What would you do?

  • Politely refuse and close the door.

    Votes: 31 5.1%
  • Refuse, close the door, and call the police.

    Votes: 342 56.8%
  • Let him in, but don't call the police.

    Votes: 96 15.9%
  • Let him in, and call the police while he's in the bathroom.

    Votes: 133 22.1%

  • Total voters

Soap NickTavish

Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
OP is extremely naive, Jesus Christ.

What's wrong with you?

As soon as EMS learns they have a subject with a gunshot wound, police are going to be notified to investigate if this as this person was the aggressor/victim. If they're not aware the scene is secured, they won't respond in with police first.

Sounds like this person was involved in some criminal act and you let him in your house without a second thought.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes I'd like to know why he was shot too, scared for his life and also carrying a giant knife. And didn't want an ambulance.
Perhaps because he wasn't outright dying and lives in America where calling an ambulance can ruin your life if you don't make a lot of money?

I have a friend who saw a car drive off a bridge (5 or 10 feet high... I haven't asked for more details because he still gets shaken up a bit from having seen someone die), it landed, and started to smoke and he got out of his car and rushed to the car, broke out the window and got the child out of the back seat and then went back and helped the passenger out as the smoke continued to build (It never exploded or anything but the smoke would have killed the people inside before they got out on their own most likely)

So he likely saved 2 lives, the driver died unfortunately. Well because he inhaled smoke and cut his arm open on the window they had him taken to the hospital.

a few months later now he is drowning in debt from helping people. 2k for the ambulance ride, and 1.5k for the hospital bill because the ambulance ride isn't covered by health care and the hospital wasn't considered an emergency so they won't cover it either.

About a year ago I had a coworker nearly die after having a heart attack because he didn't want an ambulance called because he couldn't afford it. He was going to just drive to the hospital instead, but luckily my boss didn't listen to him and called one anyway as we later found out his heart stopped as he got to the hospital in the ambulance and because they were there they were able to get it going again. (oddly found this out the next day as the guy came back at work convinced he was going to work even though he got winded just walking to the front of the store....)

Just because someone doesn't want an ambulance called doesn't mean they don't have valid reasons for that. Sadly our healthcare system really is that screwed up :/

That all being said I can't answer the poll because there is no way in hell I would have opened the door. I don't open the door unless I can see it's someone I know or if I'm expected someone. Had like ten too many people trying to convert me to their religion over the years to bother opening my door anymore, and if someone is screaming like that I assume they want one of my neighbors instead.
Oct 25, 2017
I dont think a guy that just got shot is looking to fight a stranger so I'd probably let them in but keep them by the front door

Its not a "good" idea to do that, but at the same time I know strangers not helping me when im in trouble has really bugged me in the past so I dont feel comfortable not helping people if I have the ability to


Oct 25, 2017
This literally happened to me in college, a person who was shot at a 7-Eleven followed the Jimmy John's delivery person to our apartment during a party. My tight-ass roommate blew a whistle forcing everybody at the party to leave, locked the door so the gun shot victim couldn't come in (but handed him some paper towels), and called the police. The victim was fine, but probably not a real threat to the 40 or so non-shot people there.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
My parents are both nurses and so I know a good amount of basic first aid stuff (though I am not in anyway licensed) and I also at one point knew a decent amount of karate if the guy were to attack me (hopefully my instincts would kick in). Thus, assuming that I am only putting myself at risk and not anyone else, I would probably help the person out. I was always taught to help those in need when I can, so I would hopefully do just that.

Of course, this is all a hypothetical, and I would probably be far to fucking scared to actually do anything if this happened to me


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
OP is extremely naive, Jesus Christ.

What's wrong with you?

As soon as EMS learns they have a subject with a gunshot wound, police are going to be notified to investigate if this as this person was the aggressor/victim. If they're not aware the scene is secured, they won't respond in with police first.

Sounds like this person was involved in some criminal act and you let him in your house without a second thought.

It was a decision I made in the moment. Like there are a few questions I should have asked in hindsight, but my instinct to help someone wounded took over. Looking back, I really don't think he was the aggressor or that he had used the knife - he had no defensive wounds, and the only blood on him was from the bullet wound.

Him not wanting to call the ambulance and the police and you let him in??
what about your safety and family?

My instinct took over. My daughter is at her mom's this week.

For what it's worth I know that I'm pretty naive for the decision I made, but the guy was genuinely terrified and genuinely shot. I felt the same as I did in the hospital when I'm with a patient who's in pain. Keep them calm.


