
RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Trying to buy a Playstation 5 is a nightmare. Trying to buy a new Xbox is a nightmare. But, man, it feels like it's still *nothing* compared to the situation going on with Graphics Cards right now. I was just at a MicroCenter to pick up a new router yesterday, and they were completely sold out of everything besides a few GT 710s.

It's gotten to the point where miners are even starting to target laptops.

It's been rough if you've been looking for a GPU upgrade, arguably, since 2017. Vega was a flop, Turing was a sidegrade, and prices have continued to creep up - whenever mining booms didn't drive the price of components through the roof, like in 2018. Now we've got supply constraints down to the silicon level, shipping constraints due to the necessity of shipping as many vaccines as possible, COVID-19 and everything to do with that going on in the background... and that's on top of a $200+ jump in MSRP thanks to US-China tariffs.

My Vega 56 that I bought for <$400 3 years ago is going for $600~ pre-owned. This is absolutely *insane*. Where's the light at the end of the tunnel, and will things only get worse before they get any better?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Probably near the end of this year or the first half of next year


Nov 1, 2017
Not until TSMC has some capacity to dedicate to nvidia and AMD. Some huge customer leased up all their 5nm capacity for the year (apple)


Oct 29, 2017
honestly, probably a year. i just dont think the factors that are causing the supply issues are gonna be go away anytime soon


Oct 25, 2017
I'm convinced it won't. You can't even get an RTX20 series if you wanted to.
By the time anything is available, Nvidia and AMD will announce new better models and we're back to square one. So that window might last a week if you're lucky.

Oh, and in before all the mining and scalper apologists. Fuck you guys.


Oct 26, 2017
I am begrudgingly turning my attention back to the console space. Getting a new GPU doesn't seem viable or possible until 2023.


Nov 26, 2017
Not for a long time, it won't. I ordered my 3080 (Europe) almost 5 months ago and still haven't received it.


Nov 6, 2017
Crazy, I have a 3090 I'm wondering if I should just sell at a profit, I'm happy with it but I have two computers anyway and the other one is a 2080S.


Oct 26, 2017
Look at cryptocurrency. People buy GPUs to mine.
Hope there's a crash and people will flood the market


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on Crypto prices, how much can be manufactured, how long actual consumer demand continues to stay sky high.

My guess, probably for a short period next year, where bitcoin crashed again, more can be produced. But then production for rtx3000 and amd 6000 series will stop because the next gen ones will come out then.


Nov 12, 2017
Needing a GPU right now (as in needing a replacement for a broken part or just not having one) must be absolute fucking shit. If even laptops are going to be affected, that might potentially suck for people like me who use their gaming ultrabooks for both gaming and their daily work, as well.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
Not until summer at the earliest. The whole supply chain is still screwed from the pandemic, and demand remains very high, mainly driven by people working from home and taking school lessons remotely. The crypto market being massively pumped up (seemingly deliberately by Teather in order to cash out before the SEC shuts them down) doesn't help.
Oct 28, 2017
Not for a long time. The only viable method of acquiring those GPUs now is through prebuilt desktops since those manufacturers have first dibs on all new GPUs. Miners are still targeting prebuilts but not in nearly the same numbers so regular consumers still have a chance at purchasing them.


Oct 29, 2017
It's cynical when Nvidia launches a new model and in addition say they'll have to increase the MSRP for existing models... like no one can even buy previous models or pay the MSRP to begin with. Feels so tone deaf.

I am begrudgingly turning my attention back to the console space. Getting a new GPU doesn't seem viable or possible until 2023.
I don't find getting a PS5 is any easier.
Nov 2, 2017
Like others have said: when crypto crashes. As long as that doesn't happen there will be no stock no matter how many GPUs AMD & Nvidia can ship. It's also impossible to predict as it could crash next week or not crash for months.

I don't see it happening unless they make a SKU that has specific advantages for mining.
This wouldn't solve anything. Miners prefer gaming cards as they keep better value even when a crash happens. Demand is so high it wouldn't matter anyway as that card would be sold out too with all the other GPUs.

Deleted member 21709

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Like others have said: when crypto crashes. As long as that doesn't happen there will be no stock no matter how many GPUs AMD & Nvidia can ship. It's also impossible to predict as it could crash next week or not crash for months.

This wouldn't solve anything. Miners prefer gaming cards as they keep better value even when a crash happens. Demand is so high it wouldn't matter anyway as that card would be sold out too with all the other GPUs.

You're right.
I hope my 980Ti hangs in there..


Dec 12, 2017
I live in Singapore and I am surprised how easy was to get a 3080 here, I wonder from other non-USA people how the situation is.


Oct 29, 2017
I'll give a 3080 for $1500. It's a great deal.
Heh, this and a whole lot of built up frustration is why I ended up buying a 3090 when I had the chance. I figured if I was going to get scalped it might as well be by NVidia and EVGA themselves. Thanks to a Best Buy 10% birthday thing I ended up paying less than that before taxes. Never thought I'd ever spend so much on a GPU yet here we are.


Dec 5, 2017
I'm gonna be honest man, i don't think it's gonna stabilize until 2022. Covid and production problems don't exactly disappear in weeks.
Oct 25, 2017
The automotive industry has shut down production lines because of the general chip scarcity. They alone will outbid private consumers. It's going to take the whole year.


Oct 28, 2017
I didn't realize it was that bad. I guess I should feel lucky that I got a 2080 Super last May and got my son a 1650 Super in June. I felt bad when the 3080 was announced last Fall, but I guess I had no hope of getting one anyway.

edit: Holy shit, the 1650 Super is going for $500 now? I paid $160. Perfect timing on that, I guess.


Oct 27, 2017
I was planning on upgrading from my R9 285 this year but things don't look great here. Could get a 5500xt for about 400usd but it's a lot for me. I live in Brazil btw.


Sep 9, 2019
Apple booked TSMCs entire 5nm production for the entire year and 7nm production is booked solid for the first half of the year with more and more companies needing the chips.

Then what little PS5s or video cards do get made immediately get snatched up by scalpers.

It's just basic Supply and Demand and this is what happens when demand greatly out paces supply when it comes to both production and consumers.

People buying video cards for crypto mining is probably a very small part of the problem.


Oct 28, 2017
Is mining ethereum that profitable? a lone 3070 gets like 6 to 7 bucks for 24h, either you don't pay anything for wattage, or people are using several cards.