I was quoting a post in that gambling investigation thread and didn't realize I was in the actual OT. I don't like bashing a game in it's OT, because I know people just want to enjoy what they've purchased, which is why I haven't been back(next time I'll just edit my post). There's no need to try to hit me with a gotcha (three hours later)over something I've never implied or quote me further. Hope everyone enjoys their purchase.

Let's be honest, it'd be also awesome if CNBC did not use 'click bait' headlines...
That too, but I should have read the article. Anyhow, don't want to derail. Cheers, folks!
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Oct 27, 2017
I stated that it was good that something was getting attention. I never thought EA stock was going to take a nosedive, so please spare me. That aside, I originally thought I was quoting a post in that gambling investigation thread and didn't realize I was in the actual OT. I don't like bashing a game in it's OT, because I know people just want to enjoy what they've purchased, which is why I haven't been back(next time I'll just edit my post). There's no need to try to hit me with a gotcha (three hours later)over something I've never implied or quote me further. Hope everyone enjoys their purchase.

That too, but I should have read the article. Anyhow, don't want to derail. Cheers, folks!

He just wanted to look like the big man, no one suggested a stock nose dive.
Nov 15, 2017
Played about 20 hours so far (PC, pre-order) and quite enjoy it but I suck at online shooters so tend to be in the bottom half of the match rankings.

It really does, visually & sonicially, feel like your in the Star Wars world but I'm in two minds regarding returning it.

On the one hand I don't like what EA has done with the lootboxes / progression system, on the other my son really enjoys playing the game.


Oct 28, 2017
What's the benefit in this game if i'm on the winnerside of a match? What's the price for actually win a battle?


Oct 25, 2017
I got about 20 hours in the game now, my friend and I are just playing Galactic Assault over and over and taking out fools.
Having a jolly good time with it all and we're constantly making pay to win jokes whenever we kill someone or someone kills us so that adds to the hilarity.

Son of Liberty

Nov 5, 2017
Been playing since launch a couple days ago, feels like what Battlefront 2015 should've been.
I have my complaints but overall it's not a bad game, even better that I got it for a good discount at Best Buy.

Deleted member 14535

Gutted got home to find the post has been star wars delivered a day earlier. Yes i said, no dog got hold of the package. £45 down the shitter.

Anyone want a dog?


Oct 31, 2017
Do we know if this is live yet for the regular edition or will it be tomorrow as planned? UK here with the digital Xbox version.