
Oct 30, 2017
CIG published the schedule for the CitizenCon (Star Citizen / Squadron 42 yearly convention). This year it will be in Manchester on October 19 & 20 (Saturday/Sunday, times below are local for UK).


Some comments/ideas what to expect (what is behind those points, in case you are interested).

  • Brave New World: Possibly Planet Tech v5, what CIG will use/is using to build new moons/planets and fill them with life.
  • A Social Universe: Less clear for me, possibly about Server Meshing, updated guild/clan features, multicrew gameplay, etc.
  • Dressed to Kill: Sounds like more about StarCloth, clothes simulation, more options for the character creation, clothes/outfits, etc. Unsure about which legend will return, no idea to be honest, who they mean.
  • Beyond Pyro: CIG will talk (show?) the next system(s) coming to Star Citizen after Pyro, most likely Nyx, as a part of Nyx was already in Star Citizen, but placed in Stanton before. They teased a jump point recently on Twitter with a short video, that didn't look like the jump point to Pyro.

  • Redacted: Probably/Most likely about Squadron 42, we might see a demo or new vertical slice, maybe release date information (if you want to think positive that is ^^). They might bring Squadron 42 up for pre-order. The CitizenCon is themed around UEE and other Squadron 42 related content/ships (also the digital goodies pack).
  • Crafting Your Home: Base Building is coming to Star Citizen, as they started to fully work on it this year just, I wouldn't expect crazy detailed base building yet. They teased some plans during last years CitizenCon and some weeks ago there was a small video teaser about small/basic buildings with some interior (again on Twitter/X).

  • Captains of the Industry: More about base building and the ships used to create buildings, etc.
  • The Stars My Destination: Star Citizen 1.0: High level overview of what is planned for Star Citizen 1.0, they talked about it for many many months, the roadmap is currently only filled until Alpha 4.0, so CIG is going to talk about what they see as Star Citizen 1.0, whatever they mean by that, Early Access/Beta/Initial Release, 1.0 would sound like the latter. Anyway the final panel will be about what is coming next for Star Citizen after Alpha 4.0 which is currently still scheduled for Q4 2024.
As for the current Star Citizen, the new update 3.24.2 is currently on the test server and available to everyone with a game package, including the new ship MFDs and some other major reworks and the first tech of Alpha 4.0. Today is also another server meshing test for 24h planned, where CIG is testing the new tech and stability needed for Alpha 4.0 and further versions. It was pretty okay/stable with 500 players (current limit on live servers is 100), the tests with 1000 players didn't work too well yet. Won't go into details about Server Meshing here though, too complicated and too much (it's not just about player numbers).


Oct 25, 2017
Redacted is definitely Squadron 42. They ended last year's show with it too.

Excited to see more about it. I think last year's trailer blew everyone away


Oct 25, 2017
Nice! Been waiting for Squadron 42 FOREVER to dive into this universe properly. Hoping for more news on the release of that or at least a demo soon :D


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Go fuck yourself CIG, and let your workers go home on the weekend.


I love the game, but I'm still mad at this incredible assholery.


Apr 3, 2024
Great start to the thread. I'm really enjoying the fact that the naysayers are gonna go kicking and screaming all the way through to release.


Oct 25, 2017
Today is also another server meshing test for 24h planned, where CIG is testing the new tech and stability needed for Alpha 4.0 and further versions. It was pretty okay/stable with 500 players (current limit on live servers is 100), the tests with 1000 players didn't work too well yet.
I really hope they can make it work. Even for people who don't care about Star Citizen, server meshing would be a huge leap for gaming.


Dec 12, 2023
I really hope they can make it work. Even for people who don't care about Star Citizen, server meshing would be a huge leap for gaming.
This and planet tech is really why I'm interested at this point. Especially if they really can get to the point that they're stamping out planets and star systems...and if the boss can be restrained from jumping in to widen the scope even further.


Oct 30, 2017
Server meshing tests are running with 10:2000 now, well they gather data, I wouldn't call it "running or working" ;) still interesting.


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Seriously the only thing I care about is finally getting Squadron 42. I honestly don't think I will ever care about Star Citizen, especially with how they've handled everything.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Reminds me it's time for my biannual install and attempt to play more than 10 mins of Star Citizen. I've been doing this for 3 years and no luck so far, as the performance was still shit last time I tried (13700K, 4090).


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
I haven't played in like a year and a half. I've been thinking about reinstalling it.
Easily the most immersive game I've ever played, can't wait for them to iron out some of the kinks and give more missions and gameplay types


Oct 28, 2017
Dev presentations have always been the highlight of the shows, so planet tech should be nice.


