
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone who was a regular at his place is complicit. Fuck all of them. Fuck sky especially for enabling it.

"B-but he didn't know!"

The fact this happened a lot makes that an incredible defence. Sky either knew or is legit one of the dumbest fucking people on planet earth, and seeing as a good deal of his gimmick is performance for sympathy and compassion, I don't assume he's dumb at all.
Oct 29, 2017
So according to the last Jisu TwitLonger
-ZeRo knew about Katie's age from the beginning but lied that he didn't
-He's been exclusively responding to allegations as they come but there's a long pattern of behavior
-He repeatedly showed Jisu porn "as a joke" even after she made it clear she didn't like it while they were staying at Sky's
-Even in a statement titled "I have to come clean" he's been lying

What a gigantic piece of shit.


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Really don't know how Sky expects to spin this, that enormous document is so damning and he's going to try and come out and say he had a blindfold on or was 10000 miles away at all times?
If he has been typing at his computer for days like he says then how would there NOT be something he knew about...
I'm not even into the FGC or smash scene but I used to watch Zero videos anyway and know of Sky from the old league stuff when I played that game everyday for a long time.


Apr 14, 2019
Can anyone sum up the document that was released? Every time I try and open it it's telling me the file is gone


Nov 28, 2017
So I've only gone through the zero portion of this 64 page document. Which I believe is like two thirds of it. He 100% did those things to katie which he already admitted. There's no way around that but some things in there seem very wishy washy to me. Like I'm not sure they were necessary to be added. The stuff about vanessa's age had conflicting things all over the place and she even makes it clear she's not really sure about it. I just don't see the point of it being added. Also posting that he had promiscuous behavior online. Is that something worth exposing? Being flirty with women who are of age online?

I appreciate the work she's done to bring these things with zero to light. Working with victims and helping them get their stories told. I believe in that 100% and commend her for that effort. But some of this document just seems unnecessary to me and doesn't add to things that actually matter.


Oct 25, 2017
Can anyone sum up the document that was released? Every time I try and open it it's telling me the file is gone

As far as sky goes:

Sky knew about the whole damn thing and is contacting people to back him up. He even tried with Jisu who knows way better

Instead of working on his statement he's really trying to gaslight people and lie to get support

Deleted member 34714

User requested account closure
Nov 28, 2017
Reading some of the stuff going on with the smash community involving minorities is really fucked up. Actually sickening.


Oct 25, 2017
While not directly tied to this

This screams out I'm calling you out so I can get attention for my brand. Mightykeef still has a job to do so yeah he can make a video on TLOU2 if he needs to. He was on a podcast talking about this subject I believe yesterday anyways.

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
While not directly tied to this

This screams out I'm calling you out so I can get attention for my brand. Mightykeef still has a job to do so yeah he can make a video on TLOU2 if he needs to. He was on a podcast talking about this subject I believe yesterday anyways.

Keef consistently has had some pretty milquetoast if not outright bad takes on this whole dilemma. While he's not an abuser he sucks imo


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Even if there is a slim chance that Sky didn't know anything about this, should he still held legally accountable for everyhting happening under his house?

Is even legal to have a house were underage people live without parental supervision? Shouldn't you require a document for a foster house?


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
tweet was deleted did anybody get a screenshot?
Hopefully. For those that didn't see it, Sky was being very "I'm the victim!" and put up a Twitter poll on the best method (livestream/video/twitlonger) to tell his story.

Fucker said he was writing a response days ago and still hasn't published shit. He's got nothing to help him but his charisma and skill at gaslighting at this point.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Even if there is a slim chance that Sky didn't know anything about this, should he still held legally accountable for everyhting happening under his house?

Is even legal to have a house were underage people live without parental supervision? Shouldn't you require a document for a foster house?
If Sky was really so oblivious that he had zero clue what happened in his house, then he is still guilty of negligence in his irresponsible actions of housing minors.


Feb 22, 2018
So I've only gone through the zero portion of this 64 page document. Which I believe is like two thirds of it. He 100% did those things to katie which he already admitted. There's no way around that but some things in there seem very wishy washy to me. Like I'm not sure they were necessary to be added. The stuff about vanessa's age had conflicting things all over the place and she even makes it clear she's not really sure about it. I just don't see the point of it being added. Also posting that he had promiscuous behavior online. Is that something worth exposing? Being flirty with women who are of age online?