Oct 25, 2017
A brother of a family friend got a settlement for life after getting shot and a convenience store locking the door and refused to let him in. I'm curious if t here's legal repercussions for refusing someone on your personal property.
Well two things. One calling the police IS rendering aid in this situation something that person did not want. That situation is also a bit different because you can prove that the clerk turned the shot person down. They even likely talked to them. The person in their own home can claim ignorance rather easily. Just say they heard somebody yelling about a gunshot so they called the police.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't answer the door unless I'm expecting someone so they'll need to head to the next place. Hypothetically, though, I'm not letting them in but will call 911.


Oct 26, 2017
If somebody like that refused an ambulance here in Germany, where you don't need to worry abot medical bills that much or at all, I would probably not let him in, because that's a pretty good sign he's a criminal.

It could very well be the reason why nobody with a gunshot wound has strolled up to your door begging for assistance.

I don't mean to be glib, but it should be considered that this guy actually just didn't want to go into profound debt going through an ambulance ride and the US' emergency healthcare system.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly a bit surprised how many people would just let somebody potentially die with no instinct to assist in any way.

EDIT: Nevermind read the poll wrong. Most people would at least call assistance for the guy. Thought that was the "do nothing" option.


Jan 10, 2019
I would call an ambulance. Since I would be telling them that someone was shot the police would be coming regardless.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 16, 2017
I'd talk through the Ring and ask him question to determine the truth of this. Innocent or not, if anyone is actively after them I'm not risking my family's safety on a stranger, I pretty much don't trust anybody as it is. It sucks because I'd want to help, I really would, but not calling the cops too is more than a little sketchy to me.


Jun 6, 2018
OP is a medical professional so is it really surprising that they'd be more inclined to hep since they probably know what they are doing?

Since I have no experience there I'd tell them to wait at the door as I call for assistance.


Oct 25, 2017
1. call 911

2. go out and let the guy know ambulance is on the way. try to get him something to hold against the wound. stay with them.


Oct 26, 2017
I would probably have done the same exact thing you did. Given my granddaughter wasn't at my house.

The police are not friends of mine and people like me. Calling them is literally the last thing that would be on my mind.


Oct 26, 2017
La France
No I'm not letting someone who got shot into my home especially when they don't want me to call the police, what the hell
And he got a weapon? Fuck that.


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
In a normal situation, I'd invite them in, put them in the bathtub, call the cops, then grab some towels... and a weapon (to be sure). In that order. In your case, I'd refuse. No cops? C'mon, man... you're not Daredevil.


Oct 25, 2017
Change the scenario:

If YOU had a gunshot wound and knocked on someone's door for help, would you answer the OP's question the same way? (assuming you elected to do little or nothing to help?)
Oct 29, 2017
Acab to white dudes online until they get shook lol. Then it's overwhelmingly " CALL THE POLICE!!! "

I'm black I could be shot myself n I'd never call the boys. Fuck outta here
Oct 27, 2017
Based on some of the responses in this thread, I'll never question the validity of a character making an obviously dumb decision in a horror/thriller movie again.


Oct 25, 2017
jfc- thats hella dangerous OP, im glad your ok but yea i would NEVER let someone in like that. I would immediately call the police/ambulance no question asked


Oct 25, 2017
Unless I was actively with other people to watch the dude I wouldn't let him in.

Calling the cops...yeah I totally trust those scared guys with guns to handle a scared guy with a gunshot wound and a knife. I wouldn't call 'em.

They'd probably come anyway but I'd try and get the EMTs to him before them with a call I think.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
I'd do what the OP did.

I've been in worse shit and have had family members/friends shot. I am not afraid of handling hood situations.

My life is worth too much to call the police if the guy asked me not to do so. I'm not having a tactical unit run up on my lawn for a through and through.


Oct 25, 2017
You did a good thing, you helped someone in a dire need without a judgement. You are a better person than a lot of people here calling you out for being a decent, resourceful and brave person.


Oct 25, 2017
Acab to white dudes online until they get shook lol. Then it's overwhelmingly " CALL THE POLICE!!! "

I'm black I could be shot myself n I'd never call the boys. Fuck outta here

This is the problem with America

Its like defend yourself and potentially die

Call the cops and potentially die

Cops show up while you are defending yourself (which is likely since OP said cops were looking for this dude) potentially be labeled as accomplice (especially if you got a gun, black man with a gun put the fear of God in racists) and then you die

Its a zero sum game and its total bullshit