"This guy are sick"
Doesn't WoW do server meshing now? Or has done for some time with realm meshes to ensure enough people are around and not have dead servers.
The way Star Citizen is doing is having servers interact with each other without players needing to select one and everyone will be playing in the same environment like EVE. They want 1 single shard to handle all players but servers that dynamically scale down to even a single room if a thousand players decide to cram into a bedroom.

Servers will be interlinked with one another to the point you won't even notice. With what they are testing now you can see someone wave across servers or shoot them if you want to pvp without players even knowing they are on 2 different servers.


Oct 28, 2017
Great start to the thread. I'm really enjoying the fact that the naysayers are gonna go kicking and screaming all the way through to release.
You say that like it hasn't always been obvious to everyone but those emotionally invested that they would eventually slap a 1.0 sticker on a game that is not even half done yet. How many planets are out already? And at the current pace, how long before they are all out?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't WoW do server meshing now? Or has done for some time with realm meshes to ensure enough people are around and not have dead servers.

Wow does what's called merging and instancing. You're in an instance of the server/world, if you join another group who'd lead is on another server or your server player numbers are low enough, they will sometimes merge you into another instance within your server group. So say you were fighting a monster on a server, but got moved, that monster is technically on a different instance/server than you and will vanish and you will be placed in the same spot, in a new instance and that monster stayed behind on the previous instance of that world.

For SC, server meshing is instead of the world on a single server more or less. The server holds an instance of only a certain area, and is tied to other servers that control different areas. So while they communicate, they aren't controlled by a single server.

To break it down, in wow, for instance everything in WoW, your entire perceivable world and all players, monsters, objects you can see are within an instance of a server all being controlled by the logic of that individual server and instance. In SC their goal is, that areas of that world space individually can be controlled by different servers and communicate they aren't strictly isolated in the way an instance is. So for instance the room you are standing in, within the world, may be a different server/instance than outside that room. But still connected, so if you were to throw a ball through the door, it will have moved to a connected instance/server. You could walk through that door, thus going into a new instance and grab that ball that has persisted.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
You say that like it hasn't always been obvious to everyone but those emotionally invested that they would eventually slap a 1.0 sticker on a game that is not even half done yet. How many planets are out already? And at the current pace, how long before they are all out?
I don't disagree with the first part, but the planet stuff is just not how it works. They keep improving and finalizing their planet tech, meaning their existing alpha needs to be changed and updated again and again. Not for nothing, but to make future planet generation and development and visuals and stuff like water and detailing easier, quicker and better looking.

So the more time they spend making their current systems future proof and easy to handle, the quicker they can add entire systems, eventually.

I know no one wants to hear this, but that's simply how it works.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't disagree with the first part, but the planet stuff is just not how it works. They keep improving and finalizing their planet tech, meaning their existing alpha needs to be changed and updated again and again. Not for nothing, but to make future planet generation and development and visuals and stuff like water and detailing easier, quicker and better looking.

So the more time they spend making their current systems future proof and easy to handle, the quicker they can add entire systems, eventually.

I know no one wants to hear this, but that's simply how it works.
It feels like the carrot they have been dangling for well over a decade now is always this really cool tech that once fully developed will be legitimately revolutionary and enable to pace up the development of the rest of the game considerably. I have yet to see any of it happening. And I personally don't care, while a dream title on paper I just don't see this game ever living up to its full potential or coming out in a state that will make it truly worth playing to me. But as someone who's been got by hype before, I just hope actual fans are managing their expectations for their own sake.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
It feels like the carrot they have been dangling for well over a decade now is always this really cool tech that once fully developed will be legitimately revolutionary and enable to pace up the development of the rest of the game considerably. I have yet to see any of it happening. And I personally don't care, while a dream title on paper I just don't see this game ever living up to its full potential or coming out in a state that will make it truly worth playing to me. But as someone who's been got by hype before, I just hope actual fans are managing their expectations for their own sake.
I completely agree. And I also think their tech, especially the later stuff, is insanely cool. Shit like river generation and rock "foundations" for those rivers is taking such a long time compared to how it could be done more "lazily", but damn if it doesn't look incredible. And that's the case for almost all of those "unnecessary" things sucking up time. Except all the god damn ships to sell.

I'm only here for the MMO part and didn't preorder 42, so I don't really care much about a "finished" game, since I'm expecting them to add shit always anyways. But, contrary to popular belief, I actually do feel bad for the people still waiting for the singleplayer part.