I appreciate the work she's done to bring these things with zero to light. Working with victims and helping them get their stories told. I believe in that 100% and commend her for that effort. But some of this document just seems unnecessary to me and doesn't add to things that actually matter.

What? The Katie stuff was necessary. I'm sorry but it seems like you don't understand why Katie's part is still there. Zero LIED in his 2nd confession that he didn't know Katie was 14 and "felt" gross that he was interacting with Katie when in fact he knew from the start. He didn't even clear that up in his 3rd confession but just admitting he ask her about the ice masturbation. Jisu also showed how Zero's lying bullshit affected Katie and how she was ready to forgive him if he just came clean instead of lying and manipulating his followers. Calling it wishy washy is vile as fuck. I'm sorry but Katie's full story needs to herd, its fucking necessary to show how Zero's manipulation to protect his brand and not caring for the victims.

Everything in this document is necessary. EVERYTHING matters, the point of the document is the TRUTH about Zero, Katie and Sky. Saying stuff doesn't add things that actually matter is downplaying the victim's stories.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Funny how the scene always considered Leffen to be the "bad boy" of the scene when in actuality it was the rest of them that were trash, for the most part.


Nov 28, 2017
What? The Katie stuff was necessary. I'm sorry but it seems like you don't understand why Katie's part is still there. Zero LIED in his 2nd confession that he didn't know Katie was 14 and "felt" gross that he was interacting with Katie when in fact he knew from the start. He didn't even clear that up in his 3rd confession but just admitting he ask her about the ice masturbation. Jisu also showed how Zero's lying bullshit affected Katie and how she was ready to forgive him if he just came clean instead of lying and manipulating his followers. Calling it wishy washy is vile as fuck. I'm sorry but Katie's full story needs to herd, its fucking necessary to show how Zero's manipulation to protect his brand and not caring for the victims.

Everything in this document is necessary. EVERYTHING matters, the point of the document is the TRUTH about Zero, Katie and Sky. Saying stuff doesn't add things that actually matter is downplaying the victim's stories.
I stated what i thought wasn't necessary. I said the vanessa age stuff and the "promiscuous actions" on the internet. Katie's story 100% deserves to be told. As at the end of my post I commended her for helping katie come forward with her story and I support that 100%. I was critical of some of the other things included in that document that I feel contribute nothing to the actual bad things that have gone on.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

A popular Chilean Resident Evil speedrunner is accusing Zero


Nov 26, 2017
Man... Zero was a serial abuser. Disgusting. How many people did he hurt?? At least it's good to see KaneBlueRiver helped her, he always seemed like a nice dude


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
That's the thing: it's not just the industry. Gaming isn't exceptional in this stuff being endemic. It's our entire fucking society which has the problem.

Unfortunately we still live on a planet that doesn't (or can't) take care of most of its population; where money still holds more power than ethics, kindness or collaboration; and that is completely subsumed in problematic power dynamics like structural sexism, structural racism, etc. We live in a savage patriarchy where abusers historically get away with shit.

The reason that we hear more about misbehaviour in spheres like gaming is because it's ENTERTAINMENT. That is, the people in positions of power have constant friction with their consumers, and are constantly in the spotlight of millions.

The horrors that are coming to light in the last two weeks are not unique to gaming. Not unique to ANY industry or culture. It's ubiquitous.

The finance industry? Will be the same.
The logistics industry? Will be the same.
The consumer retail industry? Will be the same.
The food production industry? Will be the same.

But youll hear about it 1% as much. The reason this all seems exceptional is that gaming, like TV and film, is an ENTERTAINMENT industry, which is exceptional like those others in how its power holders are treated. The cult of celebrity means that power holders can become household names - and all their behavior will be in the public eye a thousandfold more.

compare that to any one of the industries I listed above. There have been huge crackdowns on misbehaviour in countless industries, but they're not celebrities so it isn't discussed anywhere near as much. Can you name the CEO of Unilever? Can you name any food production industry Managing Director? because I guarantee you these power-holding people will often also engage in abuse, but we'll never hear about it, because they're faceless suits ignored by most of human society.

