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Feb 17, 2022

시프트업 “스텔라 블레이드 100만 돌파 추산”

시프트업이 25일 열린 IPO 기자간담회에서 스텔라 블레이드 판매 현황에 대해 밝혔다. 스텔라 블레이드는 지난 4월 26일 PS5 독점작으로 출시됐고, 시프트업은 100만 장 판매를 돌파한 것으로 추산하고 있다. 시프트업 안재우 CFO는 “스텔라 블레이드는 출시 후 메타크리틱에서...

Stellar Blade has achieved a user rating of 9.2 on Metacritic, the highest ever for a PS5 title, and continues to hold that record today," said Jaewoo Ahn, CFO of ShiftUp. "Since its launch, the game has ranked first in sales in major console markets such as the U.S. and U.K., and cumulative sales are estimated to have surpassed one million copies.. It's a great first step for a major global IP."

ShiftUp talked about Stellar Blade sales at its IPO press conference today. Stellar Blade was released as a PS5 exclusive on April 26, and ShiftUp estimates that it has sold over one million copies.

Since Stella Blade was released on April 27 this year, it will be reflected in earnings starting from the second quarter of this year. In fact, according to ShiftUp's securities filing, Stellar Blade sales were KRW 6.3 billion in April and KRW 15.7 billion in May. This revenue recognizes only the amount paid to Shift Up from Sony, the publisher. CFO Ahn Jae-woo explained, "Pre-sales before launch and post-launch sales are progressing smoothly."

"The game is a PS5 exclusive, which hasn't seen the same level of penetration and activation as PS4, and the main consumer base for AAA games has been shifting to PCs. We are currently looking at a PC version of Stellar Blade, which we believe would be a great way to monetize the IP once again."

In fact, Shiftup revealed in a securities filing that it is considering a PC version of Stellar Blade and a sequel. However, Shift Up CEO Kim Hyeong-tae said, "We are currently reviewing a PC version of Stellar Blade, and since we are in a contractual relationship, please understand that we cannot tell you about the exact timing or availability."

Next, regarding Stellar Blade itself, CEO Kim Hyun-tae then commented, ""Rather than maximizing profits, our goal was to create an IP with high value to ensure branding in the process of gathering users around the world and building a fanbase. In this process, for the sake of brand value, we minimized aspects that users might feel uncomfortable with, such as microtransactions, and we plan to reflect this to the extent that users are satisfied with the results." "However, this will not be immediate" he clarified. Specifically, he added that collaborations with other companies' IPs could result in paid DLC.

Lastly, Shift Up's flagship work Stellar Blade and Goddess of Victory: Nikke are scheduled to collaborate. CEO Kim Hyeong-tae said, "Stellar Blade and Nikke are reviewing various opportunities to create positive synergy with each other, and I think we will be able to show you good results soon."

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Oct 27, 2017
Of course it ends up with a user score of 9.2...

Hope it's not a sign for more big budget releases to lean into that audience.


Aug 18, 2022
Of course it ends up with a user score of 9.2...

Hope it's not a sign for more big budget releases to lean into that audience.

This is just unfairly downplaying the quality of the game. I am near the final boss now and the game has many many flaws, but overall it is truly a fun game with a lot of charm, great visuals and a banger of a soundtrack.

A potential sequel could be a classic if they do it right.


Aug 16, 2020
Solid performance for a new IP from a dev that's never made a console game prior and is exclusive to the PS5 on top of that, I think.

The notable part is it apparently having the top user score of any PS5 game. That does not exactly smell like very organic voting behavior.
I mean, the whole culture war thing did affect certain metrics - just look at the psn store, it has more reviews than rebirth, which is obviously not a reflection of its actual sales performance


Oct 29, 2017
congrats to them. its a very good game.
definitely room to improve in multiple areas for a sequel though, but its a very solid first go at it.


Jul 25, 2022
Baseless projection on my part:

Felt like it slightly underperformed, saleswise.
Thought it would hit 1m within 1 month.


Feb 21, 2018
Its a big success alright if we consider it as a game from a Korea dev solely..

Now with Sony and their marketing added to the mix, the 'big ness' is probably reduced.


Oct 28, 2017
Well deserved and thanks ERA for the great marketing! Finally a game by misogynistic men without any woke influences. Shame they had to remove the racist stuff and censor some outfits.



