
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Waiting for an official announcement. I need to hear more before I even consider buying another console at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
It'll be Amazon Fire which has its own controller x5, It'll use a updated chip that used in Switch and will be able to play play all 3rd party games switch gets, It'll sell for $99. Google can price it at that, as no screen. Google will piggyback off it with a few exclusives themselves. Not bad news for switch as this will mean more 3rd parties will want to create switch/google games.

Nailed it.

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
If Google even made a console who would be stupid enough to buy it. They seriously have the worse hardware support of any major tech company. Unless you only plan on playing it a few months until they disable all support for it.
Definitely. Even if a Google Box has a strong exclusive lineup (gimme Jet Set Radio please), I'd still wait two years to see whether Google actually sticks with their gaming efforts.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
There are only two things I'd trust Google with.

Search and Gmail.

Everything else they try tends to get dropped or are just super late to the party with.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
Google will get bored with it in a year or two, much like many, many other ideas. It would be monumentally stupid to trust Google at keeping a project alive for the long haul.

Streaming endeavor on the other hand I can absolutely see.


Oct 27, 2017
There is no point in any other company making a traditional videogame console, unless it has some wildly innovative feature set.


Oct 26, 2017
Is rumored to use an x86 'main part'? I thought that google would be ready to use ARM...

Machine Law

Oct 26, 2017
Stronger than Xbox One X? With games build from the groudup for it without having to develop it first for a weaker console? I'm listening.


Oct 27, 2017
Breaking into the traditional gaming market is a fools errand. That ship has LONGED sailed. Microsoft barely did it almost two decades ago and still only succeeded by losing gods sum of money and having easily the second most influential game series of that entire era as a first party exclusive.

On top of that, unless you are at the top like Sony, or make relatively "low cost" hardware with the best selling first party titles in the industry like Nintendo, it just isn't profitable. Even after Microsoft began to stop splurging away all of their money after their first console, the Xbox 360 and Xbox One still weren't and aren't profitable. That's one of the main reasons why they are moving away from traditional consoles in the first place.

Finally, each successful newcomer to gaming offered something the competitors didn't. Nintendo resurrected the gaming industry with a blueprint of games, controller, and quality control that the industry has aped to this day. Sega had less restrictions and made a console that targeted people over 12. Sony "made games for everyone", had a competent 3D graphical disc based system, and treated 3rd parties as partners rather than competitors. Microsoft had the Xbox as a bridge to PC gaming as a lot of PC only developers opened up their gates to the console sphere, as well as the console being huge on cutting edge technology like online and multimedia. The only way I believe that Google can standout is if they do a "Netflix for games", but that's what Microsoft's doing now and are going to expand with their next console. Unless Google comes out guns blazing before the next XBox with a "Gameflix" esque service they are dead in the water.


Oct 28, 2017
Games are becoming a longer and longer time investment and we love it. Open world 60 - 80 hour campaigns.

There is no place for a third entrant until unless good exclusives are involved, which..I highly doubt Google has any.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
It will be interesting.

But I bet the console will be abandoned in a few years, streaming is their focus.
Just like everything else they fucking do, lol

Would be interesting to see the FAANG companies (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) make game consoles, if only to see what they bring to the table. I don't think they can top the game publishers that already exist (least of all Microsoft, who have enough purchasing power to imitate whatever the competitors are doing if they wanted to).

Google makes something like 90% of its total revenue by selling data to advertisers. I can't imagine they would make a game console that doesn't do the same thing. That being said, I'm sure they could make a neat algorithm that finds you games you would like based on your Google search history or whatever.

If it's not some game-finding algorithm, then I don't know what else they would bring to the table that would get me to buy it over an Xbox or PlayStation.

Deleted member 51691

User requested account closure
Jan 6, 2019
Breaking into the traditional gaming market is a fools errand. That ship has LONGED sailed. Microsoft barely did it almost two decades ago and still only succeeded by losing gods sum of money and having easily the second most influential game series of that entire era as a first party exclusive.

On top of that, unless you are at the top like Sony, or make relatively "low cost" hardware with the best selling first party titles in the industry like Nintendo, it just isn't profitable. Even after Microsoft began to stop splurging away all of their money after their first console, the Xbox 360 and Xbox One still weren't and aren't profitable. That's one of the main reasons why they are moving away from traditional consoles in the first place.

Finally, each successful newcomer to gaming offered something the competitors didn't. Nintendo resurrected the gaming industry with a blueprint of games, controller, and quality control that the industry has aped to this day. Sega had less restrictions and made a console that targeted people over 12. Sony "made games for everyone", had a competent 3D graphical disc based system, and treated 3rd parties as partners rather than competitors. Microsoft had the Xbox as a bridge to PC gaming as a lot of PC only developers opened up their gates to the console sphere, as well as the console being huge on cutting edge technology like online and multimedia. The only way I believe that Google can standout is if they do a "Netflix for games", but that's what Microsoft's doing now and are going to expand with their next console. Unless Google comes out guns blazing before the next XBox with a "Gameflix" esque service they are dead in the water.
Don't underestimate the power of a good killer app. If Google has a glory days Halo-tier exclusive waiting in the wings, I think they can brute force their way into the market by taking some of Sony's and Microsoft's market share. That's a very big if, though.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Mainly interested in the revived IPs. My internet to stream is absolute shit though. So if Streaming and buying hardware is the only way to play these google titles. Unless they're bringing back Dino Crisis. Probably gonna be a good bit until I can play them.