(All of that said, I still repeat, fuck you CIG for the mandatory weekend work for your stupid dumb convention ad panel)


Oct 27, 2017
I really hope they can make it work. Even for people who don't care about Star Citizen, server meshing would be a huge leap for gaming.

No matter if or when the game crashes and burns eventually, this piece of tech will be able to be sold and will change the game for a few genres. It's incredibly impressive!
Love to see it finally in a state where they test it!

Dev presentations have always been the highlight of the shows, so planet tech should be nice.

I watched all of last year's one - I'm not actively playing and probably won't before alpha 4.0 but it's fascinating what jumps they made in technology and how it it slowly coming together.

That being said, it fucking sucks what they did with mandatory overtime these weeks!
A bit of crunch before an event can't really be helped but this is on a different scale.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It feels like the carrot they have been dangling for well over a decade now is always this really cool tech that once fully developed will be legitimately revolutionary and enable to pace up the development of the rest of the game considerably. I have yet to see any of it happening. And I personally don't care, while a dream title on paper I just don't see this game ever living up to its full potential or coming out in a state that will make it truly worth playing to me. But as someone who's been got by hype before, I just hope actual fans are managing their expectations for their own sake.

Even if it gets to a stage of technical decency. They have so much work to do to actually make it a game that would be fun to play. They don't even have basic loops worth engaging with and I've been playing it sporadically for like a decade. Tech is incredible. Game is nothing until they prove us wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
my question with server meshing is how many players are we looking at per system, considering there's potentially a handful of systems about to be added (pyro, nyx, odin, etc) because it seems like the hybrid/replication layer is not scaling well

like they have 1000 players largely being playable, but once they did the 2000 player it all fell apart (though surprisingly stayed connected the whole time!). i was on a DGS (game server) with 50 players in that 2000 player test and the replication layer couldn't handle that player count

the meshing itself is working fantastic but they need the replication layer to work with 10k-20k players across many star systems


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
my question with server meshing is how many players are we looking at per system, considering there's potentially a handful of systems about to be added (pyro, nyx, odin, etc) because it seems like the hybrid/replication layer is not scaling well

like they have 1000 players largely being playable, but once they did the 2000 player it all fell apart (though surprisingly stayed connected the whole time!). i was on a DGS (game server) with 50 players in that 2000 player test and the replication layer couldn't handle that player count

the meshing itself is working fantastic but they need the replication layer to work with 10k-20k players across many star systems
I thought the replication layer largely was just the temporary data storage/object that basically tracks what is happening so when/if it does need to split the players into other servers or it crashes and reboots for instance the replication layer has basically stored the game state and will "replicate" it? I admit I don't actually know that much beyond just what they are generally trying to achieve and why it's so insanely hard to do.

I thought the whole goal in the case like you're describing here where 2000 players are all in one area. Is it would separate them out into other instances to reduce load and increase performance but they would still share data between their instances in "real" time or at least in ways that trick the players into thinking they're still all on one server basically. Are you saying the replication layer like failed to track changes properly or?


Apr 3, 2024
Yeah you're really showing them by waiting through a decade plus of delays for a game that still may or may not hit 1.0 in the next few years.
I just think it's silly that we're still getting the usual rhetoric in a thread promoting a panel titled "the road to 1.0" taking place next week and a SQ42 release date anticipated by pretty much everyone since they said they were in the content complete polishing phase at the last CitizenCon.


Oct 27, 2017
Whenever SQ42 eventually comes out its gonna be a bit weird seeing the age discrepancy with the actors that were filmed/mocapped how long ago at this point? Whatever I'll still play it.

As to this event I really enjoyed that tech video demo they did last year, so the Brave New Worlds and Pyro segments should be ones to watch going off descriptions in the OP.


Oct 27, 2017
What an insane line of thinking to go into game news with. How many passed away in between GTA 5 and 6? Skyrim and ES6? I get that you may not like the game or company but cmon.
There's a big ass difference between being excited for a game that has almost no details and crowdfunding something with an expected release date. This is reasonable. I hope with how much folks can buy in-game they have a way for those purchases to be passed down if the owners die.


Oct 27, 2017
I just think it's silly that we're still getting the usual rhetoric in a thread promoting a panel titled "the road to 1.0" taking place next week and a SQ42 release date anticipated by pretty much everyone since they said they were in the content complete polishing phase at the last CitizenCon.
I think it's silly that people take their PR assertions of where they're at seriously still. 1.0 for Star Citizen is like a new OT level for Scientology - they make more by promising it than by delivering it.