Sexual abuse comes from a place of power; and in an entertainment industry like gaming, the power holders are also celebrities who are in the limelight at all times, thus we see their discretions more clearly and intimately. Unlike the anonymous, faceless mass of every other industry on the planet. And as our society becomes more focused on accountability and justice for sexual abuse sufferers, more of these people will be found.

do hope that it eventually begins extending to the less exciting and culturally engaged individuals in every other industry, not just entertainment.

I know that there are huge issues with prejudice across out society, but I think for women in games especially these issues are often amplified because the gender split is so skewed. It's worth being specific about these issues because I think that approaches to improving these circumstances can relate directly to the specific context that they occur.

When I started a job at my company in Montreal we all had to go through anti-harassment training, and they gave an example scenario. In the floor at the company they had 400 QA testers, and within those 400 QA testers were 13 females, and 387 males (I wasn't QA, they were on a separate floor). The female HR employee explained that one of those women might be hit on by 20+ men per week because of that gender split.

Female representation throughout these companies and in more senior positions is important if the games industry (and gaming events) want to improve upon these issues. It's not just games that's like this, but science and tech broadly. I am not at all saying harassment doesn't occur elsewhere, but I think a big factor that amplifies it in this space is the gender representation at these companies, at these events, and among the staff that organise these events.


Nov 3, 2017
Man, this is harsh. Don't know if it deserves its own thread, but there's some parts about Sky and Zero in here.

For context (since this probably doesn't merit its own thread), the twitter account that first spread accusations to Mew2King was suspended just right now after posting two twitlonger apologies.
(defunct so I think it's OK to post)
The apologies: (since the twitter account is no available anymore)

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter

TwitLonger is the easy way to post more than 140 characters to Twitter

TwitLonger — When you talk too much for Twitter

TwitLonger is the easy way to post more than 140 characters to Twitter


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't read all the images attached because some are pretty small and hard to see, but Jisu mentions some really gross sounding "memes" early on and says she will return to them later, but doesn't return to them in the non-image text part of her doc, does she mention them in one of the images?
Oct 25, 2017
new jersey
This is something I feel like might be a bit off-topic but with the all the revealings of what's going on, I feel like an important issue isn't on everyone's mind as much as it should be: Child Internet Safety. And for sake of clarity I'm NOT blaming victims. Kids are kids. Victims are not too be blamed. Looking at these pictures of logs, where it's a 14 year-old girl talking to men way older than she is, is just insane. When I was a kid, the culture around the internet for children was that you were not suppose to tell anyone anything about yourself. These days I feel like it's way too easy for kids to go on discord, make a twitter, upload videos, etc. And the environment of this attracts pedophiles/weirdos that we've seen exposed. Kids shouldn't be allowed on any social media platform whatsoever. This also connects to another point I've probably made a billion times already in these threads, and that being that these tournaments don't protect children. It's such a colossal fuck up from top to bottom due to these services not having protecting for children built in. It's like children's safety was just forgotten about.

I really hope after these events children's safety is taking way more seriously. I completely understand (well, I always have) Nintendo's approach now. It's the right thing to do.
May 15, 2019
While not directly tied to this

This screams out I'm calling you out so I can get attention for my brand. Mightykeef still has a job to do so yeah he can make a video on TLOU2 if he needs to. He was on a podcast talking about this subject I believe yesterday anyways.

After watching his livestream about events a couple days ago I completely agree. He did a livestream with Devon where she interrupted the stream multiple times to complain about how few people watching had donated to their personal bank accounts (not some kind of charity to help victims) and he backed her up. Absolutely came across like they were just doing this because they thought they could profit off of it and not because they care and want to make their community into a safe place.



Oct 25, 2017
After watching his livestream about events a couple days ago I completely agree. He did a livestream with Devon where she interrupted the stream multiple times to complain about how few people watching had donated to their personal bank accounts (not some kind of charity to help victims) and he backed her up. Absolutely came across like they were just doing this because they thought they could profit off of it and not because they care and want to make their community into a safe place.

Wow that is disgusting to say the least.