Nov 22, 2018
I'm playing it right now, and in gonna say no. It's one huge, big grind. You'll need 3 months of constant grinding and I doubt you'll want to touch anything Assassin's Creed in a few years after that.


Oct 25, 2017
Odyssey is one of the most gorgeous games this generation, Greece is a beauty and it will look awesome on your Series X. Also if you care about the bigger AC narrative you absolutely should play Odyssey first (season pass content included as they crammed quite a bit of story in there). Play Valhalla a few months after when it's patched up.


Jul 7, 2020
Odyssey is a good game but I would say no. Because you tend to get burned out on open world Ubisoft games even if you love them. The odyssey story is good. I enjoyed it and the first DLC. The rest became just to much for me seeing how everything in Atlantis felt generic.

So go with Valhalla first


Oct 29, 2017
I'm playing it right now, and in gonna say no. It's one huge, big grind. You'll need 3 months of constant grinding and I doubt you'll want to touch anything Assassin's Creed in a few years after that.

AC: odyssey critical path can actaully be completed quicker than RDR 2 which doesn't even have level gating. Witcher 3 is also longer. I am not a fan of level gating in modern AC games AT ALL, but it makes me laugh how much hyperbole there is surrounding it.


How long is Assassin's Creed Odyssey? | HowLongToBeat

How long is Assassin's Creed Odyssey? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!

How long is Red Dead Redemption 2? | HowLongToBeat

How long is Red Dead Redemption 2? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!

How long is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? | HowLongToBeat

How long is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Jul 6, 2020
You'll burn out hard with how much content there is. I played Origins and that stopped me from getting Odyssey because it was too much. I planned on getting Odyssey earlier this year but realised that it wasn't worth it with Valhalla around the corner.


Prophet of Regret
Jan 1, 2018
I'm playing Odyssey right now (15h in) and I can confirm that the game is extremely bloated. I wouldn't mind having all those side activities to play around with in the world, but the game forces you to do them to gain exp. You can't progress the story if you are not high enough level... which sucks because the story started really strong and now I'm thinking about dropping the game due to the bloat. Origins was a bit better in this regard (and a bit shorter) and I've managed to finish it.

I would never recommend playing Odyssey right before Valhalla.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm playing Odyssey right now (15h in) and I can confirm that the game is extremely bloated. I wouldn't mind having all those side activities to play around with in the world, but the game forces you to do them to gain exp. You can't progress the story if you are not high enough level... which sucks because the story started really strong and now I'm thinking about dropping the game due to the bloat. Origins was a bit better in this regard (and a bit shorter) and I've managed to finish it.

I would never recommend playing Odyssey right before Valhalla.

I'm about 45 hours in, pretty far through the story, and I've massively overlevelled(well over the original cap) The xp becomes a non issue provided you aren't mainlining the core quest without any side content whatsoever.

But, I've had to play it in chunks since May as fatigue sets in every 10 hours or so. It's good for those 10 hours but then I need to put it down and come back in a few weeks.

For me it's meant I'm no longer planning to get Valhalla at launch, I'll wait for the first 50% price cut


Oct 31, 2017
Play the one you feel like playing the most at the moment, Odysessey is amazing with a lot to do ( I spent around 80 hours doing everything there was to do ( not counting mindless fetch quests , and that's not even DLC included.) but don't jump right in to Valhalla after that, take a breather and a palette cleanser.

I once went from 100%-ing AC 2 in to Brotherhood and I bounced off really hard in the first hour.


Oct 26, 2017
If you start playing odyssey now you likely won't finish before xsx comes out. I played that game for almost a year.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I wouldn't force yourself to, you'll probably enjoy Valhalla less. Maybe one to go back to if you feel like you need more after Valhalla


Jul 25, 2020
Honestly I'd say play Odyssey first on your Series X, wait like a year and then get Valhalla Ultimate Edition for like 75% off during a sale.


Nov 28, 2017
As others already have said: Don't do it. I love the new AC games, but I could never play two of them back to back. The burn-out is real :D
Oct 28, 2019
Absolutely do NOT play Odyssey before Valhalla. You'll burn out before you even finish Odyssey.

Valhalla looks to be the better game in every way.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends on your appetite for AC, but (speaking as someone who considers the franchise one of the pillars of current AAA) I 100%'ed Odyssey + DLC 6 weeks ago & can't imagine even looking at Valhalla til next year.
That said, if it weren't for my Odyssey marathon I'd be all over this at launch - setting is way more appealing to me that Ancient Greece and my reading is that it's largely the same team as Black Flag (which is my favourite AC)


May 2, 2018
Play Valhalla. Wait and hope for a 60FPS patch for Odyssey in a few months time, then give that a go if you still have an appetite for it.

If not, enjoy playing AC at 60.

Alternatively if you're money-poor, play Odyssey now with all new content, then Valhalla in the future when the price drops like a rock and it sells for peanuts, whilst benefiting from a bunch of GAAS and quality of life updates.