Nov 15, 2017
Sign this user agreement that forfeits your rights to anything you say or do in the vicinity of the Google consoles camera and microphone, which are always on and transmitting to Google data collection farms. All of your conversations will be the express property of Alphabet Inc.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't underestimate the power of a good killer app. If Google has a glory days Halo-tier exclusive waiting in the wings, I think they can brute force their way into the market by taking some of Sony's and Microsoft's market share. That's a very big if, though.
I was going to mention that but the thing that came to mind is that true killer apps are no longer in the form of Sonic or Halo, but rather League of Legends and Fortnite. The game industry is far far larger, global, and more competitive than ever. To have a game that is enough to disrupt the industry and completely turn people's heads to take a risk on an entirely new platform you need a title that will sell tens of millions of copies rather than just move a couple million.

This is an insanely apples and oranges comparison, and you wouldn't be wrong to ridicule me, but the only newcomer console/service/or anything that had break out success due to a hot new IP was Epic Games Store with Fortnite. I just can't see that happening with Google.

Really the only advantage releasing a new console in the modern era has now than doing so twenty years ago is that gamers are far more likely to own more than one modern console and are much more likely to be full self-sufficient adults. Which to be fair are HUMONGOUS hurdles, but there are so many new factors in today's market that more than make up for it.


Oct 30, 2017
People said the same thing about Microsoft when the Xbox was announced. I will stay open minded about this decision and see what they will present with this potential console.


Dec 21, 2017
I'd love to see some different competitors next gen... so tired of the Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft thing we've seen for decades now.


Oct 26, 2017
I think people are underestimating Google's personal investment on this project. Gaming is the one market where their chosen nemesis Microsoft has a strong foothold that they simply aren't present, and Microsoft can and will use this trump card to strenghen their ecosystem in detriment of Google's own. The way I see it it's imperative for Google to take a substantial slice in the gaming market to shield themselves against Microsoft, I so don't see them throwing the towel in this as easily as they did in other projects.

Nah, Im not seeing it. I like Googles products, but this is a reach. Gaming isn't really going to help them versus MS. Honestly they are doing fine there themselves as is. A gaming console isn't going to do anything for them in the corporate space where they are competing with MS. They have however been genuinely working on their live game streaming. I've seen several people dual stream twitch and YT, so its making slow ass progress. Maybe they want to try and dive in there, but good luck IMO. I don't see them making this space without eating huge losses for a long time Xbox style while moneyhatting like crazy.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll give them the same fair shake I'd give anyone else. But I'm a hard sell--the kind of games I want are the last thing I see them making.


Oct 26, 2017
They'll focus on streaming. I would think any hardware would be there to support the service and give fans something to buy and get the best experience. This is what ms wants to go towards too. I doubt google is getting into this because they want to sell 100 million playstation too's.


Oct 26, 2017
People said the same thing about Microsoft when the Xbox was announced. I will stay open minded about this decision and see what they will present with this potential console.
In a big part, XB success was achieved thanks to bringing PC developers to the console space. Does Google has a similar talent pool they can be a bridge for? I don't see mobile developers having the same characteristics.


Oct 27, 2017
When Microsoft entered Sega left.
I wonder who will leave once Google enters the market, assuming it's a serious attempt and not just revenue proof of concept.
Oct 25, 2017
Breaking into the traditional gaming market is a fools errand. That ship has LONGED sailed. Microsoft barely did it almost two decades ago and still only succeeded by losing gods sum of money and having easily the second most influential game series of that entire era as a first party exclusive.

On top of that, unless you are at the top like Sony, or make relatively "low cost" hardware with the best selling first party titles in the industry like Nintendo, it just isn't profitable. Even after Microsoft began to stop splurging away all of their money after their first console, the Xbox 360 and Xbox One still weren't and aren't profitable. That's one of the main reasons why they are moving away from traditional consoles in the first place.

Finally, each successful newcomer to gaming offered something the competitors didn't. Nintendo resurrected the gaming industry with a blueprint of games, controller, and quality control that the industry has aped to this day. Sega had less restrictions and made a console that targeted people over 12. Sony "made games for everyone", had a competent 3D graphical disc based system, and treated 3rd parties as partners rather than competitors. Microsoft had the Xbox as a bridge to PC gaming as a lot of PC only developers opened up their gates to the console sphere, as well as the console being huge on cutting edge technology like online and multimedia. The only way I believe that Google can standout is if they do a "Netflix for games", but that's what Microsoft's doing now and are going to expand with their next console. Unless Google comes out guns blazing before the next XBox with a "Gameflix" esque service they are dead in the water.

Nothing else to be said really.


May 9, 2018
which sega franchises do we think will be revived? i'm hoping for super monkey ball and jet set radio sequels


Nov 16, 2017
Anything beyond a streaming box to bring high end PC gaming into the living room for a subscription price is not going to land. If they were serious about making a powerful home console with exclusives, they'd have been better off waiting until v2 once they have an audience & a level of trust from the streaming box. With that they'd still be able to bankroll a few exclusives but it's less of a commitment for both users and google.

I'd be very surprised if this turns out to be true, if they are bringing real hardware out, whoever sold it to the higher ups is a hell of a fucking salesman but also put their future in gaming at risk.

Deleted member 23046

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
I suppose that the goal for them is to harvest patents, APIs, frameworks then put it at disposal with the G stamp for users. Concretely, it could spread among Android builds and forks and be installed by anyone, but requiring a Google account for usage.

Like, if you are an hotel, plane, bus, school, TV manufacturer or whatever (a Rasbery Pi user for exemple), you could set up a Gstream with just a small piece of software and minimum hardware requirements, than your customers operate with Google directly.