Deleted member 4274

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Oct 25, 2017
Having seen neither the original this was great! I was definitely horrified. That shit was scary as fuck! DOPE film, but how close is it to the original? Because there's something oddly anti-feminist about it...


Always bets on black
Oct 25, 2017
It is completely different in almost every single way, which is a great thing since you can't really replicate Dario Argento's movie without failing. It's a fully original take and I love it too. Really good film.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
it's similar in a few ways, but goes in a different direction with its setting and especially its third act

the remake has a greater focus on the dancing-as-allegory as well


Nov 1, 2017
The only thing they have in common is basically a dance academy and Mater Suspiriorum to some degree.

Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks! So WHAT the fuck is up with Luca Guadagnino? that fucking third act as GOAT as it fucking was just seemed SUPER Anti-feminist. Or is it just me?


Oct 26, 2017
Anti-feminist? What? That's a weird reading of the new Suspiria.

Anyway, this isn't in any way close to the original. It's more like a total reimagining than a remake.


Always bets on black
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks! So WHAT the fuck is up with Luca Guadagnino? that fucking third act as GOAT as it fucking was just seemed SUPER Anti-feminist. Or is it just me?
Well yeah. There's nothing anti-feminist in this movie at all. I don't know how you got that reading. At all.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i didn't get anti-feminist vibes from the third act at all

but i did get cuckoo-batshit-bananapants vibes from the third act

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
The ending was too edgy for me. I know what they're going for but it didn't invoke any strong feeling.
The dance scenes were well done though.

Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Alright, that's like the extreme opposite of my reading of the film, I'm interested in a little more of your thought process :D

Here you have these rich witch go angel women things and that really ugly witch god whatever (since the three precede god and satan) are chilling to get a new body for jason_Bateman_her.gif with the rest of the witches. So she can rule the universe where all female species take over? I dunno I'm high as fuck! Anyway here comes Mother Earth ruining shit by making this MAN kiss the witches, their heads exploding and shit. Like you know men get another chance at fucking up the world cuz FUCK FEMINISTS and FUCK WOMEN! So yeah god job fucking Dakota. Ol' Tommy laryngitis as bitch. The character. Not her. I also kinda have this icky feeling After watching this shit. I'm creeped out and don't want to go to sleep
Also the director seems to REALLY hate his mother...


The Fallen
Dec 3, 2017
They are both amazing films but very different from each other. The original is a crazy kaleidoscopic trash fest and well worth a watch. A lot shorter and lighter on story. Best soundtrack too although Thom Yorke's stuff for the new one also excellent. The Red Letter Media Re:view is a great insight into the original and the gallo genre and its idiosyncrasies.



Oct 25, 2017
Regarding the new one

I enjoyed the 3rd act. It was batshit insane. On my viewing, I saw a couple old women walking out the movie while it happened. Joy.

Strangely enough, I was very tense when she started jumping high because I thought something crunchy was about to happen


Oct 28, 2017
I love both of them (original and remake) equally. Best horror film of last year.

Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I enjoyed the 3rd act. It was batshit insane. On my viewing, I saw a couple old women walking out the movie while it happened. Joy.
Awesome and same. I thought the third act was amazing, well shot, and probably summoned a demon in my crib. That's how scared I was lol. Still, got an anti-feminist vibe from it though. Wish I could exp oh sin it better than my poorly written post above. I literally don't know how to describe that ending better than that.

Deleted member 28076

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
The remake casts Mater Suspiriorum as not a she-devil but a vengeful goddess looking to punish a coven that has forgotten its way and now uses the religion to exploit and harm young women. She grants a merciful death to the young women she can't save and gets vengeance on those who did this to them. At the end she's like "yeah, I'm sorry they fucked with you, the truth about your wife is this, but also I can't let you remember any of this."

It's pretty feminist.


Feb 4, 2018
The remake casts Mater Suspiriorum as not a she-devil but a vengeful goddess looking to punish a coven that has forgotten its way and now uses the religion to exploit and harm young women. She grants a merciful death to the young women she can't save and gets vengeance on those who did this to them. At the end she's like "yeah, I'm sorry they fucked with you, the truth about your wife is this, but also I can't let you remember any of this."

It's pretty feminist.

Yeah, pretty much this. Was a really satisfying finale.


Oct 25, 2017
It's great and it is pretty much the most feminist movie I've seen in the last few years. I don't know how you can read it otherwise.

Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Hmmmmm... Ionno. I'm googling it and some seem to have my take l, as well. Not many, but a few. Basically women in power is violent and terrible is the read from the movie and especially the third act.


Oct 28, 2017
The remake makes a point of introducing sorority as a core theme of the whole thing, like, you know, one could have hoped the original did given its plot.

I don't like using these words ever when dealing with a work of fiction, but it really seems like you simply didn't understand the movie. Also, nazi collaborator, what?

EDIT: The director even has the only main male character in the story played by a woman. The mental gymnastics required to interpret one of the major feminist flicks of the last year as the opposite are just baffling.


Oct 26, 2017
And used a man to do it. Also let that Nazi collaborator (I get it, but still... he was) live with some sanity...

Thank's for going into more detail about your reading of the film! :) But yeah, I didn't interpret it like that, I felt the figure was very much genderfluid and wasn't easily identified as male or female. Even ignoring the credits where they are credited as "Death" personified.

But even if I go for your reading I don't really see how this gives that action an anti-feminist reading. If it was a male character, it would be a man that gets entirely controlled by Suspiria, a (or rather, THE) female figure without agency of his own. Suspiria gets painted in a pretty positive light in the context of this movie, seeing how she punishes the "villains", mercifully releases the prisoners of their torture in an empathic way and even goes out of her way to give old Tilda Swinton some peace.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
''I feel like I wanna fuck an animal'' Best line in the film , hahahahah


Oct 25, 2017
Thank's for going into more detail about your reading of the film! :) But yeah, I didn't interpret it like that, I felt the figure was very much genderfluid and wasn't easily identified as male or female. Even ignoring the credits where they are credited as "Death" personified.

But even if I go for your reading I don't really see how this gives that action an anti-feminist reading. If it was a male character, it would be a man that gets entirely controlled by Suspiria, a (or rather, THE) female figure without agency of his own. Suspiria gets painted in a pretty positive light in the context of this movie, seeing how she punishes the "villains", mercifully releases the prisoners of their torture in an empathic way and even goes out of her way to give old Tilda Swinton some peace.
every character is in a better place (and a place of their own choosing for the prisoners) post mother suspirium going HAM. And the world is infinitely better with the wayward coven being eradicated.


Oct 25, 2017
The original is much better even if it's mostly just a slasher film because the pacing, music, and imagery are a lot tighter. The remake is kind of a mess although it definitely does the horror aspects better and there's some interesting dancing going on while the original it was kind of just in the background.

I feel like the storyline with the shrink could have been cut out completely and the movie would have been better for it.


Nov 2, 2017
I liked the film, the 3rd act was outstanding. The film did feel a bit longer than necessary. I think I prefer it to the original, they don't have much in common other than a dance school, witches and missing girls. I didn't get the anti-feminist vibe you got and even after reading your explanation, I think your reading too much into what seems like a small detail.


Jul 21, 2018
Both are really awesome for completely different reasons. The original is a solid 90 minutes too so it's an easier watch I find


Oct 29, 2017
The original movie is a far more visually pleasing movie to watch, it uses technicolor and makes ample uses of primary colors throughout, it does not "look" like a generic 70's movie (which the new one went for a 70's look, nothing like the original one). It's more of an atmospheric movie, it's not drawn out, the pacing is tight and focused.

The synapse blu ray of the original is AMAZING. It's a new 4k scan of the original print and contains the original theatrical audio. If you have a good surround sound system, the movie originally played in theaters with a 4.0 soundtrack and even today it sounds awesome (it's not on older blu rays or dvds of the movie, only the synapse release includes this track).

The main actress from it actually makes an appearance in the new one (she plays the main older guys wife that he sees near the end).



I actually enjoyed the new one as well, the third act especially was intense, but as far as the visuals and things go the original is far superior imo.

Gaia Lanzer

Oct 25, 2017
I liked both, but I lean more towards the original simply out of nostalgia. It's also more rewatchable. I think the remake is great, but I don't think I've had the need or want to re-watch it since I first seen it.

The only thing they have in common is basically a dance academy and Mater Suspiriorum to some degree.
Well, names too. The characters in the remake are named after the characters in the original. Suzy also befriends Sara, which happened in the original. Also, the whole setting (1977 Germany, even though remake was set in Berlin and the original was set in Freiberg).