Nov 22, 2018
AC: odyssey critical path can actaully be completed quicker than RDR 2 which doesn't even have level gating. Witcher 3 is also longer. I am not a fan of level gating in modern AC games AT ALL, but it makes me laugh how much hyperbole there is surrounding it.


How long is Assassin's Creed Odyssey? | HowLongToBeat

How long is Assassin's Creed Odyssey? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!

How long is Red Dead Redemption 2? | HowLongToBeat

How long is Red Dead Redemption 2? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!

How long is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? | HowLongToBeat

How long is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!
You're not necessarily wrong, but I was referring to the content itself. There's a lot of repetition, even in the main path, which makes the progress feel like a grind. In addition to that there are infinite quests and infinite mercenaries that are constantly being thrown at you.

And while the main story may be shorter to complete, the average playtime in Odyssey is considerably higher than that of RDR2 and The Witcher 3. This metric is very much open for interpretation, of course, but I think Assassin's Creed is one of those games people come for the exploratory adventure rather than just the story (as opposed to the two others, where story is pretty much the main focus). So when you're traveling across the vast open world I think it's very difficult to ignore all the content that's not main content.
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▲ Legend ▲
Sep 18, 2019
I would not recommend it. You will get totally burnt out by the time you play Valhalla.

Maybe if you really wanted to play, grab Uplay+ for a month and get the Ultimate Edition. They have an option to boost your character to level 50 so you can instantly play the expansions. And mess around in the open world with good gear just to check out the mechanics.


Oct 27, 2017
I strongly advise against that, especially if you plan on picking up Valhalla at launch. If you beat Odyssey beforehand, which will take you 50+ hours, you will be burnt out by the time you start Valhalla.

A better alternative would be to buy Odyssey now and wait 6-12 months before you buy Valhalla. There will be three positive things that will happen if you do this.

1. It will be cheaper
2. You will play a smoother, patched, and better version
3. The fatigue that you will 100 % have after completing Odyssey, will at least be partially gone.
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Jan 16, 2018
Odyssey is a great game. But very very very long if you are completionist guys. Care to the burn. On the other side, I think if you play Valhalla at 60fps it will be hard to play Odyssey at 30 after.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
No, you'll get burned out too soon. Last AC game I played was Black Flag, so i'm more than ready for a new entry
Jul 10, 2020

If you really care about the meta-story just Youtube it for the real-world shit.

But playing Odyssey while a great game, then going into Valhalla, which is probably going to be more of the same, you're gonna burn out.

If you play Odyssey then play Valhalla, you're gonna have a bad time. Don't burn yourself out.


Jun 25, 2019
Odyssey is one of my favorite games of the generation so personally I wouldn't choose to miss it, I'm not convinced that Valhalla is better so I would rather wait half a year to play that, you'll just get it cheaper and fully patched and maybe with some post-launch content included.

And Odyssey is such a gorgeous game already on One X so I doubt you'll be suffering through it on Series X if you go with that first. Just mix it up with other games as well so you don't get burned out, don't stress is. I'm still playing it, loving it, living up in the cold norths makes this game and it's beautiful vistas like therapy.




Is this a subliminal message?


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't. I tend to feel done with AC for a year or two after finishing one of them, or getting halfway into it, like I did with Odyssey before Uplay+ ran out.
These games are too large for their own good. I'd pick one of them.

But I'm not you, maybe you love gorging on these things and never get tired of it.


Oct 26, 2017
I have Odyssey and all the dlc already but yet to play it. Loved Origins, 1 of my games of this gen and looking forward to Valhalla but I will wait to get it cheaper and my plan is to get on Odyssey when my Series X arrives. Im just hoping theres an upgrade for it, would love to be able to play it at 60fps even if the res was dropped to 1440.

Deleted member 79058

Account closed at user request
Aug 25, 2020
Just wait for Valhala, you'll burn out if you decide to play Odyssey first, as many people pointed.
Alternatively, you could get Odyssey for cheap, play it, and then get Valhala for cheap after the couple of months you gonna spend playing Odyssey. I have a 130+ hours save and there's lot of stuff to do yet. Game's filled with content.


Oct 25, 2017
Odyssey is on sale on PS4, twenty dollars for the gold edition. If it's the same on Xbox I would just get that and wait for Valhalla IMO.

That's a lot of game for that price, and by the time you're done with it, Valhalla gold will probably be around the same price.

Deleted member 5127

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ask yourself which you prefer; viking stuff or Greeks? Go with the one you like more and play the other one some other year. I enjoyed Odyssey a lot but I also really like Greece. If you don't have a preference then maybe just go with the newest one.


Oct 27, 2017
Odyssey is my favourite game of this gen. You have to play it I would say. Choose Kassandra


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
Odyssey is a fantastic game, but you'll burn yourself out if you intend to play those two back to back.

Personally, I would play Odyssey and only play Valhalla when it's DLC complete.