May 31, 2022
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
ProPublica has reported that a long running federal lawsuit against Saudi Arabia that involves the 2001 9/11 attacks has gathered new information that suggests that at least 2 Saudi officials may have deliberately assisted the hijackers of 9/11. ProPublica reports that this lawsuit has gathered information that "were collected soon after the attacks but were never shared with key investigators," and that this information makes an argument "for a fundamental reassessment of the Saudi government's possible involvement with the hijackers." This lawsuit has also even "raised questions about whether the FBI and CIA, which repeatedly dismissed the significance of Saudi links to the hijackers, mishandled or deliberately downplayed evidence of the kingdom's possible complicity" A former FBI agent involved with investigating 9/11 who had "pursued the Saudi connections for almost 15 years" has asked: "Why is this information coming out now?" and stated that "We should have had all of this three or four weeks after 9/11.":

At Least Two Saudi Officials May Have Deliberately Assisted 9/11 Hijackers, New Evidence Suggests

Newly revealed information also raises questions about whether the FBI and CIA mishandled or downplayed evidence of the kingdom’s possible ties to the plotters.

But now, 23 years after the attacks, new evidence has emerged to suggest more strongly than ever that at least two Saudi officials deliberately assisted the first Qaida hijackers when they arrived in the United States in January 2000.

Whether the Saudis knew the men were terrorists remains unclear. But the new information shows that both officials worked with Saudi and other religious figures who had ties to al-Qaida and other extremist groups.

Most of the evidence has been gathered in a long-running federal lawsuit against the Saudi government by survivors of the attacks and relatives of those who died. That lawsuit has reached a critical moment, with a judge in New York preparing to rule on a Saudi motion to dismiss the case.

Already, though, information put forward in the plaintiffs' case — which includes videos, telephone records and other documents that were collected soon after the attacks but were never shared with key investigators — argues for a fundamental reassessment of the Saudi government's possible involvement with the hijackers.

The court files also raise questions about whether the FBI and CIA, which repeatedly dismissed the significance of Saudi links to the hijackers, mishandled or deliberately downplayed evidence of the kingdom's possible complicity in the attacks that killed 2,977 people and injured thousands more.

"Why is this information coming out now?" asked retired FBI agent Daniel Gonzalez, who pursued the Saudi connections for almost 15 years. "We should have had all of this three or four weeks after 9/11."


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not fully knowledgeable about 9/11 but my tinfoil hat is that the US government has known for a loooooong time Saudi Arabia was involved but they didn't do jack shit because they are allies.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not fully knowledgeable about 9/11 but my tinfoil hat is that the US government has known for a loooooong time Saudi Arabia was involved but they didn't do jack shit because they are allies.
the more you know the crazier it will make you when you dig into documented connections to US intelligence and the relationship with Saudi Arabia.


Sep 16, 2024
I'm not fully knowledgeable about 9/11 but my tinfoil hat is that the US government has known for a loooooong time Saudi Arabia was involved but they didn't do jack shit because they are allies.
is this even tinfoil hat shit at this point?

i believe in some conspiracy theories (JFK), but i never considered this one of them, i thought it was just understood.


Oct 27, 2017
User banned (1 month): conspiracy theories
I know it's a conspiracy theory but I honestly feel like 9/11 was a cia/saudi inside job to create a justified reason to enter the Middle East.


Oct 27, 2017
is this even tinfoil hat shit at this point?

i believe in some conspiracy theories (JFK), but i never considered this one of them, i thought it was just understood.

The way I saw it, we all knew that most of the terrorists were Saudi but we did not have definitive proof that the government itself was involved, until today. (By we I mean the public of course, I'm sure the gov has known everything for a while)

But like I said, I'm not fully knowledgeable on the subject!

Yeah I believe that was all but confirmed over 10 years ago

Damn, if that's true, people should have rioted over that, especially after Khashoggi's killing. Must have been buried QUICK.


Oct 29, 2017
I know it's a conspiracy theory but I honestly feel like 9/11 was a cia/saudi inside job to create a justified reason to enter the Middle East.

I know you are banned but this thought that we intentionally killed 3000 Americans, changed the iconic NYC skyline forever and then used that to murder more people in the Middle East is quite a take.


Nov 4, 2017
I know it's a conspiracy theory but I honestly feel like 9/11 was a cia/saudi inside job to create a justified reason to enter the Middle East.

The Bush administration purposefully blew up the entire WTC complex in complete secrecy yet they couldn't even plant WMD's in the Middle East to justify the invasion and destabilization of the entire region smh

Complete negligence to credible tips about a threat does not equate to it being an inside job.


Aug 28, 2019

You don't say
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Oct 28, 2017
I know it's a conspiracy theory but I honestly feel like 9/11 was a cia/saudi inside job to create a justified reason to enter the Middle East.

Yeah, brilliant. Except those inside job government agents all have close civilian friends and families that they could inadvertently and indiscriminately kill in the process. It's almost like that's a ridiculously stupid idea. As someone who was in the military when 9/11 happened, this shit needs to fuck off... really chicken mcfuckin hard. DoD and intelligence agencies are staffed by people who were able to get security clearances, volunteered because they wanted to serve, and who swore an oath to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The number of people it would take to pull something like that off would be incredible, and the mere concept that someone in the government could ask said sworn individuals to do that without causing a absolute fucking deluge of whistleblowers and finding themselves immediately in federal fucking prison is asinine. The government can't even get away with killing civilians in nations it is at war with without it getting exposed, why would you think it could kill it's own fucking citizens and magically keep it secret for 20+ years? That's without even touching the myriad ways these conspiracy theories have been thoroughly and categorically debunked as bullshit.

Enjoy your ban, and maybe take some of that time off to actually use your brain. At least long enough to realize even in the quoted bit above you mention a justified reason to go in; which, you know... is something we really still didn't fucking have when we invaded Iraq. Your logic screwed the pooch within the same damn sentence. Do better.

Sorry for my colorful language, this shit was maddening way back in the day. It really honks me off to see people still parroting it decades after the fact; and it minimizes the tragedy of what happened and seeks to demonize people's fellow countrymen. I hope 9/11 truthers get a hangnail.

Now who wants some delicious chocolate chip cookies? I baked.


Aug 28, 2019
Air Canada airplane. Toronto skyline. Referring to a diplomatic dispute in 2018.


Deliberate 9/11 imagery aside, hardly worthy of inclusion or evidentiary in this case.

WHAT? Really had no idea that was an air canada plane and the toronto skyline. you learn something new everyday. To think the country that assisted with 9/11 would use that imagery to threaten another country.