
Aug 14, 2019
So the original version of Broly has to have the most ridiculous motivation in the entire Dragonball series. Broly is a murderous unstoppable killing machine who is hell-bent on killing Goku. Why?

Because of this:

This guy:


Is motivated by a crying's so dumb and clashes with his demeanor and menace that it kills a lot of the threat he poses. Even commander Red's wish to be taller is a better motivation than this.


Oct 24, 2017
That isn't his motivation. It's this:


The crying thing is a massive misconception among fans.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
More like in anime period. There's no shortage of DB characters with shitty motivations.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
I love what DBA did with this movie.

Paragus: Their cribs in the maternity ward were right beside each other. And Kakarot cried, terrorizing my son.
Vegeta: And... then?
Paragus: That's it.
Vegeta: Didn't my father stab him?
Paragus: Indeed.
Vegeta: Then why doesn't he hate me?
Paragus: Oh no, I hate you. Well, I hated your father and therefore you. Broly hates Kakarot. Because he cried... a lot... for like three hours...


Oct 26, 2017
I still like the crazy ass bastard motherfucker of OG Broly more than the new one, even if the old version is more suited for a one and done event and not as a continous character in the canon .


Nov 14, 2017
Dragon Ball is very stupid all the time and that's why it's fun.

Remember that part of the reason Goku is a (sort of) hero now is because he sustained brain damage as a child which somehow curbed his aggression and violent tendencies.
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Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017
I've never understood the shit OG Broly got, he's not only a filler movie villain, but a Dragon Ball filler movie villain. His design's cool, his fighting style is cool him being a Saiyan is cool; his motivation is irrelevant; I just want to watch cool fights.

Post Reply

Aug 1, 2018
Was it due to the music:

I actually thought the music was the weakest part, haha. I just love the buildup to the transformation and then the transition into Broly stompin Goku and his squad for a good bit. Dragon Ball Super Broly is easily the best version of Broly, but his transformation felt extremely rushed and kind of unsatisfying compared to the original.


Oct 25, 2017
His motivation doesn't matter really

The point is huge man throwing around intergalactic warriors around like toys with very fun animation.

That being said though, have you not had loud neighbors that won't shut the hell up while you are trying to get sleep?

If one didn't have morals and a habit of smashing things that pissed them off its not hard to imagine what would happen next if they got the chance.


Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
I always remember reading a few explanations that Broly was basically driven insane by his own power and so he just became fixated on pretty much the only memory he had from before having a total mental snap, Kakarot crying.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 2, 2017
Broly's motivation was the same as Vegeta's when Vegeta was still a villain: he is insulted by a lower-class Saiyan refusing to acknowledge him as being superior. Goku's cry was pretty much him sending a message, albeit unintentionally, that he wasn't just going to be silenced even in the face of someone stronger and of higher social standing. That's what Broly is really resentful of, and why he's obsessed with Goku in particular. It's by beating him that he can prove that he is indeed better and that Goku had no right to not acknowledge it.


May 27, 2020
Center of the Universe ON
There are people on this very website who will defend Broly's character just because of his giant power level.
Just like how there are people on this very website who will defend Jiren's character just because of his giant power level.

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
When fully transformed he is still smarter and talkative than what we got recently. Way better design too.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
OG Broly's bad, but I think his saving grace is that is that he's one of very few Z movie villains that don't have a clear analogue to manga villain.

Garlic Jr. = King Piccolo (demon related to Kami who was sealed away, has his demon tribe fight for him)

Dr. Wheelo = No one (Dr. Gero is the other mad scientist but he was introduced in the following year)

Turles = Vegeta (He's an evil Goku who invades from space, while the concept of the Saiyan saga wass that there's a whole race of invading evil Gokus)

Lord Slug = King Piccolo (Evil Namekian, shares the Nameless Namekian's backstory)

Cooler = Freeza (Freeza's brother, has his own Ginyu Force, dominates until Goku turns Super Saiyan. Eventually comes back after having his body rebuilt mechanically)

Super Android 13 = Perfect Cell (One of Dr. Gero's creations who absorbs his other Androids to fight in a powered up form)

Broly = ...? (He's a Saiyan, but he really share narratively with the Saiyan Saga)

Bojack = ...? (The final fight with him is Perfect Cell's, but he doesn't greatly resemble Cell otherwise)

Janemba = Majin Buu (Mysterious magical monster with a goofy first form and a more menacing, speechless ultimate form, seen as a threat by the gods in the afterlife)

Hirudegarn = Majin Buu (Uncontrollable magical monster created by an evil magician and release from his seal by his successor)

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Remember how Jiren's motivation for becoming stronger than GoDs was "my village got destroyed by some monster"?
It's a cheesy old school superhero motivation for the superhero villain in an arc where Goku is initially called a villain for instigating everything and ends with Goku saying telling us how he isn't a vigilante who goes around seeking to defeat evil, he just retaliates when people happen to threaten his friends and family.

Astro Cat

Mar 29, 2019
I agree but the movie was the first DBZ anything I watched on a rented fansub. I was mad confused by everything but my love I got from DBZ will make me always appreciate it.