
Oct 25, 2017
My roommate showers at 9:00-11:00 PM instead of in the morning like a normal person. I tell him I'd feel like I was marinating in my own filth overnight if I showered then, but he also says that about NOT showering before bed.

How do you feel about this


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
I shower at night too, and sometimes in the morning.
Not getting into my bed all filthy and I love washing off the dirt of the day.
Oct 27, 2017
You don't shower before bed?....

Yea dude, not showering before bed just means your bed is a pit of filth, ESPECIALLY if you work out/have an active lifestyle. You might as well wear your shoes to bed *shudders*
Oct 27, 2017
OP doesn't make any sense. Showering before bed is great. I like showering before dinner time, so like right after work, or around 6pm. I pretty much always shower in the morning, unless it's a lazy Saturday/Sunday and I'm not leaving the house or interacting with other people. So 5/7 days of the week I'm showing before bed AND after waking up in the morning. It's just a great way to start/end the day/night.
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Oct 28, 2017
Quick showers in morning and night for moi.

But incoming hyperbole about people saying not showing before bed turns your bed into some cesspit war crime zone of filth or whatever.
Oct 25, 2017
My roommate showers at 9:00-11:00 PM instead of in the morning like a normal person. I tell him I'd feel like I was marinating in my own filth overnight if I showered then, but he also says that about NOT showering before bed.

How do you feel about this

wash yourself first thing when you get up
not really a problem of when, as long as it's the first thing you do

if you don't, you stink. Period

Deleted member 6263

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Shower at night, quick rinse in the morning. Doesn't need to be complicated yo. I used to go to sleep without showering but after marriage I started showering before bed and, looking back, I'm grossed out by how I used to live.


Oct 27, 2017
Night showers FTW. Wash off the filth of the day and hop into bed warm and relaxed to fall asleep quickly.


Unshakable Resolve
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Labor job = shower at night
Office job = shower in the morning


Oct 25, 2017
I get really hot and sweaty at night so I have to shower in the morning.

At the same time I do often shower at night too.


Oct 25, 2017
Not our fault you like your bed to smell like sweat, shit, and piss. I shower before bed and anyone who doesn't is def not sleeping with me.

Deleted member 42105

User requested account closure
Apr 13, 2018
Going to bed dirty cmon son



Oct 27, 2017
My roommate showers at 9:00-11:00 PM instead of in the morning like a normal person. I tell him I'd feel like I was marinating in my own filth overnight if I showered then, but he also says that about NOT showering before bed.

How do you feel about this
how does that make any sense at all? showering right before bed and you feel like youre marinating in dirt...right AFTER you took a shower? marinating in your own dirt would be going through your whole day then sleeping in your bed WITHOUT taking a shower. what?


Oct 25, 2017
Do both. Warm shower at night helps me to sleep better and cold one in the morning is a good wake up bath.
Oct 27, 2017
My roommate showers at 9:00-11:00 PM instead of in the morning like a normal person. I tell him I'd feel like I was marinating in my own filth overnight if I showered then, but he also says that about NOT showering before bed.

How do you feel about this

How in the world would you be marinating in your own filth if you shower before you went to bed? If you sleep in the grime in the sweat of the day you're absolutely marinating in your own filth already. Not really sure what you mean.

Night showers all the way. Sometimes a morning one if it's needed though. I've never woken up sweaty and filthy from the night before enough to really warrant a full shower though.


Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, Illinois, USA
I never take 'night showers'. I don't work on a construction site so I'm fine with the amount of filth I sleep in. Also my hair gets jacked up sleeping so can't really not do anything in the morning to fix it.


Nov 8, 2017
wha? who goes bed with city filth all over themselves? i shower at night, and if i get sweaty overnight, ill shower in the morning as well, but that's rare

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How are you marinating in filth when you just showered? If you go by that logic your roommate is right and you're the one marinating in filth as you haven't showered before bed.

Evening showers FTW.


Oct 25, 2017
Normal people shower at night. You're talking all the filth and gems you picked up from an entire day at work, outside at restaurants, in the car sitting in traffic and who knows where else and just taking it and letting it all marinate in your bed every. single. night.

That's gross.

Also I never sweat when sleeping at night. If you have a good bed and blanket you shouldn't be feeling hot when you sleep. I wake up feeling just as clean as I did the night before after taking a shower.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
a benefit of showering at night would be a lot less oil from your face and scalp on your pillow case which means less acne in those areas.


Oct 27, 2017
My roommate showers at 9:00-11:00 PM instead of in the morning like a normal person. I tell him I'd feel like I was marinating in my own filth overnight if I showered then, but he also says that about NOT showering before bed.

How do you feel about this

I'm having a really hard time parsing this. I think you mis-typed something, but I can't figure out what at all.


Oct 27, 2017
As mentioned above, many people in Japan will shower/bathe before going to bed.

Two showers a day is not good for the environment.
Oct 27, 2017
People that shower in the morning are of questionable sanity. You're basically stewing in your filth your bed is getting tainted and nasty and I'm going to assume your bedroom smells like death. I mean if you shower at night you'll just be building up natural ass body odour at worst which you'll cover up with deodorants and perfume anyway, if you shower in the morning fuck knows what you've been harbouring all night but it could smell fetid as fuck and it's seeping into you all night and then you hope to get it off with a quick morning shower GL on that one.


Oct 25, 2017
My roommate showers at 9:00-11:00 PM instead of in the morning like a normal person. I tell him I'd feel like I was marinating in my own filth overnight if I showered then, but he also says that about NOT showering before bed.

How do you feel about this
You make this inflammatory thread without a poll? All the other flame threads got polls. We got tipping, plane reclining, circumcision recently, and all these threads got polls. Wtf is wrong with you.


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you everyone for your extremely angry responses, I didn't know how divisive this would be and I'm having a good chuckle.
I'm having a really hard time parsing this. I think you mis-typed something, but I can't figure out what at all.
Basically I think it would be gross to go to work in the morning without showering shortly before, and he thinks it would be gross to go to bed without showering.

Nose Master

Oct 27, 2017
Either is valid, and getting hung up on either is weird. I recently switched to night showers and its pretty dope. Nothing like rolling out of bed 10m before you have to leave for work.