Oct 31, 2017
This is just unfairly downplaying the quality of the game. I am near the final boss now and the game has many many flaws, but overall it is truly a fun game with a lot of charm, great visuals and a banger of a soundtrack.

A potential sequel could be a classic if they do it right.

Game is genuinely good, playing it right now and think I'm close to the end. There are obvious cons to gameplay and level design but core game is still unique and mixes up many features to stay fresh for 15-20 hours. With tweaks and quality adjustment sequel could be a classic indeed.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course it ends up with a user score of 9.2...

Hope it's not a sign for more big budget releases to lean into that audience.

Can you name at least 5 games that "that audience" gave an user score of 9+ just because the reasons you dont want to say clearly in your thread? (and ignoring good gameplay, graphics, etc)

Because i can give 10 examples of major budget games that tried to please "that audience" and ended being bashed in the user score.
Oct 25, 2017
1 million nowadays for such a project seems pretty weak.

I'd hope not. All these new studios that Sony are partnering with to promote their first 'AAA' looking title, they better not be expecting much more than 1m copies or you'd think they're setting themselves up for failure. Gaming is so competitive now it's hard for new IP to break through. So I hope the ambitions are modest.


Nov 3, 2017
User banned (3 days): Trolling
Trash? I thought this game was actually pretty good. Is there more to it than just the overly sexualized costumes for some peeps to dunk on the game?
Dec 6, 2023
fantastic game, truly a huge surprise how polished and well-rounded this ended up at release. Hope Xdev continues this partnership in the future, since Shift Up clearly benefitted from their expertise. I'm day 1 for whatever they put out next in the single-player space.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
i dunno, a full priced, brand new ip game, no discount yet, 1m seems decent


Oct 27, 2017
Lies of P for example also sold over 1 million and Neowiz were happy with that. I don't think these games cost $150+ million to make.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Surprised they're getting a pass on era tbh considering the devs are publicly known for being misogynistic and fire devs for being feminists. Doesn't feel like a dev that should be celebrated


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
Yes, I'm aware? The buyer to review ratio is absurdly high for that specific title.

yeah, the ratings are well beyond Rebirth and basically on the level of Baldur's Gate 3 right now and I highly doubt BG3 has only done a million on ps. Still, I think 1 million is good for a game like this


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Game isn't for me but I love seeing a Korean studio having this much success. The more that do well the more we will see.


Jul 22, 2019
You can't review a game on PSN without owning it.

Yes, I'm aware? The buyer to review ratio is absurdly high for that specific title.
Actually, you can review a demo and the rating still counts to the overall score as all versions of a game share the same rating.

So people didn't actually need to buy Stellar Blade to give it a review on PSN, which would explain why it has so many ratings despite way less sales compared to some.


Nov 6, 2017
Actually, you can review a demo and the rating still counts to the overall score as all versions of a game share the same rating.

So people didn't actually need to buy Stellar Blade to give it a review on PSN, which would explain why it has so many ratings despite way less sales compared to some.

That I didn't know, what a crazy little loophole.
Oct 25, 2017
Osaka, Osaka
Glad this didn't get slept on. Original IP isn't easy to pitch, get greenlit, get properly funded, make, market, and sell.

Of course it ends up with a user score of 9.2...

Hope it's not a sign for more big budget releases to lean into that audience.

It's a great action game. We don't have to hate on everything. If it gets a high score, good for it.

If an audience liked it and supported it, that's great.

It means the devs can keep their jobs longer, and make more good games.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Surprised they're getting a pass on era tbh considering the devs are publicly known for being misogynistic and fire devs for being feminists. Doesn't feel like a dev that should be celebrated

I'm not surprised, but it's still sad. A game with that clearly and pridefully sexually objectifies the MC and it's like we're back in the early 2000's with posts like "what's the problem, it plays very well". This is like folks going into LGBT threads saying things like "not everyone has to accept every ideology, it's ok to have your own opinions". But i guess that since it's a matter of women/feminism, people feel free to disregard it completely.


Oct 26, 2017
Of course it ends up with a user score of 9.2...

Hope it's not a sign for more big budget releases to lean into that audience.

These things are self selecting.

If you target a niche audience and do the thing that audience likes you'll get a high percentage of good reviews.

A million in this timeframe is firmly AA territory. No big budget game maker is going to emulate this. When you target 10+million sales you need broader appeal.
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